YouTube is deleting comments with two phrases that insult China’s Communist Party

Big Tech's march towards fascism carries on

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The accidental censorship is even more puzzling considering that YouTube is currently blocked in China, giving its parent company, Google, even less reason to censor comments critical of the CCP or apply moderation systems in accordance with Chinese censorship laws.
>>> YouTube’s comment filters, which automatically remove spam and offensive text.

Ugh. If it's a "50-cent party" I suspect that the volume of unsolicited bulk comments automatically generated by automatic spambots is simply too great for human moderators to handle.

Spam is spam, even if it's political in nature. Too many comments contain the exact same obnoxious or insulting (or simply uninformative) computer generated phrase.

Actual human commenters can learn to paraphrase rather than posting the same generic party line copypasta over and over again ...
So these terms should not be used: the words “共匪” (“communist bandit”)

and the words “五毛” (“50-cent party”)

We are not at war to my knowledge with either the Chinese nor their leaders. Why make trouble where there is none? Asking for trouble with a superpower is unwise. We should be praying for peace and reconciliation with our difficult neighbor in the east. They have a lot of mouths to feed over there, and they don't run their nation the way we run ours. Surely we can leave them alone if they're not hurting our people, and I haven't heard anything bad other than that they sent people back home who contracted the Corona virus when they had their hands full. The fact that they withheld information on the virus that would have benefitted everyone on the planet was unfortunate, but again, China paddles its own canoe, not ours. We're going through hell with COVID-19. They went through it too, so much so they forgot about the rest of the world and just set about making things right where they could, which was in the Wuhan Province and other areas of China where citizens of other cities visited Wuhan often. Once infected, people went to their own homes, which caused a pandemic.

My guess is that the entire thing was because they saw the deaths and despair after such a short infection time, and it worried them to stamp the disease out with every gun they had. They just didn't realize that sending all foreigners home would result in the pandemic it turned out to be. It was human error. You don't H-bomb or A-bomb human error. You change it on a different battleground--intellectually. And that's what I think.
Big Tech's march towards fascism carries on
Fascism and spam blocking are two different problems.

what's the non-Fascist alternative to YouTube?
And how would *you* deal with the excessive volume of low-quality content?

TikTok which is another Chinese company has been censoring American politics.
U.S. military service members have been banned from using TikTok, by ranking U.S. military officials. I wasn't aware the ban was at the request of TikTok's corporate management.
Big Tech's march towards fascism carries on

It's not fascism. Until it's the government throwing you in jail for political incorrect speech, there is no fascism.

The big tech companies are not governments. They can't send you to prison. They can't stop you from saying whatever you want to say. Just not on their property.

Just like if someone came and started promoting Hillary Clinton, or complaining about Christianity, I'd have them removed.

You don't have a "right" to post what you want on Youtube. Not a right.

You need to be very careful about trying to force Youtube to do what you want.... because that same force you use against Youtube, will be used against you someday.
what's the non-Fascist alternative to YouTube?

Google owns YouTube as you know. and they've left little doubt they're in a race with Facebook to get Biden elected. Is there an alternative? Laura Ingraham since Tucker is a pussy and Hannity is a repetitous blowhard. Too bad O'Reilly couldn't keep his mouth in gear with his brain around women...he had a great show.
I'm in Spotify,LBRY and Vimeo. Hey. Gotta be patient. I left Windows in 1997 and was a dev in the Mozilla suite project.It took most of you morons years to lose Exploder and go with Firefox.Took less time for you to get Chromed. Most have yet to hear about Brave.
Microsoft Confirms New Windows 10 Update Warning
You don't have a "right" to post what you want on Youtube. Not a right
Yeah, you do, when it comes to voicing a political or religious opinion which is what the First Amendment protects. This is NOT a "private business" issue. They are a PLATFORM created for this very purpose.

While the First Amendment generally does not apply to private companies, the Supreme Court has held it “does not disable the government from taking steps to ensure that private interests not restrict . . . the free flow of information and ideas.” But as Senator Ted Cruz points out, Congress actually has the power to deter political censorship by social media companies without using government coercion or taking action that would violate the First Amendment, in letter or spirit. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act immunizes online platforms for their users’ defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise unlawful content. Congress granted this extraordinary benefit to facilitate “forum for a true diversity of political discourse.” This exemption from standard libel law is extremely valuable to the companies that enjoy its protection, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, but they only got it because it was assumed that they would operate as impartial, open channels of communication—not curators of acceptable opinion.

Big Tech's march towards fascism carries on
Fascism and spam blocking are two different problems.

what's the non-Fascist alternative to YouTube?
And how would *you* deal with the excessive volume of low-quality content?

TikTok which is another Chinese company has been censoring American politics.
U.S. military service members have been banned from using TikTok, by ranking U.S. military officials. I wasn't aware the ban was at the request of TikTok's corporate management.
One of Disneys top people is now CEO of TikTok. These companies are out of control. They are all out for the rise of leftist tyrants
Surely we can leave them alone if they're not hurting our people, and I haven't heard anything bad other than that they sent people back home who contracted the Corona virus when they had their hands full.
You may not be at war with China, but they are at war with us. They are building a "China City" 30 miles from me. They are infecting our universities and turning our leftist professors into well paid spies. IF Biden ever becomes president, the future is dark in America

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