Your Political Affiliation (Not Necessarily Ideology)

What best describes you?

  • Progressive Democrat - Liberal on almost all issues

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Moderate Democrat - Socially moderate, fiscally populist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Moderate Democrat - Socially liberal, fiscally moderate

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Independent - Socially conservative, fiscally populist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent - All over the place

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Independent - Socially liberal, fiscally conservative

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Moderate Republican - Socially moderate, fiscally conservative

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Moderate Republican - Socially conservative, fiscally moderate

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Conservative Republican - Conservative on almost all issues

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Other (i.e., Libertarian, Green, Socialist, etc.)

    Votes: 11 30.6%

  • Total voters


Typical RINO
Jun 27, 2013
Hello, all. I'm new to the board, and I'd like to start out with a poll. :cool: As for your answer, I'm more interested in what you register as (not necessarily how you vote). For example, I have a friend from Oklahoma who is a proud Democrat but hasn't voted for a Democrat for President in years, and I also know people in Maine who have been Republicans since birth yet haven't voted for a Republican since Bush 41. Thanks for any and all responses!
Currently a registered Republican, if for nothing else but to vote in the state primary...

Though so disgusted with the Republican party, I may change my registration to the Constitution party...
Hello, all. I'm new to the board, and I'd like to start out with a poll. :cool: As for your answer, I'm more interested in what you register as (not necessarily how you vote). For example, I have a friend from Oklahoma who is a proud Democrat but hasn't voted for a Democrat for President in years, and I also know people in Maine who have been Republicans since birth yet haven't voted for a Republican since Bush 41. Thanks for any and all responses!

I'm a registered republican (in spite of the fact that most republicans make my skin crawl) because I wanted to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries.
Sadly, I'd agree with both of you. My father, grandfather, etc. were all Republicans because they believed in the government staying out of business, less economic regulation, civil rights, personal freedoms and fiscal responsibility ... the relatively new-found Religious Right element of the GOP does not sit well with me whatsoever, though I still do vote Republican mostly because of fiscal issues (which, at the risk of offending some, I feel are more important than most social issues).
I was a registered Republican from 1979 to 2003. I voted Republican and Libertarian through that period. I am currently unafilliated and have voted mostly (about 65% or so) Democratic - but some GOP (about 15%)and some Libertarian (about 20%) from 2004 to present.

I'm not a big fan of any party.
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Hello, all. I'm new to the board, and I'd like to start out with a poll. :cool: As for your answer, I'm more interested in what you register as (not necessarily how you vote). For example, I have a friend from Oklahoma who is a proud Democrat but hasn't voted for a Democrat for President in years, and I also know people in Maine who have been Republicans since birth yet haven't voted for a Republican since Bush 41. Thanks for any and all responses!

I'm a registered republican (in spite of the fact that most republicans make my skin crawl) because I wanted to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries.

I am a registered republican because I like to vote against the bank breaking liberals every chance I get. Plus I like to make your skin crawl
Socially libertarian for the most part, fiscally Austrian School as best I understand it.

I'm generally stuck voting repuke in major contests, because the democrooks must be defeated first since they're the greatest evil. We'll work on the lesser one after they're done.
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I will not vote for any liberal/progressive... I will not support ones who want to increase the scope of government and its spending.. and anyone who supports entitlements to persons and/or corporations, I will not vote for.. hence why I have recently voted for more constitutionalists and libertarians than republicans.. and why I cannot vote for the leftists
Hello, all. I'm new to the board, and I'd like to start out with a poll. :cool: As for your answer, I'm more interested in what you register as (not necessarily how you vote). For example, I have a friend from Oklahoma who is a proud Democrat but hasn't voted for a Democrat for President in years, and I also know people in Maine who have been Republicans since birth yet haven't voted for a Republican since Bush 41. Thanks for any and all responses!

I'm a registered republican (in spite of the fact that most republicans make my skin crawl) because I wanted to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries.

I am a registered republican because I like to vote against the bank breaking liberals every chance I get. Plus I like to make your skin crawl

The notion that either party has championed fiscally responsible policy is the product of talking points - not reality.
When you look at the current Republican Party and their positions on economics, the poor, civil rights, health care, American helping American, disaster relief, women's rights, immigration, science, technology, jobs, business, education and the environment, I don't believe you can be a moderate and vote for that party. Every current position the Republican Party has is extreme and very far outside of what is considered the "norm". This is the most radical party in my lifetime if you go by their Party Platform, where they are on the issues, the fact they are 90% white and what they did to this country under former President Bush. Then you add in the unearned hatred for the current president. Their talk of secession and support for domestic terrorism. Where does "moderate" fit in? Perhaps in the next generation. But not for at least the next 10 years.
I'm a registered republican (in spite of the fact that most republicans make my skin crawl) because I wanted to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries.

I am a registered republican because I like to vote against the bank breaking liberals every chance I get. Plus I like to make your skin crawl

The notion that either party has championed fiscally responsible policy is the product of talking points - not reality.

This is sadly true. Fiscal responsibility includes, at least IMO, raising taxes (at least not lowering them) when you need to spend a lot of money. President Bush decided we needed to go to war early in the last decade, yet he lowered taxes. I'm all for lowering taxes and cutting spending, but I'm also for balanced budgets.
One caveat, and this will irritate more than a few people but here it is.....

People, there is no such thing as an 'Independent'

You are either a Conservative or you are a libtard.

Calling yourself an 'Independent' simply reinforces the belief that you're not smart enough to be a Conservative.

If you are offended....? Suck on it.

Just the way it is
Hello, all. I'm new to the board, and I'd like to start out with a poll. :cool: As for your answer, I'm more interested in what you register as (not necessarily how you vote). For example, I have a friend from Oklahoma who is a proud Democrat but hasn't voted for a Democrat for President in years, and I also know people in Maine who have been Republicans since birth yet haven't voted for a Republican since Bush 41. Thanks for any and all responses!

I'm a registered republican (in spite of the fact that most republicans make my skin crawl) because I wanted to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries.

I am a registered republican because I like to vote against the bank breaking liberals every chance I get. Plus I like to make your skin crawl

LOL, FWIW, you're far from the worst.
Social conservatives in the GOP have been irresponsible in how they've made their case. Terribly embarrassingly bungling.

And they have not kept their eye on the ball of fiscal responsibility.

But the alternative is Democrats. If I object to the government growth under Republicans, I should hand over the reins to Democrats who would be 10 times worse?

No. Gotta keep trying to work with the Republicans.
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I will not vote for any liberal/progressive... I will not support ones who want to increase the scope of government and its spending.. and anyone who supports entitlements to persons and/or corporations, I will not vote for.. hence why I have recently voted for more constitutionalists and libertarians than republicans.. and why I cannot vote for the leftists

And yet, the lion's share of our massive deficit came from two unpaid for wars and subsidies for the rich Republicans mislabeled "tax cuts". Nothing to do with Democrats. And we know where Libertarians stand. "Let him die" and supportive of racism. Hmm, are Libertarians "pro" women's rights? That's one thing I don't know.

The sad thing is that the world has become very complex requiring enormous intelligence resources and smart, educated people to keep this country safe from foreign interests. Republicans want to undermine government thereby putting this country at risk and they think smart people are "elitists". Our greatest danger is not from the outside, but the ignorants who live within the borders and shriek "shrink government and cut spending" but have no idea what that actually means.
When you look at the current Republican Party and their positions on economics, the poor, civil rights, health care, American helping American, disaster relief, women's rights, immigration, science, technology, jobs, business, education and the environment, I don't believe you can be a moderate and vote for that party. Every current position the Republican Party has is extreme and very far outside of what is considered the "norm". This is the most radical party in my lifetime if you go by their Party Platform, where they are on the issues, the fact they are 90% white and what they did to this country under former President Bush. Then you add in the unearned hatred for the current president. Their talk of secession and support for domestic terrorism. Where does "moderate" fit in? Perhaps in the next generation. But not for at least the next 10 years.

That's the thing: any intelligent person knows that he or she can disagree with any one or multiple element(s) of a party's platform. I'm pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, moderate on gun control, in favor of a path to citizenship ... yet fiscally conservative. I believe in tax breaks for everyone, including ALL businesses, cuts in wasteful spending and a flat tax code. I do not vote for President based on those social issues, because they won't be the ones deciding them. What Republican President is actually going to have an impact on overturning Roe v. Wade?! They've tried for forty years now... Gay marriage? That will be a courts and legislature debate. Period. Obama's "support" of it had no effect on the issue, IMO. The President will have a decent effect on immigration reform, but there are multiple rising Republicans who are just as "enlightened" on immigration reform as many Democrats are, so no contrast there. Gun control? Maybe ... but like I said, I'm pretty moderate on that anyway.

What does that leave me with? A stark divide between the fiscal policies of the Democrats and those of the Republicans. Sure, I probably have more in common with a Moderate Democrat than a Right Wing Republican, and I absolutely hate that those nutjobs have a presence in the GOP right now, but I care enough about the fiscal issues (on which I think the Democrats are just awful) to vote Republican. And I'm still a moderate.

EDIT: If a Democrat came out in support of all those fiscal policies I just mentioned, I'd vote for him or her in a heartbeat ... but they're too dependent on some of their largest voting blocs (working class, those who benefit from government redistribution of wealth, those on government programs, etc.) to ever do that. Hence, I will not be supporting any Democrat any time soon, no matter how crazy some Republicans are.
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I'm a moderate Democrat, socially progressive and fiscally responsible. I do not believe Congress has ever been fiscally responsible and the solution is not to vote for fiscal hawks - they seem to me to be the worst example of poor governance.

A fiscally responsible adult borrows money to fix a leaking roof, the current H. of Rep. seems willing and happy to allow the nation's 'roof' to leak and destroy everything which a roof is built to protect.

I believe two things need to be done to permanently fix our many problems:

1. A Constitutional Amendment allowing the POTUS the line-item veto (which line-by-line the H. of Rep. could restore on a 2/3 vote);

2. A Constitutional Amendment limiting the President to only one six year term.
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One caveat, and this will irritate more than a few people but here it is.....

People, there is no such thing as an 'Independent'

You are either a Conservative or you are a libtard.

Calling yourself an 'Independent' simply reinforces the belief that you're not smart enough to be a Conservative.

If you are offended....? Suck on it.

Just the way it is

FWIW, the poll asks what you affiliate as. You could be a registered Independent and still consider yourself a conservative.
One caveat, and this will irritate more than a few people but here it is.....

People, there is no such thing as an 'Independent'

You are either a Conservative or you are a libtard.

Calling yourself an 'Independent' simply reinforces the belief that you're not smart enough to be a Conservative.

If you are offended....? Suck on it.

Just the way it is

FWIW, the poll asks what you affiliate as. You could be a registered Independent and still consider yourself a conservative.

It does?


I thought it said "What best describes you?"

And I didn't know you could register under all those other descriptions like, "Conservative on social issues but likes to watch women's volleyball"

Learn something new in here ever day
I am a registered republican because I like to vote against the bank breaking liberals every chance I get. Plus I like to make your skin crawl

The notion that either party has championed fiscally responsible policy is the product of talking points - not reality.

This is sadly true. Fiscal responsibility includes, at least IMO, raising taxes (at least not lowering them) when you need to spend a lot of money. President Bush decided we needed to go to war early in the last decade, yet he lowered taxes. I'm all for lowering taxes and cutting spending, but I'm also for balanced budgets.

Fiscal responsibility means you don't have to spend a lot of money in the first place.

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