Your Favorite Things About Israel

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An angel of Hashem came up from Gilgal to Bochim and said, “I brought you up from Egypt and I took you into the land which I had promised on oath to your fathers. And I said, ‘I will never break
My covenant with you.

Judges 2:1 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-YA-al mal-akh a-do-NAI min ha-gil-GAL el ha-bo-KHEEM va-YO-mer a-a-LEH et-KHEM mi-mitz-RA-yim va-a-VEE et-KHEM el ha-A-retz a-SHER nish-BA-tee la-a-VO-tay-KHEM va-o-MAR lo a-FAYR b’-ree-TEE i-t’-KHEM l’-o-LAM

A Covenant That Can Neither Be Changed Nor Broken
The angel, who is actually a human prophet according to Metzudat David, reiterates God’s promise that He will never erase the covenant made with the Patriarchs, according to which the Land of Israel belongs to the Children of Israel. Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, who was dean of the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva and a prominent leader of Religious Zionism, teaches that whenever the Bible describes a covenant between Hashem and the People of Israel, it is not a mutual agreement. Rather, it is a promise that God makes, which the Jewish people must embrace. As this covenant is completely divine, it can never be changed or broken. The establishment of the State of Israel after thousands of years of exile is clearly a fulfillment of this divine covenant. Click here to watch our NEW SERIES where Rabbi Tuly Weisz answers an important question many Christians are bothered by, "Did God break His Covenant with Israel?" based on today's verse!
Yagel Harosh & Yedidut - Yafa vTamah

"Beautiful and honest,
Innocent and perfect Torah
The pleasant, who could deepen in Your secrets
In the secret of a Living G-d"

- Rabbi Shlomo Avitbul


Jewish man fervently prays at the Western Wall (Shutterstock).
Accordingly, written instructions were dispatched by couriers to all the king’s provinces to destroy, massacre, and exterminate all the Yehudim, young
Esther 3:13 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

The Urgent Importance of Embracing Israel and Returning Often
Usually, the Torah gives us the reason why an individual, or the nation as a whole, are punished. Megillat Esther, however, does not explicitly state what the people did to deserve the threat of annihilation. When viewed in historical context, it becomes clear that the Jews of Shushan were guilty for not having returned to Eretz Yisrael even though they had the opportunity to do so. After the Persian king Cyrus conquered the Babylonians, he allowed the Children of Israel to return to the Land of Israel and begin reconstruction of the Beit Hamikdash. However, a mere 42,360 returned to Yerushalayim (Ezra 2:64) while close to a million remained in Babylonia. The generation was therefore punished for their lack of enthusiasm towards returning to Israel. This teaches us the importance of making every effort to embrace the land and to physically return to it whenever possible.

A beautiful home in Yemin Moshe, Jerusalem (Shutterstock).
I was asleep, But my heart was wakeful. Hark, my beloved knocks! “Let me in, my own, My darling, my faultless dove! For my head is drenched with dew, My locks with the damp of night.”
Song of Songs 5:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

a-NEE y’-shay-NAH v’-li-BEE ayr KOL do-DEE do-FAYK pit-khee LEE a-kho-TEE ra-ya-TEE yo-na-TEE ta-ma-TEE she-ro-SHEE nim-la TAL k’-vu-tzo-TAI r’-see-SAY LAI-lah

When God Knocks, Answer!

The words: “My beloved knocks,” in Hebrew kol dodi dofek ( ), form the title and theme of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s classic essay on religious Zionism. In this essay, Rabbi Soloveitchik highlights the miraculous events surrounding the establishment of the State of Israel and posits that God “knocked” six times to get our attention. He points to military successes, political opportunities, the theological awakening of the Christian world and other developments as contemporary signs that Hashem is beckoning the Jewish people to return to the Land of Israel. Rabbi Soloveichik cautions that we must respond quickly to these knocks, unlike the beloved who hesitates in this chapter, and later regrets her lost opportunity.

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