Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Sanctions that take many months to phase in....would cripple Russian economy in weeks? You are on drugs.
Yet those sanctions on Russia had a rather immediate impact on Europe.

Stop posting! You know nothing.

This invasion has led to widespread U.S. and E.U. sanctions on Russia, which have boomeranged onto Europe. Inflation ravages Europe with the sharp curtailment of shipments of Russian oil and gas. Industry, especially in Germany, is crippled. In most of Europe, it is a winter of shortages, spiraling prices and misery.
You didn’t disprove anything. You asked how they were authoritarian and I replied.

All you want to do is appease thugs. Easy to do for a weakling. Bad for the world long term.
Hypocrite! The USG invades nations with impunity, but you don’t think it thuggish. You think it is perfectly wonderful.

You know nothing of the Monroe Doctrine, but Russia isn’t allowed any consideration regarding their neighboring nations. It’s perfectly fine to provoke and lie to Russia.

You want WWIII because of…UKRAINE. WTF!
The demands to appease Russia come almost universally from the conservatives in this country.
If only you and so many other Americans were smart enough to overcome the war propaganda…

The Democrats are Now the War Party

The Democratic Party has become the party of permanent war, fueling massive military spending which is hollowing out the country from the inside and flirting with with nuclear war.

Chris Hedges

The Democrats position themselves as the party of virtue, cloaking their support for the war industry in moral language stretching back to Korea and Vietnam, when President Ngo Dinh Diem was as lionized as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. All the wars they support and fund are “good” wars. All the enemies they fight, the latest being Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping, are incarnations of evil. The photo of a beaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris holding up a signed Ukrainian battle flag behind Zelensky as he addressed Congress was another example of the Democratic Party’s abject subservience to the war machine.

The Democrats, especially with the presidency of Bill Clinton, became shills not only for corporate America but for the weapons manufacturers and the Pentagon. No weapons system is too costly. No war, no matter how disastrous, goes unfunded. No military budget is too big, including the $858 billion in military spending allocated for the current fiscal year, an increase of $45 billion above what the Biden administration requested.

The historian Arnold Toynbee cited unchecked militarism as the fatal disease of empires, arguing that they ultimatley commit suicide.

There once was a wing of the Democratic Party that questioned and stood up to the war industry:
Senators J. William Fulbright, George McGovern, Gene McCarthy, Mike Gravel, William Proxmire and House member Dennis Kucinich. But that opposition evaporated along with the antiwar movement. When 30 members of the party’s progressive caucus recently issued a call for Biden to negotiate with Putin, they were forced by the party leadership and a warmongering media to back down and rescindtheir letter. Not that any of them, with the exception of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have voted against the billions of dollars in weaponry sent to Ukraine or the bloated military budget. Rashida Tlaib voted present.

The opposition to the perpetual funding of the war in Ukraine has come primarily from Republicans, 11 in the Senate and 57 in the House, several, such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, unhinged conspiracy theorists. Only nine Republicans in the House joined the Democrats in supporting the $1.7 trillion spending bill needed to prevent the government from shutting down, which included approval of $847 billion for the military — the total is boosted to $858 billion when factoring in accounts that don’t fall under the Armed Services committees’ jurisdiction. In the Senate, 29 Republicans opposed the spending bill. The Democrats, including nearly all 100 members of the House Congressional Progressive Caucus, lined up dutifully for endless war
Taking notice...by annexing Ukranian land. Thats some serious note taking, but doesn't explain shit as far as Crimea suddenly becoming rightful Russian land after Putin asured the world that it's of course Ukranian territory.
When an illegal, US-supported coup drove a duly elected president from office in 2014, Putin realized he was dealing with a puppet government in Kiev, and that's why he decided to stop appeasing foreign governments intent on redrawing the borders of his country.

A western plot to balkanize Russia gets leaked. But the one Russia has will never get leaked
Russian troops responded to the Ukrainian buildup and rhetoric from Zelensky about crushing the resistance to Nazi rule in Donbass and "liberating" Crimea. US elites have always known Ukraine has no chance of winning militarily, but they expected their sanctions to cripple the Russian economy within weeks. How's that working?

Pretty good. The Russian economy is in shambles. The Ukraine military has pushed Russia back almost to the starting lines of the war. Putin is now asking the UN to mediate.

Not really true.

Yes, the democrat Reich pushed the "one China" bullshit - yet every administration - INCLUDING Bought and Paid For - has committed to defending Taiwan against your masters in China.

We say we'll do it, but the practicality of doing it is quite another thing. At any given time, we only have one aircraft carrier in the region. The Chinese now have three and thousands of land based planes.

By the time we get something together, the Chinese will have already taken Taiwan.

The main reason they won't is because Taiwan and China do a lot of business and investment, and the economic effects of a war would be devastating for China in terms of lost trade and investment.
When an illegal, US-supported coup drove a duly elected president from office in 2014, Putin realized he was dealing with a puppet government in Kiev, and that's why he decided to stop appeasing foreign governments intent on redrawing the borders of his country.

Did they cut back your rations at the St. Petersburg Troll Farm?
When an illegal, US-supported coup drove a duly elected president from office in 2014, Putin realized he was dealing with a puppet government in Kiev, and that's why he decided to stop appeasing foreign governments intent on redrawing the borders of his country.

A western plot to balkanize Russia gets leaked. But the one Russia has will never get leaked
There is the argument that Putin really mishandled Ukraine. After the coup in 2014, he allowed the Nazis to murder 14k in the Donbas while trying to negotiate the Minsk treaty, which we now know was a fraud perpetrated by the west to give Ukraine time to strengthen its military. Some say he should have invaded Ukraine in 2014, much as he did to return the Crimea to Russia.
You know nothing of the Monroe Doctrine, but Russia isn’t allowed any consideration regarding their neighboring nations. It’s perfectly fine to provoke and lie to Russia.
You’re still refusing to acknowledge that Russia is acting like a thug and use euphemisms to cover it up.

Ukraine wants to join NATO because they want to defend themselves from Russian authoritarianism.

It’s not consideration that Russia wants. That’s such a bullshit word. Russia demands that Ukraine bend to their demands or they will wage war upon them, which only proves that Ukraine is right to seek NATO membership.

That’s not consideration. That’s authoritarianism.
You’re still refusing to acknowledge that Russia is acting like a thug and use euphemisms to cover it up.

Ukraine wants to join NATO because they want to defend themselves from Russian authoritarianism.

It’s not consideration that Russia wants. That’s such a bullshit word. Russia demands that Ukraine bend to their demands or they will wage war upon them, which only proves that Ukraine is right to seek NATO membership.

That’s not consideration. That’s authoritarianism.
You still don’t know the USG is a thug.
You still don’t know the USG is a thug.
False equivalence.

Russia invaded Ukraine because Ukraine didn’t want to be under their corrupt thumb. You say they deserve consideration, but you really just want to appease the thugs.

You’re a weakling. Zelensky is far stronger a person than you, given he’s not willing to be bullied by the thugs trying to hurt his people.
False equivalence.

Russia invaded Ukraine because Ukraine didn’t want to be under their corrupt thumb. You say they deserve consideration, but you really just want to appease the thugs.

You’re a weakling. Zelensky is far stronger a person than you, given he’s not willing to be bullied by the thugs trying to hurt his people.
Lol. Dupe. USG has invaded multiple nations, but apparently you don’t know this.

Did you just graduate high school?

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