You're ridiculous if you think we gave into Kim and got nothing out of it.

I think Kim really appreciated that Trump was willing to respect him enough to meet face to face. How can we expect people to cooperate when we don't respect them enough to have normal diplomacy?
You can't expect NK to cooperate in getting rid of its nukes. That is not going to happen. It has seen how Trump/the US respects treaties and agreements. That Trump has stopped insulting and threatening NK for the moment is hardly Nobel worthy.
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You're ridiculous if you think we gave into Kim and got nothing out of it.

What did we get?

Both sides got nothing but promises and hope for the future. To suggest that Trump gave away the negotiations is ridiculous. You're a partisan hack dedicated to hating Trump, even on the occasion he is trying to do something good for us and the world.
None of that happened while Kim Jong Un is in power. He's not his father, and he's shown unprecedented willingness to cooperate with the west. He's talking about visiting Washington. I think it's for real this time, and I wonder how long people like you will foam at the mouth before finally realizing you are wrong.

That's what happens when the you're the supreme leader of the DPRK and the Chinese decide that NK has outlived its usefulness as a regional counterbalance. The smack upside the head from Beijing is the source of that "unprecedented willingness", the fact that Moon Jae-in and Trump recognized that opportunity is a credit to both of 'em, let's just hope the opportunity isn't squandered.

Yes, China is likely a large part of why Kim is cooperating. I mentioned that in another thread. That makes me even more sure it's serious this time.

IMHO China is probably the only "part", the North Koreans are nearly entirely economically dependent on the Chinese, if a lasting peace is achieved on a denuclearized Korean Peninsula then the need for a U.S. Military presence in South Korea will evaporate and open the way for a Chinese-South Korean economic alignment, thus vastly diminishing U.S. influence in Asia.

Make no mistake, if this all works out, China stands to benefit the most from it.
AND russia
Kim got what his family wanted for 30 years
and even Dick-Licking praise for this Cult leader from Trumpov.

North Korea is a country with a military that has nuclear capability. They are legitimate, and it's not unreasonable to conduct normal diplomacy with them. You really don't think acknowledging Kim as the leader of North Korea is worth his cooperation? That's very short sighted.

You 12 IQ Clown.

You sure do insult people a lot. Projection maybe?
I repeat, you were WRONG.
Kim did get something besides promises. THE biggest thing.
(you don't know enough to call it a lie)
A thing every Other President resisted because they got nothing solid in return, and Kim is a murderous Cult leader.

Kim got what his family wanted for 30 years
and even Dick-Licking praise for this Cult leader from Trumpov.​

Bye bye posting clown.
Oh, they sure won big there, right? Not like we could just continue that at literally any moment.
But you are not doing it now, to the discomfit of SK and Japan.

Our military exercises near North Korea are for nothing other than intimidation and provocation. It's childish, and I'd support ending it even without the negotiations.

new Trump lies about Obama AND Un - a two-fer !!

I wont even mention Trump kissing Un's fat ass.
Kim got what his family wanted for 30 years
and even Dick-Licking praise for this Cult leader from Trumpov.

North Korea is a country with a military that has nuclear capability. They are legitimate, and it's not unreasonable to conduct normal diplomacy with them. You really don't think acknowledging Kim as the leader of North Korea is worth his cooperation? That's very short sighted.

You 12 IQ Clown.

You sure do insult people a lot. Projection maybe?
I repeat, you were WRONG.
Kim did get something besides promises. THE biggest thing.
(you don't know enough to call it a lie)

Kim got what his family wanted for 30 years
and even Dick-Licking praise for this Cult leader from Trumpov.​

Bye bye posting clown.

Does anybody else sometimes struggle just trying to figure out what exactly this dude is mouth foaming about?
It would be nice if Kim has played his hand out, & is now ready to talk peace, but not so happy about China & Russia getting what they have worked towards.
It would be nice if Kim has played his hand out, & is now ready to talk peace, but not so happy about China & Russia getting what they have worked towards.

China simply wants our military to not be positioned directly outside their border. How would you feel if billions in Chinese military hardware was positioned right outside our border?
Can you imagine if Obama had given Dictator/Cult-Leader/Commie, a Legitimacy meeting, and also promised to stop military exercises, the Licked his Dick/called him the Albert Schweizer of Asia, then left and declared victory?

If Obama was having peace talks with Kim the left would be singing his praises and the right would be doing exactly what the left is doing right now. Minimizing it, refusing to be positive, hoping he fails etc.
There's nothing positive about Trump's deal. Obama's -though flawed - kept Iran from having a nuke. Live with it.
Time is what keeps Iran from getting a nuke. Obama's deal had nothing to do with it.
Everybody just shut the fuck up and see what happens. Holy shit!

We can't! Trump just gave the farm to North Korea! IT'S A DISASTER!!!

This is a huge win for Trump, the left have no defense other than to spin it negative which makes them look even more petty and sour puss.

I consider myself mostly left wing. I've never been more disappointed by their reaction to good news.

What good news? Trump is no longer poking a nut who has nukes. That is the good news.

You act as if we are shitting on a real peace accord. That is not what happened.
Trump's Singapore vacation cost taxpayers $200 million a day!
Everybody just shut the fuck up and see what happens. Holy shit!

We can't! Trump just gave the farm to North Korea! IT'S A DISASTER!!!

This is a huge win for Trump, the left have no defense other than to spin it negative which makes them look even more petty and sour puss.

I consider myself mostly left wing. I've never been more disappointed by their reaction to good news.

Would it hurt Dem's to give Trump credit at least for trying to broker peace on the Korean peninsula? I mean goddamn what does the man have to do to please Dem's, maybe its impossible.

If I thought he wanted peace any more than he wants war I'd be more likely to be generous. The man is interested in only one thing. Himself.

If Kim insults him tomorrow or if Trump doesn't feel appreciated enough, his desire for peace will evaporate. And...a guy who wants peace does not
pull out of the Iran deal or hire a guy like Bolton.

Please. Think.
Oh, and I'm still waiting for a leftie to address the points I made in my OP. What irreversible thing have we done? What have we irresponsibility given away to North Korea?

We irreversibly gave Kim his meeting with the POTUS.
Our military exercises near North Korea are for nothing other than intimidation and provocation. It's childish, and I'd support ending it even without the negotiations.
They are also to reassure your supposed allies, SK and Japan. Be that as it may, their cessation is something NK got from the meeting.
Oh, and I'm still waiting for a leftie to address the points I made in my OP. What irreversible thing have we done? What have we irresponsibility given away to North Korea?

We irreversibly gave Kim his meeting with the POTUS.

North Korea is a legitimate nation with nuclear capability. Basic diplomatic respect in exchange for progress towards peace sounds fine to me.

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