You've Come A Long Way Baby....?


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
I find it rather interesting that decades ago women marched for their right to vote. Then last week women marched to protest the rights of women who voted for Trump.

Ladies, this was a legitimate election; as legitimate as Obama's nomination over Hillary in 2008 at least. So, suck it up buttercups. If you want the right to vote in a democracy, you have to accept what the result of that vote says.

And, why aren't you protesting the losses down-ticket in the collective thrashing your party just got? Why just Trump? I think I know the answer to that: if you did, you'd be acknowledging it was a flaw in your platforms that put Trump where he is. And that would water-down your hatred of him as not quite as legitimate as you want it to be. Own your mistakes democrats. Maybe Obama shouldn't have done an EO forcing schools to let deranged boys use girls' showers & bathrooms....for example...

A quick recap on the electoral college. It exists and was put in place precisely so that certain populated states cannot overween power over less populated states. The Founding Fathers knew about how big cliques tend to turn into fascists/activists at the expense of the rest of the country. They didn't want that tendency to bleed over into the results of a national election.

And with California's fruit & nut values, I think we can safely say "wisely so"...

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I find it rather interesting that decades ago women marched for their right to vote. Then last week women marched to protest the rights of women who voted for Trump.

Ladies, this was a legitimate election; as legitimate as Obama's nomination over Hillary in 2008 at least. So, suck it up buttercups. If you want the right to vote in a democracy, you have to accept what the result of that vote says.

And, why aren't you protesting the losses down-ticket in the collective thrashing your party just got? Why just Trump? I think I know the answer to that: if you did, you'd be acknowledging it was a flaw in your platforms that put Trump where he is. And that would water-down your hatred of him as not quite as legitimate as you want it to be. Own your mistakes democrats. Maybe Obama shouldn't have done an EO forcing schools to let deranged boys use girls' showers & bathrooms....for example...

A quick recap on the electoral college. It exists and was put in place precisely so that certain populated states cannot overween power over less populated states. The Founding Fathers knew about how big cliques tend to turn into fascists/activists at the expense of the rest of the country. They didn't want that tendency to bleed over into the results of a national election.

And with California's fruit & nut values, I think we can safely say "wisely so"...

Do you know the similarity between California and Granola? Take out all the nuts and the flakes and all you have left is fruit.
I find it rather interesting that decades ago women marched for their right to vote. Then last week women marched to protest the rights of women who voted for Trump.

Ladies, this was a legitimate election; as legitimate as Obama's nomination over Hillary in 2008 at least. So, suck it up buttercups. If you want the right to vote in a democracy, you have to accept what the result of that vote says.

And, why aren't you protesting the losses down-ticket in the collective thrashing your party just got? Why just Trump? I think I know the answer to that: if you did, you'd be acknowledging it was a flaw in your platforms that put Trump where he is. And that would water-down your hatred of him as not quite as legitimate as you want it to be. Own your mistakes democrats. Maybe Obama shouldn't have done an EO forcing schools to let deranged boys use girls' showers & bathrooms....for example...

A quick recap on the electoral college. It exists and was put in place precisely so that certain populated states cannot overween power over less populated states. The Founding Fathers knew about how big cliques tend to turn into fascists/activists at the expense of the rest of the country. They didn't want that tendency to bleed over into the results of a national election.

And with California's fruit & nut values, I think we can safely say "wisely so"...


The large populations in California and other places include millions of illegal aliens. Even when they don't vote, they are counted by the Census Bureau and because of that, a state gets more electoral votes. Increasing the population means increasing the representation allowed, even when they are here illegally.
I find it rather interesting that decades ago women marched for their right to vote. Then last week women marched to protest the rights of women who voted for Trump.

Ladies, this was a legitimate election; as legitimate as Obama's nomination over Hillary in 2008 at least. So, suck it up buttercups. If you want the right to vote in a democracy, you have to accept what the result of that vote says.

And, why aren't you protesting the losses down-ticket in the collective thrashing your party just got? Why just Trump? I think I know the answer to that: if you did, you'd be acknowledging it was a flaw in your platforms that put Trump where he is. And that would water-down your hatred of him as not quite as legitimate as you want it to be. Own your mistakes democrats. Maybe Obama shouldn't have done an EO forcing schools to let deranged boys use girls' showers & bathrooms....for example...

A quick recap on the electoral college. It exists and was put in place precisely so that certain populated states cannot overween power over less populated states. The Founding Fathers knew about how big cliques tend to turn into fascists/activists at the expense of the rest of the country. They didn't want that tendency to bleed over into the results of a national election.

And with California's fruit & nut values, I think we can safely say "wisely so"...


Hey numbnuts.......order one of those "dick suckers" for yourself. It couldn't be more obvious that your opinion of a woman fades for any other purpose!
Hey numbnuts.......order one of those "dick suckers" for yourself. It couldn't be more obvious that your opinion of a woman fades for any other purpose!

Meanwhile, a lot of women weren't welcome at the so-called Women's march. And media is totally ignoring the women marching for life.

The women's march didn't offer anything of substance. They demanded things they already have, like equal rights. Only thing they demanded that they don't have yet is free abortion.

Not all women want stuff for free and those that disagree with the liberal agenda are in no way represented by the left.

I think Bill Clinton already made it clear why he thinks most women exist. Then he and his ilk treated them like trash when they objected to his actions.
The point is, it's demeaning to think of women as "one psychological or philosophical unit". That's like saying "all blacks speak ebonics and vote democrat". Women who voted for Trump are as viable as women who didn't.

Either women had the right to vote for Trump or they didn't. Which is it ladies?

And, why aren't you protesting down-ballot losses for dems?
I guess another thought occurred to me. Are people allowed to protest democracy in the US; and to advocate to others to gather in large crowds to protest democracy in the US? The women's march was peaceful (though Madonna did say something about burning down the Whitehouse?) ; but the other inaugural mob was not. Both were protesting the results of a democratic election in the US. I think we used to call people like this "traitors" and their acts "sedition". I guess those two words don't have meaning anymore.

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