Your opinion on Biden's Press Conference performance?

What's your opinion on Biden's performance today? You can choose two

  • Worse than I imagined, and I expected it would be scripted. Total madness

    Votes: 18 33.3%
  • Exactly or close what I imagined. Total insanity, 1984 stuff right now, & the left made it happen

    Votes: 23 42.6%
  • I had no idea Biden had declined so far, this is alarming

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • I thought Biden did pretty well

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • I thought Biden did very well. He's honest & very caring, and he's transparent

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • Biden is so refreshing. He's sharp, honest, genuine, a great leader & confirmed my belief in him

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Cold Play sucks

    Votes: 5 9.3%

  • Total voters
Here are the tallies so far:
45 know Biden is a wreck
12 selected Biden did well or even great

However only 49 people voted, so there are eight votes too many. We conducted an audit and found seven of those duplicate ballots were favorable Biden, and one duplicate ballot was disfavorable Biden. So the actual tally is....
44 know Biden is a wreck
5 selected Biden did well or even great

We also researched if perhaps there's a link between Democrats & Republicans who favor or disfavor Biden enough to enter two votes dishonestly. Remarkably consistent with this poll, our research found that:
3.7% of Republicans are generally dishonest people.
73.8% of Democrats are generally dishonest people.
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You complained that Biden uses notes and needs pictures to remember reporter's names. Trump also uses notes and Trump forgets people's names.

Give it up, you are oozing desperation.

Personally, I've never seen any other president do a formal presser with a complete briefing book and a pre-selected list of journalists to call upon. I can't imagine that those journalists did not have to submit their softball questions ahead. Then the same journalists were allowed to ask "follow-up questions which were totally unrelated to their initial question.

He stumbled, mumbled, and was rattled.

Quit trying to defend the indefensible.

You complained that Biden uses notes and needs pictures to remember reporter's names. Trump also uses notes and Trump forgets people's names.

Give it up, you are oozing desperation.

Personally, I've never seen any other president do a formal presser with a complete briefing book and a pre-selected list of journalists to call upon. I can't imagine that those journalists did not have to submit their softball questions ahead. Then the same journalists were allowed to ask "follow-up questions which were totally unrelated to their initial question.

He stumbled, mumbled, and was rattled.

Quit trying to defend the indefensible.

:thankusmile::yes_text12: He always get desperate and throws Hail Marys when getting his ass handed to him on a platter.
President "Sleepy Joe" Biden is certainly on track to being the best President of the 21st century.
Just as you are on track to be the most pathetic liar and simpering fool of the 21st century.
How do you post with Joe's withered dick in your mouth? Kudos for that.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Indeed,this child gave us the most comedic post of the entire year,nobody can top that comedy piece.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: He wins for prize for retard of the year
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President "Sleepy Joe" Biden is certainly on track to being the best President of the 21st century.
You’re certainly on your way to being retard of the year. Which makes it what? A five peat at this point?

He's dueling out with Richard, Brain, OldLady, Brain and Billy to defend his crown.
Don’t forget Banker the baby that goes into meltdown mode and throws Bible length tantrums when taken to school that the demorats are as much war mongers as the repubs and history shows even’s hard to tell the differerence between him and can tell they are both kids,and dont forget that other child AFrench.
Trump didn't use notes

Ok. What about pics of reporters with their names?

No notes or pictures. He's real.

Real forgetful of people's names.

No more than anyone else who has a couple hundred people working for him. Joe doesn't even know what day it is. Joe has dementia and that's a fact.

Ok so let's put it all together here.

You complained that Biden uses notes and needs pictures to remember reporter's names. Trump also uses notes and Trump forgets people's names.

Seems like pretty similar issues there. Clearly you just have BDS.

Yep, and you have TDS.

Hey at least you admit your BDS. That's the first step to recovery.

Hey, that's my line. When are you going to admit your TDS?

Neat. Well enjoy the next four years.

Oh, he isn't going to last four years.

If only I had a dollar for every rightwinger claim about what Biden cannot possibly do...and then does.

What has he done?

Better question is what rock have you been under for the last two years.

Biden couldn't win nomination.
He couldn't win a debate against Trump.
He couldn't make it a competetive general election.
He couldn't win the general election.

And then he did.
So if it's normal, why are they blocking the media?
Why are stuffing hundreds of people in pods designed for 80??
Why are they putting them up in hotels if there is not a surge?

Unrelated to what I was showing.

Acknowledge that his comment was incorrect and then I can address your question.
His comment was incorrect.
February 2021, 100'000 people illegally crossed the southern border.
That's triple the amount from February 2020.

Still unrelated to what I was showing.

Did you even reads my post?
Yes, I know we have to pay more taxes. And there will likely be more wars. And the country has never been so divided. And white kids will be taught to hate themselves. And women's sports is officially dead. And we are no longer energy independent.
But yay, it's not Trump.
Idiots like you should be banned from political forums.

Aww you’re just being dramatic because your guy lost.

It’s going to be ok, snowflake.
Biden didn't

  • Gratuitously insult anyone
  • Whine about being treated unfairly
  • Talk about how great he is
  • Suggest people drink bleach to cure the Coronavirus

So based on the recent past, a fairly good presser

Bingo. Four years of infantile tantrum Presidency can give a whole new appreciation for just basic no-nonsense governing.
You complained that Biden uses notes and needs pictures to remember reporter's names. Trump also uses notes and Trump forgets people's names.

Give it up, you are oozing desperation.

Personally, I've never seen any other president do a formal presser with a complete briefing book and a pre-selected list of journalists to call upon. I can't imagine that those journalists did not have to submit their softball questions ahead. Then the same journalists were allowed to ask "follow-up questions which were totally unrelated to their initial question.

He stumbled, mumbled, and was rattled.

Quit trying to defend the indefensible.


He looked fine to me. You just have BDS and it’s very obvious.
I only watched part of it. What specifically was so bad about it?

I suspect it's just BDS.

WOW! You sure went off on a rant to defend the indefensible for post, after post, after post.


Notice that you didn’t mention anything specific either. Just as I expected.

I’ve got a herd of retards following me around and unable to follow simple instructions. Welcome!
I only watched part of it. What specifically was so bad about it?

I suspect it's just BDS.

Aaaaand back to this post.

Trumpsters can’t mention anything specifically bad about his press conference.
They just line up and mindlessly agree with each other:





Thanks guys. Nothing specific mentioned. Thanks for confirming that you all just have a bad case of BDS and you’re just upset that Trump lost. Enjoy the next four years.
Trumpsters only like press conferences where the President insults people and talks about himself for 90 embarrassing minutes.

That's interesting to them. It keeps their attention 'n stuff.

Xiden "I'm flattered people are coming here because I'm a nice guy".

You still repeating that lie? Once again, that's not what he said.

Joe Biden: (08:55)
Well, look, I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy. That’s the reason why it’s happening, that I’m a decent man or however it’s phrased, that that’s why they’re coming, because they know Biden’s a good guy. Truth of the matter is, nothing has changed. As many people came, a 28% increase in children to the border in my administration, 31% in the last year, in 2019, before the pandemic in the Trump administration. It happens every single solitary year. There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. It happens every year. In addition to that, there is a …. And by the way, does anybody suggest that there was a 31% increase under Trump because he was a nice guy and he was doing good things at the border? That’s not the reason they’re coming.

Joe Biden: (09:57)
The reason they’re coming is that it’s the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way because of the heat and the desert, number one. Number two, they’re coming because of the circumstances in country, in country. The way to deal with this problem, and I started to deal with it back when I was Vice President putting together a bipartisan plan of over $700 million to do the root causes of why people are leaving. What did Trump do? He eliminated that funding. He didn’t use it. He didn’t do it. And in addition to that, what he did, he dismantled all the elements that exist to deal with what had been a problem and has been continued to be a problem for a long time. He, in fact, shut down the number of beds available. He did not fund HHS to get people to get the children out of those Border Patrol facilities, where they should not be, and not supposed to be more than a few days, a little while.
Trumpsters have their own, special perception skills.

Whatever they see or hear is immediately twisted to support the talk radio narrative.

Keeps things real simple 'n stuff!
How have the videos of the Veggie Joe debacle been twisted into some talk radio narrative? :cuckoo:
I only watched part of it. What specifically was so bad about it?

I suspect it's just BDS.

Aaaaand back to this post.

Trumpsters can’t mention anything specifically bad about his press conference.
They just line up and mindlessly agree with each other:





Thanks guys. Nothing specific mentioned. Thanks for confirming that you all just have a bad case of BDS and you’re just upset that Trump lost. Enjoy the next four years.
Trumpsters can’t mention anything specifically bad about his press conference.

You have to ignore all the direct quotes and videos to conclude that.

You are a special kind of stupie.
Trumpsters only like press conferences where the President insults people and talks about himself for 90 embarrassing minutes.

That's interesting to them. It keeps their attention 'n stuff.

Xiden "I'm flattered people are coming here because I'm a nice guy".

You still repeating that lie? Once again, that's not what he said.

Joe Biden: (08:55)
Well, look, I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy. That’s the reason why it’s happening, that I’m a decent man or however it’s phrased, that that’s why they’re coming, because they know Biden’s a good guy. Truth of the matter is, nothing has changed. As many people came, a 28% increase in children to the border in my administration, 31% in the last year, in 2019, before the pandemic in the Trump administration. It happens every single solitary year. There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. It happens every year. In addition to that, there is a …. And by the way, does anybody suggest that there was a 31% increase under Trump because he was a nice guy and he was doing good things at the border? That’s not the reason they’re coming.

Joe Biden: (09:57)
The reason they’re coming is that it’s the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way because of the heat and the desert, number one. Number two, they’re coming because of the circumstances in country, in country. The way to deal with this problem, and I started to deal with it back when I was Vice President putting together a bipartisan plan of over $700 million to do the root causes of why people are leaving. What did Trump do? He eliminated that funding. He didn’t use it. He didn’t do it. And in addition to that, what he did, he dismantled all the elements that exist to deal with what had been a problem and has been continued to be a problem for a long time. He, in fact, shut down the number of beds available. He did not fund HHS to get people to get the children out of those Border Patrol facilities, where they should not be, and not supposed to be more than a few days, a little while.
Trumpsters have their own, special perception skills.

Whatever they see or hear is immediately twisted to support the talk radio narrative.

Keeps things real simple 'n stuff!
How have the videos of the Veggie Joe debacle been twisted into some talk radio narrative? :cuckoo:
I explained that in the first sentence.

I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Biden didn't

  • Gratuitously insult anyone
  • Whine about being treated unfairly
  • Talk about how great he is
  • Suggest people drink bleach to cure the Coronavirus

So based on the recent past, a fairly good presser
  • Suggest people drink bleach to cure the Coronavirus

Who has? Bring a link Toro

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