Your Favorite Things About Israel

Food.. landscape.... historical places where Jesus walked ..... where he lived....

I love Israel.
Food.. landscape.... historical places where Jesus walked ..... where he lived....

I love Israel.
Well Jesus (Latin and English spelling; in Greek it is IESOUS from the Greek New Testament) lived in Nazareth which when I visited was a Palestinian town and not safe to visit so we did not go there. Neither the tour busses nor the Israelis whom I was staying with would go there.

Galilee was great especially the Catholic shrine on the Mount Of The Beatitudes [edited correction].

Jerusalem was spectacular but you need to understand history to know that the Church (chapel) Of The Holy Sepulcher was built LATER by Constantine's mother Lady Helena.

The real tomb is outside the north Gate called the Damascus Gate where the hill Golgotha also is. There is now a Christian cemetery on top of that hill, and the Garden Tomb is next to it.
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I cannot thank this post. If this video is in fact taken at the Kotel on the Sabbath, the person doing so did so in huge disrespect for Israeli and Jewish wishes for NO pictures to be taken at the Kotel on Shabbat.

I wouldn't have posted it. IMHO you should have your post deleted.

It could be on Friday before sundown.
Actually being daylight, it is most definitely on Friday before Sundown.

Friday at sunset begins the Jewish Sabbath.

Most Christians do not know that.
Well Jesus (Latin and English spelling; in Greek it is IESOUS from the Greek New Testament) lived in Nazareth which when I visited was a Palestinian town and not safe to visit so we did not go there. Neither the tour busses nor the Israelis whom I was staying with would go there.

Galilee was great especially the Catholic shrine on the Mount Of Olives.

Jerusalem was spectacular but you need to understand history to know that the Church (chapel) Of The Holy Sepulcher was built LATER by Constantine's mother Lady Helena.

The real tomb is outside the north Gate called the Damascus Gate where the hill Golgotha also is. There is now a Christian cemetery on top of that hill, and the Garden Tomb is next to it.
When did you visit?

I agree about Nazareth, on my first visit I tried to drive into Nazareth on a friday and the traffic was impossible. There were four lanes of cars trying to get onto a two lane side of the road. After about a half hour, I finally got to a side street on the right were I was able to turn off that nightmare and find my way out of town. On my second visit, there had been some riots in Nazareth, so I removed it from my list of places to see.

When did they move the Mount of Olives to the Galilee, LOL? Maybe you're talking about Mt. Tabor where the Church of the Transformation is?

Spot on about the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Garden Tomb. That could almost be true for most of the Christian sites in Israel, though, as I am sure that many were more than happy to take money from Lady Helena to show her an 'authentic' place.

When did they move the Mount of Olives to the Galilee, LOL? Maybe you're talking about Mt. Tabor where the Church of the Transformation is?

Sorry my mistake.

I meant to say the Mount of the Beatitudes.

It is the biggest of the 3 big hills north of the Sea Of Galilee.

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