Youngkin Already Picking Fight With Virginia Parents, Get's Smacked Down On Mask Mandate

New Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) began his new job by ensuring that all masks mandates would be banned in schools regardless of what the community and parents want.

Speaking to the press on Sunday, Youngkin was asked about the Arlington school district still requiring masks regardless of what the governor says. Arlington County voted 76.7 percent against Youngkin despite his campaign pledge to kill masks in schools.

Youngkin said that clearly, the schools didn't listen to what parents wanted, assuming that the parents in Arlington don't want the mask mandate. Arlington County voted 76.7 percent against Youngkin despite his campaign pledge to kill masks in schools.

First day on the job, don't even know what the law is. This ain't Flori-Duh son. That crap won't fly here.

I live in a district that voted about 75-25% against President Potatohead. Does that mean I don't have to do what the sonofabitche says to do?

I suspect Virgina under the new Republican leadership will be like Florida. If the parents want their kids to wear a mask then no problem, they can wear them. The stupid shits in Arlington County can send their kids to school with a worthless mask if they want. The ones that don't want will not have to. That is called Liberty and it is about time Virginia got a taste of it after that disastrous Democrat leadership.
I live in a district that voted about 75-25% against President Potatohead. Does that mean I don't have to do what the sonofabitche says to do?

I suspect Virgina under the new Republican leadership will be like Florida. If the parents want their kids to wear a mask then no problem, they can wear them. The stupid shits in Arlington County can send their kids to school with a worthless mask if they want. The ones that don't want will not have to. That is called Liberty and it is about time Virginia got a taste of it after that disastrous Democrat leadership.
Oooh Dimmers hate America and liberty....
I have a granddaughter in the Third Grade in Florida where there is no stupid mask mandate at the state level.

Some of the students wear a mask but most don't. Most of the teachers don't.

She says that back when most of the students did wear a mask everybody took them off now and then, several times a day.

She also says that they (like her) wore these cute designer cloth masks. The CDC says cloth masks are near worthless.

Masks (especially in schools) are nothing more than a stupid Libtard's placebo. Absolutely worthless.
You have handed your freedoms over to Big Daddy Government already, you're just too delusional to see it.

Freedom of movement is pretty fundamental but you can't go onto private property or most government buildings. You can drive on government roads but only with a gov't license in a gov't approved vehicle at gov't approved speeds.

Every freedom you think you have is granted or restricted by Big Daddy Government.
So, then I shouldn't complain when they take more?

You really love the taste of boot, don't you?
So, then I shouldn't complain when they take more?

You really love the taste of boot, don't you?

“Wherever there is a jackboot stomping on a human face there will be a well-heeled Western liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100 percent literacy.”
― John Derbyshire
New Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) began his new job by ensuring that all masks mandates would be banned in schools regardless of what the community and parents want.

Speaking to the press on Sunday, Youngkin was asked about the Arlington school district still requiring masks regardless of what the governor says. Arlington County voted 76.7 percent against Youngkin despite his campaign pledge to kill masks in schools.

Youngkin said that clearly, the schools didn't listen to what parents wanted, assuming that the parents in Arlington don't want the mask mandate. Arlington County voted 76.7 percent against Youngkin despite his campaign pledge to kill masks in schools.

First day on the job, don't even know what the law is. This ain't Flori-Duh son. That crap won't fly here.
As a Virginian, I am very pleased about Youngkin. MVGA!!!
That is a great question. What do you consider as “too far right”? And it was not just Governor also LT Gov and AG went GOP too, correct?
Trying to force local counties to do what he want verses what they want. Mask mandates are popular in some VA school districts and he has tried to ban them. That might just do it if the election was held today.
Trying to force local counties to do what he want verses what they want. Mask mandates are popular in some VA school districts and he has tried to ban them. That might just do it if the election was held today.
That’s “too far right”? Wow

My guess that now vast majority would not want their kids masked. Just a guess on my part of course or else they would not have elected him and his cohorts.
I'm the guy saying if you want to wear boots, it's up to you. You're the guy saying I have to wear the footwear the government dictates.
I think we have a very different view of the US government. You seem to view it like a foreign occupier, I see it as a reflection, for better or worse, of the people. I may not always agree with it but that is the price of democracy. You may choose an ideological utopia with total freedom, I choose to live in the real world.
My guess that now vast majority would not want their kids masked. Just a guess on my part of course or else they would not have elected him and his cohorts.
Wrong on both counts, at least where I live. I don't think masks or mandates were issues in the election.

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