Youth unemployment at a 50 year low! Now we can have our own sweatshops! MAGA!

its much better for young people to be in the workforce than in the classroom. there's no better feeling than getting a paycheck!
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

I don't think this is something that anyone should be celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I think having a summer job is good for teenagers. It helps teach them a sense of responsibility, and it's healthy for them to start developing financial independence. But this isn't exactly the kind of metric that the federal government should be aiming for. If it happens it happens, if not then it doesn't. Ultimately, this is a matter for parent and child to deal with.

But if Donald's claim is true, it goes to show that many people who blast fast food workers are completely off the mark. They constantly say that only teenagers should be working in fast food, but with so many youth working it clearly shows that teenagers barely scratch the surface on the demand for labor in the industry. Our labor market has changed since the 1960s. Fast food employees are the modern day working class. They should be given the same respect as the work class was shown in years past. After all, the only real difference is that in the 1960s the working class were predominantly white, while in 2018 the working class are predominantly black and Latino.
That's nothing but a strawman argument, jackass.
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

I don't think this is something that anyone should be celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I think having a summer job is good for teenagers. It helps teach them a sense of responsibility, and it's healthy for them to start developing financial independence. But this isn't exactly the kind of metric that the federal government should be aiming for. If it happens it happens, if not then it doesn't. Ultimately, this is a matter for parent and child to deal with.

But if Donald's claim is true, it goes to show that many people who blast fast food workers are completely off the mark. They constantly say that only teenagers should be working in fast food, but with so many youth working it clearly shows that teenagers barely scratch the surface on the demand for labor in the industry. Our labor market has changed since the 1960s. Fast food employees are the modern day working class. They should be given the same respect as the work class was shown in years past. After all, the only real difference is that in the 1960s the working class were predominantly white, while in 2018 the working class are predominantly black and Latino.

Yeah exactly sure we have a lot more jobs, but they are low wage sweat shop jobs that no one can live off of. The sad part is there are a lot of adults trapped in these low wage jobs for many years who despite their attempts at interviews and sending in resumes and going to college for a Bachelors or even a Master's or Law Degree still have a hard time getting ahead in life. I am one such example I got a Bachelor's and Master's degree and all it got me was low wage jobs that I could not live off of or provide for me and my wife. Jobs that offered little to no benefits. The only profession that saved me from being stuck in such low wage jobs was getting a CDL and becoming a truck driver.

I know so many college grads with Bachelor's and Master's degrees who work low wage jobs.
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

I don't think this is something that anyone should be celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I think having a summer job is good for teenagers. It helps teach them a sense of responsibility, and it's healthy for them to start developing financial independence. But this isn't exactly the kind of metric that the federal government should be aiming for. If it happens it happens, if not then it doesn't. Ultimately, this is a matter for parent and child to deal with.

But if Donald's claim is true, it goes to show that many people who blast fast food workers are completely off the mark. They constantly say that only teenagers should be working in fast food, but with so many youth working it clearly shows that teenagers barely scratch the surface on the demand for labor in the industry. Our labor market has changed since the 1960s. Fast food employees are the modern day working class. They should be given the same respect as the work class was shown in years past. After all, the only real difference is that in the 1960s the working class were predominantly white, while in 2018 the working class are predominantly black and Latino.

Yeah exactly sure we have a lot more jobs, but they are low wage sweat shop jobs that no one can live off of. The sad part is there are a lot of adults trapped in these low wage jobs for many years who despite their attempts at interviews and sending in resumes and going to college for a Bachelors or even a Master's or Law Degree still have a hard time getting ahead in life. I am one such example I got a Bachelor's and Master's degree and all it got me was low wage jobs that I could not live off of or provide for me and my wife. Jobs that offered little to no benefits. The only profession that saved me from being stuck in such low wage jobs was getting a CDL and becoming a truck driver.

I know so many college grads with Bachelor's and Master's degrees who work low wage jobs.

It all depends on what you took up in college. I always tell younger people preparing for college to go through the want ads and see what's in demand out there. Don't take courses in something where there is no work. Many of them do it anyway.

Many years ago I went to electronics school. I was working full-time during the day and class at night. After becoming exhausted with the schedule, I asked one of my teachers what kind of money I should expect to make after one year of schooling. He told me about 16K (this was back in the early 80's mind you) so I asked what I would make after my two year associates degree? He told me about 18K.

It didn't pay any money because everybody and their mother was interested in electronics at the time. Too much supply and not enough demand.

Like you, I eventually got my license and can work. I don't make a lot of money because of my health and medical restrictions, but I'm not installing cable television like many of my old classmates ended up doing.
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

I don't think this is something that anyone should be celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I think having a summer job is good for teenagers. It helps teach them a sense of responsibility, and it's healthy for them to start developing financial independence. But this isn't exactly the kind of metric that the federal government should be aiming for. If it happens it happens, if not then it doesn't. Ultimately, this is a matter for parent and child to deal with.

But if Donald's claim is true, it goes to show that many people who blast fast food workers are completely off the mark. They constantly say that only teenagers should be working in fast food, but with so many youth working it clearly shows that teenagers barely scratch the surface on the demand for labor in the industry. Our labor market has changed since the 1960s. Fast food employees are the modern day working class. They should be given the same respect as the work class was shown in years past. After all, the only real difference is that in the 1960s the working class were predominantly white, while in 2018 the working class are predominantly black and Latino.
or it means that adults are getting jobs so fast, they now have to see if kids want better jobs......oh the horror
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

I don't think this is something that anyone should be celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I think having a summer job is good for teenagers. It helps teach them a sense of responsibility, and it's healthy for them to start developing financial independence. But this isn't exactly the kind of metric that the federal government should be aiming for. If it happens it happens, if not then it doesn't. Ultimately, this is a matter for parent and child to deal with.

But if Donald's claim is true, it goes to show that many people who blast fast food workers are completely off the mark. They constantly say that only teenagers should be working in fast food, but with so many youth working it clearly shows that teenagers barely scratch the surface on the demand for labor in the industry. Our labor market has changed since the 1960s. Fast food employees are the modern day working class. They should be given the same respect as the work class was shown in years past. After all, the only real difference is that in the 1960s the working class were predominantly white, while in 2018 the working class are predominantly black and Latino.

Yeah exactly sure we have a lot more jobs, but they are low wage sweat shop jobs that no one can live off of. The sad part is there are a lot of adults trapped in these low wage jobs for many years who despite their attempts at interviews and sending in resumes and going to college for a Bachelors or even a Master's or Law Degree still have a hard time getting ahead in life. I am one such example I got a Bachelor's and Master's degree and all it got me was low wage jobs that I could not live off of or provide for me and my wife. Jobs that offered little to no benefits. The only profession that saved me from being stuck in such low wage jobs was getting a CDL and becoming a truck driver.

I know so many college grads with Bachelor's and Master's degrees who work low wage jobs.

In what?
Trump cures cancer
Puts researchers out of work-Impeach

I'm sorry, what's your objection to the subject here? Do you support a resurgence of child labor, or the reduction of the working class into neo-fiefdom?

So what's wrong with child labor? Is it any worse than kids getting fat eating pretzels and playing video games all day long?

When I was younger I started working at the age of 12. I worked several jobs up until the age of 18. I knew other kids in school that didn't get involved in child labor. Those were the ones that had the hardest time getting or keeping a job as adults.

My parents taught me that if you want something in life, you have to work for it. The best way to raise a kid. Today, parents just hand over money like it's an obligation and the kid grows up expecting money to be handed to them the rest of their lives. Then they become Democrats.

When I was a kid, it was extremely difficult to find a job. There were not even any McDonald's jobs around. Today, they use job applications as their place mats for their trays. So I don't thing the problem is kids working, I think the problem is not enough of them are working.
Fast food jobs are starter jobs, introductions to business practices. They require no skill, brains or extensive training. They are not career jobs to provide a living, nor should they be expected to be treated as such.

Everyone knows that fast food jobs are widely reputed for their ability to be a spring board into the board room.

They could be a springboard into a trade school or a couple of semesters in college.
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

I don't think this is something that anyone should be celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I think having a summer job is good for teenagers. It helps teach them a sense of responsibility, and it's healthy for them to start developing financial independence. But this isn't exactly the kind of metric that the federal government should be aiming for. If it happens it happens, if not then it doesn't. Ultimately, this is a matter for parent and child to deal with.

But if Donald's claim is true, it goes to show that many people who blast fast food workers are completely off the mark. They constantly say that only teenagers should be working in fast food, but with so many youth working it clearly shows that teenagers barely scratch the surface on the demand for labor in the industry. Our labor market has changed since the 1960s. Fast food employees are the modern day working class. They should be given the same respect as the work class was shown in years past. After all, the only real difference is that in the 1960s the working class were predominantly white, while in 2018 the working class are predominantly black and Latino.

I have questions on your OP I don't even know where to start.

Okay, when did Trump ever aim for more kids working?

Who are you referring to that said "only teenagers" should be working fast food jobs?

Where do you get this idea that minorities are the majority of the working class in this country?

Who is showing disrespect for the working class?
Fast food jobs are starter jobs, introductions to business practices. They require no skill, brains or extensive training. They are not career jobs to provide a living, nor should they be expected to be treated as such.
While in the FF business years ago I probably hired and fired thousands of 'kids' looking for a summer job.
One thing was always 100% certain: My senior full time staff and I could tell in a week which of these kids were going to move on and be successful later on.
When a kid always showed up a few minutes early looking clean and tidy with a positive attitude who would look you in the eye who would keep their mouths shut and their hands busy who got along with others......they were valuable employees which any business would want to hire.
Funny about that.
That seems to be the way it is now in businesses.
The dopers and whiners were failures then and they are failures today. And they want to be paid $15 an hour to steal behind their employer's back.
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

I don't think this is something that anyone should be celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I think having a summer job is good for teenagers. It helps teach them a sense of responsibility, and it's healthy for them to start developing financial independence. But this isn't exactly the kind of metric that the federal government should be aiming for. If it happens it happens, if not then it doesn't. Ultimately, this is a matter for parent and child to deal with.

But if Donald's claim is true, it goes to show that many people who blast fast food workers are completely off the mark. They constantly say that only teenagers should be working in fast food, but with so many youth working it clearly shows that teenagers barely scratch the surface on the demand for labor in the industry. Our labor market has changed since the 1960s. Fast food employees are the modern day working class. They should be given the same respect as the work class was shown in years past. After all, the only real difference is that in the 1960s the working class were predominantly white, while in 2018 the working class are predominantly black and Latino.

Yeah exactly sure we have a lot more jobs, but they are low wage sweat shop jobs that no one can live off of. The sad part is there are a lot of adults trapped in these low wage jobs for many years who despite their attempts at interviews and sending in resumes and going to college for a Bachelors or even a Master's or Law Degree still have a hard time getting ahead in life. I am one such example I got a Bachelor's and Master's degree and all it got me was low wage jobs that I could not live off of or provide for me and my wife. Jobs that offered little to no benefits. The only profession that saved me from being stuck in such low wage jobs was getting a CDL and becoming a truck driver.

I know so many college grads with Bachelor's and Master's degrees who work low wage jobs.

It all depends on what you took up in college. I always tell younger people preparing for college to go through the want ads and see what's in demand out there. Don't take courses in something where there is no work. Many of them do it anyway.

Many years ago I went to electronics school. I was working full-time during the day and class at night. After becoming exhausted with the schedule, I asked one of my teachers what kind of money I should expect to make after one year of schooling. He told me about 16K (this was back in the early 80's mind you) so I asked what I would make after my two year associates degree? He told me about 18K.

It didn't pay any money because everybody and their mother was interested in electronics at the time. Too much supply and not enough demand.

Like you, I eventually got my license and can work. I don't make a lot of money because of my health and medical restrictions, but I'm not installing cable television like many of my old classmates ended up doing.
Unfortunately too many are getting degrees for things that do not really translate into things needed by business. Might as well get a degree in basket weaving as a degree in fine arts. As you stated they do no research on marketable skills. Too many start college with one major then part way decide to change majors then wonder why they have so much debt. In the last few years we have those coming into the workforce that expect to be the manager or CEO within weeks of starting. Too many have bought into the idea that working any job you should be able to afford the newest iPhone, a wall covering flatscreen tv, the newest and largest SUV along with eating out every night and a 2000 sq foot house. No one has taught them financial responsibility.
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

I don't think this is something that anyone should be celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I think having a summer job is good for teenagers. It helps teach them a sense of responsibility, and it's healthy for them to start developing financial independence. But this isn't exactly the kind of metric that the federal government should be aiming for. If it happens it happens, if not then it doesn't. Ultimately, this is a matter for parent and child to deal with.

But if Donald's claim is true, it goes to show that many people who blast fast food workers are completely off the mark. They constantly say that only teenagers should be working in fast food, but with so many youth working it clearly shows that teenagers barely scratch the surface on the demand for labor in the industry. Our labor market has changed since the 1960s. Fast food employees are the modern day working class. They should be given the same respect as the work class was shown in years past. After all, the only real difference is that in the 1960s the working class were predominantly white, while in 2018 the working class are predominantly black and Latino.

Yeah exactly sure we have a lot more jobs, but they are low wage sweat shop jobs that no one can live off of. The sad part is there are a lot of adults trapped in these low wage jobs for many years who despite their attempts at interviews and sending in resumes and going to college for a Bachelors or even a Master's or Law Degree still have a hard time getting ahead in life. I am one such example I got a Bachelor's and Master's degree and all it got me was low wage jobs that I could not live off of or provide for me and my wife. Jobs that offered little to no benefits. The only profession that saved me from being stuck in such low wage jobs was getting a CDL and becoming a truck driver.

I know so many college grads with Bachelor's and Master's degrees who work low wage jobs.

It all depends on what you took up in college. I always tell younger people preparing for college to go through the want ads and see what's in demand out there. Don't take courses in something where there is no work. Many of them do it anyway.

Many years ago I went to electronics school. I was working full-time during the day and class at night. After becoming exhausted with the schedule, I asked one of my teachers what kind of money I should expect to make after one year of schooling. He told me about 16K (this was back in the early 80's mind you) so I asked what I would make after my two year associates degree? He told me about 18K.

It didn't pay any money because everybody and their mother was interested in electronics at the time. Too much supply and not enough demand.

Like you, I eventually got my license and can work. I don't make a lot of money because of my health and medical restrictions, but I'm not installing cable television like many of my old classmates ended up doing.
Unfortunately too many are getting degrees for things that do not really translate into things needed by business. Might as well get a degree in basket weaving as a degree in fine arts. As you stated they do no research on marketable skills. Too many start college with one major then part way decide to change majors then wonder why they have so much debt. In the last few years we have those coming into the workforce that expect to be the manager or CEO within weeks of starting. Too many have bought into the idea that working any job you should be able to afford the newest iPhone, a wall covering flatscreen tv, the newest and largest SUV along with eating out every night and a 2000 sq foot house. No one has taught them financial responsibility.

About six years ago my niece graduated college with a biology degree hoping to get into the medical field. She's been a waitress ever since then in spite of her outstanding grades.

My nephew did well with his Masters though, however the woman he married had a degree in advertising. She ended up working at a bank processing loans.
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

I don't think this is something that anyone should be celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I think having a summer job is good for teenagers. It helps teach them a sense of responsibility, and it's healthy for them to start developing financial independence. But this isn't exactly the kind of metric that the federal government should be aiming for. If it happens it happens, if not then it doesn't. Ultimately, this is a matter for parent and child to deal with.

But if Donald's claim is true, it goes to show that many people who blast fast food workers are completely off the mark. They constantly say that only teenagers should be working in fast food, but with so many youth working it clearly shows that teenagers barely scratch the surface on the demand for labor in the industry. Our labor market has changed since the 1960s. Fast food employees are the modern day working class. They should be given the same respect as the work class was shown in years past. After all, the only real difference is that in the 1960s the working class were predominantly white, while in 2018 the working class are predominantly black and Latino.
Dont forget there are less of them as percentage of the population in a larger economy so is this really that big a deal. Should have happened sooner but many companies now wont hire anyone under 18 whereas we were working at 15
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

My son works at 16, and I am proud of him. He is saving for college, and with a scholarship, I want him to graduate without debt. Where I live, kids can't even work until they are 16. When I was a kid, I worked in the fields much younger than that. Like someone said earlier, it beats the heck out of messing around with your phone 24/7.
Donald is celebrating on twitter right now about this.

I don't think this is something that anyone should be celebrating. Don't get me wrong, I think having a summer job is good for teenagers. It helps teach them a sense of responsibility, and it's healthy for them to start developing financial independence. But this isn't exactly the kind of metric that the federal government should be aiming for. If it happens it happens, if not then it doesn't. Ultimately, this is a matter for parent and child to deal with.

But if Donald's claim is true, it goes to show that many people who blast fast food workers are completely off the mark. They constantly say that only teenagers should be working in fast food, but with so many youth working it clearly shows that teenagers barely scratch the surface on the demand for labor in the industry. Our labor market has changed since the 1960s. Fast food employees are the modern day working class. They should be given the same respect as the work class was shown in years past. After all, the only real difference is that in the 1960s the working class were predominantly white, while in 2018 the working class are predominantly black and Latino.

I have questions on your OP I don't even know where to start.

Okay, when did Trump ever aim for more kids working?

Who are you referring to that said "only teenagers" should be working fast food jobs?

Where do you get this idea that minorities are the majority of the working class in this country?

Who is showing disrespect for the working class?

I'm with you on this. How in the world is 16 year olds building a work history disrespecting the working class? What?
My son works at 16, and I am proud of him. He is saving for college, and with a scholarship, I want him to graduate without debt. Where I live, kids can't even work until they are 16. When I was a kid, I worked in the fields much younger than that. Like someone said earlier, it beats the heck out of messing around with your phone 24/7.

I was just a kid when I started working as well. My father was a bricklayer and up north, you can only work during favorable months so you work as many hours as you can during that time.

When he got home from work, he ate dinner with the family, laid down on the floor for about a half-hour, and then got up to do side jobs. One time when he was loading his truck, I asked him for five dollars. What makes you think I have five dollars he asked? I said well you work, so I know you got five dollars. He said if that's the way I make my five dollars, that's the way you're going to make yours, now get in the truck.

I spent many summer evenings with my father making one dollar an hour carrying clamps of bricks, mixing cement by hand, carrying block, cleaning up the tools and work environment, fetching my dad his tools when he needed them, helping to build scaffolding.

I guess the OP would tell me my father was involved in slave child labor, but working at that young age teaches you things you need to know for the adult world, and able to tackle any job regardless how rough it is.
Trump cures cancer
Puts researchers out of work-Impeach

I'm sorry, what's your objection to the subject here? Do you support a resurgence of child labor, or the reduction of the working class into neo-fiefdom?
What? 8 year children are working 16 hours a day at the mines? Need to embellish to make some kind of point that really isn't there?
Typical garden variety lib

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