Zone1 Your religion had better be kept within "confines" or else!

No, but you have said that maybe being LGBTQ should be illegal. Which is much the same. Not a strawman argument, but a simple calling out of someone who wants the government to confirm and follow only your religious beliefs.

That's not what is happening, though. We have government openly upholding Satanic religious dogma, in the form of fucked-up sexual perversions, while suppressing God's religion.
Please enjoy your religion al you want, but don't expect to be able to force it on others.

You would never agree to the same treatment of your Satanic religion, based on the promotion of fucked-up sexual perversions and on the sexual abuse of children.
God (being the Creator of mankind and the universe) has declared His Laws. All mankind is subject to God's Law, whether they like it or not. Just because someone rejects the existence of God does NOT let them off of the hook. God's Law makes clear what is good and what is evil. We would not know what "sin" (transgression of the Law) is without first knowing what His Laws are.

Both Testaments (Old and New) make it VERY clear that homosexuality is a major sin. We're all sinners in one way or the other and Christ died to pay for our sins but it's mankind's job to do these two things (at the bare minimum): 1) Accept Christ on faith 2) repent of our sins. The thief who died on the cross near Christ was promised "Paradise" based on his belief in Christ and his repentant spirit.
So did he give you a badge or something giving you the authority to enforce his laws, or are you just a vigilante? There's some sort of law concerning impersonating an officer, isn't there?
LGBTQ dogma is religion dogma too. Why should Satan's religious dogma be allowed influence, where God's dogma is not?

From Merriam Webster's dictionary:



re·li·gion ri-ˈli-jən

Synonyms of religion
: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

: the service and worship of God or the supernatural
: commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
b: the state of a religious
a nun in her 20th year of religion"

Sexuality is not a religion. Sex can be used in religious rituals. But sex, in and of itself is not a religion.
Those who promote evil want to be able to do so freely, while wishing to deny those that oppose evil the same right.

“Separation of church and state” is one of their biggest false arguments. They do not want to exclude religion from the public sphere. They only want to exclude GOD'S religion, in all of its forms. Satan has a religion, as well. It may not look like a religion, but that is surely what it is. Sexual perversion is an essential part of it.

And Satan's religion is what those who wish God's religion to be excluded, seek to put in its place.

If we were to propose the following deal to the childfuckers faggots, trannies, and their allies, do you think they would go for it?

The deal would be that we would keep our religion in our churches our homes, in private, keep it out of the public square, keep its influence out of government, and keep it away from children other than our own.​
In return, they must do the same with their fucked-up sexual perversions; keep in it their whorehouses, strip clubs, gay bars, whatever, keep its influence out of government, and keep it away from children.​

Think they'd go for that? I don't.

They're not going to agree to anything that stops them from fucking with children. That's an essential part of their cause.

They oppose religion, they oppose any basic standards of morality or decency, because those stand in the way of acceptance their fucked-up perversions, especially of their intent toward children.

They're not going to surrender a key part of their cause, just to get an enemy out of the way.

Fucking children is against the law and should very much continue to be.

As for Same Sex Marriage, that is far closer to straight marriage than to child molestation or satanic worship.
You would never agree to the same treatment of your Satanic religion, based on the promotion of fucked-up sexual perversions and on the sexual abuse of children.

Two consenting adults having sex is NOT the same as having sex with children. Your attempt to combine the two is dishonest, at best.
So did he give you a badge or something giving you the authority to enforce his laws, or are you just a vigilante? There's some sort of law concerning impersonating an officer, isn't there?
You're sorta dumb, aren't you!?

Laws are laws. If I see someone mugging someone else, I'm going to do what I can to put a stop to it. When groomer pedophiles are entering schools with their eyes set on unsuspecting kids, I'm going to do what I can to stop that as well. Comprehende (that's Spanish for comprehend)?
You're sorta dumb, aren't you!?

Laws are laws. If I see someone mugging someone else, I'm going to do what I can to put a stop to it. When groomer pedophiles are entering schools with their eyes set on unsuspecting kids, I'm going to do what I can to stop that as well. Comprehende (that's Spanish for comprehend)?
So you're a vigilante for God. First off, what kind of pansey god would need you to enforce his laws? He's too weak to enforce his own laws? I suggest you watch a few old Andy Griffith reruns to see what happens to Barney when he oversteps his authority. You're sounding pretty Barneyish.
“Consenting adults” is the lie that your kind have been telling since the 1970s, even as you forced your fucked-up perversions into a society that wants no part of it, and even as you now try to drag children into it.
Now you're accusing WinterBorn of pedophilia too? Please be specific and explain what leads you to believe that.
“Consenting adults” is the lie that your kind have been telling since the 1970s, even as you forced your fucked-up perversions into a society that wants no part of it, and even as you now try to drag children into it.

Yes, we continually have to point out that it is consenting adults, because people like you want to automatically equate LGBTQ with child molesters.
That is pure bullshit.

Everyone is allowed to influence society, if they are able. What I spoke about was that the government is not allowed to use religious dogma as the sole basis for laws. LGBTQ people are US citizens too, no matter how much you dislike it.
And they're allowed their views within their confines
So you're a vigilante for God. First off, what kind of pansey god would need you to enforce his laws? He's too weak to enforce his own laws? I suggest you watch a few old Andy Griffith reruns to see what happens to Barney when he oversteps his authority. You're sounding pretty Barneyish.
God will enforce His laws. He has a nice, warm place set aside for them who mock Him, reject Him, and willingly disobey Him. My job (and the job of all Christians) is to remind folks that there are consequences for purposely rebelling against God. My job (and the job of all Christians) is to urge people to repent of their sins. Whether they do or not won't be my problem in the long run. We all get to stand before the Judge and answer for our actions.
God will enforce His laws. He has a nice, warm place set aside for them who mock Him, reject Him, and willingly disobey Him. My job (and the job of all Christians) is to remind folks that there are consequences for purposely rebelling against God. My job (and the job of all Christians) is to urge people to repent of their sins. Whether they do or not won't be my problem in the long run. We all get to stand before the Judge and answer for our actions.

If what you believe turns out to be true, I will happily stand before God and answer for my life.

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