Youngkin Already Picking Fight With Virginia Parents, Get's Smacked Down On Mask Mandate

Not when they get funding from the state government.

Comply or have your funding pulled. Stay out of parental decisions or get ready for a court battle.
Decisions involving public or safety in a school are not strictly parental decisions and never have been. What Youngkin is doing is standing up for “parental decisigns” while striking down “parental decisions”.

Public health strategies like masking or social distancing only work well if everyone or at least most do it. So if you just have a haphazard application of it, the child with tbe mask is no more protected than the child without one. What about THAT parent’s rights?

The reason it is better to leave it up the individual districts is that Covid situation is going to different areas so a one size fits all mandate that doesn’t account for that is a policy failure. If parents in a more densely populated district experiencing a Covid outbreak want a mask mandate to protect their children, you are saying their rights don’t count.
They can try but one thing that the dems were not able to replace to any great extent during the short but damaging time they held sway in the legislature was state judges. I believe all but one was seated by a gop controlled legislature and they tend to be very conservative. Remember, Virginia does not elect judges by popular vote.

A county can only seek relief from the feds once they have went through the Virginia courts, and they won't want the spigot being turned off that long....Oh they will whine and stamp their feet but come around in the end.

Oh you are correct about one thing and that is NOtVA shits golden eggs for the rest of the state and that's not going to stop because I'm not thinking the snowflakes running NOtVA would be up for a felony conspiracy charge. ;)
You're probably right but we'll see. The rift has grown wide and at this juncture nothing either side does would surprise me.
Ya, of course you would think so, but I am not going to argue all that, it’s been rehashed over and over already.

No kidding. Kids are triple vaxxed and double masked, but if anyone in the classroom
is unmasked, the masks and vaccines don't work. So what's left to argue?
. What Youngkin is doing is standing up for “parental decisigns” while striking down “parental decisions”.

That's not what he's doing. Go review his EO again.

He's giving parents, not school districts, the right to make healthcare decisions for their children. It's plain as day.

It looks like to me you are ignoring that point... on purpose.
What makes you say that?

This was a choice parents made long before school districting was even thought of as a concept of organized schooling.
I’m not sure I understand you on that.

The example I gave before was on required vaccinations. That is not a choice parents can make unless they choose to homeschool their children.
That's not what he's doing. Go review his EO again.

He's giving parents, not school districts, the right to make healthcare decisions for their children. It's plain as day.

It looks like to me you are ignoring that point... on purpose.
EXCEPT he isn’t. Not really. Public health is not tbe same as individual health. Schools have an obligation for the safety of the children in their care, ALL of them. By not allowing a mask mandate during a surge, Youngkin is preventing the school from maintaining a safe environment, and preventing parents from who want to keep their kids protected from doing so. Youngkin is removing choice from those parents.
That's not what he's doing. Go review his EO again.

He's giving parents, not school districts, the right to make healthcare decisions for their children. It's plain as day.

It looks like to me you are ignoring that point... on purpose.
She isn’t ignoring it, she is just a moron who thinks parents shouldn’t have a say in their kids education.
EXCEPT he isn’t. Not really. Public health is not tbe same as individual health. Schools have an obligation for the safety of the children in their care, ALL of them. By not allowing a mask mandate during a surge, Youngkin is preventing the school from maintaining a safe environment, and preventing parents from who want to keep their kids protected from doing so. Youngkin is removing choice from those parents.
He is not banning masks or vaccines. He is allowing the parents to make that decision for their children.
EXCEPT he isn’t. Not really. Public health is not tbe same as individual health. Schools have an obligation for the safety of the children in their care, ALL of them. By not allowing a mask mandate during a surge, Youngkin is preventing the school from maintaining a safe environment, and preventing parents from who want to keep their kids protected from doing so. Youngkin is removing choice from those parents.
Mask don’t work. Says it right on the box.
Picking a fight? That's Alinsky speak and lefties are good at it. Youngkin was elected on the basis of his support for Va. Parents. The Loudin school board might find themselves out of a job or in the slammer when Youngkin Va. investigators determine that a parent was arrested instead of the pervert boy in a skirt who molested his daughter.
No it isn't.

But what gives the public the right to dictate what healthcare decisions I make for my child?
Public health looks at an entire population. That is we we have laws and rules governing things like safe food handling, clean water etc. so we no longer have outbreaks of infectious diseases like typhoid. Individual and parental rights have always been balanced against the rights of the public. That is why vaccinations are mandated. That is why Typhoid Mary would not be allowed to work in the school cafeteria. That is why when parents send a sick child to school, the school can take him aside and try to reach the parents to send him home. In each of those cases the parent’s rights are subordinate if they want their child in school.

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