"your individual liberty ends at my nose"

"Do NOT let any n*ggers buy these houses. They need to know their rightful place. They cannot be allowed to roam wherever they please!"

That would be systemic discrimination.
Which is exactly what this country had before public accommodation laws.
Institutional discrimination is bullshit and a low point for America. However, FORCING people to go against their will when it has absolutely NO effect on the general welfare is BULLSHIT.
Is it that hard to walk next fuckin door? Attack them on FB. Start a boycott. That is fine and your right. I am all for bigots being put out of business. Thing is, they have a RIGHT to be a bigot.

To me there has to be some actual harm done to a person, not just hurt feelings.
Well, sir, you sound like a fuckin bigot and you are anti-American.

Well sir, I'm at least hoping this is sarcasm.
then why doesn't yours end at mine?

it does.

which is why you don't get to hang a sign on your business saying "no blacks, no jews and no gays".

you're free not to run a business if you can't live with that.

and thanks for quoting me. :thup:
Yes, your bigoted, ignorant nonsense was my inspiration for this thread. Thank you.

it is not bigotry to call other people on THEIR bigotry.

I never used to think you were an idiot. but anyone who thinks we should live in a world where you get to post signs saying "no blacks, no jews and no gays" and doesn't think that's bigotry is one.

That is bigotry. Thing is, I believe a person has a RIGHT to be a bigot. You can take you Marxist conformity and shove it up your ass. Be sure to have the government wipe it before, because you obviously cant do it on your own. Thanks.

you have the right to be as big a hate-filled imbecile as you wish. you don't have to have people in your home you hate. you don't have to go to church with people you hate. people you hate can be precluded from entering your home.

if you run a business for public accommodation, you have to accommodate the public.

I'm done addressing this because it's a) too disappointing; and b) pointless since you've been told the same things by multiple people and still can't get your wee brain around it.
Is it that hard to walk next fuckin door?

Harm is not measured "by the extent to which it can be exercised in another jurisdiction".
You hurt my feelings. YOU ARE BANNED
Yes, that is how stupid you sound. No joke.
Tell me, what about the person getting forced to go against their will, principles and integrity? What about their "hurt"? Are you a fuckin bigot or something?

yeah, cause that's what it's about... hurt feelings.

that whole segregation thing was just about hurt feelings.

wow.... just wow. :cuckoo:
poor dear. whatever made you think that anyplace is or should be a conclave of bigots?

the type of society you "prefer" exists. the people there are just muslim extremists though. you think just like the ISIS types. maybe you should go live with them.

see where I'm going with this, dear?

That's where I'd be happy to go as well. Unfortunately they require one to be Muslim to get citizenship and I don't believe organized religion to be appropriate.
you're a sad little man.

if you weren't so vile, I might feel badly for you.

No. I'm a very pissed off guy of slightly less thsn average height.

It would be a serious waste of your or snyone else's time freling sorry for me, since I don't believe in such things as compassion or pity.

then you must have had terrible things happen to you. and for that I am sorry.
then why doesn't yours end at mine?

Not under FDR's Fascist Constitution of 1935

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini

So under FDR's constitution whether or not you have an individual privilege depends on the congresscritters , executive discretion or 5-4 majorities in the so-called SCOTUS

Under fascism you do not have rights - you are allowed privileges out of the goodness of their hearts.

poor dear. whatever made you think that anyplace is or should be a conclave of bigots?

the type of society you "prefer" exists. the people there are just muslim extremists though. you think just like the ISIS types. maybe you should go live with them.

see where I'm going with this, dear?

That's where I'd be happy to go as well. Unfortunately they require one to be Muslim to get citizenship and I don't believe organized religion to be appropriate.

yeah, but think of how happy you'd be hating everyone else in the world.
I believe in individual liberty so I get clumped in with racists and bigots. Nice.
Talk about fuckin ignorance!

Fun, isn't it? meanwhile they get their panties in a bunch when they get lumped together with our statist "buddies" from the past, even though the tactics they use all flow from those idiots.
poor dear. whatever made you think that anyplace is or should be a conclave of bigots?

the type of society you "prefer" exists. the people there are just muslim extremists though. you think just like the ISIS types. maybe you should go live with them.

see where I'm going with this, dear?

That's where I'd be happy to go as well. Unfortunately they require one to be Muslim to get citizenship and I don't believe organized religion to be appropriate.
Some of the Westerners who have joined ISIS were raised as Christians and converted to the Branch Davidian version of Islam because it was the cool thing for batshit losers to do. So it isn't like you would be the first.
I believe in individual liberty so I get clumped in with racists and bigots. Nice.
Talk about fuckin ignorance!

Fun, isn't it? meanwhile they get their panties in a bunch when they get lumped together with our statist "buddies" from the past, even though the tactics they use all flow from those idiots.

poor babies.... how sad that you can't humiliate and denigrate other people who want to eat at the lunch counter

There are bigots of all flavors, stripes and political persuasions out there, and forcing them to do something will only make them bigger bigots.

I'd rather just know who these people are, let them stew in their own misery, and find someone who wants to work with me.

My ego is not such that I have a need to see them punished for being ignorant. They're probably miserable enough, as it is.

so we should go back to jim crow?

if you can't do your job legally and without discriminating then you should probably find different work.

Jim Crow was legally mandated discrimination at the State and local level, and I have already said that government discrimination is unconstitutional and not acceptable in any way shape or form. TN more than likely agrees with me on this.
I believe in individual liberty so I get clumped in with racists and bigots. Nice.
Talk about fuckin ignorance!

Fun, isn't it? meanwhile they get their panties in a bunch when they get lumped together with our statist "buddies" from the past, even though the tactics they use all flow from those idiots.

poor babies.... how sad that you can't humiliate and denigrate other people who want to eat at the lunch counter


Poor fascist, wanting to justify ruining a person's livelihood over not baking a cake.
There are bigots of all flavors, stripes and political persuasions out there, and forcing them to do something will only make them bigger bigots.

I'd rather just know who these people are, let them stew in their own misery, and find someone who wants to work with me.

My ego is not such that I have a need to see them punished for being ignorant. They're probably miserable enough, as it is.

so we should go back to jim crow?

if you can't do your job legally and without discriminating then you should probably find different work.
Jim Crow? Right to the straw man arguments, huh?

I'm not fond of bigots on either end of the spectrum, and there are many.
then why doesn't yours end at mine?

it does.

which is why you don't get to hang a sign on your business saying "no blacks, no jews and no gays".

you're free not to run a business if you can't live with that.

and thanks for quoting me. :thup:
Yes, your bigoted, ignorant nonsense was my inspiration for this thread. Thank you.

it is not bigotry to call other people on THEIR bigotry.

I never used to think you were an idiot. but anyone who thinks we should live in a world where you get to post signs saying "no blacks, no jews and no gays" and doesn't think that's bigotry is one.

That is bigotry. Thing is, I believe a person has a RIGHT to be a bigot. You can take you Marxist conformity and shove it up your ass. Be sure to have the government wipe it before, because you obviously cant do it on your own. Thanks.

you have the right to be as big a hate-filled imbecile as you wish. you don't have to have people in your home you hate. you don't have to go to church with people you hate. people you hate can be precluded from entering your home.

if you run a business for public accommodation, you have to accommodate the public.

I'm done addressing this because it's a) too disappointing; and b) pointless since you've been told the same things by multiple people and still can't get your wee brain around it.

All businesses are not public accommodations, despite your side's continuous attempts to make that so.

Awww, is justifying government jack-booted thuggery to promote your political agenda tiring??? Might I suggest the Hello Kitty message board as something more your speed?
That would be systemic discrimination.
Which is exactly what this country had before public accommodation laws.
Institutional discrimination is bullshit and a low point for America. However, FORCING people to go against their will when it has absolutely NO effect on the general welfare is BULLSHIT.
Is it that hard to walk next fuckin door? Attack them on FB. Start a boycott. That is fine and your right. I am all for bigots being put out of business. Thing is, they have a RIGHT to be a bigot.

To me there has to be some actual harm done to a person, not just hurt feelings.
Well, sir, you sound like a fuckin bigot and you are anti-American.

Well sir, I'm at least hoping this is sarcasm.
duh lol
Simply asking that question displays that you may never be able to comprehend the entire sphere of that subject matter. Given the way you appear to think individual rights are chopped up with a barrier between each for each of myriad discrete circumstances for each individual believing that the rights of others aren't impacted by the direct and indirect actions of others is to disregard the obvious!
I dont have the freedom to tell you no, but you have the freedom to tell me yes followed up with a fine and social assassination. Got it.
Maybe I just dont understand "individual liberty" :confused:
You're correct! You don't understand the entire scope along with the responsibilities of individual freedoms/liberties/rights.
Please, for gawd sakes, ELABORATE.
Read and UNDERSTAND my post #33 to which you responded and see where you wrote, "Maybe I just dont understand "individual liberty"". If you understand what was written before, then there should no problem with you understanding that I agreed with you when you said, "Maybe I just dont understand "individual liberty"". That should be clear enough for the vast majority of folks to understand!
So you cant. ok
No, I did elaborate but you simply refuse to admit your error or that you're not the egalitarian you are now trying to claim you are! In any case, you're conflicted.

You are not acknowledging that one's actions can well impact the individual freedoms/liberties/rights of others directly as well as indirectly. With that being true, your initial assertion about those same individual freedoms/liberties/rights stopping at the end one's nose is a faulty conclusion by denying the full scope of the issue beyond the end of a given nose. Perhaps a subject too esoteric for some to comprehend!
then why doesn't yours end at mine?

it does.

which is why you don't get to hang a sign on your business saying "no blacks, no jews and no gays".

you're free not to run a business if you can't live with that.

and thanks for quoting me. :thup:
Yes, your bigoted, ignorant nonsense was my inspiration for this thread. Thank you.

it is not bigotry to call other people on THEIR bigotry.

I never used to think you were an idiot. but anyone who thinks we should live in a world where you get to post signs saying "no blacks, no jews and no gays" and doesn't think that's bigotry is one.

That is bigotry. Thing is, I believe a person has a RIGHT to be a bigot. You can take you Marxist conformity and shove it up your ass. Be sure to have the government wipe it before, because you obviously cant do it on your own. Thanks.

you have the right to be as big a hate-filled imbecile as you wish. you don't have to have people in your home you hate. you don't have to go to church with people you hate. people you hate can be precluded from entering your home.

if you run a business for public accommodation, you have to accommodate the public.

I'm done addressing this because it's a) too disappointing; and b) pointless since you've been told the same things by multiple people and still can't get your wee brain around it.
Because you are all conformists and are not even commenting on the principles of liberty. Forcing someone to do things against their will is the ASS OPPOSITE of liberty.
I dont have the freedom to tell you no, but you have the freedom to tell me yes followed up with a fine and social assassination. Got it.
Maybe I just dont understand "individual liberty" :confused:
You're correct! You don't understand the entire scope along with the responsibilities of individual freedoms/liberties/rights.
Please, for gawd sakes, ELABORATE.
Read and UNDERSTAND my post #33 to which you responded and see where you wrote, "Maybe I just dont understand "individual liberty"". If you understand what was written before, then there should no problem with you understanding that I agreed with you when you said, "Maybe I just dont understand "individual liberty"". That should be clear enough for the vast majority of folks to understand!
So you cant. ok
No, I did elaborate but you simply refuse to admit your error or that you're not the egalitarian you are now trying to claim you are! In any case, you're conflicted.

You are not acknowledging that one's actions can well impact the individual freedoms/liberties/rights of others directly as well as indirectly. With that being true, your initial assertion about those same individual freedoms/liberties/rights stopping at the end one's nose is a faulty conclusion by denying the full scope of the issue beyond the end of a given nose. Perhaps a subject too esoteric for some to comprehend!
How is one being turned down at someones business depriving them of liberty? I assume that is what you meant by "indirectly"? Perhaps their "feelings"?
then why doesn't yours end at mine?

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