Your Friendly Neighborhood Atheists

I guess that I should explain my reference to Westbro Church. My post was inspired by another post about how intolerant atheists are by forcing the removal of the cross from the highway. My point was that if the atheist left was so intolerant, they would be demanding that Westbro be denied the right to free hate speech. The ACLU is considered leftist by the Right, but they would be the first to step up to defend those jerks at Westbro...which is, as it should be. Planting a sign on a highway is a different matter. There are laws preventing anyone from planting any signs on public property without permission.

The Christian right needs to find a new bogyman other than the left.

Sorry about the confusion KNB. I thought that you were talking to me.

what you say sounds 'reasonable' but if the roadside sign wasn't a cross but a rainbow gay sign or a muslim crescent instead.....i sincerely doubt those atheists would be out there pulling them up....that is the crux of the matter and the real boogeyman....not whether there are laws against planting personal road signs....
Do you actually believe that the Westboro Baptist Church is "leftist"? Do you honestly believe that? If Westboro Baptist monkeys are "leftist" and the "left" is fighting for gay rights, and the Westboro Baptist monkeys protest against homosexuality at heterosexual soldiers' funderals, then what part of that makes the Westboro Baptist Church "leftist"?

Golly, I didn't realize that I had called the Westbro Baptist church "leftist". Perhaps you can refresh my memory by copying and pasting where I said that?
That was in response to dingleberry saying the Wesboro assholes are "leftist". They are even further to the right of teabaggers but teabaggers aren't smart enough to understand that because Fred Phelps comically promotes himself as a Democrat.

So was Stalin a right-winger or a leftist?

What about Mao?

What about Fidel?

What about Maduro?

What about Pol Pot?

What about Ho Chi Minh?

What about Lenin?

What about Kim Jong IL and his diseased successors?

What about Ceaucescu?

What about Mengistu Mariam?

What about Jyotl Basu?

Every single one of these motherfuckers was a leftist.

Every one of them.

Every single one of them demonstrated leftist leaning and practiced leftist ideology.

What's more, every one of them seized banks, confiscate wealth and redistributed money and land....

Just like dimocrap scum in here call for EVERY FUCKING DAY.

But when it goes bad... As it ALWAYS does, dimocrap scum call them 'conservatives' because... Well, you see... liberalism is just so awful good (just ask Mao and Stalin) and conservarism is just so awful bad.

dimocraps are lying scum. Top to bottom, inside out. scum

Fred Phelps was a democrat. he ran as a democrat, he lobbied as a democrat, he campaigned as a democrat.

Fred Phelps was a democrat.

Period. And he still is.

Know how I can tell?

He's insane. Just like the rest of you

And dishonest.

And corrupt.

And a liar

And a piece of shit.
There was a billboard on Lawrenceville highway halfway between Athens and Atlanta, Georgia that read, "Impeach Earl Warren". It was there for about 10 years. It had been put there by the John Birch Society. I always appreciated it's presence, because it marked the intersection where I had to turn right to get back to Athens where I went to the University of Georgia.

There's crazy rightwing billboards around here too.
Golly, I didn't realize that I had called the Westbro Baptist church "leftist". Perhaps you can refresh my memory by copying and pasting where I said that?
That was in response to dingleberry saying the Wesboro assholes are "leftist". They are even further to the right of teabaggers but teabaggers aren't smart enough to understand that because Fred Phelps comically promotes himself as a Democrat.

So was Stalin a right-winger or a leftist?

What about Mao?

What about Fidel?

What about Maduro?

What about Pol Pot?

What about Ho Chi Minh?

What about Lenin?

What about Kim Jong IL and his diseased successors?

What about Ceaucescu?

What about Mengistu Mariam?

What about Jyotl Basu?

Every single one of these motherfuckers was a leftist.

Every one of them.

Every single one of them demonstrated leftist leaning and practiced leftist ideology.

What's more, every one of them seized banks, confiscate wealth and redistributed money and land....

Just like dimocrap scum in here call for EVERY FUCKING DAY.

But when it goes bad... As it ALWAYS does, dimocrap scum call them 'conservatives' because... Well, you see... liberalism is just so awful good (just ask Mao and Stalin) and conservarism is just so awful bad.

dimocraps are lying scum. Top to bottom, inside out. scum

Fred Phelps was a democrat. he ran as a democrat, he lobbied as a democrat, he campaigned as a democrat.

Fred Phelps was a democrat.

Period. And he still is.

Know how I can tell?

He's insane. Just like the rest of you

And dishonest.

And corrupt.

And a liar

And a piece of shit.

^ and the foul-mouthed christian is on a roll. :D
That was in response to dingleberry saying the Wesboro assholes are "leftist". They are even further to the right of teabaggers but teabaggers aren't smart enough to understand that because Fred Phelps comically promotes himself as a Democrat.

So was Stalin a right-winger or a leftist?

What about Mao?

What about Fidel?

What about Maduro?

What about Pol Pot?

What about Ho Chi Minh?

What about Lenin?

What about Kim Jong IL and his diseased successors?

What about Ceaucescu?

What about Mengistu Mariam?

What about Jyotl Basu?

Every single one of these motherfuckers was a leftist.

Every one of them.

Every single one of them demonstrated leftist leaning and practiced leftist ideology.

What's more, every one of them seized banks, confiscate wealth and redistributed money and land....

Just like dimocrap scum in here call for EVERY FUCKING DAY.

But when it goes bad... As it ALWAYS does, dimocrap scum call them 'conservatives' because... Well, you see... liberalism is just so awful good (just ask Mao and Stalin) and conservarism is just so awful bad.

dimocraps are lying scum. Top to bottom, inside out. scum

Fred Phelps was a democrat. he ran as a democrat, he lobbied as a democrat, he campaigned as a democrat.

Fred Phelps was a democrat.

Period. And he still is.

Know how I can tell?

He's insane. Just like the rest of you

And dishonest.

And corrupt.

And a liar

And a piece of shit.

^ and the foul-mouthed christian is on a roll. :D

he says he's not a that means he can indulge in any depravity he feels like.....just like you guys do......:eusa_whistle:
I have yet to have any fellow atheists give me a plausible reason why they are offended by a symbol of a religion that worships a god they do not believe exists.
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Well, shouldn't the athiests have to identify themselves somehow? ... I mean we don't want our children to be in proximity to their satanesque ideas. Perhaps red lapel pins or something? (-:
No one would have said shit if they hadn't put a 7 foot cross the side of the road. I see plenty of 2 foot crosses along the highway and roads.

Let the poor woman grieve for her kid.

The cross wasn't going to be there forever it was in a bucket.
No one would have said shit if they hadn't put a 7 foot cross the side of the road. I see plenty of 2 foot crosses along the highway and roads.


Edge, you are filled by hate and rage. Thought that, it is your head, too wooly.

Atheists have every right to believe as you do.

Remember the Constitution.

How was the cross hurting anyone? The constitution protects religious freedom.
Keep your Christian symbols off the public property unless you want everyone else to add theirs. What she should have posted, with permission, was a sign that said My Son Died Here, Please Drive Safely.

The difference between you and that kid is that nobody will be to put a cross over your grave much less give a shit when you and your type are swept from this earth. Please Die Safely.
Atheists are the religious radicals of the political left. Just that simple. Anybody that doesn't realize that is too stupid to live.

When is the Supreme Court going to realize that Atheism is just another religion?

Favoring them is no different than abiding Christians over Muslims or favoring Muslims over Hindus.

It's simply religious repression from the left.

Just when you think militant atheists can’t be any more repulsive.

Via Fox News:

A grieving California mom who, under pressure from an atheist group, went to the site where her son was killed to remove a memorial cross was met at the scene by a throng of supporters who planted crosses of their own.

“They said they have to take that one down,” Doug Johnson, a Riverside resident who traveled to the site with his daughter and six home-made crosses, told The Riverside Press-Enterprise. ”But they didn’t say anything about putting another one up.”

AnnMarie Devaney agreed to remove a 5-foot cross she put up on the side of a road in Lake Elsinore to honor her 19-year-old son Anthony, who was struck by a car and killed two years ago, the paper reported. The American Humanist Association in Washington, D.C., caught wind of the cross and sent her a demand letter dated March 4 calling for her to remove it. The association said that its placement on city property violates the constitutional separation of church and state.

“It’s so petty and sad that they have to complain over removing a cross,” she said. “It’s his personal preference that he was Christian. What’s wrong with having a cross up?”

Devaney was emotional when she was at the site and said she was moved by her supporters. She was joined by her family and other families that brought their own cross. A woman in attendance told the paper that she is the stepmother of the driver struck Devaney’s son as he crossed Lake Street near an exit ramp, the paper reported.

who is "they"?

you understand that most people on the so-called left are believers, too, right.

did the court make her take it down?

just wondering..... since it sounds like she immediately gave in to a letter.... and then the radical religious right takes it from there.

sounds staged, like everything else "reported" by fake news.
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Keep your Christian symbols off the public property unless you want everyone else to add theirs. What she should have posted, with permission, was a sign that said My Son Died Here, Please Drive Safely.

No one has said they can't. A Jew, or a Muslim, or even a Atheist is absolutely free to place whatever remembrance they wish at the site of the death of a loved one. This attack on this woman is simply bullying a grieving mom. Anyone who supports this is a jackass of the first order.

The separation clause is there to prevent a STATE RELIGION, not prevent remembrances like this.

What a bunch of uncaring assholes.
No one would have said shit if they hadn't put a 7 foot cross the side of the road. I see plenty of 2 foot crosses along the highway and roads.

Yep...they are all over the place. But some people like to cry martyr.

seems to me it's the atheists doing the real crying....

there must be a large vampire cult among atheists.....since so many of them have an aversion to crosses.....:eusa_angel:
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Well, sarcasm aside, forcing people to remove roadside crosses from where their loved ones were killed is one of the dumbest, most self-absorbed, elitist bs things I've heard of in a while.

Now the city building some memorial with crosses and stars of davids ... doesn't bother me, but if somebody paying taxes is offended .... ok.
Atheists are the religious radicals of the political left. Just that simple. Anybody that doesn't realize that is too stupid to live.

When is the Supreme Court going to realize that Atheism is just another religion?

Favoring them is no different than abiding Christians over Muslims or favoring Muslims over Hindus.

It's simply religious repression from the left.

Atheist Group Forces Grieving Mom To Take Down Cross From Site Where Her Son Was Killed…


Just when you think militant atheists can’t be any more repulsive.

Via Fox News:

A grieving California mom who, under pressure from an atheist group, went to the site where her son was killed to remove a memorial cross was met at the scene by a throng of supporters who planted crosses of their own.

“They said they have to take that one down,” Doug Johnson, a Riverside resident who traveled to the site with his daughter and six home-made crosses, told The Riverside Press-Enterprise. ”But they didn’t say anything about putting another one up.”

AnnMarie Devaney agreed to remove a 5-foot cross she put up on the side of a road in Lake Elsinore to honor her 19-year-old son Anthony, who was struck by a car and killed two years ago, the paper reported. The American Humanist Association in Washington, D.C., caught wind of the cross and sent her a demand letter dated March 4 calling for her to remove it. The association said that its placement on city property violates the constitutional separation of church and state.

“It’s so petty and sad that they have to complain over removing a cross,” she said. “It’s his personal preference that he was Christian. What’s wrong with having a cross up?”

Devaney was emotional when she was at the site and said she was moved by her supporters. She was joined by her family and other families that brought their own cross. A woman in attendance told the paper that she is the stepmother of the driver struck Devaney’s son as he crossed Lake Street near an exit ramp, the paper reported.

Two years ago.......geesh. Most make-shift memorials go down after a few months.

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