You Were Warned...Pat. Act

There is the truth and there is spin.

Whoever is behind "airing" this story may be engaged in pure unadulterated bullshit spin to defend The ONE.

Alternatively, it might be some logical evidence which buttresses my ongoing support of the USA PATRIOT Act and things of that nature.

NSA phone spying program foiled 2009 NYC subway bombing plot | Mail Online

Raise your hand if you imagine that we live in a world where we can afford the luxury of NOT trying to use intelligence gathering to defeat them BEFORE the terrorists (any of them) succeed in their objectives?

As I keep saying, the problem with the USA PATRIOT Act is not the dangerous acquisition of power in one place. That is a danger and it is a problem, but it is not "the" problem. THE main problem is found in the question: how do we go about protecting ourselves from a set of genuine threats like terrorists' plans without fundamentally undermining our compelling and legitimate desire to maintain our freedoms, liberties and privacy interests?

Again, the answer is supposed to be found in OVERSIGHT.

The failures we have seen so far (especially recently) all come from the failure of OVERSIGHT.


We get back to letting the CIA be what is was..

An intelligence gathering agency that sometimes does spooky things that make people dead set on killing us, disappear.

That involves risking agents.

Remember this guy?

Raymond Allen Davis incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was my first hint that something big was going down in Pakistan..and I actually had a thread on it here.

They should be doing more of this stuff..and the US should get back into the business of recruiting people familiar with foreign cultures..for the work.

like the Paki doctor who's now in jail due to his status leaked as to his intel on bin ladens hiding place?
Civil libertarians and liberals have been railing against the Patriot Act since its inception. You were told that you like it under a Republican but would hate it under a Democrat, but you didn't listen.

One Senator told you back then EXACTLY what would happen under these new laws...

Watch The One Senator Who Voted Against The Patriot Act Warn What Would Happen

One provision that troubles me a great deal is a provision that permits the government under FISA to compel the production of records from any business regarding any person, if that information is sought in connection with an investigation of terrorism or espionage.

Now we're not talking here about travel records pertaining to a terrorist suspect, which we all can see can be highly relevant to an investigation of a terrorist plot. FISA already gives the FBI the power to get airline, train, hotel, car rental and other records of a suspect.

But under this bill, the government can compel the disclosure of the personal records of anyone -- perhaps someone who worked with, or lived next door to, or went to school with, or sat on an airplane with, or has been seen in the company of, or whose phone number was called by -- the target of the investigation.

And under this new provisions all business records can be compelled, including those containing sensitive personal information like medical records from hospitals or doctors, or educational records, or records of what books someone has taken out of the library. This is an enormous expansion of authority, under a law that provides only minimal judicial supervision.​

You were warned...

Gee, can someone post all the abuses that took place under Bush.
Oh yeah, there werent any. I was a supporter of the act until I saw that it can be abused in this way. Without safeguards that work this is going to happen. The act needs to be repealed. Obama needs to be impeached.

you mean besides the federal court that found his wiretapping illegal? can move on waterboy.

You mean the decision in 2010 that the OBAMA Administration had opposed?

The one that got dismissed eventually on the basis of sovereign immunity? The al-Haramain case?

The one that doesn't really (now) stand for the proposition you claim it stands for?

That one?
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Gee, can someone post all the abuses that took place under Bush.
Oh yeah, there werent any. I was a supporter of the act until I saw that it can be abused in this way. Without safeguards that work this is going to happen. The act needs to be repealed. Obama needs to be impeached.

you mean besides the federal court that found his wiretapping illegal? can move on waterboy.

You mean the decision in 2010 that the OBAMA Administration had opposed?

The one that got dismissed eventually on the basis of sovereign immunity? The al-Haramain case?

The one that doesn't really (now) stand for the proposition you claim it stands for?

That one?

no, i think it was back in 06 or 08.
Think i care if Obama opposed something against the PA? You think thats some angle you can use on this issue. Good luck welcher.
you mean besides the federal court that found his wiretapping illegal? can move on waterboy.

You mean the decision in 2010 that the OBAMA Administration had opposed?

The one that got dismissed eventually on the basis of sovereign immunity? The al-Haramain case?

The one that doesn't really (now) stand for the proposition you claim it stands for?

That one?

no, i think it was back in 06 or 08.
Think i care if Obama opposed something against the PA? You think thats some angle you can use on this issue. Good luck welcher.

I think assholes like you do care. But even if you are an outlying statistic on that score, who cares?

The fact that some complete idiot like you imagines that you have some "point" to make by claiming that a judge "back in 06 or 08" found Boooooosh wiretapping illegal is just further proof that you are utterly clueless and unable to persuade.

Cite the case, you fucking jackoff.

But you won't. You lazy loser piece of worthless liberal slime.

Oh, and repeating your lie doesn't change the fact that it is a lie. As you know, I didn't welsh. But nice try to force the discussion off topic, you pathetic stanky pussy.
Evidently, then Spazballless must be referring, instead, to the August 2006 decision where a Federal district court judge did rule that the Bush Administration eavesdropping was illegal. A.C.L.U. v. N.S.A.

A copy of the actual decision in pdf format is linked at this cite (from The New York Times article, above):

Naturally, Spazballless forgets to mention that the decision was overturned on appeal.

Hey, Spaz, you ball-less twit, got anything real, you asshole?
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Some of us did. Most of you wouldn't listen.

Not me. I had him pegged from the very beginning.

Did you vote for Bush? That's really all that mattered. The fools who think this is a matter of the "person" in charge are to blame in my opinion. When you create laws and government that can be abused, it will be abused. Who and when is irrelevant.

That's what people who look the other way while laws are broken and atrocities committed ALWAYS say.

Who is *irrelevant* because YOU are the WHO.
Appoint what people?

Shulman was appointed by George W. Bush.

and George Tenet was appointed by Clinton, so wheres that bullshit leave you now? :lol:


You want to throw in non-sequiturs, you should do a better job.

Tenet had zero to do with the administrations behavior.

Bush had enough intelligence and plenty of warnings to discern something big was coming down the pike before 9/11.

After? Bush had an agenda..and used the intelligence to buttress it.

Clinton had 8 years of enough intelligence and plenty of warnings to discern something big was coming down the pike before 9/11!!! And his "solution" was to cut defense half a trillion dollars over his 8 years while ignoring the problem.
IRS, EPA, ATF.....Obama uses government agencies against his political enemies.

we got it the first time you said this. You have zero proof but hey typical of your ilk.

Proof = IRS sworn testimony, EPA regulatory actions and Fast & Furious

IRS apologizes for targeting tea party groups

Thats not proof you ass-hat. What did they do? Listen in on phonecalls of these people?

Hey bob, I sent in the application and i hope they approve it in time for the rally....

You fucking moron, they didnt need to wiretap someone who was applying for something.

Good god you are an embarrassment.
Evidently, then Spazballless must be referring, instead, to the August 2006 decision where a Federal district court judge did rule that the Bush Administration eavesdropping was illegal. A.C.L.U. v. N.S.A.

A copy of the actual decision in pdf format is linked at this cite (from The New York Times article, above):

Naturally, Spazballless forgets to mention that the decision was overturned on appeal.

Hey, Spaz, you ball-less twit, got anything real, you asshole?

i didnt mention it because i didnt know. Its as simple as that. Had i known it was appealed and overturned i would not have said it.

So retract my statement.
sallow is doing his jack lew dance...nothing to see here folks....:eusa_hand:

They're all doing it. "This is nothing! There is no controversy, there are no scandals, it's just a few extremists who are alarmed at nothing!"

Creepy. I can't believe it's happening. I just keep my head down, do my thing, and hope they don't start rounding us up at church. Because I think that's eventually what's going to happen. I'm already hearing it from the leftists.
sallow is doing his jack lew dance...nothing to see here folks....:eusa_hand:

They're all doing it. "This is nothing! There is no controversy, there are no scandals, it's just a few extremists who are alarmed at nothing!"

Creepy. I can't believe it's happening. I just keep my head down, do my thing, and hope they don't start rounding us up at church. Because I think that's eventually what's going to happen. I'm already hearing it from the leftists.
sallow is doing his jack lew dance...nothing to see here folks....:eusa_hand:

They're all doing it. "This is nothing! There is no controversy, there are no scandals, it's just a few extremists who are alarmed at nothing!"

Creepy. I can't believe it's happening. I just keep my head down, do my thing, and hope they don't start rounding us up at church. Because I think that's eventually what's going to happen. I'm already hearing it from the leftists.

god i wish it was true they would send you off to the fema camps, but it won't happen period.

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