"your individual liberty ends at my nose"

"Do NOT let any n*ggers buy these houses. They need to know their rightful place. They cannot be allowed to roam wherever they please!"

That would be systemic discrimination.
Which is exactly what this country had before public accommodation laws.
Institutional discrimination is bullshit and a low point for America. However, FORCING people to go against their will when it has absolutely NO effect on the general welfare is BULLSHIT.
Is it that hard to walk next fuckin door? Attack them on FB. Start a boycott. That is fine and your right. I am all for bigots being put out of business. Thing is, they have a RIGHT to be a bigot.
"Do NOT let any n*ggers buy these houses. They need to know their rightful place. They cannot be allowed to roam wherever they please!"

That would be systemic discrimination.
Which is exactly what this country had before public accommodation laws.
Institutional discrimination is bullshit and a low point for America. However, FORCING people to go against their will when it has absolutely NO effect on the general welfare is BULLSHIT.
Is it that hard to walk next fuckin door? Attack them on FB. Start a boycott. That is fine and your right. I am all for bigots being put out of business. Thing is, they have a RIGHT to be a bigot.
So....start a movement, a PAC, a petition campaign to your state lawmakers to get PA laws repealed. Have you done so yet? If not, why not?
So back to the OP. Why doesn't yours end at my nose? How is FORCING me to do something against my will, NOT putting my liberty in question?
Simply asking that question displays that you may never be able to comprehend the entire sphere of that subject matter. Given the way you appear to think individual rights are chopped up with a barrier between each for each of myriad discrete circumstances for each individual believing that the rights of others aren't impacted by the direct and indirect actions of others is to disregard the obvious!
I dont have the freedom to tell you no, but you have the freedom to tell me yes followed up with a fine and social assassination. Got it.
Maybe I just dont understand "individual liberty" :confused:
And you have the freedom to tell me yes if I discriminate against you based on your state's PA laws also.
The masks are coming off now. It's just like I said. Whenever you hear someone pining for the "good old days", this is what they are talking about. Homos, negroes, and all the other mud people knew their place.

We let the homos out of the closet, and we let those uppity negroes go wherever they please, and now everything has gone to hell! We have to eat our Big Macs next to N*GGERS!

It's against God and the Bible!
Don't be a dumbfuck, G.
I have NO problem with gays and them getting married.
I am not religious.
Try not to make up bullshit. You are being fuckin paranoid.
I have a problem with the empty rhetoric and perverted twists of "equality" and "fair" and such. It is bullshit. Why don't you try to prove me wrong instead of acting like an insecure, childish limp wrist?
I am showing you the results of your wishes. And the motives behind those who whine about accommodation laws.

I'm not making up bullshit. THESE THINGS ACTUALLY HAPPENED! And they would happen again if the bigots got their way.

Do you not know even RECENT history?!?
I am like none of that. Try again?
So it's just a coincidence you keep showing up wherever they do, singing backup harmony with them. Riiiiiight...
"Do NOT let any n*ggers buy these houses. They need to know their rightful place. They cannot be allowed to roam wherever they please!"

That would be systemic discrimination.
Which is exactly what this country had before public accommodation laws.

The problem is defining any form of business transaction as a public accommodation. And the discrimination you are mentioning was mandated by the local governments, it wasn't just the businesses choice.
So back to the OP. Why doesn't yours end at my nose? How is FORCING me to do something against my will, NOT putting my liberty in question?
Simply asking that question displays that you may never be able to comprehend the entire sphere of that subject matter. Given the way you appear to think individual rights are chopped up with a barrier between each for each of myriad discrete circumstances for each individual believing that the rights of others aren't impacted by the direct and indirect actions of others is to disregard the obvious!
I dont have the freedom to tell you no, but you have the freedom to tell me yes followed up with a fine and social assassination. Got it.
Maybe I just dont understand "individual liberty" :confused:
You're correct! You don't understand the entire scope along with the responsibilities of individual freedoms/liberties/rights.
"Do NOT let any n*ggers buy these houses. They need to know their rightful place. They cannot be allowed to roam wherever they please!"

That would be systemic discrimination.
Which is exactly what this country had before public accommodation laws.
Institutional discrimination is bullshit and a low point for America. However, FORCING people to go against their will when it has absolutely NO effect on the general welfare is BULLSHIT.
Is it that hard to walk next fuckin door? Attack them on FB. Start a boycott. That is fine and your right. I am all for bigots being put out of business. Thing is, they have a RIGHT to be a bigot.

To me there has to be some actual harm done to a person, not just hurt feelings.
The masks are coming off now. It's just like I said. Whenever you hear someone pining for the "good old days", this is what they are talking about. Homos, negroes, and all the other mud people knew their place.

We let the homos out of the closet, and we let those uppity negroes go wherever they please, and now everything has gone to hell! We have to eat our Big Macs next to N*GGERS!

It's against God and the Bible!
Don't be a dumbfuck, G.
I have NO problem with gays and them getting married.
I am not religious.
Try not to make up bullshit. You are being fuckin paranoid.
I have a problem with the empty rhetoric and perverted twists of "equality" and "fair" and such. It is bullshit. Why don't you try to prove me wrong instead of acting like an insecure, childish limp wrist?
I am showing you the results of your wishes. And the motives behind those who whine about accommodation laws.

I'm not making up bullshit. THESE THINGS ACTUALLY HAPPENED! And they would happen again if the bigots got their way.

Do you not know even RECENT history?!?
I am like none of that. Try again?
So it's just a coincidence you keep showing up wherever they do, singing backup harmony with them. Riiiiiight...
That's your fuckin problem. Think you know more than someone else does about their own life and choices.
Fuck you G5000. Fuck you.
Well call people like you "statists"
Why dont you post where I have said I am religious, against gay marriage and support institutional discrimination. I will GLADLY fuckin wait.
So back to the OP. Why doesn't yours end at my nose? How is FORCING me to do something against my will, NOT putting my liberty in question?
Simply asking that question displays that you may never be able to comprehend the entire sphere of that subject matter. Given the way you appear to think individual rights are chopped up with a barrier between each for each of myriad discrete circumstances for each individual believing that the rights of others aren't impacted by the direct and indirect actions of others is to disregard the obvious!
I dont have the freedom to tell you no, but you have the freedom to tell me yes followed up with a fine and social assassination. Got it.
Maybe I just dont understand "individual liberty" :confused:
You're correct! You don't understand the entire scope along with the responsibilities of individual freedoms/liberties/rights.
Please, for gawd sakes, ELABORATE.
Is it that hard to walk next fuckin door?

"This reasoning assumes that the harm to a constitutional right is measured by the extent to which it can be exercised in another jurisdiction. That's a profoundly mistaken assumption."
"Do NOT let any n*ggers buy these houses. They need to know their rightful place. They cannot be allowed to roam wherever they please!"

That would be systemic discrimination.
Which is exactly what this country had before public accommodation laws.
Institutional discrimination is bullshit and a low point for America. However, FORCING people to go against their will when it has absolutely NO effect on the general welfare is BULLSHIT.
Is it that hard to walk next fuckin door? Attack them on FB. Start a boycott. That is fine and your right. I am all for bigots being put out of business. Thing is, they have a RIGHT to be a bigot.

To me there has to be some actual harm done to a person, not just hurt feelings.
Well, sir, you sound like a fuckin bigot and you are anti-American.
Is it that hard to walk next fuckin door?

Harm is not measured "by the extent to which it can be exercised in another jurisdiction".
You hurt my feelings. YOU ARE BANNED
Yes, that is how stupid you sound. No joke.
Tell me, what about the person getting forced to go against their will, principles and integrity? What about their "hurt"? Are you a fuckin bigot or something?
The masks are coming off now. It's just like I said. Whenever you hear someone pining for the "good old days", this is what they are talking about. Homos, negroes, and all the other mud people knew their place.

We let the homos out of the closet, and we let those uppity negroes go wherever they please, and now everything has gone to hell! We have to eat our Big Macs next to N*GGERS!

It's against God and the Bible!
Don't be a dumbfuck, G.
I have NO problem with gays and them getting married.
I am not religious.
Try not to make up bullshit. You are being fuckin paranoid.
I have a problem with the empty rhetoric and perverted twists of "equality" and "fair" and such. It is bullshit. Why don't you try to prove me wrong instead of acting like an insecure, childish limp wrist?
I am showing you the results of your wishes. And the motives behind those who whine about accommodation laws.

I'm not making up bullshit. THESE THINGS ACTUALLY HAPPENED! And they would happen again if the bigots got their way.

Do you not know even RECENT history?!?
I am like none of that. Try again?
So it's just a coincidence you keep showing up wherever they do, singing backup harmony with them. Riiiiiight...
That's your fuckin problem. Think you know more than someone else does about their own life and choices.
Fuck you G5000. Fuck you.
Well call people like you "statists"
Why dont you post where I have said I am religious, against gay marriage and support institutional discrimination. I will GLADLY fuckin wait.
You should take a good look at who you run with.
Is it that hard to walk next fuckin door?

Harm is not measured "by the extent to which it can be exercised in another jurisdiction".
You hurt my feelings. YOU ARE BANNED
Yes, that is how stupid you sound. No joke.

No, the idea you should be able to ban someone of the wrong color is your belief system, not mine.

But you are correct it sounds really stupid. That's because it is.
Don't be a dumbfuck, G.
I have NO problem with gays and them getting married.
I am not religious.
Try not to make up bullshit. You are being fuckin paranoid.
I have a problem with the empty rhetoric and perverted twists of "equality" and "fair" and such. It is bullshit. Why don't you try to prove me wrong instead of acting like an insecure, childish limp wrist?
I am showing you the results of your wishes. And the motives behind those who whine about accommodation laws.

I'm not making up bullshit. THESE THINGS ACTUALLY HAPPENED! And they would happen again if the bigots got their way.

Do you not know even RECENT history?!?
I am like none of that. Try again?
So it's just a coincidence you keep showing up wherever they do, singing backup harmony with them. Riiiiiight...
That's your fuckin problem. Think you know more than someone else does about their own life and choices.
Fuck you G5000. Fuck you.
Well call people like you "statists"
Why dont you post where I have said I am religious, against gay marriage and support institutional discrimination. I will GLADLY fuckin wait.
You should take a good look at who you run with.
That's what I thought
There are bigots of all flavors, stripes and political persuasions out there, and forcing them to do something will only make them bigger bigots.

I'd rather just know who these people are, let them stew in their own misery, and find someone who wants to work with me.

Exactly. Likewise I'd love to know the places that WILL serve gays, liberals and non-citizens so I can ensure I don't do business with them.
There are bigots of all flavors, stripes and political persuasions out there, and forcing them to do something will only make them bigger bigots.

I'd rather just know who these people are, let them stew in their own misery, and find someone who wants to work with me.

Exactly. Likewise I'd love to know the places that WILL serve gays, liberals and non-citizens so I can ensure I don't do business with them.
Its nice to have that bigoted right, isn't it?

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