Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Pretty good. The Russian economy is in shambles. The Ukraine military has pushed Russia back almost to the starting lines of the war. Putin is now asking the UN to mediate.
How much Ukrainian territory did Russia control ten months ago?

How much will Russia control 10 months from now?
Are you expecting a Nazi breakout in Bakhmut?
The EU economy will collapse long before Russia's.
Lol. Dupe. USG has invaded multiple nations, but apparently you don’t know this.

Did you just graduate high school?
You’re losing badly and trying to change the subject with false equivalencies.

You have no counter argument to the fact that you’re making excuses for Russian authoritarianism.

Ukraine’s sin is to seek self defense from their neighbor who seeks to either keep them under their corrupt control or wipe their entire nation and identity off the map.

That’s what you call “provoking”. It’s only provocation if you’re an authoritarian thug.
You’re losing badly and trying to change the subject with false equivalencies.

You have no counter argument to the fact that you’re making excuses for Russian authoritarianism.

Ukraine’s sin is to seek self defense from their neighbor who seeks to either keep them under their corrupt control or wipe their entire nation and identity off the map.

That’s what you call “provoking”. It’s only provocation if you’re an authoritarian thug.
How is it false? Please explain.
Last time I checked, Mexico and Canada have no fear that we are going to invade and annex them.

Ukraine does. Because they live next to a corrupt thuggish nation
Lol. Oh so you conveniently forget about the numerous nations the USG has invaded, threatened, sanctioned, committed coups upon.

I’m sorry dude, but you’re an idiot.
Lol. Oh so you conveniently forget about the numerous nations the USG has invaded, threatened, sanctioned, committed coups upon.

I’m sorry dude, but you’re an idiot.
You are an idiot making a false equivalency.

Ukraine’s only sin is seeking protection from a neighboring thug, and for this their country is invaded in an attempt to wipe it off the map.

There’s no equivalency with the US.

You’re pathetically trying to make excuses for authoritarians. You are weak.
How much Ukrainian territory did Russia control ten months ago?

How much will Russia control 10 months from now?
Are you expecting a Nazi breakout in Bakhmut?
The EU economy will collapse long before Russia's.

You, Gipper and other useful idiots still didn't learn shit.

Russia can't keep up with the full western weapon supply, they have no means to success in a direct, conventional warfare. Which is why they took up desparate bombing of civilian infrastructure to get concessions. They will get none.

Ukraine will prove you wrong wrong wrong and wrong again.
The demands to appease Russia come almost universally from the conservatives in this country.

You're all for appeasing thugs, as long as they are Chinese.

In reality - democrats have been toadies of Russia since 1917. Obama and Hillary overthrew the Ukraine government in 2014 in order to create a place that they can launder money and embezzle taxpayer funds.

Putin didn't invade without permission from Biden and his handlers. Obama gave Putin the Crimea - Quid Pro invited Putin to invade and funded it with petro dollars by killing the American energy sector.
You're all for appeasing thugs, as long as they are Chinese.

In reality - democrats have been toadies of Russia since 1917. Obama and Hillary overthrew the Ukraine government in 2014 in order to create a place that they can launder money and embezzle taxpayer funds.

Putin didn't invade without permission from Biden and his handlers. Obama gave Putin the Crimea - Quid Pro invited Putin to invade and funded it with petro dollars by killing the American energy sector.
This is all complete nonsense.
You, Gipper and other useful idiots still didn't learn shit.

Russia can't keep up with the full western weapon supply, they have no means to success in a direct, conventional warfare. Which is why they took up desparate bombing of civilian infrastructure to get concessions. They will get none.

Ukraine will prove you wrong wrong wrong and wrong again.
You know nothing. Stop posting.
False equivalence.

Russia invaded Ukraine because Ukraine didn’t want to be under their corrupt thumb. You say they deserve consideration, but you really just want to appease the thugs.

You’re a weakling. Zelensky is far stronger a person than you, given he’s not willing to be bullied by the thugs trying to hurt his people.


Because Russia is MORE corrupt than Ukraine? :lol:
This war was never about bringing democracy to Ukraine or protecting it from aggression.

This was always about laundering our money to the military industrial complex & further enriching the U.S. oligarchy.

Correct. And every Biden supporter is a conspirator in it.
Russia is far more corrupt.



Both are utterly corrupt shitholes. The difference is that the Ukraine is controlled by American corrupticrats.

Ukrainians wanted to make their country better for themselves, to fix the corruption.

Bummer Obama staged a coup and installed a stooge then...

The first step was getting out from under the control of Russia who perpetuates corruption.

Ukraine isn't under control of Russia. In fact, they're kind of enemies.

Even the Reich Propaganda should have informed you of that...


Both are utterly corrupt shitholes. The difference is that the Ukraine is controlled by American corrupticrats.

Bummer Obama staged a coup and installed a stooge then...

Ukraine isn't under control of Russia. In fact, they're kind of enemies.

Even the Reich Propaganda should have informed you of that...
Ukraine used to be under the control of Russia but started the break up in 2004 when Ukrainians wanted to elected a reformer. That reformer was poisoned by Russia. When they didn’t kill him, the Russian stooges tried to fix the election, which also was discovered and the results wiped out.

Ukraine has been trying to crawl out from under Russias corrupt influence for decades and it hasn’t been easy.

Who was the Russian stooge that tried to steal the election in 2004? Why it was Yanukovych, the guy that was ousted in your supposed “coup” in 2014.
Ukraine used to be under the control of Russia but started the break up in 2004 when Ukrainians wanted to elected a reformer.

Yes, and the control of Ukraine was up to Ukrainians until 2014 - when Obama and Hillary stepped in.

That reformer was poisoned by Russia. When they didn’t kill him, the Russian stooges tried to fix the election, which also was discovered and the results wiped out.

Ukraine has been trying to crawl out from under Russias corrupt influence for decades and it hasn’t been easy.

Being under the corrupt influence of the DNC isn't much of an improvement.

Who was the Russian stooge that tried to steal the election in 2004? Why it was Yanukovych, the guy that was ousted in your supposed “coup” in 2014.

Alternative history from a DNC stooge.

Yanukovych was elected president in 2010, defeating Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The election was judged free and fair by international observers.[5][6] In November 2013 a series of events started that led to his ousting as president.[7][8][9] Yanukovych rejected a pending EU association agreement, choosing instead to pursue a Russian loan bailout and closer ties with Russia. This led to protests and the occupation of Kyiv's Independence Square, a series of events dubbed the "Euromaidan" by proponents of aligning Ukraine toward the European Union. In January 2014, this developed into deadly clashes in Independence Square and in other areas across Ukraine, as Ukrainian citizens confronted the Berkut and other special police units.[10] In February 2014, Ukraine appeared to be on the brink of civil war, as violent clashes between protesters and special police forces led to many deaths and injuries.[11][12] On 21 February 2014, Yanukovych claimed that, after lengthy discussions, he had reached an agreement with the opposition.[13] Later that day, however, he left the capital for Kharkiv, saying his car was shot at as he left Kyiv, and travelling next to Crimea, and eventually to exile in southern Russia.[14]

On 22 February 2014, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove him from his post and schedule new elections on the grounds that he "has restrained himself from performing his constitutional duties" and effectively resigned,[15] rather than by following the impeachment process for criminal acts under Article 108 of the Ukrainian constitution.[16] }

Yes, and the control of Ukraine was up to Ukrainians until 2014 - when Obama and Hillary stepped in.

Being under the corrupt influence of the DNC isn't much of an improvement.

Alternative history from a DNC stooge.

Yanukovych was elected president in 2010, defeating Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The election was judged free and fair by international observers.[5][6] In November 2013 a series of events started that led to his ousting as president.[7][8][9] Yanukovych rejected a pending EU association agreement, choosing instead to pursue a Russian loan bailout and closer ties with Russia. This led to protests and the occupation of Kyiv's Independence Square, a series of events dubbed the "Euromaidan" by proponents of aligning Ukraine toward the European Union. In January 2014, this developed into deadly clashes in Independence Square and in other areas across Ukraine, as Ukrainian citizens confronted the Berkut and other special police units.[10] In February 2014, Ukraine appeared to be on the brink of civil war, as violent clashes between protesters and special police forces led to many deaths and injuries.[11][12] On 21 February 2014, Yanukovych claimed that, after lengthy discussions, he had reached an agreement with the opposition.[13] Later that day, however, he left the capital for Kharkiv, saying his car was shot at as he left Kyiv, and travelling next to Crimea, and eventually to exile in southern Russia.[14]

On 22 February 2014, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove him from his post and schedule new elections on the grounds that he "has restrained himself from performing his constitutional duties" and effectively resigned,[15] rather than by following the impeachment process for criminal acts under Article 108 of the Ukrainian constitution.[16] }

Interesting isn’t it? You claim that Ukraine is as corrupt as Russia yet here you are discussing their free and fair elections.

I think we both agree there’s no free and fair election in Russia.

Way to contradict yourself.

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