Your Favorite Things About Israel

An Israeli teenager tends an olive grove (Shutterstock).
I will bring you into the land which I swore to give to Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, and I will give it to you for a possession,
I Hashem.ā€

Exodus 6:8 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

vā€™-hay-vay-TEE et-KHEM el ha-A-retz a-SHER na-SA-tee et ya-DEE la-TAYT o-TAH
lā€™-av-ra-HAM lā€™-yitz-KHAK ul-ya-a-KOV vā€™-na-ta-TEE o-TAH la-KHEM mo-ra-SHAH a-NEE a-do-NAI

Pay Attention to Biblical Word Choice:
Heritage vs. Inheritance

Biblical Hebrew has two words relating to bequests: Morasha ( ), and yerusha ( ). Morasha, the Hebrew word for ā€˜possessionā€™ in this verse, is generally translated as ā€˜heritage,ā€™ while yerusha is translated as ā€˜inheritance.ā€™ The use of different words suggests a difference in meaning. An inheritance is simply passed on from the previous generation, while a heritage requires the receiverā€™s active involvement and participation, like a family business which the founderā€™s children must work hard to maintain. An inheritance may be squandered; a heritage must be preserved intact for the next generation. This certainly explains why the verse uses the word morasha with regard to Eretz Yisrael. The land requires our active involvement to maintain and preserve it, and it is not ours to squander.
[I'm forever thankful for having studied several years in Rabbi Grossman's school and yeshiva.
The state gave Rabbi the 'Love of Israel' prize among several, when he was building and taking care of lots of schools under his wing but refused to take anything for himself. Then he would visit the schools and personally give each of his thousands of students Hanukkah gifts, all while having 10 children 5 of whom he and his wife adopted after giving them shelter for a week... and that's just a glimpse into the great light and chesed that the Rabbi sparks in the world]

Chosson almost gave up hope
One of Israelā€™s most prominent and beloved rabbis, Rav Yitchok Dovid Grossman shlitā€a, is famous for his tremendous chesed. Many suffering men, women, and children have turned to Rav Grossman in times of need. This week, the Rav took Yitzchok Shlomo, a young man who has endured tragedy, under his wing.

Yitzchok Shlomoā€™s life took a grim turn in 2014, when his mother was diagnosed with cancer. His parents flew together to America for her treatments. In a shocking twist, Yitzchokā€™s father was diagnosed with cancer as well shortly afterward. They both died before returning home to their 13 children. The children of the family were utterly abandoned, left to grieve in shock. Yitzchokā€™s focus turned toward raising his younger siblings in his parentsā€™ absence. Recently, when the young man became engaged, he had to face the bitter truth: He has no parents to escort him to his chuppah.

Rav Grossman knew the young manā€™s story and felt that it was worthy of sharing internationally. AChesed Fund page features video footage of the Rav and the bochur together. Rav Grossman speaks extremely frankly in the video:

ā€œI ask you to help this boy because this is mamash the biggest mitzvah. Also pikuach nefesh and also hachnasas kallah, on the highest level that it can be. I ask you again, [donā€™t do] as much as you can, do more than you can, and Hashem will give you back everything [that] you need.ā€

Phrases such as ā€œthe biggest mitzvah,ā€ ā€œpikuach nefesh,ā€ and ā€œdonā€™t do as much as you can, do more than you canā€ stand out as particularly noteworthy. A rav of Rav Grossmanā€™s stature presumably does not use such phrases lightly.

Donations have begun to trickle in to the coupleā€™s wedding fund, with the hopes of making them a basic wedding and allowing them to establish a modest home. Those who donate can rest assured that they have joined Rav Grossman in a truly worthy cause, and receive his bracha to receive ā€œeverything that [they] need.ā€


Chosson almost gave up hope
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A fierce female warrior in the IDF proctecting the nation of Israel (LIBI).
Then Yael wife of Chever took a tent pin and grasped the mallet. When he was fast asleep from exhaustion, she approached him stealthily and drove the pin through his temple till it went down to the ground. Thus he died.
Psalms 30:1 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-ti-KAKH ya-AYL AY-shet KHE-ver et yā€™-TAD ha-O-hel va-TA-sem et ha-ma-KE-vet
bā€™-ya-DAH va-ta-VO ay-LAV ba-LAT va-tit-KA et ha-ya-TAYD bā€™-ra-ka-TO va-titz-NAKH
ba-A-retz vā€™-HU nir-DAM va-YA-af va-ya-MOT

A Female Warrior Acting on Behalf of the Nation of Israel

Yael is not the only great woman to act as a warrior on behalf of the Nation of Israel. Today, women form an important part of the Israel Defense Forces, serving at its highest levels. In 2011, Orna Barbavai made history, overcoming her underprivileged upbringing to become the first woman in IDF history to reach the rank of Aluf ( ), ā€˜Major Generalā€™. ā€œI am proud to be the first woman to become a major general, and to be part of an organization in which equality is a central principle,ā€ Barbivai said. The mother of three retired from the IDF in 2014, but serves as an inspiration to countless Israeli young women who enlist in the IDF each year and who know they can reach the highest levels not only in the IDF but throughout Israeli society.
Not exactly favorite... but a great song about a strange and sad reality...
for those who know Hebrew will understand...


The Flourishing Jordan Valley
Photo Credit: Mati Shriki

"I will also give thee for a light of the nations"
Isaiah 49:6

Preservation work on the 1,600-year-old inscription and wine press unearthed at the home of a wealthy Samaritan in Tzur Natan. (Galeb Abu Diab/Israel Antiquities Authority)

A salvage excavation ahead of the construction of a new neighborhood in the central Israel village of Tzur Natan has unearthed rare written evidence of much earlier occupation ā€” 1,600 years earlier ā€” when the agriculturally fertile area was racked by turmoil and rebellion.

Just outside an ancient wine press in the small southern Sharon Plain settlement, the Israel Antiquities Authority team discovered a well-preserved Greek inscription from the 5th century recording a blessing for one ā€œMaster Adios.ā€

(full article online)

5th century Greek inscription found at site of ancient Samaritan rebellion

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