Your Favorite Things About Israel

Mount Tavor


Beautiful sunrise over part of the land bequeathed to the Jewish people by God (Shutterstock).
A good man has what to bequeath to his grandchildren, For the wealth of sinners is stored up for the righteous.
Proverbs 13:22 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

hTOV yan-KHEEL b’-nay va-NEEM v’-tza-FUN la-tza-DEEK KHAYL kho-TAY

What is the greatest inheritance left to the Jewish people?

A righteous man leaves more than a physical inheritance for his children and grandchildren, as the merit of his good deeds is also bequeathed to them. By contrast, though, the sinner’s wealth will ultimately pass to more worthy hands. The greatest inheritance left to the Jewish people is the Land of Israel, not to be squandered or given away, but passed to down to their children’s children for eternity. As a sign of the the newest generation taking responsibility for this great inheritance, many Jewish families who live outside of Israel make a special trip to the Western Wall in Jerusalem for their children's Bar and Bat Mitzvahs.

Guess who that is delivering Israel365 Purim baskets to IDF soldiers??
On the contrary, if you keep silent in this crisis, relief and deliverance will come to the Yehudim from another quarter, while you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows, perhaps you have attained to royal position for just such a crisis.”
Esther 4:14 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

KEE im ha-kha-RAYSH ta-kha-ree-SHEE ba-AYT ha-ZOT RE-vakh v’-ha-tza-LAH
ya-a-MOD la-y’-hu-DEEM mi-ma-KOM a-KHAYR v’-AT u-VAYT a-VEEKH
to-VAY-du u-MEE yo-DAY-a im l’-AYT ka-ZOT hi-GA-at la-mal-KHUT

Bring Joy to the People of Israel this Purim!

The joyous festival of Purim (Feast of Lots) celebrates God’s miraculous deliverance of the People of Israel from our enemies. Mordechai’s inspiring words move Esther to courageously step up and defend her people. Mordechai does not say, “If you are silent now, then we are all doomed,” because he knows that the God of Israel will never forsake His people. Instead, Mordechai empowers Esther to take a leading role in the redemption, and not to sit quietly on the sidelines as it unfolds. In every generation there are those who threaten the existence of the Nation of Israel. Ultimately, Hashem will defend His people and His land, but is up to each individual to decide if he or she will stand up, as Queen Esther did, on behalf of Israel.

Stand up and join Israel365 as we bring extra Purim spirit to sick children in the hospital, poor orphan boys and girls and the brave soldiers of the IDF. When you contribute, we will add your name to the cards we present along with our gift packages so that the People of Israel know that, unlike in the times of Mordechai and Esther, today, the Jewish people have Christian friends from all over the world. Just like God rescued Israel long ago, we pray God’s deliverance upon Israel, and upon all those who stand with the Jewish people today.

Rushing River in the Judean Desert After Recent Storm
Photo Credit: Racheli Eyal

"Sweet to the soul, and health to the bones"
Proverbs 16:24

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