Your Extinction.

Global warming is caused by the Sun (over 99%). We are entering a phase where the Sun will cool the Earth.

Note that the full vertical height of this graph represents only a 0.184% increase in Total Solar Irrandiance. The actual change since the beginning of the industrial revolution to the present (1361.0 - 1361.4) is an increase of 0.00294%. This is far, far too slight to be responsible for the observed warming of the planet.

Note that the full vertical height of this graph represents only a 0.184% increase in Total Solar Irrandiance. The actual change since the beginning of the industrial revolution to the present (1361.0 - 1361.4) is an increase of 0.00294%. This is far, far too slight to be responsible for the observed warming of the planet.

If I ask you to check your math, will you accuse me of being a troll again?
Batteries are just one way of storing energy. Next, batteries can put out as much power as you need for however long you need it. It just depends on how much electricity you have stored. And the battery in my cell phone can last for days. Next, if nuclear power was worth a damn, we would have gotten rid of coal fired power plants decades ago.
Batteries have storage limits and your cell phone runs on milliwatts of power.

How much power do you think you need to store to run electric heat in every single home during the winter for 12 hours

Note that the full vertical height of this graph represents only a 0.184% increase in Total Solar Irrandiance. The actual change since the beginning of the industrial revolution to the present (1361.0 - 1361.4) is an increase of 0.00294%. This is far, far too slight to be responsible for the observed warming of the planet.

(1361.0 - 1361.4) is an increase of 0.00294%.

(1361.0 - 1361.4) is an increase of 0.00294%.

Can you cope with that? Do you really care which way I pick numbers or was that all you could find to say? TSI did increase. These wee nips you've taken to are not good Todd. Are you getting tired of actually talking about anything significant?
Can you cope with that? Do you really care which way I pick numbers or was that all you could find to say? TSI did increase. These wee nips you've taken to are not good Todd. Are you getting tired of actually talking about anything significant?

No, I can't cope with your bad math.
Elsewhere, I have been seeing some crap about global warming. Global warming is a reality. And it is being caused by humans. It's hard to tell if those who deny it are stupid or evil. I have even heard the CEO of EXXON admit that global warming was a reality. Even the Pentagon recognizes it as a threat. And you would have to be pretty stupid or evil to go against what around 98% of the scientists say.

Also, CO2 has been measured to be on the increase since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence? I don't think so. Another point is that all the volcanoes on Earth release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. The activities of humans are responsible for around 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2 each year. Also, global warming is getting exponentially worse. Which means that the hotter things get, the faster they will get even hotter.

What all this means is that if you are planning on living past about the year 2050, make other plans. The chief cause of your fast approaching extinction isn't CO2. (Which is bad enough) It is methane. Methane is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. And like CO2, the rate at which it is being released is also increasing. I will show you a graph showing the rate at which it is increasing. Incredibly, despite all the evaporating methane hydrate ice in the oceans or that being released from thawing tundra, about 60% of what is shown is being caused by human activities. I will also show you what other CO2 graphs that I have. For the deniers, continue to deny at your own peril.

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So why have you been a co2 polluter all your life and continue to do so?

For you to post this thread, you've had to use a pc or smartphone, was no co2 produced in their manufacture? Do you use items that have been welded? Welding produces greenhouse gases. Much of your food is driven and/or flown in. The list is endless.

So what is your point if you yourself pollutes with co2? Pseudo moralistic stances!!

People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours.

- Jordan Peterson
So why have you been a co2 polluter all your life and continue to do so?

For you to post this thread, you've had to use a pc or smartphone, was no co2 produced in their manufacture? Do you use items that have been welded? Welding produces greenhouse gases. Much of your food is driven and/or flown in. The list is endless.

So what is your point if you yourself pollutes with co2? Pseudo moralistic stances!!

People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours.

- Jordan Peterson
Do you eat any sugar? Carbohydrates? Trans-fats? Do you ever cross a road away from the crosswalk? Ever speed in your car? Ever push a red light? Ever miss an election? Did you get all your homework in on time? Ever cheat on a girlfriend or wife? Ever shoplift a pack of bubble gum? Have you been completely honest on your taxes?

Get the point?
There is nothing imaginary about the greenhouse effect. It is undeniable science.

Your moronic claim that we'll be extinct by 2050 is imaginary.

it would cost 4.5 trillion dollars

Not one or two?

1. Run farther and hide better from this word. EXPONENTIAL.

2. It wouldn't even cost 1 trillion if we did it right. That aside. Extinction. Wars fought for oil. Kissing Saudi Arabia's ass. How are those for costs. 100 trillion would be worth the cost.
So why have you been a co2 polluter all your life and continue to do so?

For you to post this thread, you've had to use a pc or smartphone, was no co2 produced in their manufacture? Do you use items that have been welded? Welding produces greenhouse gases. Much of your food is driven and/or flown in. The list is endless.

So what is your point if you yourself pollutes with co2? Pseudo moralistic stances!!

People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours.

- Jordan Peterson

How much beef have you eaten in the past 20 years. I have eaten none. That would put me ahead of you in that category. But it doesn't matter what I do. It doesn't matter what you do. Neither does it matter what every person who has ever visited this forum does. Unless we act as a nation, with the whole population, nothing will change.

Note that the full vertical height of this graph represents only a 0.184% increase in Total Solar Irrandiance. The actual change since the beginning of the industrial revolution to the present (1361.0 - 1361.4) is an increase of 0.00294%. This is far, far too slight to be responsible for the observed warming of the planet.

I think we need a graph for the stupid deniers around here who don't like graphs.
Batteries have storage limits and your cell phone runs on milliwatts of power.

How much power do you think you need to store to run electric heat in every single home during the winter for 12 hours

The only limit a storage battery has is its size. Next, did you not see the picture I showed of the U.S. and the total area of solar panels it would take to power the U.S. compared to it? That is it. What do you want to do. Heat or cool all the homes in the U.S. day and night? Melt steel or aluminum? Or power all other industries? Drive your electric car wherever? All that power and probably more is represented in the picture showing the total area of solar panels compared to the U.S. I mentioned. Get it? Got it? Good.
And the night lights.

Every house should have solar panels and a windmill and a small modular nuclear reactor to fill in the gaps and then everything will be okay.

With solar panels, who would need and small nuclear reactor.

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