Your 2016 Republican Nominee Will Be...

We'd be better off with a former governor, whichever party wins.

Someone with strong managerial skills who knows how to be a leader not only as a figurehead, but as the leader of a well-oiled organization.

Senators and representatives, for the most part, just don't have that experience.

George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter were both governors and they were complete fucking disasters.

As was Reagan with the most corrupt administration since Grant, not too mention Iran-Contra. At least Carter was intelligent, unlike reagan or bush.

Don't confuse intelligence with Wisdom

“The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.” [Carl Jung] The Liberal Mind seems to be stuck in the sphere of nonsense and that's just wrong - not right but left [behind]
I'm predicting that Rand Paul will be the Republican nominee. I don't think he'll win the general election, but I like him more than Hillary Clinton.
shit stain

You think establishment repubs, attached at the hip to defense contractors, would back a professed non-interventionist?

I dono, Obama started a shit ton of new wars, never ended Iraq (his words), showered the rich with free money and you guys still voted for him... Anything is possible.
wars? without boots on the ground? :rolleyes-41: Thats a new one :thup:
Typical far left response, they post known propaganda not based on any truth and expect others to prove them wrong!

You can not prove a negative..

I can prove that you are an idiot.

From the Right-Wing Wall Street Journal:

Big Landslide, Modest Turnout

But it was not as big a landslide for the Republicans in 2010 as it appeared that it might be on election eve. Some national surveys showed Republicans with a double-digit lead among likely voters in the generic congressional ballot. Yet the actual GOP margin of 7 percentage points not only fell short of that but was not as large as that registered by congressional Democrats in the previous two elections when they won a majority of House seats. In 2008, Democrats had an edge of 11 points in the nationwide House vote; in 2006, it was 8 points.

Sucks to be you, fool.

First off the WSJ is not far right, but I guess it would be to a far left programmed drone..
However you continue to show that you are far left hack!

Although you continue to prove (with yet another link) that even the (D)'s were disenchanted with Pelosi and Obamacare.

I didn't claim WSJ was far-right.

But you haven't refuted anything I've said or the WSJ wrote. Because you can't.

In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, I accept your admission that you are wrong.
Typical far left response, they post known propaganda not based on any truth and expect others to prove them wrong!

You can not prove a negative..

I can prove that you are an idiot.

From the Right-Wing Wall Street Journal:

Big Landslide, Modest Turnout

But it was not as big a landslide for the Republicans in 2010 as it appeared that it might be on election eve. Some national surveys showed Republicans with a double-digit lead among likely voters in the generic congressional ballot. Yet the actual GOP margin of 7 percentage points not only fell short of that but was not as large as that registered by congressional Democrats in the previous two elections when they won a majority of House seats. In 2008, Democrats had an edge of 11 points in the nationwide House vote; in 2006, it was 8 points.

Sucks to be you, fool.

First off the WSJ is not far right, but I guess it would be to a far left programmed drone..
However you continue to show that you are far left hack!

Although you continue to prove (with yet another link) that even the (D)'s were disenchanted with Pelosi and Obamacare.

I didn't claim WSJ was far-right.

But you haven't refuted anything I've said or the WSJ wrote. Because you can't.

In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, I accept your admission that you are wrong.

Once again the far left posts known bunk and expects others to prove them wrong..
Typical far left drone, anyone that against the far left is automatically the GOP.

Then again I bet this was the same lame excuse you used in 2010 when the far left lost the house by trying to pass a unpopular law..

well, they didn't TRY to pass an unpopular law. They DID pass that law, and the individual components are very popular.

the GOP isn't even talking about repealing it anymore.

You see, winning a few red districts or a few red states doesn't help you if you can't win the whole country.
Susan Collins Says It's Too Late To Repeal Obamacare
We'd be better off with a former governor, whichever party wins.

Someone with strong managerial skills who knows how to be a leader not only as a figurehead, but as the leader of a well-oiled organization.

Senators and representatives, for the most part, just don't have that experience.

Yeah, look how well that worked out with Dubya.
007 's ironic post is ironic

As to the OP, Repubs will prolly do the same thing they did the last time & the time before that :up: take who the rw, crony capitalist, monied-interests (AKA- Establishment [status quo]Repubs) put before them.
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We'd be better off with a former governor, whichever party wins.

Someone with strong managerial skills who knows how to be a leader not only as a figurehead, but as the leader of a well-oiled organization.

Senators and representatives, for the most part, just don't have that experience.

Yeah, look how well that worked out with Dubya.

Yeah, so let's never have another governor as President.


“He has a history of going against his Party, intelligently. He opposed No Child Left Behind, Bush's 2003 Medicare expansion, and immigration reform in 2007. All three are issues that Republicans NOW deride and reject.”

'Intelligently' a third of the time.

NCLB was nonsense, Medicare expansion was sound policy along with Bush's immigration reform proposal.

“He's a Reaganite, economically.”

Nice for republicans, bad for the country.
I was posting that from the perspective of what the vast majority of Republicans find appealing. I would never vote for him.
We'd be better off with a former governor, whichever party wins.

Someone with strong managerial skills who knows how to be a leader not only as a figurehead, but as the leader of a well-oiled organization.

Senators and representatives, for the most part, just don't have that experience.

George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter were both governors and they were complete fucking disasters.
As was Reagan, despite the revisionist makeover.

Now it's been confirmed that his CIA DID supply crack to inner city Los Angeles.
Typical far left drone, anyone that against the far left is automatically the GOP.

Then again I bet this was the same lame excuse you used in 2010 when the far left lost the house by trying to pass a unpopular law..

well, they didn't TRY to pass an unpopular law. They DID pass that law, and the individual components are very popular.

the GOP isn't even talking about repealing it anymore.

You see, winning a few red districts or a few red states doesn't help you if you can't win the whole country.
Susan Collins Says It's Too Late To Repeal Obamacare

No matter what happens in the mid term elections, Obama is not going to repeal his unpopular forced law on the masses..
We'd be better off with a former governor, whichever party wins.

Someone with strong managerial skills who knows how to be a leader not only as a figurehead, but as the leader of a well-oiled organization.

Senators and representatives, for the most part, just don't have that experience.

Yeah, look how well that worked out with Dubya.

Yeah, so let's never have another governor as President.



Well you have to remember the far left "chose" (and I use that words loosely here) Obama over Hilary. And Hilary had more experience in politics. The attack from some was she did not have enough foreign relations experience.
We'd be better off with a former governor, whichever party wins.

Someone with strong managerial skills who knows how to be a leader not only as a figurehead, but as the leader of a well-oiled organization.

Senators and representatives, for the most part, just don't have that experience.

George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter were both governors and they were complete fucking disasters.
As was Reagan, despite the revisionist makeover.

Now it's been confirmed that his CIA DID supply crack to inner city Los Angeles.

And far left revisionism rules the day no matter how much they are proven wrong..
One exapmle that comes to mind , and is very similar to the Liberal Clap-Trap that is till being perpetrated is the Wall within - a CBS special .

In June 1988, CBS presented an hour-long special "CBS Reports: The Wall Within" . The show was praised by critics, the Washington Post called it "extraordinarily powerful" One Vet Terry Bradley, told Rather he had tortured and skinned alive whole Vietnamese families, 50 men, women, and children in a single hour. George Grule claimed he was stationed on the U.S.S. Ticonderoga off the Vietnamese coast during a secret mission. Grule claimed to have witnessed a friend walk into an airplane propeller which turned him into mincemeat and sprayed Grule with his blood. Coaxed by Dan Rather, Steve Southards, vividly described slaughtering hordes of Vietnamese civilians, and blaming the North Vietnamese. "... you went into the village, killed people, burned part of the village, then made it appear that the other side had done this?" Rather replied. Grizzly fantastic horrifying tales, ALL FABRICATED - ---

B. G. Burkett and Glenna Whitley, in their book * Stolen Valor : How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its History
*, claim that they had obtained the service records of all six soldiers, documenting where each was stationed throughout the Vietnam War. Only one of the men actually served in Vietnam; he claimed he was a Navy SEAL, but the records contradicted his claims and listed him as an equipment repairman , the other 5 never even set foot on Vietnamese soil. I can understand and possibly forgive One charlatan slipping through, but not 6 !!!!

A similar incident occurred In 1998, apparently CNN took lessons from the same folks who controlled Dan Rather when they ran a report that the 1970 Operation Tailwind used Sarin gas to kill American defectors . The Pentagon denied the story. Skeptics proved it extremely improbable that such an atrocity went unnoticed , and CNN had no facts or viable witnesses to offer the slightest bit of credibility to the story.

Prior to Fox News and the Internet this was everyday business in the Liberal Media , Now with Fox and the internet blowing their asses up more often Truth & Freedom has a chance
Assuming your post is factual - which I would never assume - you rush to shoot the messengers instead of placing the blame where it belongs, on the subjects who lied.

But I notice you don't blame the right-wing media for the lies of the Swift Boaters.

As for FOX, now we get a new fake scandal a week.

No evidence that:

  • Benghazi was due to incompetence
  • Benghazi wasn't caused by the YouTube video
  • The IRS targeted anybody due to political concerns
  • Fast & Furious (A Bush program) was an Obama screwup
  • ACORN was corrupt
  • The New Black Panther 'Party' is any more than a couple of guys in costumes

Or any of the other fake scandals.

The ONLY one that has merit is the bugging of AP reporters. But they are part of the supposed "Liberal Media". Hmmm.....
Seen that done already ,,,,lol .... time and time and time again - you are no fun , you're too easy to bitch smack. A word of advice sit back , STFU and watch JoeB131 - he's pretty good at for a Libtard . And he knows when to run away like a bitch when he's been beaten.

In your mind I'm sure that's true. In reality, not so much.
One exapmle that comes to mind , and is very similar to the Liberal Clap-Trap that is till being perpetrated is the Wall within - a CBS special .

In June 1988, CBS presented an hour-long special "CBS Reports: The Wall Within" . The show was praised by critics, the Washington Post called it "extraordinarily powerful" One Vet Terry Bradley, told Rather he had tortured and skinned alive whole Vietnamese families, 50 men, women, and children in a single hour. George Grule claimed he was stationed on the U.S.S. Ticonderoga off the Vietnamese coast during a secret mission. Grule claimed to have witnessed a friend walk into an airplane propeller which turned him into mincemeat and sprayed Grule with his blood. Coaxed by Dan Rather, Steve Southards, vividly described slaughtering hordes of Vietnamese civilians, and blaming the North Vietnamese. "... you went into the village, killed people, burned part of the village, then made it appear that the other side had done this?" Rather replied. Grizzly fantastic horrifying tales, ALL FABRICATED - ---

B. G. Burkett and Glenna Whitley, in their book * Stolen Valor : How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its History
*, claim that they had obtained the service records of all six soldiers, documenting where each was stationed throughout the Vietnam War. Only one of the men actually served in Vietnam; he claimed he was a Navy SEAL, but the records contradicted his claims and listed him as an equipment repairman , the other 5 never even set foot on Vietnamese soil. I can understand and possibly forgive One charlatan slipping through, but not 6 !!!!

A similar incident occurred In 1998, apparently CNN took lessons from the same folks who controlled Dan Rather when they ran a report that the 1970 Operation Tailwind used Sarin gas to kill American defectors . The Pentagon denied the story. Skeptics proved it extremely improbable that such an atrocity went unnoticed , and CNN had no facts or viable witnesses to offer the slightest bit of credibility to the story.

Prior to Fox News and the Internet this was everyday business in the Liberal Media , Now with Fox and the internet blowing their asses up more often Truth & Freedom has a chance
Assuming your post is factual - which I would never assume - you rush to shoot the messengers instead of placing the blame where it belongs, on the subjects who lied.

But I notice you don't blame the right-wing media for the lies of the Swift Boaters.

As for FOX, now we get a new fake scandal a week.

No evidence that:

  • Benghazi was due to incompetence
  • Benghazi wasn't caused by the YouTube video
  • The IRS targeted anybody due to political concerns
  • Fast & Furious (A Bush program) was an Obama screwup
  • ACORN was corrupt
  • The New Black Panther 'Party' is any more than a couple of guys in costumes

Or any of the other fake scandals.

The ONLY one that has merit is the bugging of AP reporters. But they are part of the supposed "Liberal Media". Hmmm.....

And the far left combats this with propaganda based on their programming dismissing anything that will make their messiah look like the failure he is.

Then again what do expect from those that voted for worse than Bush twice..
We'd be better off with a former governor, whichever party wins.

Someone with strong managerial skills who knows how to be a leader not only as a figurehead, but as the leader of a well-oiled organization.

Senators and representatives, for the most part, just don't have that experience.

Yeah, look how well that worked out with Dubya.

Yeah, so let's never have another governor as President.


I think history proves governors are no better than anyone else.
Typical far left drone, anyone that against the far left is automatically the GOP.

Then again I bet this was the same lame excuse you used in 2010 when the far left lost the house by trying to pass a unpopular law..

well, they didn't TRY to pass an unpopular law. They DID pass that law, and the individual components are very popular.

the GOP isn't even talking about repealing it anymore.

You see, winning a few red districts or a few red states doesn't help you if you can't win the whole country.
Susan Collins Says It's Too Late To Repeal Obamacare

No matter what happens in the mid term elections, Obama is not going to repeal his unpopular forced law on the masses..
It IS popular, and if it was forced, then every law ever enacted is 'forced'.

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