Your Extinction.

Get ready to die. We aren't buying it.

Though there probably isn't anything that can be done about it anyway, by the time things get bad enough for you to "buy it," it will definitely be too late to do anything about.
Though there probably isn't anything that can be done about it anyway, by the time things get bad enough for you to "buy it," it will definitely be too late to do anything about.

You're young, you haven't been listening to this shit for 50 years. Not one damn prediction has come true.
There is a problem with terrible news. It could be so terrible that the government would refuse to tell you. For example, I watched a couple programs on PBS about it. They talked about "reinforcing feedback loops." But from what I remember, they never did say exactly what that meant. What it means is that the hotter it gets, the FASTER it will get even hotter. Also, I watched a program by Bill Nye called "Global Meltdown." In one part of it he interviewed a scientist who had been studying the problem for about 15 years. What he discovered caused him to quit his tenured professorship and start preparing for doomsday. Which he said could happen in as little as 20 years. The main culprit, methane.

They talked about "reinforcing feedback loops." But from what I remember, they never did say exactly what that meant. What it means is that the hotter it gets, the FASTER it will get even hotter.

Is that why, the last time it was 5 degrees warmer than today, everything died?
You're young, you haven't been listening to this shit for 50 years. Not one damn prediction has come true.

I can't say who has been telling you what for the past fifty years. But in post number 1, I posted a number of graphs. They tell the story.
They talked about "reinforcing feedback loops." But from what I remember, they never did say exactly what that meant. What it means is that the hotter it gets, the FASTER it will get even hotter.

Is that why, the last time it was 5 degrees warmer than today, everything died?

I'm not sure what you're talking about. But at the rate things are warming right now, you should be alarmed. I don't think things have warmed up at this rate at any time in the past. And in the past anything that happened was because of natural forces. What is going on today is caused by humans. For example, here's an interesting fact for you. It takes energy to create cement. Between 2011 and 2013, China has used more cement than the U.S. did in the entire 20th century. There is also speculation that all of that redistribution of mass could be causing the Earth's axis to shift.
What, no talk about nighttime, clouds, snow or latitude? As far as I could find, there are no major problems with solar panels. And they last up to 40 years. But that isn't the main issue. The main issue is that if you are planning on living past 2050, make other plans.
I thought they lasted a couple of decades also but my friend said they don't.

By the way, there is a difference in commercial cells that you put on your roof and those that are mass produced for solar farms. The farm cells are lower quality. It would be way too expensive to use the same kind as people put on their roofs.
The real destruction of these solar farms is the ruination of cop land that they are usually built on.
I thought they lasted a couple of decades also but my friend said they don't.

By the way, there is a difference in commercial cells that you put on your roof and those that are mass produced for solar farms. The farm cells are lower quality. It would be way too expensive to use the same kind as people put on their roofs.

Well your friend is wrong. Also, it would make no sense to make the solar panels on a solar farm less reliable than the kind that go on people's roofs. You know, instead of listening to your friend, maybe you should look things up for yourself.
The real destruction of these solar farms is the ruination of cop land that they are usually built on.

We have enough useless desert areas in the U.S. to power the world! Also, anywhere where there is a highway, or a parking lot, there is a place to put solar panels over.
I'm not sure what you're talking about. But at the rate things are warming right now, you should be alarmed. I don't think things have warmed up at this rate at any time in the past. And in the past anything that happened was because of natural forces. What is going on today is caused by humans. For example, here's an interesting fact for you. It takes energy to create cement. Between 2011 and 2013, China has used more cement than the U.S. did in the entire 20th century. There is also speculation that all of that redistribution of mass could be causing the Earth's axis to shift.

I'm not sure what you're talking about.

The planet, in the past, has been warmer than today, correct?

If "reinforcing feedback loops" were a one-sided thing, this should be a
lifeless planet, as hot as Venus, right?

Between 2011 and 2013, China has used more cement than the U.S. did in the entire 20th century.

Doubtful. Link?

There is also speculation that all of that redistribution of mass could be causing the Earth's axis to shift.

Doubtful squared. Is it your speculation? LOL!
Battery technology is indeed advanced enough. And how long a battery can provide power depends on how large the battery is. From what I was able to find out, Elon Musk came up with a battery for home use called the power wall. Apparently, you would need 3 of them to power your house for a whole day. You might also find this website to be informative. › science › energyTesla Battery in Texas: How Elon Musk's Giant Battery Works

So tell me how large of a battery will we need to heat every single home with electricity for 12 hours a day
We have enough useless desert areas in the U.S. to power the world! Also, anywhere where there is a highway, or a parking lot, there is a place to put solar panels over.
They are using Wisconsin farmland for these panels. Right down the road from me.
The AGW Cult are just drooling mindless Zombies parroting talking points
So Frank, how do the mindless learn talking points and parrot them? Don't activities like that require minds?

Here's some talking points for you.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the Earth had been cooling for 5,000 years, apparently moving towards the glacial phase of our cycle.

When we started burning significant amounts of fossil fuels, temperatures began to rise and the increases in CO2 and temperatures have both accelerated since then.

The greenhouse effect shows clearly that CO2 in the atmosphere warms the planet and that human GHG emissions are the primary cause of the observed warming.

That warming will produce harmful effects. The rise in sea level alone will cost the human species hundreds of trillions of dollars to deal with. Crop failures, weather extremes, loss of drinking water and increased temperatures will cost many trillions more and will kill many, many, many people.

You have decided that all the scientists on the planet have chosen to lie to us while the fossil fuel industry, to whom this is an existential threat, are as honest as angels in the driven snow.

AGW Deniers are the absolute epitome of "useful idiots"


AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023


AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis — IPCC
So Frank, how do the mindless learn talking points and parrot them? Don't activities like that require minds?

Here's some talking points for you.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the Earth had been cooling for 5,000 years, apparently moving towards the glacial phase of our cycle.

When we started burning significant amounts of fossil fuels, temperatures began to rise and the increases in CO2 and temperatures have both accelerated since then.

The greenhouse effect shows clearly that CO2 in the atmosphere warms the planet and that human GHG emissions are the primary cause of the observed warming.

That warming will produce harmful effects. The rise in sea level alone will cost the human species hundreds of trillions of dollars to deal with. Crop failures, weather extremes, loss of drinking water and increased temperatures will cost many trillions more and will kill many, many, many people.

You have decided that all the scientists on the planet have chosen to lie to us while the fossil fuel industry, to whom this is an existential threat, are as honest as angels in the driven snow.

AGW Deniers are the absolute epitome of "useful idiots"
It's all by rote!

If the "Burning of fossil fuels" is soooooooooooo dangerous and generates such massive heat why is it you only show us models for this imaginary "warming"? Quadruple CO2 in a lab and show us how much the temperature rises, should be 3C right for 2 doublings right?
It's all by rote!
The problem has not changed Frank. It has only gotten worse. YOUR arguments, though, have changed multiple times. It's the sun. It's the sun's spectrum. CO2 doesn't warm anything. CO2 is too little. CO2 is produced by warming. Humans didn't cause the CO2 increase. The Arctic isn't melting. Al Gore's predictions haven't come true. Roy Spencer knows better than anyone. It's all lies. Antarctica is getting colder. Antarctica is getting snowier. There've been no increases in storms, Polar Vortex, it was cold as shit today. Etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.
If the "Burning of fossil fuels" is soooooooooooo dangerous and generates such massive heat why is it you only show us models for this imaginary "warming"? Quadruple CO2 in a lab and show us how much the temperature rises, should be 3C right for 2 doublings right?
3C is the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity, Frank, not the Transient Climate Response. Apparently you don't understand the distinction.
The problem has not changed Frank. It has only gotten worse. YOUR arguments, though, have changed multiple times. It's the sun. It's the sun's spectrum. CO2 doesn't warm anything. CO2 is too little. CO2 is produced by warming. Humans didn't cause the CO2 increase. The Arctic isn't melting. Al Gore's predictions haven't come true. Roy Spencer knows better than anyone. It's all lies. Antarctica is getting colder. Antarctica is getting snowier. There've been no increases in storms, Polar Vortex, it was cold as shit today. Etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

3C is the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity, Frank, not the Transient Climate Response. Apparently you don't understand the distinction.

So there is no measurable temperature increase.
So Frank, how do the mindless learn talking points and parrot them? Don't activities like that require minds?

Here's some talking points for you.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the Earth had been cooling for 5,000 years, apparently moving towards the glacial phase of our cycle.

When we started burning significant amounts of fossil fuels, temperatures began to rise and the increases in CO2 and temperatures have both accelerated since then.

The greenhouse effect shows clearly that CO2 in the atmosphere warms the planet and that human GHG emissions are the primary cause of the observed warming.

That warming will produce harmful effects. The rise in sea level alone will cost the human species hundreds of trillions of dollars to deal with. Crop failures, weather extremes, loss of drinking water and increased temperatures will cost many trillions more and will kill many, many, many people.

You have decided that all the scientists on the planet have chosen to lie to us while the fossil fuel industry, to whom this is an existential threat, are as honest as angels in the driven snow.

AGW Deniers are the absolute epitome of "useful idiots"


AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023


AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis — IPCC

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the Earth had been cooling for 5,000 years, apparently moving towards the glacial phase of our cycle.

When we started burning significant amounts of fossil fuels, temperatures began to rise and the increases in CO2 and temperatures have both accelerated since then.

What start date do you use for the Industrial Revolution?

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