You're not small government

if that would be pence....h to the l no
Yes. Pence is likely completely owned by the military industrial complex and the intelligence community. As such, he is likely to get us into WWIII by claiming Jesus told him to.

As bad as Trump is, he is still much better than Pence...but don't tell a leftist this, as they are inflamed out of their minds with hate for Trump, thanks to a corrupt media.
You're NOT small government if you want to:
-Have the most imprisoned nation on earth that has 50 million fucking laws screwing over most of the population over every little thing. Yes, we have the biggest prison population on earth!
-Have a war on drugs that violates the 4th amendment and ends up kicking peoples doors down without warrants.
-Wishes to stop people from marrying who they wish. What's it too you? Not everyone is going to believe in your god. You're welcome to believe in your god but some people don't.
-Wishes to stop people from being who they wish to be in life. If it doesn't effect you, What's it too you?

But hell, you can be against giving some food to the goddamn poor and making sure someone doesn't die from cancer. I wonder why? Oh'yess, you're anti-poor and you believe that the rich somehow deserve 95% of all the wealth made in this society.

But I ask you,,,how the fuck can you support the above "-" and act like you're so small government? Talking out of both sides of your mouth it would appear??? It seems to me that you want most of society to be serfs and big government is a'ok towards that goal but when government is used for good for the entire society = unconstitutional and you'll bitch.

sorry, you're an enemy of everything that has built modern society.
Check all of liberal politicians, hint. They all are multimillionairs, while demanding you give your money to the poor. You're just a pawn, Trumps policies are helping everyone.

yeah, all those cons are just regular working guys, struggling to get by

There not out saying one thing and doing another. Just look at Sanders, thinks you should share your wealth. While he enjoys his million dollar mansions.
The authoritarian right is all about big government, more government violating the rights and protected liberty of the people; they seek to compel conformity, punish dissent, and oppose diversity and expressions of individual liberty.

Conservatives pursue their repressive agenda the consequence of their ignorance, fear, and hate.
more government violating the rights and protected liberty of the people; they seek to compel conformity, punish dissent, and oppose diversity and expressions of individual liberty.
sounds like liberals too....but jones has his head to far up the democrats ass to realize that....

Authoritarian government isn't exclusive to either party. Both sides have a laundry list of things they'd like to force on the American public.
you are talking to the wrong person....try jones he doesnt know this....

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