You Were Warned...Pat. Act

Actually, the Bush Fed used the Patriot Act to track the finances of domestic political enemies like Eliot Spitzer, who wrote a scathing critique of the Bush administration's role in the derivative meltdown.

This was right out of the old Soviet Union. First, you use national security to build a massive surveillance state. Then you use that new power to put a surveillance web over your domestic political enemies - and you wait. The minute Spitzer moved more than $10,000, they had him caught in the web. They also, famously, put an Alabama governor in jail along with building cases against over 50 democratic officials, but failed to levy one charges or open one case against anyone with a R by their name. And, the GOP is coming back to the White House in 2016 when the American people will be given the Patriot Act and the War on Terrorism on steroids. We will go back to a world of color coded terror alerts on every channel - FOX News will constantly shift to Breaking News where they will flash the words Terror, Terror, Terror across the screen to scary music.

No matter how small or irrelevant the supposed terror event, the Republican Party will put it on every channel - flashing red and orange - so that the American people are so scared that they allow the Republicans to build the kind of surveillance net which they achieved under Bush. And if anybody so much as questions the vast sums of money and power the GOP is giving to Washington to fight the War on Terror, than Talk Radio will bully that person with accusations of not supporting the troops. Americans have a lower chance of dying in a terrorist attack than being killed by lightning, but the Republicans, when they achieve power, like to convince all Americans that Muslims are hiding under the bed and could strike at any moment. This is how the Republicans concentrate power and money in Washington, and no party does it better

Please recall, it was the Bush administration that built the department of Homeland Security. This department has more concentrated power, less oversight, and a bigger budget than anything ever dreamed by FDR or LBJ. Please click the following link and read about how Republicans like to concentrate money and power in Washington. Nobody does it better, and nobody has fooled more voters so thoroughly. We know the Democrats like to concentrate money and power in Washington – they admit it. However, few people realize that it's the Republicans who have always concentrated the most money and power in Washington. And they're coming back……

A hidden world, growing beyond control |
they're (Repubs that is) in bed w/ the military industrial complex (pentagon & its contractors like blackwater, bechtel, kbr, etc...) Been like that for decades. Thing is, its other people's lives they're playing w/ so they can fill up the coffers of their contractors, & by extension, their campaign coffers. I know, I served.

and obama is in bed with big pharma and the sin c's....whats your point?


That must be the reason big pharma was so against ObamaCare.
I do not view any of those "Bush" actions as license for Obama to use the IRS and other agencies against his political enemies.

The IRS didn't "go after" anyone..not in anyway that was meaningful.

No Tea Party group was blocked from engaging in political activity. Which, by the way, was ILLEGAL given their 501c status.

And there's zero proof that the Obama administration directed that in any case.

And would make more sense that they did that at the behest of Republicans.

Given that it was a Bush appointee that was commissioner at the time.

The IRS didn't "go after" anyone..not in anyway that was meaningful.

oh shit I have to bookmark this, this has got to be the most head up the ass stupidest, hypcrtical thing you've said, that I have seen since we've been here.....simply unreal.

You should.

And while you are at it. Which Tea Party group was denied 501c status? Which one was blocked from putting up political commercials or supporting candidates?

Which one was audited?

Come on Trajan..this shit should be easy for you.

Get some links and school me.
Actually, the Bush Fed used the Patriot Act to track the finances of domestic political enemies like Eliot Spitzer, who wrote a scathing critique of the Bush administration's role in the derivative meltdown.

This was right out of the old Soviet Union. First, you use national security to build a massive surveillance state. Then you use that new power to put a surveillance web over your domestic political enemies - and you wait. The minute Spitzer moved more than $10,000, they had him caught in the web. They also, famously, put an Alabama governor in jail along with building cases against over 50 democratic officials, but failed to levy one charges or open one case against anyone with a R by their name. And, the GOP is coming back to the White House in 2016 when the American people will be given the Patriot Act and the War on Terrorism on steroids. We will go back to a world of color coded terror alerts on every channel - FOX News will constantly shift to Breaking News where they will flash the words Terror, Terror, Terror across the screen to scary music.

No matter how small or irrelevant the supposed terror event, the Republican Party will put it on every channel - flashing red and orange - so that the American people are so scared that they allow the Republicans to build the kind of surveillance net which they achieved under Bush. And if anybody so much as questions the vast sums of money and power the GOP is giving to Washington to fight the War on Terror, than Talk Radio will bully that person with accusations of not supporting the troops. Americans have a lower chance of dying in a terrorist attack than being killed by lightning, but the Republicans, when they achieve power, like to convince all Americans that Muslims are hiding under the bed and could strike at any moment. This is how the Republicans concentrate power and money in Washington, and no party does it better

Please recall, it was the Bush administration that built the department of Homeland Security. This department has more concentrated power, less oversight, and a bigger budget than anything ever dreamed by FDR or LBJ. Please click the following link and read about how Republicans like to concentrate money and power in Washington. Nobody does it better, and nobody has fooled more voters so thoroughly. We know the Democrats like to concentrate money and power in Washington – they admit it. However, few people realize that it's the Republicans who have always concentrated the most money and power in Washington. And they're coming back……

A hidden world, growing beyond control |
they're (Repubs that is) in bed w/ the military industrial complex (pentagon & its contractors like blackwater, bechtel, kbr, etc...) Been like that for decades. Thing is, its other people's lives they're playing w/ so they can fill up the coffers of their contractors, & by extension, their campaign coffers. I know, I served.

and obama is in bed with big pharma and the sin c's....whats your point?
gov't legislation
my point is that military spending & unpaid-for, unfinished wars, & associated Repub Big gov't legislation emanating therefrom are the ultimate shit sandwich to hand over to your successor. :thup: The other stuff you mentioned are pocket change in comparison.
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What part of the Patriot Act is being used illegally? What is Obama doing that the Patriot Act doesn't allow him to?

nowhere does it state that you can order the confiscation of all data from a communications provider such has been done with Verizon, and google and I suspect probably other providers as well.

Sections 103 and 215 say exactly that.

There are authorized to be appropriated for the Technical Support
Center established in section 811 of the Antiterrorism and
Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (Public Law 104–132) to help
meet the demands for activities to combat terrorism and support
and enhance the technical support and tactical operations of the
FBI, $200,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2002, 2003, and


Title V of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978
(50 U.S.C. 1861 et seq.) is amended by striking sections 501 through
503 and inserting the following:
‘‘(a)(1) The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
or a designee of the Director (whose rank shall be no lower than
Assistant Special Agent in Charge) may make an application for
an order requiring the production of any tangible things (including
books, records, papers, documents, and other items) for an investigation
to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence
activities, provided that such investigation of a United
States person is not conducted solely upon the basis of activities
protected by the first amendment to the Constitution.
‘‘(2) An investigation conducted under this section shall—
‘‘(A) be conducted under guidelines approved by the
Attorney General under Executive Order 12333 (or a successor
order); and
‘‘(B) not be conducted of a United States person solely
upon the basis of activities protected by the first amendment
to the Constitution of the United States.
‘‘(b) Each application under this section—
‘‘(1) shall be made to—
‘‘(A) a judge of the court established by section 103(a);
‘‘(B) a United States Magistrate Judge under chapter
43 of title 28, United States Code, who is publicly designated
by the Chief Justice of the United States to have
the power to hear applications and grant orders for the
production of tangible things under this section on behalf
of a judge of that court; and
50 USC 1861.
VerDate 11-MAY-2000 19:15 Nov 05, 2001 Jkt 099139 PO 00056 Frm 00017 Fmt 6580 Sfmt 6581 E:\PUBLAW\PUBL056.107 APPS24 PsN: PUBL056
115 STAT. 288 PUBLIC LAW 107–56—OCT. 26, 2001
‘‘(2) shall specify that the records concerned are sought
for an authorized investigation conducted in accordance with
subsection (a)(2) to obtain foreign intelligence information not
concerning a United States person or to protect against international
terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities.
‘‘(c)(1) Upon an application made pursuant to this section, the
judge shall enter an ex parte order as requested, or as modified,
approving the release of records if the judge finds that the application
meets the requirements of this section.
‘‘(2) An order under this subsection shall not disclose that
it is issued for purposes of an investigation described in subsection
‘‘(d) No person shall disclose to any other person (other than
those persons necessary to produce the tangible things under this
section) that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has sought or
obtained tangible things under this section.
‘‘(e) A person who, in good faith, produces tangible things
under an order pursuant to this section shall not be liable to
any other person for such production. Such production shall not
be deemed to constitute a waiver of any privilege in any other
proceeding or context.
‘‘(a) On a semiannual basis, the Attorney General shall fully
inform the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the
House of Representatives and the Select Committee on Intelligence
of the Senate concerning all requests for the production of tangible
things under section 402.
‘‘(b) On a semiannual basis, the Attorney General shall provide
to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives
and the Senate a report setting forth with respect to the preceding
6-month period—
‘‘(1) the total number of applications made for orders
approving requests for the production of tangible things under
section 402; and
‘‘(2) the total number of such orders either granted, modified,
or denied.’’.
I do not view any of those "Bush" actions as license for Obama to use the IRS and other agencies against his political enemies.

The IRS didn't "go after" anyone..not in anyway that was meaningful.

No Tea Party group was blocked from engaging in political activity. Which, by the way, was ILLEGAL given their 501c status.

And there's zero proof that the Obama administration directed that in any case.

And would make more sense that they did that at the behest of Republicans.

Given that it was a Bush appointee that was commissioner at the time.

Trajan's head is going to explode :p :rofl:

You'll also notice that no one has denied any of that stuff took place.

It's just there's no outrage about it by conservatives.
Obama Backs Patriot Act and Other Horrible Abuses of Our Civil Liberties

[ame=]Obama Backs Patriot Act and Other Horrible Abuses of Our Civil Liberties - YouTube[/ame]

2008: Obama vows to reverse Bush laws

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There is the truth and there is spin.

Whoever is behind "airing" this story may be engaged in pure unadulterated bullshit spin to defend The ONE.

Alternatively, it might be some logical evidence which buttresses my ongoing support of the USA PATRIOT Act and things of that nature.

NSA phone spying program foiled 2009 NYC subway bombing plot | Mail Online

Raise your hand if you imagine that we live in a world where we can afford the luxury of NOT trying to use intelligence gathering to defeat them BEFORE the terrorists (any of them) succeed in their objectives?

As I keep saying, the problem with the USA PATRIOT Act is not the dangerous acquisition of power in one place. That is a danger and it is a problem, but it is not "the" problem. THE main problem is found in the question: how do we go about protecting ourselves from a set of genuine threats like terrorists' plans without fundamentally undermining our compelling and legitimate desire to maintain our freedoms, liberties and privacy interests?

Again, the answer is supposed to be found in OVERSIGHT.

The failures we have seen so far (especially recently) all come from the failure of OVERSIGHT.
Appoint what people?

Shulman was appointed by George W. Bush.

and George Tenet was appointed by Clinton, so wheres that bullshit leave you now? :lol:


You want to throw in non-sequiturs, you should do a better job.

Tenet had zero to do with the administrations behavior.

Bush had enough intelligence and plenty of warnings to discern something big was coming down the pike before 9/11.

After? Bush had an agenda..and used the intelligence to buttress it.

yep. they (He & Cheney) had a guy in the pentagon feeding them rough intel to their liking. Ever heard of Doug Feith Trajan? :eusa_whistle:
Appoint what people?

Shulman was appointed by George W. Bush.

and George Tenet was appointed by Clinton, so wheres that bullshit leave you now? :lol:


You want to throw in non-sequiturs, you should do a better job.

Tenet had zero to do with the administrations behavior.

Bush had enough intelligence and plenty of warnings to discern something big was coming down the pike before 9/11.

After? Bush had an agenda..and used the intelligence to buttress it.

:lol: go look up non-sequitur dopey. Jesus Christ..... :rolleyes:

and add to that, then you go on to explain that when you use the old appointed issue, its good by your own construct and when I do its bad... jesus, do you even breath for yourself or does someone tell you to...shulman ran the irs and tenet ran the cia see how that works?
and George Tenet was appointed by Clinton, so wheres that bullshit leave you now? :lol:


You want to throw in non-sequiturs, you should do a better job.

Tenet had zero to do with the administrations behavior.

Bush had enough intelligence and plenty of warnings to discern something big was coming down the pike before 9/11.

After? Bush had an agenda..and used the intelligence to buttress it.

yep. they (He & Cheney) had a guy in the pentagon feeding them rough intel to their liking. Ever heard of Doug Feith Trajan? :eusa_whistle:

we're discussing the relationship of appointments dopey, you don't get to claim that shulman was a bush appointee there fore bush is tainted and Obama isn't, then construct your own strawman to justify how tenet running the cia and his appointment by Clinton either in relation to shulman and his dept........what are you 12?

:eusa_think: don't answer that...

so, is obama a hypocrite, or not?
The IRS didn't "go after" anyone..not in anyway that was meaningful.

No Tea Party group was blocked from engaging in political activity. Which, by the way, was ILLEGAL given their 501c status.

And there's zero proof that the Obama administration directed that in any case.

And would make more sense that they did that at the behest of Republicans.

Given that it was a Bush appointee that was commissioner at the time.

Trajan's head is going to explode :p :rofl:

You'll also notice that no one has denied any of that stuff took place.

It's just there's no outrage about it by conservatives.

true, they just come back with "oh yeah? blah blah blah..."

You want to throw in non-sequiturs, you should do a better job.

Tenet had zero to do with the administrations behavior.

Bush had enough intelligence and plenty of warnings to discern something big was coming down the pike before 9/11.

After? Bush had an agenda..and used the intelligence to buttress it.

yep. they (He & Cheney) had a guy in the pentagon feeding them rough intel to their liking. Ever heard of Doug Feith Trajan? :eusa_whistle:

we're discussing the relationship of appointments dopey, you don't get to claim that shulman was a bush appointee there fore bush is tainted and Obama isn't, then construct your own strawman to justify how tenet running the cia and his appointment by Clinton either in relation to shulman and his dept........what are you 12?

:eusa_think: don't answer that...

So you claim you never heard of Doug Feith and what he did to further the previous admins agenda of "invade first & ask questions later!!!"? This is what brought us to where we are now: Republican, run-away, Big gov't & the inability to pay for it.
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Trajan's head is going to explode :p :rofl:

You'll also notice that no one has denied any of that stuff took place.

It's just there's no outrage about it by conservatives.

true, they just come back with "oh yeah? blah blah blah..."

denied what? that the irs targeted cons grps. are you seriously denying that? we have several threads on that go dip your oar ion, lets deal with this, don't rat hole, you're aren't clever enough to carry it off anyway.

focus ...

is, obama a hypocrite? did obama stop the prgms or not?

thats a question to both of you...
yep. they (He & Cheney) had a guy in the pentagon feeding them rough intel to their liking. Ever heard of Doug Feith Trajan? :eusa_whistle:

we're discussing the relationship of appointments dopey, you don't get to claim that shulman was a bush appointee there fore bush is tainted and Obama isn't, then construct your own strawman to justify how tenet running the cia and his appointment by Clinton either in relation to shulman and his dept........what are you 12?

:eusa_think: don't answer that...

So you claim you never heard of Doug Feith and what he did to further the previous admins agenda of "invade first & ask questions later!!!"? This is what brought us to where we are now: Republican, run-away, Big gov't & the inability to pay for it.

we're discussing the relationship of appointments dopey, you don't get to claim that shulman was a bush appointee there fore bush is tainted and Obama isn't, then construct your own strawman to justify how tenet running the cia and his appointment by Clinton either in relation to shulman and his dept........what are you 12?
There is the truth and there is spin.

Whoever is behind "airing" this story may be engaged in pure unadulterated bullshit spin to defend The ONE.

Alternatively, it might be some logical evidence which buttresses my ongoing support of the USA PATRIOT Act and things of that nature.

NSA phone spying program foiled 2009 NYC subway bombing plot | Mail Online

Raise your hand if you imagine that we live in a world where we can afford the luxury of NOT trying to use intelligence gathering to defeat them BEFORE the terrorists (any of them) succeed in their objectives?

As I keep saying, the problem with the USA PATRIOT Act is not the dangerous acquisition of power in one place. That is a danger and it is a problem, but it is not "the" problem. THE main problem is found in the question: how do we go about protecting ourselves from a set of genuine threats like terrorists' plans without fundamentally undermining our compelling and legitimate desire to maintain our freedoms, liberties and privacy interests?

Again, the answer is supposed to be found in OVERSIGHT.

The failures we have seen so far (especially recently) all come from the failure of OVERSIGHT.


We get back to letting the CIA be what is was..

An intelligence gathering agency that sometimes does spooky things that make people dead set on killing us, disappear.

That involves risking agents.

Remember this guy?

Raymond Allen Davis incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was my first hint that something big was going down in Pakistan..and I actually had a thread on it here.

They should be doing more of this stuff..and the US should get back into the business of recruiting people familiar with foreign cultures..for the work.
There is the truth and there is spin.

Whoever is behind "airing" this story may be engaged in pure unadulterated bullshit spin to defend The ONE.

Alternatively, it might be some logical evidence which buttresses my ongoing support of the USA PATRIOT Act and things of that nature.

NSA phone spying program foiled 2009 NYC subway bombing plot | Mail Online

Raise your hand if you imagine that we live in a world where we can afford the luxury of NOT trying to use intelligence gathering to defeat them BEFORE the terrorists (any of them) succeed in their objectives?

As I keep saying, the problem with the USA PATRIOT Act is not the dangerous acquisition of power in one place. That is a danger and it is a problem, but it is not "the" problem. THE main problem is found in the question: how do we go about protecting ourselves from a set of genuine threats like terrorists' plans without fundamentally undermining our compelling and legitimate desire to maintain our freedoms, liberties and privacy interests?

Again, the answer is supposed to be found in OVERSIGHT.

The failures we have seen so far (especially recently) all come from the failure of OVERSIGHT.


We get back to letting the CIA be what is was..

An intelligence gathering agency that sometimes does spooky things that make people dead set on killing us, disappear.

That involves risking agents.

Remember this guy?

Raymond Allen Davis incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was my first hint that something big was going down in Pakistan..and I actually had a thread on it here.

They should be doing more of this stuff..and the US should get back into the business of recruiting people familiar with foreign cultures..for the work.

How? Seriously?

We should not "let" the CIA get back to doing all the things it used to do.

We SHOULD "let" the CIA and other such agencies do some things, however, which might infringe on some of our notions of personal liberties and freedom, perhaps. LOTS of reasonable people on both sides of the political spectrum would disagree even with that.

But to the extent we can collectively and Constitutionally AGREE, then we damn well better do what's equally necessary: keep them in check.

I want our resources to have the powers to do the things we ask of them. But I have no desire at all to give them that power without checks and balances.

None of that has anything to do with "humint" or things of that nature. That's just the use of common sense. We cannot afford to pretend that electronic spying will ever alone suffice anymore than we should pretend that air control alone will win war.
If United States can marginalize Al Qaeda, as it most certainly has, it will be harder for this terror network to achieve more power in it's own region. Recruits will be less likely to join Al Qaeda because they will not take it seriously.

However, if a Republican takes back the White House, we will hear the words Al Qaeda and terrorism every day, especially on Fox news and talk radio. The Republicans will flash Terror Alerts on every channel so that Americans are afraid of this metaphorical "Emmanuel Goldstein" lurking invisibly under every bed and in every dark alley. By constantly broadcasting to the world the American fear of Al Qaeda, the Republicans will give the world the belief that Al Qaeda is on par with a superpower, that is, the Republicans will convince the world, as they have in the past, that Al Qaeda, in its ability to destroy America, is America's military equal. By giving this band of cave dwelling monkeys so much credit, the Republicans make Al Qaeda stronger in their own region. They give radical Muslims hope - and with that hope the radical Islamist is more willing to join this terror network because he thinks defeating the United States with box cutters is possible.

So even when Al Qaeda is growing smaller and becoming more marginalized, the Republicans seek to keep them on the front page, which not only makes these terrorists more powerful in their own region, but it keeps the Grand War for civilization alive so that republicans can continue to concentrate more money and power in Washington.

Tragically, the Republicans never ask the following question: does concentrating more money and power in Washington solve problems or make them worse? Republicans never asked this question because they trust government more than any group. They claim that Washington is incapable of running a laundromat, yet they gave it the power to rebuild whole Arab nations in our democratic image. For Republicans, concentrating money and power in Washington is the solution. Just wait until 2016, the war on terrorism is coming back on steroids, and Al Qaeda will find its way back to the front page every day, and with this newfound publicity, the groups power will grow so that they may jump-start recruiting, and promise potential recruits that they are in fact capable of winning the grand war for civilization. God help us. The Republicans are coming back, and if you try to question the amount of power and money they give to Washington, they will wrap themselves in the flag and bully you with patriotic clichés. Hold on tight to your wallets people, the Republicans are coming back.

The Republicans have a simple plan: the more trust we have in government to fight the war on terror, the more surveillance power we will give government.

And they're coming back in 2016. All they need is one more domestic attack and they will get the version of the Patriot Act that Bush originally wanted. They just need one more attack to finish what they started under Bush.

(fucking morons. You fell for the oldest trick in the book. Whenever a government wants more power it uses fear. The Republicans are such dupes. They had total faith in the Bush surveillance state. They didn't question it once. They don't understand that concentrated power is dangerous not because of who is in office, but because the power exists in the first place. Once it exists, it can and will be abused.)
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If United States can marginalize Al Qaeda, as it most certainly has, it will be harder for this terror network to achieve more power in it's own region. Recruits will be less likely to join Al Qaeda because they will not take it seriously.

However, if a Republican takes back the White House, we will hear the words Al Qaeda and terrorism every day, especially on Fox news and talk radio. The Republicans will flash Terror Alerts on every channel so that Americans are afraid of this metaphorical "Emmanuel Goldstein" lurking invisibly under every bed and in every dark alley. By constantly broadcasting to the world the American fear of Al Qaeda, the Republicans will give the world the belief that Al Qaeda is on par with a superpower, that is, the Republicans will convince the world, as they have in the past, that Al Qaeda, in its ability to destroy America, is America's military equal. By giving this band of cave dwelling monkeys so much credit, the Republicans make Al Qaeda stronger in their own region. They give radical Muslims hope - and with that hope the radical Islamist is more willing to join this terror network because he thinks defeating the United States with box cutters is possible.

So even when Al Qaeda is growing smaller and becoming more marginalized, the Republicans seek to keep them on the front page, which not only makes these terrorists more powerful in their own region, but it keeps the Grand War for civilization alive so that republicans can continue to concentrate more money and power in Washington.

Tragically, the Republicans never ask the following question: does concentrating more money and power in Washington solve problems or make them worse? Republicans never asked this question because they trust government more than any group. They claim that Washington is incapable of running a laundromat, yet they gave it the power to rebuild whole Arab nations in our democratic image. For Republicans, concentrating money and power in Washington is the solution. Just wait until 2016, the war on terrorism is coming back on steroids, and Al Qaeda will find its way back to the front page every day, and with this newfound publicity, the groups power will grow so that they may start recruiting a new, and promise potential recruits that they are in fact capable of winning the grand war for civilization. God help us. The Republicans are coming back, and if you try to question the amount of power and money they give to Washington, they will wrap themselves in the flag and bully you with patriotic clichés. Hold on tight to your wallets people, the Republicans are coming back.

^ :cuckoo:
Civil libertarians and liberals have been railing against the Patriot Act since its inception. You were told that you like it under a Republican but would hate it under a Democrat, but you didn't listen.

One Senator told you back then EXACTLY what would happen under these new laws...

Watch The One Senator Who Voted Against The Patriot Act Warn What Would Happen

One provision that troubles me a great deal is a provision that permits the government under FISA to compel the production of records from any business regarding any person, if that information is sought in connection with an investigation of terrorism or espionage.

Now we're not talking here about travel records pertaining to a terrorist suspect, which we all can see can be highly relevant to an investigation of a terrorist plot. FISA already gives the FBI the power to get airline, train, hotel, car rental and other records of a suspect.

But under this bill, the government can compel the disclosure of the personal records of anyone -- perhaps someone who worked with, or lived next door to, or went to school with, or sat on an airplane with, or has been seen in the company of, or whose phone number was called by -- the target of the investigation.

And under this new provisions all business records can be compelled, including those containing sensitive personal information like medical records from hospitals or doctors, or educational records, or records of what books someone has taken out of the library. This is an enormous expansion of authority, under a law that provides only minimal judicial supervision.​

You were warned...

Gee, can someone post all the abuses that took place under Bush.
Oh yeah, there werent any. I was a supporter of the act until I saw that it can be abused in this way. Without safeguards that work this is going to happen. The act needs to be repealed. Obama needs to be impeached.

you mean besides the federal court that found his wiretapping illegal? can move on waterboy.

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