You Were Warned...Pat. Act

And what exactly was Obama supposed to do? Presidents lack the authority to repeal acts of Congress. Or Bush, for that matter, who is something of a victim of the monster he created, or allowed to be created.

Moreover, do you honestly believe any post-9/11 president – democratic or republican – would seek to dismantle the anti-terrorist intelligence gathering apparatus?

Of course not.

There’s no way any president is going to leave himself open to being accused of being responsible for another 9/11 attack.

oh please when has that stopped a liberal before, constitutional process has never been an issue with them.

Issue an executive order, Obama loves those or hey make up some bs and challenge it in court, another favorite liberal tactic?

or how about when the dems controlled all three branches?

If the President had issued an EO to end the PA, the RW would do what they do...freak out.

"Soft on terror" "Muslim sympathizer" "Dictator" the frothing Hawks would foment and then they would ignore his EO like they did with GITMO.

The Democrats never "controlled" the three branches of government. They had a weak 60 vote majority, that included Lieberman, for something like two months. You think that guy would have voted to end the Patriot Act? McCain's other "little buddy"?

you've already played that tired card....move on dude, it doesn't wash.

and your 2 month comment is flat wrong, period full stop.
Here's the thing...the loons want to blame the law, because it can be abused. Any law can be abused and misapplied...and they completely absolve Obama of any culpability for being the tyrant that is abusing it.

Speaking for myself, I'm not absolving Obama of anything. In particular, I'm not absolving those who voted for him. Especially not those who voted for him the second time around - after he had an entire term to reverse the policies of the Bush administration and refused. By that time he'd proven to be every bit the neo-con Bush was.

But the Republicans that supported the Patriot Act when their guy was in there, and oppose it when the other side has control are cowardly hypocrites.

The thing is though is Romrom would have done this as well.
So these same people like Kosher/allie would have been silent or made excuses for him. Know the source and the source you quoted is full of shit.

ho for god sakes.....:rolleyes:
They're all doing it. "This is nothing! There is no controversy, there are no scandals, it's just a few extremists who are alarmed at nothing!"

Creepy. I can't believe it's happening. I just keep my head down, do my thing, and hope they don't start rounding us up at church. Because I think that's eventually what's going to happen. I'm already hearing it from the leftists.

Jesus KG - don't "keep your head down" and "hope they don't start rounding us up". Lock & Load! If Obama and his Saddam Hussein-like regime of terror wants to come get us - I say COME GET SOME, cupcakes. Hell, the entire Seal community hates Obama and the libtards already. Who the fuck is he going to send for us, that fat passivist David Axelrod? :lol:

The best thing that could happen to this country would be a civil war. Libtards are a cancer who have shown nothing but contempt for the U.S. Constitution and our laws for over 100 years now. The only way to stop cancer is to cut it out of the host.

Oh I agree. But the beauty of what Obama's doing is that by the time you realize it's happening, it's over. It won't be any big sudden event. They're just going to pick one group at a time. I imagine everyone will load up quietly onto the trains and nobody will say much...just like the Nazis did it.

someday...someday this will happen.

but sane people know this wont be happening.
Speaking for myself, I'm not absolving Obama of anything. In particular, I'm not absolving those who voted for him. Especially not those who voted for him the second time around - after he had an entire term to reverse the policies of the Bush administration and refused. By that time he'd proven to be every bit the neo-con Bush was.

But the Republicans that supported the Patriot Act when their guy was in there, and oppose it when the other side has control are cowardly hypocrites.

The thing is though is Romrom would have done this as well.
So these same people like Kosher/allie would have been silent or made excuses for him. Know the source and the source you quoted is full of shit.

ho for god sakes.....:rolleyes:

what? Romrom supported the PA and such actions. He is no different from Obama/Bush, and the fact you are rolling your eyes just proves my point you people would make excuses for him. He's not even in office and you already are.

You people are quite predictable and well partisan.
oh please when has that stopped a liberal before, constitutional process has never been an issue with them.

Issue an executive order, Obama loves those or hey make up some bs and challenge it in court, another favorite liberal tactic?

or how about when the dems controlled all three branches?

If the President had issued an EO to end the PA, the RW would do what they do...freak out.

"Soft on terror" "Muslim sympathizer" "Dictator" the frothing Hawks would foment and then they would ignore his EO like they did with GITMO.

The Democrats never "controlled" the three branches of government. They had a weak 60 vote majority, that included Lieberman, for something like two months. You think that guy would have voted to end the Patriot Act? McCain's other "little buddy"?

you've already played that tired card....move on dude, it doesn't wash.

and your 2 month comment is flat wrong, period full stop.

i know, when we have evidence of this happening during the run up to Iraq and the 04 election.

But beyond that you are totally right Tra....Totally
The thing is though is Romrom would have done this as well.
So these same people like Kosher/allie would have been silent or made excuses for him. Know the source and the source you quoted is full of shit.

ho for god sakes.....:rolleyes:

what? Romrom supported the PA and such actions. He is no different from Obama/Bush, and the fact you are rolling your eyes just proves my point you people would make excuses for him. He's not even in office and you already are.

You people are quite predictable and well partisan.

look you imbecile, I rolled my eyes becasue your whole post is do angels dance on pinheads, what if, holding folks responsible for what if , rom-rom would have done this, KG would have done that, then the old 'you people' would have, you ( meaning me) would have said this or that... yada yada yada.......... your shit is so weak you have to engage in fantasy....... isn't there enough that has actually HAPPENED to chew on? :rolleyes:

I already told you, you cacophonous colostomy bag of bilious bushwah- I don't care about the program, I had no issue with it under bush and don't have one here under my what if Romney means do-do....get back on your meds.
The thing is though is Romrom would have done this as well.
So these same people like Kosher/allie would have been silent or made excuses for him. Know the source and the source you quoted is full of shit.

ho for god sakes.....:rolleyes:

what? Romrom supported the PA and such actions. He is no different from Obama/Bush, and the fact you are rolling your eyes just proves my point you people would make excuses for him. He's not even in office and you already are.

You people are quite predictable and well partisan.

is romney the president? why are we worrying about romney? why are we still worrying about bush? lets start worrying and putting our efforts to the party in power instead of giving them a free pass because we happen to drink their koolaid.
He didn't reneg "the offer" on Gitmo..the Republicans point a poison pill into the NDAA, along with the indefinite detention clause.

Had he vetoed it..that would have been the end of his re-election chances.

So you're saying that to Obama, his job and his power were more important to him than doing the right thing and you agree with that? Wow....

its ok though, remember the sallow mantra- left right, right wrong.

That works.

You folks own 9/11, the Iraq War, The Afghanistan War, The Patriot Act, 2 tax cuts, the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA, outsourcing and alot of other shit you guys are trying to disown.

So you're saying that to Obama, his job and his power were more important to him than doing the right thing and you agree with that? Wow....

its ok though, remember the sallow mantra- left right, right wrong.

That works.

You folks own 9/11, the Iraq War, The Afghanistan War, The Patriot Act, 2 tax cuts, the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA, outsourcing and alot of other shit you guys are trying to disown.

actually obama owns them now.
So you're saying that to Obama, his job and his power were more important to him than doing the right thing and you agree with that? Wow....

its ok though, remember the sallow mantra- left right, right wrong.

That works.

You folks own 9/11, the Iraq War, The Afghanistan War, The Patriot Act, 2 tax cuts, the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA, outsourcing and alot of other shit you guys are trying to disown.


:lol: hey what about that sparrow that died on the WH patio? :lol:

you're've been unmasked as the low grade hack with zero integrity you are....stop gilding the Lilly shallow......:eusa_shhh:
Speaking for myself, I'm not absolving Obama of anything. In particular, I'm not absolving those who voted for him. Especially not those who voted for him the second time around - after he had an entire term to reverse the policies of the Bush administration and refused. By that time he'd proven to be every bit the neo-con Bush was.

But the Republicans that supported the Patriot Act when their guy was in there, and oppose it when the other side has control are cowardly hypocrites.

The thing is though is Romrom would have done this as well.
So these same people like Kosher/allie would have been silent or made excuses for him. Know the source and the source you quoted is full of shit.

ho for god sakes.....:rolleyes:

Oh, it's okay because anyone would have done it.

its ok though, remember the sallow mantra- left right, right wrong.

That works.

You folks own 9/11, the Iraq War, The Afghanistan War, The Patriot Act, 2 tax cuts, the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA, outsourcing and alot of other shit you guys are trying to disown.

actually obama owns them now.

Afghanistan!!!!!! ..the 'good war', ' the war worth fighting'.....hey don't bother, sallow is a) not very informed, b) leaves on the shitpile, just blow them off...
The thing is though is Romrom would have done this as well.
So these same people like Kosher/allie would have been silent or made excuses for him. Know the source and the source you quoted is full of shit.

ho for god sakes.....:rolleyes:

Oh, it's okay because anyone would have done it.


i love how everyday you come onto message boards to prove just how retarded you really are. You manage to succeed everytime.

Thats not what i said tard.
ho for god sakes.....:rolleyes:

what? Romrom supported the PA and such actions. He is no different from Obama/Bush, and the fact you are rolling your eyes just proves my point you people would make excuses for him. He's not even in office and you already are.

You people are quite predictable and well partisan.

is romney the president? why are we worrying about romney? why are we still worrying about bush? lets start worrying and putting our efforts to the party in power instead of giving them a free pass because we happen to drink their koolaid.

who is giving him a free pass? Its funny you think i am giving obama a free pass, but you want to forget about bush. Talk about drinking koolaid
ho for god sakes.....:rolleyes:

what? Romrom supported the PA and such actions. He is no different from Obama/Bush, and the fact you are rolling your eyes just proves my point you people would make excuses for him. He's not even in office and you already are.

You people are quite predictable and well partisan.

look you imbecile, I rolled my eyes becasue your whole post is do angels dance on pinheads, what if, holding folks responsible for what if , rom-rom would have done this, KG would have done that, then the old 'you people' would have, you ( meaning me) would have said this or that... yada yada yada.......... your shit is so weak you have to engage in fantasy....... isn't there enough that has actually HAPPENED to chew on? :rolleyes:

I already told you, you cacophonous colostomy bag of bilious bushwah- I don't care about the program, I had no issue with it under bush and don't have one here under my what if Romney means do-do....get back on your meds.

um..again you are part of the problem, but i guess you didnt want to talk about the overall perspective of politics and this issue.

I guess i'll leave you with the simple people.
what? Romrom supported the PA and such actions. He is no different from Obama/Bush, and the fact you are rolling your eyes just proves my point you people would make excuses for him. He's not even in office and you already are.

You people are quite predictable and well partisan.

is romney the president? why are we worrying about romney? why are we still worrying about bush? lets start worrying and putting our efforts to the party in power instead of giving them a free pass because we happen to drink their koolaid.

who is giving him a free pass? Its funny you think i am giving obama a free pass, but you want to forget about bush. Talk about drinking koolaid

bush can't change anything now so i'm done worrying about him. time to move on and put the efforts on those who could change something.
is romney the president? why are we worrying about romney? why are we still worrying about bush? lets start worrying and putting our efforts to the party in power instead of giving them a free pass because we happen to drink their koolaid.

who is giving him a free pass? Its funny you think i am giving obama a free pass, but you want to forget about bush. Talk about drinking koolaid

bush can't change anything now so i'm done worrying about him. time to move on and put the efforts on those who could change something.
to understand now, you must understand the past
who is giving him a free pass? Its funny you think i am giving obama a free pass, but you want to forget about bush. Talk about drinking koolaid

bush can't change anything now so i'm done worrying about him. time to move on and put the efforts on those who could change something.
to understand now, you must understand the past

was the past wrong? are we still doing it today? who can change what is happening today?

The ball is right back in obama's court, right where it belongs. and that is where your bitching should be directed.
who is giving him a free pass? Its funny you think i am giving obama a free pass, but you want to forget about bush. Talk about drinking koolaid

bush can't change anything now so i'm done worrying about him. time to move on and put the efforts on those who could change something.
to understand now, you must understand the past

and speaking of understanding the past to deal with the problems of today. Clintons assault weapons ban did nothing to solve gun violence. So lets just take that learning and drop that concept from todays discussions.

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