Your Extinction.

Is the extinction of most of the life on Earth an object? Also, you don't need to rely on just batteries. As I said, there are other ways of storing excess energy. Another thing is that if it was monetarily unfeasible, Elon Musk wouldn't be wasting his money. His intelligence has made him a multibillionaire. You are nothing compared to him. So tell me more Mr Nothing.

Another thing is that if it was monetarily unfeasible, Elon Musk wouldn't be wasting his money.

What do you mean?
He's making a bunch of money selling to idiots.
So, how much did YOU spend? What's your monthly savings?
Is the extinction of most of the life on Earth an object? Also, you don't need to rely on just batteries. As I said, there are other ways of storing excess energy. Another thing is that if it was monetarily unfeasible, Elon Musk wouldn't be wasting his money. His intelligence has made him a multibillionaire. You are nothing compared to him. So tell me more Mr Nothing.
Would Musk have invested without government kickbacks?
Stop being such an asswipe. Solar panels create enough electricity to be used during the day and night. All you need to do is store the excess electricity. And there are a number of ways to do that. Try reading my thread again. And look at the picture of the U.S. that shows the total area of solar panels it would take to do just that. That means ALL the electricity we would need. Maybe more than enough. Also, I don't know the exact figure on this next part. But there is probably enough solar radiation that hits the U.S. in one hour that it would take to power the U.S. for an entire year.
Battery power sucks in case you haven't realized it.

Even the largest batteries we have can't provide power for more than a few hours then you have to transmit that power over long distances.

Small nuclear reactors run 24/7/365 and create redundancy
What will the cost of planetary extinction be.

Imaginary extinction is much cheaper than getting every home battery backup for their stupid solar.

Talk about spending one or possibly two trillion to completely do away with fossil fuels,

Is that all? Awesome! Now show your math.

1. There is nothing imaginary about the greenhouse effect. It is undeniable science.

2. Apparently, it would cost 4.5 trillion dollars to get out from under the thumb of the energy industry.

Shifting U.S. to 100 Percent Renewables Would Cost $4.5 ...
Battery power sucks in case you haven't realized it.

Even the largest batteries we have can't provide power for more than a few hours then you have to transmit that power over long distances.

Small nuclear reactors run 24/7/365 and create redundancy

Batteries are just one way of storing energy. Next, batteries can put out as much power as you need for however long you need it. It just depends on how much electricity you have stored. And the battery in my cell phone can last for days. Next, if nuclear power was worth a damn, we would have gotten rid of coal fired power plants decades ago.
Another thing is that if it was monetarily unfeasible, Elon Musk wouldn't be wasting his money.

What do you mean?
He's making a bunch of money selling to idiots.
So, how much did YOU spend? What's your monthly savings?

The large battery arrays he is building are functional. The real idiots are the ones who won't buy into functional. Next, I don't have solar panels. But I wish the electricity I use came from them.
They tell me what to think? But not you, right?

Yes, they do tell you what to think. In ways that you probably aren't even aware of. Also, I speak the TRUTH to the limited degree that I am allowed around here. You can choose to believe it or not. And if you don't believe it, look it up for yourself.
Yes, they do tell you what to think. In ways that you probably aren't even aware of. Also, I speak the TRUTH to the limited degree that I am allowed around here. You can choose to believe it or not. And if you don't believe it, look it up for yourself.
And no one else thinks this exact same way, right?
1. There is nothing imaginary about the greenhouse effect. It is undeniable science.

2. Apparently, it would cost 4.5 trillion dollars to get out from under the thumb of the energy industry.

Shifting U.S. to 100 Percent Renewables Would Cost $4.5 ...

There is nothing imaginary about the greenhouse effect. It is undeniable science.

Your moronic claim that we'll be extinct by 2050 is imaginary.

it would cost 4.5 trillion dollars

Not one or two?

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