Youngkin Already Picking Fight With Virginia Parents, Get's Smacked Down On Mask Mandate

Let's see how the woke Arlington County School Board members fare against the Governor....


Cristina is a proud, bilingual and bi-cultural Latina born in Boston and raised between New England and her family’s native San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Mary left the classroom to work at PBS in the early days of the Internet, where she developed online content and programs for K-12 teachers and students. Eventually she led PBS’s national education division, overseeing its federal grant programs and coordinating and supporting the work of more than 300 local member stations. After leaving PBS, she consulted with a variety of national education nonprofits


David has served on various local committees and organizations focused on education including...NAACP Education Committee, Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Equity and Excellence


On the School Board, Barbara has focused on...environmental sustainability... More recently, Barbara served on the team of experts assessing the damages from the BP Oil Spill and has conducted research addressing Hawaiian coral reef restoration, visibility in National Parks, and the ecological impacts of dam removal in the west. In 2009, Barbara was presented the Publication of Enduring Quality award by the American Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.


Reid has an extensive record of advocacy and volunteerism to his neighborhood, to Arlington Public Schools and to the greater Arlington community.

Full profiles here:

Everyone thinks they are Dr. Fauci these days. Get lost, and mind your own business.
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He didn't say you can't wear a mask, he said you can't force people to wear them.

It's called freedom of choice. You have the right to choose to wear a mask, and by that extension you can't be forced to wear so you can in turn make your choice to wear one.

It's funny that so called liberals are the least liberal people because they want to tell people what to do. Meanwhile conservatives are the ones who want people to make their own choices and aren't running around trying to mandate everything and force them to obey.
It’s funny that conservatives suddenly jump on the freedom of choice bandwagon when it suits them. And yes…they are “running around trying to mandate everything and force them to obey” :lol:
Coyote, as per usual, you cited a left-wing university study that didn't ask the proper question.

BTW, your poll is from September of LAST YEAR. That was long before studies showed that masks are basically useless.

The parents don't need to support the mandate. If the parent's want to mask their kids, that is fine, but the schools cannot REQUIRE it.
Feel free to cite another poll. And no, studies didn’t show masks are useless. Studies have shown that most masks we have been using are not effective with omicron And suggest using kn95, n95 etc.

The problem though is haphazard mask use protects no one very well.
On day one yesterday, Virginia's Governor Glenn Youngkin issued and executive order which guarantees the fundamental right of parents to make medical/developmental decisions for their children, including whether or not they wish to wear an arguably-ineffective face mask for eternity.

Here's his order (pdf)...

Arlington County Public Schools has issued a public statement in response the same day, stating that masks are still required of all students on all school grounds and buses....

For the record, Arlington County voted 81% for Biden and 17% for Trump in the 2020 presidential election. No wonder they are control freaks.

Youngkin fired back when questioned. He says he is going to do everything in his power to support parents' rights...

(sorry for the twitter link - spit)

Thank God. Let our children be children.

When I voted for Youngkin, I thought there was little chance he would be as effective as DeSantis, but I am getting so hopeful now, after watching his notable initial actions.

It will be interesting to see how this conflict works out. School officials overruling the Governor? Masks on children? Really?

Could it not be more clear that the Democrats want to control every aspect of our lives, while the Republicans continually stand for the right of the people to live in freedom and prosperity? Get the heck out of my personal life, Democrats, you have no right to be control freaks when you fail at absolutely everything.

News articles on the subject here:

Probably depends on whether the parents in Arlington support local school board and local school officials or the governor trying to rule from above.
Probably depends on whether the parents in Arlington support local school board and local school officials or the governor trying to rule from above.
He allows all the children to wear masks or not, based upon their own situation and beliefs, the way it should be.
New Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) began his new job by ensuring that all masks mandates would be banned in schools regardless of what the community and parents want.

Speaking to the press on Sunday, Youngkin was asked about the Arlington school district still requiring masks regardless of what the governor says. Arlington County voted 76.7 percent against Youngkin despite his campaign pledge to kill masks in schools.

Youngkin said that clearly, the schools didn't listen to what parents wanted, assuming that the parents in Arlington don't want the mask mandate. Arlington County voted 76.7 percent against Youngkin despite his campaign pledge to kill masks in schools.

First day on the job, don't even know what the law is. This ain't Flori-Duh son. That crap won't fly here.
Don't look now but it's flying.

He allows all the children to wear masks or not, based upon their own situation and beliefs, the way it should be.
What he believes may not be what matters if there is not a law, allowing the governor to take control of local school districts. Just sayin. Is there such a law on the books in Virginia?
Is he?

– Two-thirds of Virginia voters, including parents of school-age children, support the state’s school mask mandate and many support Covid vaccinations for age-eligible children.
That has to be bullshit.... Youngkin made it quite clear during his campaign exactly what he would do. How did he get the majority of the votes in that case? Do yourself a favor and forget about the poll numbers they're all bought and paid for.
It’s funny that conservatives suddenly jump on the freedom of choice bandwagon when it suits them. And yes…they are “running around trying to mandate everything and force them to obey” :lol:

That is the most ridiculous thing I have seen you claim in at least a whole day.

Good job!
Then don’t. If you can’t show me data indicating otherwise your claim has no merit.

Other than your bullshit poll is almost a year old, you mean?

Then don’t. If you can’t show me data indicating otherwise your claim has no merit.
I don't need data to prove to you that masks simply do NOT work!

Numerous studies have shown they do nothing to prevent you from catching or spreading the virus.

My daughter is an EMT in a rural county. She transports COVID cases several times a day, always wearing her required mask. She just came down with the Omicron variant after already having the original or "Alpha" variant last Spring.

My local school district requires masks. Yet, they had to close on Friday due to to so many staff and students out with COVID. That does not compute!
Let's see how the woke Arlington County School Board members fare against the Governor....


Cristina is a proud, bilingual and bi-cultural Latina born in Boston and raised between New England and her family’s native San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Mary left the classroom to work at PBS in the early days of the Internet, where she developed online content and programs for K-12 teachers and students. Eventually she led PBS’s national education division, overseeing its federal grant programs and coordinating and supporting the work of more than 300 local member stations. After leaving PBS, she consulted with a variety of national education nonprofits


David has served on various local committees and organizations focused on education including...NAACP Education Committee, Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Equity and Excellence


On the School Board, Barbara has focused on...environmental sustainability... More recently, Barbara served on the team of experts assessing the damages from the BP Oil Spill and has conducted research addressing Hawaiian coral reef restoration, visibility in National Parks, and the ecological impacts of dam removal in the west. In 2009, Barbara was presented the Publication of Enduring Quality award by the American Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.


Reid has an extensive record of advocacy and volunteerism to his neighborhood, to Arlington Public Schools and to the greater Arlington community.

Full profiles here:

Everyone thinks they are Dr. Fauci these days. Get lost, and mind your own business.
People are entitled to their opinions. The school board members look like doctors to you?
Is he?

– Two-thirds of Virginia voters, including parents of school-age children, support the state’s school mask mandate and many support Covid vaccinations for age-eligible children.
No.....they said that Arlington County wanted mask mandates....3-1 because they're mostly for Biden....which means they're Democrat control freaks.
They didn't mention the rest of the state.
The new gov is trying to listen to his constituents.....not just the Democrat minority.
Not supporting a mandate isn't the same as banning masks, FYI.
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