Your Extinction.

If you crossplot temperature versus CO2 you can easily see where the correlation is broken.
Show us. And please explain to us how a correlation that lasted several billion years and is explained by basic science was undone. What breakdown in the laws of nature do you believe took place?
A buddy of mine is an executive at Duke Energy. They are putting in a lot of these stupid solar farms.

He tells me that the solar panels have to be replaced quite often. Not only do they deteriorate but they crack and break and are a maintenance nightmare. Three years is normal life expectancy for each cell before something requiring a major repair or replacement.

Birds shitting on them and insects cause a significant deterioration of the output of the cells.
You are better off eating beef than avocados, producing and flying in avocados totally wiped out the effects of farting cows. When you've eradicated avocados, then get back to me about farts on farms.

Cattle are ruminants, there are some 200 species of ruminants. So with all these animals such as canals, hippos, deer, giraffes etc.. all farting, do you suggest humans should cull them? Please let me know your logic on just hating only cattle.

There is a video on youtube from the show 60 Minutes. The episode is called "The Vanishing Wild." It won't post here. So you have to go there to watch it. Right off the bat you will find out that in the past 50 years, global wildlife has dropped by 69%. How many of them do you think were ruminants. Also, in the Amazon alone, every day around 200,000 acres of rain forest is burned. (Around 78 million acres a year) That is bad enough. But what is most of that cleared rain forest used for? Probably raising cattle. As for the avocados, I don't think I've ever eaten one. But even then, the answer is greenhouses. They went with greenhouses in a big way in Spain. All those greenhouse actually caused the Earth's temperature in that area to drop a little.
And what size battery will we need to heat every home in the winter with electric heat for 12 or more hours? And don;t forget we still need to power everything else that runs on electricity too.

As I said about a zillion times already, batteries aren't the only way to store excess energy. And in the picture I posted in my thread at the beginning, it showed the total area of solar panels compared to the U.S. that it would take to completely power the U.S. No need for coal, oil or nuclear energy. Or even wind turbines. A total area 140 miles per side would do it. Though they don't have to be all in the same spot. Elon Musk thinks it could be done with a total area that is 100 miles per side. Now in your own house with your own solar panels, you may need batteries. But that would be only supplementing the amount of energy you might need that would come from larger solar arrays. And larger sources of stored energy.
If you crossplot temperature versus CO2 you can easily see where the correlation is broken.

You don't need to "cross plot" anything. You just look at the graphs and see where they are heading. And in which time span.
You said they'll increase double digits in the next few years.

You have a source that's less of an idiot than you?

Well I just watched an episode of NOVA about "Arctic Sinkholes." When it came to methane, one of the scientist said something that wasn't true. She said that methane was around 30 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. In reality, methane is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Next, I'm not the one to judge just how exponential exponential will be. But let's look at magnets. You have two far enough apart to where you can just feel the attraction. You cut that distance in half and the pull increases by something like 10 times. You half that distance and the pull increases by around 50 times. You half that distance and the pull increases by around 300 times, You half that distance again and the pull is probably around 1000 times. That's why they build generators with the coils as close to the magnets as they can get. During WW II they had large generators below New York city that were highly protected. Because they were built to such close tolerances that all any saboteur would have to do to destroy one is throw a handful of sand at it.
Well I just watched an episode of NOVA about "Arctic Sinkholes." When it came to methane, one of the scientist said something that wasn't true. She said that methane was around 30 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. In reality, methane is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Next, I'm not the one to judge just how exponential exponential will be. But let's look at magnets. You have two far enough apart to where you can just feel the attraction. You cut that distance in half and the pull increases by something like 10 times. You half that distance and the pull increases by around 50 times. You half that distance and the pull increases by around 300 times, You half that distance again and the pull is probably around 1000 times. That's why they build generators with the coils as close to the magnets as they can get. During WW II they had large generators below New York city that were highly protected. Because they were built to such close tolerances that all any saboteur would have to do to destroy one is throw a handful of sand at it.

That's a truly awesome story. Honestly.

So, what's the increase in the next 10 years? 5 degrees? 10 degrees? More?
As I said about a zillion times already, batteries aren't the only way to store excess energy. And in the picture I posted in my thread at the beginning, it showed the total area of solar panels compared to the U.S. that it would take to completely power the U.S. No need for coal, oil or nuclear energy. Or even wind turbines. A total area 140 miles per side would do it. Though they don't have to be all in the same spot. Elon Musk thinks it could be done with a total area that is 100 miles per side. Now in your own house with your own solar panels, you may need batteries. But that would be only supplementing the amount of energy you might need that would come from larger solar arrays. And larger sources of stored energy.
No way. Battery technology is nowhere near advanced enough to provide that much power for that length of time.

We need reliable baseline power
That's a truly awesome story. Honestly.

So, what's the increase in the next 10 years? 5 degrees? 10 degrees? More?

It could be 50 degrees Who knows. But it doesn't matter. Because as I said, around the year 2050 most of the life on Earth will be extinct.
A buddy of mine is an executive at Duke Energy. They are putting in a lot of these stupid solar farms.

He tells me that the solar panels have to be replaced quite often. Not only do they deteriorate but they crack and break and are a maintenance nightmare. Three years is normal life expectancy for each cell before something requiring a major repair or replacement.

Birds shitting on them and insects cause a significant deterioration of the output of the cells.

What, no talk about nighttime, clouds, snow or latitude? As far as I could find, there are no major problems with solar panels. And they last up to 40 years. But that isn't the main issue. The main issue is that if you are planning on living past 2050, make other plans.
It could be 50 degrees Who knows. But it doesn't matter. Because as I said, around the year 2050 most of the life on Earth will be extinct.

It could be 50 degrees Who knows.

Who, besides you, says it could be 50 degrees warmer in 10 years?

Who, besides you, says around the year 2050 most of the life on Earth will be extinct?
No way. Battery technology is nowhere near advanced enough to provide that much power for that length of time.

We need reliable baseline power

Battery technology is indeed advanced enough. And how long a battery can provide power depends on how large the battery is. From what I was able to find out, Elon Musk came up with a battery for home use called the power wall. Apparently, you would need 3 of them to power your house for a whole day. You might also find this website to be informative. › science › energyTesla Battery in Texas: How Elon Musk's Giant Battery Works
Hydrogen fuel cells. Hydrogen combustion.

Hydrogen requires quite a bit of power to separate from H20. Unless they found a way of doing it easier. The best plan I heard of on a large scale was to use excess electricity to heat large tanks of sodium. During nighttime hours, that heat could produce steam that in turn would power turbines to create power.
Elsewhere, I have been seeing some crap about global warming. Global warming is a reality. And it is being caused by humans. It's hard to tell if those who deny it are stupid or evil. I have even heard the CEO of EXXON admit that global warming was a reality. Even the Pentagon recognizes it as a threat. And you would have to be pretty stupid or evil to go against what around 98% of the scientists say.

Also, CO2 has been measured to be on the increase since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence? I don't think so. Another point is that all the volcanoes on Earth release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. The activities of humans are responsible for around 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2 each year. Also, global warming is getting exponentially worse. Which means that the hotter things get, the faster they will get even hotter.

What all this means is that if you are planning on living past about the year 2050, make other plans. The chief cause of your fast approaching extinction isn't CO2. (Which is bad enough) It is methane. Methane is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. And like CO2, the rate at which it is being released is also increasing. I will show you a graph showing the rate at which it is increasing. Incredibly, despite all the evaporating methane hydrate ice in the oceans or that being released from thawing tundra, about 60% of what is shown is being caused by human activities. I will also show you what other CO2 graphs that I have. For the deniers, continue to deny at your own peril.

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Get ready to die. We aren't buying it.
It could be 50 degrees Who knows.

Who, besides you, says it could be 50 degrees warmer in 10 years?

Who, besides you, says around the year 2050 most of the life on Earth will be extinct?

There is a problem with terrible news. It could be so terrible that the government would refuse to tell you. For example, I watched a couple programs on PBS about it. They talked about "reinforcing feedback loops." But from what I remember, they never did say exactly what that meant. What it means is that the hotter it gets, the FASTER it will get even hotter. Also, I watched a program by Bill Nye called "Global Meltdown." In one part of it he interviewed a scientist who had been studying the problem for about 15 years. What he discovered caused him to quit his tenured professorship and start preparing for doomsday. Which he said could happen in as little as 20 years. The main culprit, methane.

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