Youngkin Already Picking Fight With Virginia Parents, Get's Smacked Down On Mask Mandate

Your opinions are fine, you were wrong about
  • vast majority would not want their kids masked
  • or else they would not have elected him and his cohorts
That is my opinion. How can an opinion be wrong? He basically won on anti mask and anti CRT as I understand it.
Typical Rightist response. Gov't bad! You think your freedoms are more important than the freedoms of everyone else. You guys really hate democracy don't you?
No, it’s people like you who hate democracy. Parents being given a choice about what to do with THEIR children and you lose your mind over it. News flash. You don’t get a say over other people’s children.
No, it’s people like you who hate democracy. Parents being given a choice about what to do with THEIR children and you lose your mind over it. News flash. You don’t get a say over other people’s children.
Newsflash. Yes you do.

For example each state has a list of vaccinations required in order to attend school.
Trying to force local counties to do what he want verses what they want. Mask mandates are popular in some VA school districts and he has tried to ban them. That might just do it if the election was held today.
What he wants is for individuals to make their own decisions.

Only a bootlicking leftist would claim that's an infringement of people's rights.
I think we have a very different view of the US government. You seem to view it like a foreign occupier, I see it as a reflection, for better or worse, of the people. I may not always agree with it but that is the price of democracy. You may choose an ideological utopia with total freedom, I choose to live in the real world.
You really are sad that people have freedom.

Tough shit.
Newsflash. Yes you do.

For example each state has a list of vaccinations required in order to attend school.
New flash, you’re an idiot. And I can choose to homeschool my children to avoid leftard idiots like you. You lose again you stalking, Rule breaking loser.
New flash, you’re an idiot. And I can choose to homeschool my children to avoid leftard idiots like you. You lose again you stalking, Rule breaking loser.
Of course you can. I would highly endorse you do so other people’s children won’t have to worry. Now put on your big boy pants and consider the consequences of your own behavior next time you go hitting posters with dislike after dislike, post after post.

Go ahead. Withhold funding from those school districts tough guy, and lets see how that works out for you.

Go ahead. Withhold funding from those school districts tough guy, and lets see how that works out for you.

Of course they would, all three deep blue Democrat strongholds.

Go ahead. Withhold funding from those school districts tough guy, and lets see how that works out for you.

Things are about to get pretty shitty for Richmond. Arlington, and Fairfax. I guess they thought he was only fooling.

From the Governor's Twitter page one hour ago"

"If anyone in government serves their own interests at the expense of the greater social good, my message is simply, you will be gone."

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It think it will work out swimmingly for him. None of the residents of those areas voted for him to any great extent anyway and the ones who did get it. ;)

In fact I think it's a fine low-impact way to put the blue areas on notice that they don't run things anymore.

Oh and the ones who do get it and send their kids to school maskless will be getting paid if their kids are sent home. It will also be those jurisdictions footing the bills for that too....The liability sword cuts both ways.
I don't think using funding for schools and kids education is a good bargaining chip for this? Maybe work it through the courts?
Then these counties need to lose ALL State funding… roads, schools, law enforcement, etc… Then we’ll see how serious these shithole counties are about enforcing those mandates.
Fairfax is one of the richest counties in the nation, it provideds the most Commonwealth revenue out of all the other counties. Fairfax would stop sending money to the State, Richmond isn't about to cut that cash cow loose.........

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