Your 2016 Republican Nominee Will Be...

The Liberal- Fascist machine has already started working against some of the potential GOP candidates..
"The Liberal- Fascist machine"

Are Liberals going to hypnotize you into voting for someone you don't want?

Then what are you worried about?

Me ??
No - but it looks like they did a good job on you
the GOP wouldn't do too bad with Pence, but he's about as exciting as Vanilla.

The GOP will nominate Jeb Bush.

I think you over estimate their intelligence. They'd rather cut off their nose to spite their face than nominate the man, just because of his last name.
I'm predicting that Rand Paul will be the Republican nominee. I don't think he'll win the general election, but I like him more than Hillary Clinton.
shit stain

You think establishment repubs, attached at the hip to defense contractors, would back a professed non-interventionist?

Another far left propaganda post as the War monger and chief that the far left voted for twice sits in office.
the GOP wouldn't do too bad with Pence, but he's about as exciting as Vanilla.

The GOP will nominate Jeb Bush.

I think you over estimate their intelligence. They'd rather cut off their nose to spite their face than nominate the man, just because of his last name.

The far right will have to be brought along Kicking and Screaming, just like they had be brought along kicking and screaming for McCain and Romney.
the GOP wouldn't do too bad with Pence, but he's about as exciting as Vanilla.

The GOP will nominate Jeb Bush.

I think you over estimate their intelligence. They'd rather cut off their nose to spite their face than nominate the man, just because of his last name.

The far right will have to be brought along Kicking and Screaming, just like they had be brought along kicking and screaming for McCain and Romney.

And the far left continues to post their propaganda as they loose the 2014 election and the senate.

I would say that Obama would be on his lame duck session, but he has been a lame duck since the day he was elected.

And the far left continues to post their propaganda as they loose the 2014 election and the senate.

I would say that Obama would be on his lame duck session, but he has been a lame duck since the day he was elected.

Uh, guy, winning the 2014 Midterms is like winning the Special Olympics.

Even if you win, you're still retarded.

The GOP should be winning all of these races, hands down. Just like Reagan and Bush-43 lost their Senate in their sixth year. The guys who came in with you get swept out six years later.

And the far left continues to post their propaganda as they loose the 2014 election and the senate.

I would say that Obama would be on his lame duck session, but he has been a lame duck since the day he was elected.

Uh, guy, winning the 2014 Midterms is like winning the Special Olympics.

Even if you win, you're still retarded.

The GOP should be winning all of these races, hands down. Just like Reagan and Bush-43 lost their Senate in their sixth year. The guys who came in with you get swept out six years later.

Typical far left drone, anyone that against the far left is automatically the GOP.

Then again I bet this was the same lame excuse you used in 2010 when the far left lost the house by trying to pass a unpopular law..
The Liberal- Fascist machine has already started working against some of the potential GOP candidates..
"The Liberal- Fascist machine"

Are Liberals going to hypnotize you into voting for someone you don't want?

Then what are you worried about?

Me ??
No - but it looks like they did a good job on you
Right-wingers are terrified of the media doing their jobs and reporting what they DO (Gingrich cheating on his wives), or SAY (Romney and his 47%), or are FUNDED by (Koch/Big Oil).

They would rather cry about it to Sean Hannity.
the GOP wouldn't do too bad with Pence, but he's about as exciting as Vanilla.

The GOP will nominate Jeb Bush.

I think you over estimate their intelligence. They'd rather cut off their nose to spite their face than nominate the man, just because of his last name.
I'm wondering: what makes Jebbie more exciting that vanilla?

And the far left continues to post their propaganda as they loose the 2014 election and the senate.

I would say that Obama would be on his lame duck session, but he has been a lame duck since the day he was elected.

Uh, guy, winning the 2014 Midterms is like winning the Special Olympics.

Even if you win, you're still retarded.

The GOP should be winning all of these races, hands down. Just like Reagan and Bush-43 lost their Senate in their sixth year. The guys who came in with you get swept out six years later.

Typical far left drone, anyone that against the far left is automatically the GOP.

Then again I bet this was the same lame excuse you used in 2010 when the far left lost the house by trying to pass a unpopular law..
Hey moron: the reason why the GOP won in 2010 was because Democrats didn't show up to vote. That's the only reason.

It has been proven over and over that Republican turnout was no higher in 2010 than any other midterm.
The latent bigotry of the low information left shows no bounds. It would be simple enough if the radical left legitimately tied a republican candidate with the Tea Party but low information radicals don't play by the same rules as polite society. They can't help but use disgusting homosexual sex acts in their apparently normal vocabulary.
The Liberal- Fascist machine has already started working against some of the potential GOP candidates..
"The Liberal- Fascist machine"

Are Liberals going to hypnotize you into voting for someone you don't want?

Then what are you worried about?

Me ??
No - but it looks like they did a good job on you
Right-wingers are terrified of the media doing their jobs and reporting what they DO (Gingrich cheating on his wives), or SAY (Romney and his 47%), or are FUNDED by (Koch/Big Oil).

They would rather cry about it to Sean Hannity.

So how much money do you get for posting all the far left keywords/propaganda in one post?
The Liberal- Fascist machine has already started working against some of the potential GOP candidates..
"The Liberal- Fascist machine"

Are Liberals going to hypnotize you into voting for someone you don't want?

Then what are you worried about?

Me ??
No - but it looks like they did a good job on you
Right-wingers are terrified of the media doing their jobs and reporting what they DO (Gingrich cheating on his wives), or SAY (Romney and his 47%), or are FUNDED by (Koch/Big Oil).

They would rather cry about it to Sean Hannity.

So how much money do you get for posting all the far left keywords/propaganda in one post?
Prove me wrong, dope.
The Liberal- Fascist machine has already started working against some of the potential GOP candidates..
"The Liberal- Fascist machine"

Are Liberals going to hypnotize you into voting for someone you don't want?

Then what are you worried about?

Me ??
No - but it looks like they did a good job on you
Right-wingers are terrified of the media doing their jobs and reporting what they DO (Gingrich cheating on his wives), or SAY (Romney and his 47%), or are FUNDED by (Koch/Big Oil).

They would rather cry about it to Sean Hannity.

So how much money do you get for posting all the far left keywords/propaganda in one post?
Prove me wrong, dope.

Typical far left response, they post known propaganda not based on any truth and expect others to prove them wrong!

You can not prove a negative..
Indiana Governor Mike Pence.

You heard it here first, folks!

He's a little bit Establishment, he's a little bit teabagger

He's an Evangelical, but not obnoxiously so.

He's been a Congresscritter, he's been a Governor.

He's in deep with the Koch brothers.

He went against the Party and expanded Medicaid - and no one in the Party (or Americans For Prosperity) attacked him for it.

He's media-friendly and is ready to discuss issues without looking like a dope.

No controversy.

He's well-liked by his colleagues. After just one term in the House, he became chairman of the Republican Study Committee. He's a first-time governor and was elected to the Executive Committee of the Republican Governors Committee.

He's not an ideologue, just a fairly orthodox conservative.

He has a history of going against his Party, intelligently. He opposed No Child Left Behind, Bush's 2003 Medicare expansion, and immigration reform in 2007. All three are issues that Republicans NOW deride and reject.

He's a Reaganite, economically.

I'm gonna look like a freakin' genius, over here!

You forget that the base of the republican party are the people who nominate the candidate.

The base is the largest portion of the gop that will show up and vote for the primaries and caucuses.

The base of the gop is very far right wing and there's not much chance that they will nominate someone like pence. They're tired of moderate leaning candidates and believe that's the reason why they keep losing presidential elections.

If the primaries and caucuses are honest I don't think there's a chance that the gop will go for someone who is even slightly moderate.

We will find out in 2016 who the gop nominee will be. For now, the election next month is coming fast. Everyone should get out and VOTE!
The base of the gop is very far right wing and there's not much chance that they will nominate someone like pence.

The base of the GOP is the typical moderate Republican.

If the extreme Right-Wing was the powerful base they wouldn't have nominated McCain and Romney.

The extremists have very little real power because they are just a very vocal minority. But they do scream a lot!

And the far left continues to post their propaganda as they loose the 2014 election and the senate.

I would say that Obama would be on his lame duck session, but he has been a lame duck since the day he was elected.

Uh, guy, winning the 2014 Midterms is like winning the Special Olympics.

Even if you win, you're still retarded.

The GOP should be winning all of these races, hands down. Just like Reagan and Bush-43 lost their Senate in their sixth year. The guys who came in with you get swept out six years later.

Typical far left drone, anyone that against the far left is automatically the GOP.

Then again I bet this was the same lame excuse you used in 2010 when the far left lost the house by trying to pass a unpopular law..
Hey moron: the reason why the GOP won in 2010 was because Democrats didn't show up to vote. That's the only reason.

It has been proven over and over that Republican turnout was no higher in 2010 than any other midterm.

Oh my the far left just post known bunk based on far left propaganda..

So if we take this far left poster at their word, then it was because the (D) voter did not want Obamacare (which was widely unpopular), yet the far left rammed it through anyway..
The base of the gop is very far right wing and there's not much chance that they will nominate someone like pence.

The base of the GOP is the typical moderate Republican.

If the extreme Right-Wing was the powerful base they wouldn't have nominated McCain and Romney.

The extremists have very little real power because they are just a very vocal minority. But they do scream a lot!

Unlike the DNC which is ruled by their extreme the far left, which you support without question or hesitation. And the far left screams a lot as well, this board is perfect example of that..

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