Your favorite board

This is my main be honest I dont frequent any others at all.
I have a limit on the bullshit I can absorb in a 24 hour time period and seeing the same shit on all the others......why put myself through it?
At least here you dont get banned at the drop of a hat.
I usually have a main one as well. I always have a couple forum sites where I am a progressive lefty just for fun under various screen names, but I kinda stick to one main one atca time with the screen name I use here with my righty name.
so you admit youre just a useless POS troll,,,at least youre an honest one,,,
Political discussion is perceived as trolling by our political opponents.
Yep, ESPECIALLY when you use FACTS and do it in an intelligent way. Let's face it, the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics that post on this site do NOT like facts. And THAT'S the FACT, Jack!
This is my main be honest I dont frequent any others at all.
I have a limit on the bullshit I can absorb in a 24 hour time period and seeing the same shit on all the others......why put myself through it?
At least here you dont get banned at the drop of a hat.

Obviously I'm referring to politics.
I contribute on Gun,RV,Cooking,SxS and a a few other boards.
Although I spend most of my time here.
Cool! What IS SxS? I'm not familiar with that abbreviation.

It stands for Side by Side.

This is my main be honest I dont frequent any others at all.
I have a limit on the bullshit I can absorb in a 24 hour time period and seeing the same shit on all the others......why put myself through it?
At least here you dont get banned at the drop of a hat.
I usually have a main one as well. I always have a couple forum sites where I am a progressive lefty just for fun under various screen names, but I kinda stick to one main one atca time with the screen name I use here with my righty name.
so you admit youre just a useless POS troll,,,at least youre an honest one,,,
Au contraire, ph. Ev does NOT troll on this site, he always presents FACTS, which the liberal lunatics that post on here consider trolling, but it's NOT. And he sure isn't useless on here, his threads are intelligent, and always FACTUAL. While he MAY be a troll on other site(s), and it sounds like he has a lot of fun doing it, he sure isn't one on here.
Thanks. I'm thinking of jumping ship again, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe back to jpp, maybe onto something new...
You're welcome Ev. Do NOT jump ship to jpp, I check that site a couple times a day, it COMPLETELY sucks compared to this site. But you DO know that, of course.
This is my main be honest I dont frequent any others at all.
I have a limit on the bullshit I can absorb in a 24 hour time period and seeing the same shit on all the others......why put myself through it?
At least here you dont get banned at the drop of a hat.
I usually have a main one as well. I always have a couple forum sites where I am a progressive lefty just for fun under various screen names, but I kinda stick to one main one atca time with the screen name I use here with my righty name.
so you admit youre just a useless POS troll,,,at least youre an honest one,,,
Au contraire, ph. Ev does NOT troll on this site, he always presents FACTS, which the liberal lunatics that post on here consider trolling, but it's NOT. And he sure isn't useless on here, his threads are intelligent, and always FACTUAL. While he MAY be a troll on other site(s), and it sounds like he has a lot of fun doing it, he sure isn't one on here.
Thanks. I'm thinking of jumping ship again, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe back to jpp, maybe onto something new...
Where's them screenshots of that leftist admin at one of them I have?

Unless you're a leftist "yes man", you're not getting a fair shake at 80-90% of the forums out there.
That's just reality. :(
This is my main be honest I dont frequent any others at all.
I have a limit on the bullshit I can absorb in a 24 hour time period and seeing the same shit on all the others......why put myself through it?
At least here you dont get banned at the drop of a hat.
I usually have a main one as well. I always have a couple forum sites where I am a progressive lefty just for fun under various screen names, but I kinda stick to one main one atca time with the screen name I use here with my righty name.
so you admit youre just a useless POS troll,,,at least youre an honest one,,,
Au contraire, ph. Ev does NOT troll on this site, he always presents FACTS, which the liberal lunatics that post on here consider trolling, but it's NOT. And he sure isn't useless on here, his threads are intelligent, and always FACTUAL. While he MAY be a troll on other site(s), and it sounds like he has a lot of fun doing it, he sure isn't one on here.
Thanks. I'm thinking of jumping ship again, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe back to jpp, maybe onto something new...
Where's them screenshots of that leftist admin at one of them I have?

Unless you're a leftist "yes man", you're not getting a fair shake at 80-90% of the forums out there.
That IS sometimes true, Duke. I guess it depends on which moderator(s) are on this site at the time. Some really DO seem to favor the Lefties that post on here. But that seems to be only a problem with a couple of the mods on this site. The majority of them ARE fair and don't seem to take sides.
This is my main be honest I dont frequent any others at all.
I have a limit on the bullshit I can absorb in a 24 hour time period and seeing the same shit on all the others......why put myself through it?
At least here you dont get banned at the drop of a hat.
I usually have a main one as well. I always have a couple forum sites where I am a progressive lefty just for fun under various screen names, but I kinda stick to one main one atca time with the screen name I use here with my righty name.
so you admit youre just a useless POS troll,,,at least youre an honest one,,,
Au contraire, ph. Ev does NOT troll on this site, he always presents FACTS, which the liberal lunatics that post on here consider trolling, but it's NOT. And he sure isn't useless on here, his threads are intelligent, and always FACTUAL. While he MAY be a troll on other site(s), and it sounds like he has a lot of fun doing it, he sure isn't one on here.
Thanks. I'm thinking of jumping ship again, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe back to jpp, maybe onto something new...
Where's them screenshots of that leftist admin at one of them I have?

Unless you're a leftist "yes man", you're not getting a fair shake at 80-90% of the forums out there.
That IS sometimes true, Duke. I guess it depends on which moderator(s) are on this site at the time. Some really DO seem to favor the Lefties that post on here. But that seems to be only a problem with a couple of the mods on this site. The majority of them ARE fair and don't seem to take sides.
This site is fine, even if said mod leans left, there is a higher standard adhered to here.

Less abuse of power. There are mods that lean left here, too. BUT.. they are decent.

I may not agree with some of what they do, but who does agree with everything?
This is my main be honest I dont frequent any others at all.
I have a limit on the bullshit I can absorb in a 24 hour time period and seeing the same shit on all the others......why put myself through it?
At least here you dont get banned at the drop of a hat.
I usually have a main one as well. I always have a couple forum sites where I am a progressive lefty just for fun under various screen names, but I kinda stick to one main one atca time with the screen name I use here with my righty name.
so you admit youre just a useless POS troll,,,at least youre an honest one,,,
Au contraire, ph. Ev does NOT troll on this site, he always presents FACTS, which the liberal lunatics that post on here consider trolling, but it's NOT. And he sure isn't useless on here, his threads are intelligent, and always FACTUAL. While he MAY be a troll on other site(s), and it sounds like he has a lot of fun doing it, he sure isn't one on here.
Thanks. I'm thinking of jumping ship again, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe back to jpp, maybe onto something new...
Where's them screenshots of that leftist admin at one of them I have?

Unless you're a leftist "yes man", you're not getting a fair shake at 80-90% of the forums out there.
That's just reality. :(
Most of the time when I move on to a new site, it has something to do with lefty admin. I actually left this very site and moved onto jpp for a long time because a lefty admin was censoring my ability to speak out against muslims. Usmb hasn't been all that bad this time around though.
I'm curious about which political board sites are your favorite. I have been a member on many political board sites and move around from time to time, so I'd love to hear which ones my fellow forum junkies have liked the best.
You could have stated your position more succinctly, with a thread title like... “ Hey! Help me Dox you!”
USMB is my favorite is a little slow lately but hey, I go a little on twitter to speak with the French but I prefer to be here with the Americans, I become a little bit American virtually it's cool;)
Cool! I hope you are safe and sound there in France.
Thank you, I hope you are too? in France we have reached the peak of the virus now we are in the descent but in my region there are more than 20% of new cases, we must be careful but at the same time we do not really know how to act at the end.
USMB is my favorite is a little slow lately but hey, I go a little on twitter to speak with the French but I prefer to be here with the Americans, I become a little bit American virtually it's cool;)
Cool! I hope you are safe and sound there in France.
Thank you, I hope you are too? in France we have reached the peak of the virus now we are in the descent but in my region there are more than 20% of new cases, we must be careful but at the same time we do not really know how to act at the end.
Cases are irrelevant unless every person is tested every day. I had this virus so did my wife, she lost her hearing for a week.

Party hardy
I only raise an eyebrow when an active controversial subject thread is erased, seemingly because the mod on duty subjectively finds it distasteful.

I'll mention no names.
USMB is my favorite is a little slow lately but hey, I go a little on twitter to speak with the French but I prefer to be here with the Americans, I become a little bit American virtually it's cool;)

You are more American than many natives here who so claim.
USMB is my favorite is a little slow lately but hey, I go a little on twitter to speak with the French but I prefer to be here with the Americans, I become a little bit American virtually it's cool;)
Cool! I hope you are safe and sound there in France.
Thank you, I hope you are too? in France we have reached the peak of the virus now we are in the descent but in my region there are more than 20% of new cases, we must be careful but at the same time we do not really know how to act at the end.
I'm doing fine here in Valparaiso, Indiana. I'm lucky that I live in a predominantly conservative town, in a conservative state. There have been ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, not ONE death attributable to the Chinese Virus here. It DOES help that we've had conservative mayors for MANY years running. I love this sleepy little town!
This is my main be honest I dont frequent any others at all.
I have a limit on the bullshit I can absorb in a 24 hour time period and seeing the same shit on all the others......why put myself through it?
At least here you dont get banned at the drop of a hat.
I usually have a main one as well. I always have a couple forum sites where I am a progressive lefty just for fun under various screen names, but I kinda stick to one main one atca time with the screen name I use here with my righty name.
so you admit youre just a useless POS troll,,,at least youre an honest one,,,
Political discussion is perceived as trolling by our political opponents.
of course thats one description,,,

another is that we are all trolls to one degree or another,,,

but you openly admit to having multiple accounts on one forum and starting shit with them,,,
thats whats commonly referred to a piece of shit troll,,,
and you say you dont do that here,,,sorry I dont believe you and anyone that does is a moron,,,
USMB is my favorite is a little slow lately but hey, I go a little on twitter to speak with the French but I prefer to be here with the Americans, I become a little bit American virtually it's cool;)
Cool! I hope you are safe and sound there in France.
Thank you, I hope you are too? in France we have reached the peak of the virus now we are in the descent but in my region there are more than 20% of new cases, we must be careful but at the same time we do not really know how to act at the end.
Cases are irrelevant unless every person is tested every day. I had this virus so did my wife, she lost her hearing for a week.

Party hardy
In France the French are not tested much at least for the moment so we do not know who has the virus or not. you and your wife have had the virus a lot of people seem to catch this virus especially since we can be contaminated or be close to someone that it is and not know it
USMB is my favorite is a little slow lately but hey, I go a little on twitter to speak with the French but I prefer to be here with the Americans, I become a little bit American virtually it's cool;)
Cool! I hope you are safe and sound there in France.
Thank you, I hope you are too? in France we have reached the peak of the virus now we are in the descent but in my region there are more than 20% of new cases, we must be careful but at the same time we do not really know how to act at the end.
Cases are irrelevant unless every person is tested every day. I had this virus so did my wife, she lost her hearing for a week.

Party hardy
In France the French are not tested much at least for the moment so we do not know who has the virus or not. you and your wife have had the virus a lot of people seem to catch this virus especially since we can be contaminated or be close to someone that it is and not know it
How the hell are cases identified without testing.

Answer, they are not, what I am saying is that 90 or more percent of France is or was infected, 85 to 90 percent of all those infected have no or trivially minor symptoms.

If they really tested this would become obvious. The weird thing is why are they not testing

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