Your Extinction.

Can you cope with that? Do you really care which way I pick numbers or was that all you could find to say? TSI did increase. These wee nips you've taken to are not good Todd. Are you getting tired of actually talking about anything significant?

Since when did he talk about anything significant to begin with.
1. Run farther and hide better from this word. EXPONENTIAL.

2. It wouldn't even cost 1 trillion if we did it right. That aside. Extinction. Wars fought for oil. Kissing Saudi Arabia's ass. How are those for costs. 100 trillion would be worth the cost.

Run farther and hide better from this word. EXPONENTIAL.

Show your backup.
Which chart did he post that showed temperatures are rising exponentially?
How much beef have you eaten in the past 20 years. I have eaten none. That would put me ahead of you in that category. But it doesn't matter what I do. It doesn't matter what you do. Neither does it matter what every person who has ever visited this forum does. Unless we act as a nation, with the whole population, nothing will change.
You are better off eating beef than avocados, producing and flying in avocados totally wiped out the effects of farting cows. When you've eradicated avocados, then get back to me about farts on farms.

Cattle are ruminants, there are some 200 species of ruminants. So with all these animals such as canals, hippos, deer, giraffes etc.. all farting, do you suggest humans should cull them? Please let me know your logic on just hating only cattle.
Do you eat any sugar? Carbohydrates? Trans-fats? Do you ever cross a road away from the crosswalk? Ever speed in your car? Ever push a red light? Ever miss an election? Did you get all your homework in on time? Ever cheat on a girlfriend or wife? Ever shoplift a pack of bubble gum? Have you been completely honest on your taxes?

Get the point?
I eat sugar and carbs in moderation. I don't eat trans fats. In the UK, you cross the road where you want, we have more freedom here than the US, despite your marketing slogan. I drive to road and traffic conditions, sometimes that can be more than the prescribed speed limit. I left school in 1985, yes, I was one of those swots that handed homework in on time. Ever cheat on women? No. Shoplift? No again. With taxes, I don't cheat, I just research and up my tax knowledge so I pay zero income tax and about £70 a year on corporation tax, I trade as a limited company for tax reasons.

Get the point? No. You guys are the one's preaching co2 to everyone else, yet you're doing fuck all yourself. I don't preach sugar, carbs, trans fats, roads, speed, homework, cheating in relationships, shoplifting, and tax to others to then be judged.

Just practice what you preach, if you feel the need to pull your tampon out of your anus and preach co2 to others, yet you belch out co2 yourself, then all that's gonna happen is others telling you to shut up and shove a fresh tampon where the sun doesn't shine.

So you quit all things co2 producing, then get back to us, until then, fuck off clown.
The only limit a storage battery has is its size. Next, did you not see the picture I showed of the U.S. and the total area of solar panels it would take to power the U.S. compared to it? That is it. What do you want to do. Heat or cool all the homes in the U.S. day and night? Melt steel or aluminum? Or power all other industries? Drive your electric car wherever? All that power and probably more is represented in the picture showing the total area of solar panels compared to the U.S. I mentioned. Get it? Got it? Good.

And what size battery will we need to heat every home in the winter with electric heat for 12 or more hours? And don;t forget we still need to power everything else that runs on electricity too.
And what size battery will we need to heat every home in the winter with electric heat for 12 or more hours? And don;t forget we still need to power everything else that runs on electricity too.
1) It won't be one battery, it will be hundreds of thousands of them and, as noted, there capacity is limited only by their size. Vanadium flow batteries, for instance, are essentially tanks of liquid.
2) I suspect there has not been a moment when the wind wasn't blowing somewhere in the US in the last million years.
3) I suspect there has not been a moment when the entire nation was covered with heavy clouds in the last million years.
4) An intelligent nation would build back up power systems with green technology such as nuclear and, someday, fusion power.
5) Worst case scenario, we might have to light up a natural gas plant, but I doubt it.
1) It won't be one battery, it will be hundreds of thousands of them and, as noted, there capacity is limited only by their size. Vanadium flow batteries, for instance, are essentially tanks of liquid.
2) I suspect there has not been a moment when the wind wasn't blowing somewhere in the US in the last million years.
3) I suspect there has not been a moment when the entire nation was covered with heavy clouds in the last million years.
4) An intelligent nation would build back up power systems with green technology such as nuclear and, someday, fusion power.
5) Worst case scenario, we might have to light up a natural gas plant, but I doubt it.

Wind alone or solar alone or even in combination will never be enough to power a 100% electric economy.

And you can't just light up a gas power plant for a few hours.

The anchor of an emission free powered country has to be nuclear power. It is the only source of electrical power hat is 100% reliable, scalable and capable pf providing baseline power 27/7/365
Wind alone or solar alone or even in combination will never be enough to power a 100% electric economy.
I disagree but I fully admit it would be more complex than natural gas. Covering night and windless hours would require a completely smart grid across the entire country.
And you can't just light up a gas power plant for a few hours.
It can be left in an idle mode and with a smart grid, a limited number of such plants scattered around the country could provide backup where needed. And, again, I favor nuclear power, which can be left running, so to speak.
The anchor of an emission free powered country has to be nuclear power. It is the only source of electrical power hat is 100% reliable, scalable and capable pf providing baseline power 27/7/365
I do support nuclear power. I like fusion more than fission, but I will just have to wait a little bit longer.

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