You're Getting On The Fighting Side Of Me

"I don’t even know the Dixie chicks, but I find it an insult for all the men and women who fought and died in past wars when almost the majority of America jumped down their throats for voicing an opinion. It was like a verbal witch-hunt and lynching. Whether I agree with their comments or not has no bearing." -- Merle Haggard on the political-PC boycott of the Dixie Chicks, in an editorial on his website, 2003

He also said this........

"I wanted to lean back and let people know that I am a man who believes in keeping the law of the land, and I believe in the Constitution, and I believe that we should back the commander-in-chief, and we should lift politics in time of war and we should band together."

And this....

"I had to comment on the Dixie Chicks thing. It irritated me, the way America reacted to those little girls' mistake. I just thought it was chickenshit. I got irritated about it, angry, and I just wanted to speak up for 'em. This is America, you know.

"It kinda pissed me off about what [the Chicks] said about Texas, and about the president, but, damn it, what about America? Are we that political now that we're gonna crucify these little gals that are probably the only creative thing country music has offered in years of any high quality? They sit alone. They're a golden nugget and to treat 'em that way was unfounded."

Merle got the spirit of the First Amendment. I think it might even be in that Constitution thing you mentioned.
I read it.

Still doesn't disprove what i posted.....and what we've been telling the left for years. During time of war drop the political bs.....and support your country.

But these assholes aren't protesting a war. They protesting America, and so is Barack H. Oama.

I didn't say it "disproves" squat there, Elmo. This ain't a sports event played in Dichotomy Memorial Stadium.

I said Merle grokked the First Amendment.
Think about it.
"I don’t even know the Dixie chicks, but I find it an insult for all the men and women who fought and died in past wars when almost the majority of America jumped down their throats for voicing an opinion. It was like a verbal witch-hunt and lynching. Whether I agree with their comments or not has no bearing." -- Merle Haggard on the political-PC boycott of the Dixie Chicks, in an editorial on his website, 2003

He also said this........

"I wanted to lean back and let people know that I am a man who believes in keeping the law of the land, and I believe in the Constitution, and I believe that we should back the commander-in-chief, and we should lift politics in time of war and we should band together."

And this....

"I had to comment on the Dixie Chicks thing. It irritated me, the way America reacted to those little girls' mistake. I just thought it was chickenshit. I got irritated about it, angry, and I just wanted to speak up for 'em. This is America, you know.

"It kinda pissed me off about what [the Chicks] said about Texas, and about the president, but, damn it, what about America? Are we that political now that we're gonna crucify these little gals that are probably the only creative thing country music has offered in years of any high quality? They sit alone. They're a golden nugget and to treat 'em that way was unfounded."

Merle got the spirit of the First Amendment. I think it might even be in that Constitution thing you mentioned.
I read it.

Still doesn't disprove what i posted.....and what we've been telling the left for years. During time of war drop the political bs.....and support your country.

But these assholes aren't protesting a war. They protesting America, and so is Barack H. Oama.

I didn't say it "disproves" squat there, Elmo. This ain't a sports event. I said Merle grokked the First Amendment.
Think about it.
So what's your fucking point there, Shitforbrains, other than people who love this country stand up for the same principles that allowed these degenerates the right to do this and not like it at the same time?

Well no fucking shit, Sherlock!!!
Stepping, spitting and pissing on the flag of a country is stepping, spitting and pissing on all the citizens of that country.

Despicable that it may be, it is nothing compared to the actions of the quisling poltroons who step, spit and piss on the flag of their own country.

Americans who do that to the American flag should chill. Benedict Arnold, the Rosenbergs, and Jane Fonda have already got the glory they seek by their action.
"I don’t even know the Dixie chicks, but I find it an insult for all the men and women who fought and died in past wars when almost the majority of America jumped down their throats for voicing an opinion. It was like a verbal witch-hunt and lynching. Whether I agree with their comments or not has no bearing." -- Merle Haggard on the political-PC boycott of the Dixie Chicks, in an editorial on his website, 2003

He also said this........

"I wanted to lean back and let people know that I am a man who believes in keeping the law of the land, and I believe in the Constitution, and I believe that we should back the commander-in-chief, and we should lift politics in time of war and we should band together."

And this....

"I had to comment on the Dixie Chicks thing. It irritated me, the way America reacted to those little girls' mistake. I just thought it was chickenshit. I got irritated about it, angry, and I just wanted to speak up for 'em. This is America, you know.

"It kinda pissed me off about what [the Chicks] said about Texas, and about the president, but, damn it, what about America? Are we that political now that we're gonna crucify these little gals that are probably the only creative thing country music has offered in years of any high quality? They sit alone. They're a golden nugget and to treat 'em that way was unfounded."

Merle got the spirit of the First Amendment. I think it might even be in that Constitution thing you mentioned.
I read it.

Still doesn't disprove what i posted.....and what we've been telling the left for years. During time of war drop the political bs.....and support your country.

But these assholes aren't protesting a war. They protesting America, and so is Barack H. Oama.

I didn't say it "disproves" squat there, Elmo. This ain't a sports event. I said Merle grokked the First Amendment.
Think about it.
So what's your fucking point there, Shitforbrains, other than people who love this country stand up for the same principles that allowed these degenerates the right to do this and not like it at the same time?

Well no fucking shit, Sherlock!!!
This is the tradeoff of living in a free society. We have to suffer the retards that don't know enough to appreciate their good fortune.
We need some trains and warehouses.

a few large ovens would be nice too. :lmao:
I think one-way tickets to Honduras & El Salvador would be fine.
Or boats chartered for Africa.
Been there.
They hate American blacks there.....mainly because of the way real Africans have been treated by blacks in America:

"I think most of us African have a lot of resentment towards African Americans, because we have had bad experiences with them when we first arrived in this country. The most hateful, ignorant, racist comments I got hurled at me came from African Americans, not Whites. It seems most African Americans have bought into the media's view of Africa as one big country(it's a continent with more than 50 different countries) full of sickness and despair. As a result they don't treat most Africans with respect (as a fellow human being). To think that ALL Africans have AIDS? IS beyond ignorant. There aren't a lot of black people I've met out there with a really positive view Africa as a continent. Until Africans can feel respected and accepted by African Americans, there will always be tension between both sides.

Oh and Psychmaj, it is such a reflection of what I am talking about (lack of respect from African Americans towards Africans and Africa as a whole) to say that Africans were too "weak" otherwise you would have still been African. How dare you? Do you know the battles MY ancestors faced? Do you know how hard they fought to save their people? I think it's best that you don't say anything about the continent because it is obvious that apart from the BS you've learned in America, you know NOTHING about the continent. We didn't come to this country to hate you African Americans nor do we think we are "superior" to you. In fact we came with open arms and found ourselves being spat in the face by our own brothers and sisters. You need to evaluate this from our perspective, and you need to stop insulting us for whatever ideas you might have in your head."

HOW DO Black Africans feel about Black Americans?
Stepping, spitting and pissing on the flag of a country is stepping, spitting and pissing on all the citizens of that country.

No, actually it's the same idolatry that's articulated in the first sentence of that bizarre fetish, the Pledge of Allegiance.

If you don't believe in fetishism --- then it means nothing. Me, I never got into Kink.
"I don’t even know the Dixie chicks, but I find it an insult for all the men and women who fought and died in past wars when almost the majority of America jumped down their throats for voicing an opinion. It was like a verbal witch-hunt and lynching. Whether I agree with their comments or not has no bearing." -- Merle Haggard on the political-PC boycott of the Dixie Chicks, in an editorial on his website, 2003

He also said this........

"I wanted to lean back and let people know that I am a man who believes in keeping the law of the land, and I believe in the Constitution, and I believe that we should back the commander-in-chief, and we should lift politics in time of war and we should band together."

And this....

"I had to comment on the Dixie Chicks thing. It irritated me, the way America reacted to those little girls' mistake. I just thought it was chickenshit. I got irritated about it, angry, and I just wanted to speak up for 'em. This is America, you know.

"It kinda pissed me off about what [the Chicks] said about Texas, and about the president, but, damn it, what about America? Are we that political now that we're gonna crucify these little gals that are probably the only creative thing country music has offered in years of any high quality? They sit alone. They're a golden nugget and to treat 'em that way was unfounded."

Merle got the spirit of the First Amendment. I think it might even be in that Constitution thing you mentioned.
I read it.

Still doesn't disprove what i posted.....and what we've been telling the left for years. During time of war drop the political bs.....and support your country.

But these assholes aren't protesting a war. They're protesting America, and so is Barack H. Oama.
Guess you missed the Bosnian conflict where Trent Lott threatened to cut off funding. That was the first time I ever heard criticism of a President during a conflict. Even so, I felt sorry for him when GWB cut him off at the ankles.
The fact that a protestor is allowed to disrespect our flag is a symbol of how great that flag is
"I don’t even know the Dixie chicks, but I find it an insult for all the men and women who fought and died in past wars when almost the majority of America jumped down their throats for voicing an opinion. It was like a verbal witch-hunt and lynching. Whether I agree with their comments or not has no bearing." -- Merle Haggard on the political-PC boycott of the Dixie Chicks, in an editorial on his website, 2003

He also said this........

"I wanted to lean back and let people know that I am a man who believes in keeping the law of the land, and I believe in the Constitution, and I believe that we should back the commander-in-chief, and we should lift politics in time of war and we should band together."

And this....

"I had to comment on the Dixie Chicks thing. It irritated me, the way America reacted to those little girls' mistake. I just thought it was chickenshit. I got irritated about it, angry, and I just wanted to speak up for 'em. This is America, you know.

"It kinda pissed me off about what [the Chicks] said about Texas, and about the president, but, damn it, what about America? Are we that political now that we're gonna crucify these little gals that are probably the only creative thing country music has offered in years of any high quality? They sit alone. They're a golden nugget and to treat 'em that way was unfounded."

Merle got the spirit of the First Amendment. I think it might even be in that Constitution thing you mentioned.
I read it.

Still doesn't disprove what i posted.....and what we've been telling the left for years. During time of war drop the political bs.....and support your country.

But these assholes aren't protesting a war. They're protesting America, and so is Barack H. Oama.
Guess you missed the Bosnian conflict where Trent Lott threatened to cut off funding. That was the first time I ever heard criticism of a President during a conflict. Even so, I felt sorry for him when GWB cut him off at the ankles.
Well, you must have been born after Vietnam, because Nixon was blamed 24/7.
"I don’t even know the Dixie chicks, but I find it an insult for all the men and women who fought and died in past wars when almost the majority of America jumped down their throats for voicing an opinion. It was like a verbal witch-hunt and lynching. Whether I agree with their comments or not has no bearing." -- Merle Haggard on the political-PC boycott of the Dixie Chicks, in an editorial on his website, 2003

He also said this........

"I wanted to lean back and let people know that I am a man who believes in keeping the law of the land, and I believe in the Constitution, and I believe that we should back the commander-in-chief, and we should lift politics in time of war and we should band together."

And this....

"I had to comment on the Dixie Chicks thing. It irritated me, the way America reacted to those little girls' mistake. I just thought it was chickenshit. I got irritated about it, angry, and I just wanted to speak up for 'em. This is America, you know.

"It kinda pissed me off about what [the Chicks] said about Texas, and about the president, but, damn it, what about America? Are we that political now that we're gonna crucify these little gals that are probably the only creative thing country music has offered in years of any high quality? They sit alone. They're a golden nugget and to treat 'em that way was unfounded."

Merle got the spirit of the First Amendment. I think it might even be in that Constitution thing you mentioned.
I read it.

Still doesn't disprove what i posted.....and what we've been telling the left for years. During time of war drop the political bs.....and support your country.

But these assholes aren't protesting a war. They're protesting America, and so is Barack H. Oama.
Guess you missed the Bosnian conflict where Trent Lott threatened to cut off funding. That was the first time I ever heard criticism of a President during a conflict. Even so, I felt sorry for him when GWB cut him off at the ankles.
Well, you must have been born after Vietnam, because Nixon was blamed 24/7.

LBJ caught it much worse
He also said this........

"I wanted to lean back and let people know that I am a man who believes in keeping the law of the land, and I believe in the Constitution, and I believe that we should back the commander-in-chief, and we should lift politics in time of war and we should band together."

And this....

"I had to comment on the Dixie Chicks thing. It irritated me, the way America reacted to those little girls' mistake. I just thought it was chickenshit. I got irritated about it, angry, and I just wanted to speak up for 'em. This is America, you know.

"It kinda pissed me off about what [the Chicks] said about Texas, and about the president, but, damn it, what about America? Are we that political now that we're gonna crucify these little gals that are probably the only creative thing country music has offered in years of any high quality? They sit alone. They're a golden nugget and to treat 'em that way was unfounded."

Merle got the spirit of the First Amendment. I think it might even be in that Constitution thing you mentioned.
I read it.

Still doesn't disprove what i posted.....and what we've been telling the left for years. During time of war drop the political bs.....and support your country.

But these assholes aren't protesting a war. They're protesting America, and so is Barack H. Oama.
Guess you missed the Bosnian conflict where Trent Lott threatened to cut off funding. That was the first time I ever heard criticism of a President during a conflict. Even so, I felt sorry for him when GWB cut him off at the ankles.
Well, you must have been born after Vietnam, because Nixon was blamed 24/7.

LBJ caught it much worse
Not from Republicans.
And this....

"I had to comment on the Dixie Chicks thing. It irritated me, the way America reacted to those little girls' mistake. I just thought it was chickenshit. I got irritated about it, angry, and I just wanted to speak up for 'em. This is America, you know.

"It kinda pissed me off about what [the Chicks] said about Texas, and about the president, but, damn it, what about America? Are we that political now that we're gonna crucify these little gals that are probably the only creative thing country music has offered in years of any high quality? They sit alone. They're a golden nugget and to treat 'em that way was unfounded."

Merle got the spirit of the First Amendment. I think it might even be in that Constitution thing you mentioned.
I read it.

Still doesn't disprove what i posted.....and what we've been telling the left for years. During time of war drop the political bs.....and support your country.

But these assholes aren't protesting a war. They're protesting America, and so is Barack H. Oama.
Guess you missed the Bosnian conflict where Trent Lott threatened to cut off funding. That was the first time I ever heard criticism of a President during a conflict. Even so, I felt sorry for him when GWB cut him off at the ankles.
Well, you must have been born after Vietnam, because Nixon was blamed 24/7.

LBJ caught it much worse
Not from Republicans.

Republicans STILL support the war in Vietnam
I read it.

Still doesn't disprove what i posted.....and what we've been telling the left for years. During time of war drop the political bs.....and support your country.

But these assholes aren't protesting a war. They're protesting America, and so is Barack H. Oama.
Guess you missed the Bosnian conflict where Trent Lott threatened to cut off funding. That was the first time I ever heard criticism of a President during a conflict. Even so, I felt sorry for him when GWB cut him off at the ankles.
Well, you must have been born after Vietnam, because Nixon was blamed 24/7.

LBJ caught it much worse
Not from Republicans.

Republicans STILL support the war in Vietnam
I supported the president.

I didn't like the war. I once supported LBJ and JFK. The first president I was old enough to vote for was Ford. He lost.
I never understood why the left never ever condemns these people for burning the American flag.
I never understood why the left never ever condemns these people for burning the American flag.

Maybe not everybody's into fetishism.

Ya think?
No.....that's Occupy WallStreet.

This is something different.(We can reopen the rape tents some other time)

And you defend it like your life depends on it.

What it really is, is an attempt to piss people off to the point that they get violent......and that, to me, is not necessary.
But then again.....that's just about the only thing liberals do well.

Last edited:
No.....that's Occupy WallStreet.

No, that makes no sense. The point was about fetishism.
You know fetishism? As in "I pledge allegiance to the flag" ..... not, you'll note, "to my country", but "to the flag".
Well, that's a fetish. Both pledging to it and stomping on it require fetishism.

Well, not everybody's into fetishism. Hence my point.

And you defend it like your life depends on it.

I didn't even opine on it.


What it really is, is an attempt to piss people off to the point that they get violent......and that, to me, is not necessary.
But then again.....that's just about the only thing liberals do well.

Yuh huh....

So what's your fucking point there, Shitforbrains, other than people who love this country stand up for the same principles that allowed these degenerates the right to do this and not like it at the same time?

Well no fucking shit, Sherlock!!!

ooOOOoooooooo somebody needs a hug?

You want to stand on our country's symbol because you hate it. I can think of plenty places you can move to.

How about Cuba.

I hear people talkin' bad,
About the way we have to live here in this country,
Harpin' on the wars we fight,
An' gripin' 'bout the way things oughta be.
An' I don't mind 'em switchin' sides,
An' standin' up for things they believe in.
When they're runnin' down my country, man,
They're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Runnin' down the way of life,
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it:
Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin'.
If you're runnin' down my country, man,
You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.

I read about some squirrely guy,
Who claims, he just don't believe in fightin'.
An' I wonder just how long,
The rest of us can count on bein' free.
They love our milk an' honey,
But they preach about some other way of livin'.
When they're runnin' down my country, hoss,
They're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.

Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Runnin' down the way of life,
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it:
Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin'.
If you're runnin' down my country, man,
You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.

Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Runnin' down the way of life,
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it:
Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin'.
If you're runnin' down my country, man,
You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me. - Merle Haggard R.I.P.

Yeah, they are stupid.

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