Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Well, there goes the "they wanted to join NATO, therefore Russia had to invade them" bullshit.

But you've got it wrong, the most corrupt country in Europe is actually Russia.

Ukraine and Russia had about same corruption index untill about 8 years ago. Since then Ukraine has shown improvement while Russia has shown none. Ukraine has the political means and the will to keep working on it's internal problems. Russia has niether.

Ukraine desperately wants to join NATO. Russia strongly opposes that.

Ukraine has shown minimal improvement in the level of corruption there.

Russia doesn’t want Ukraine in NATO because they want an unimpeded pathway in Ukraine to the Black Sea. That area is a very strategically important location.
Your post proves me right but again, you’ll never understand.
You can’t even keep your own argument straight.

I won’t understand you because your argument is pseudo-intellectual gibberish. As soon as I address your point, you pivot to something entirely different.
You can’t even keep your own argument straight.

I won’t understand you because your argument is pseudo-intellectual gibberish. As soon as I address your point, you pivot to something entirely different.
Peace is a concept alien to a fool like you.

Please tell me your working on attaining a GED.
Russia doesn’t want Ukraine in NATO because they want an unimpeded pathway in Ukraine to the Black Sea. That area is a very strategically important location.

Have you ever actually looked at the map?


Russia clearly doesn't need Ukraine for unimpeded pathway to the black sea. What are you talking about?
Peace is a concept alien to a fool like you.

Please tell me your working on attaining a GED.
Peace through appeasement doesn’t last.

It’s the easy way out. It’s the way for cowards and weaklings.
There is the argument that Putin really mishandled Ukraine. After the coup in 2014, he allowed the Nazis to murder 14k in the Donbas while trying to negotiate the Minsk treaty, which we now know was a fraud perpetrated by the west to give Ukraine time to strengthen its military. Some say he should have invaded Ukraine in 2014, much as he did to return the Crimea to Russia.
With 20/20 hindsight after seeing how NATO reinvented Ukrainian fortifications and manpower since 2014, Putin would have found it far easier from a military standpoint to liberate Donbass and Mariupol eight long years ago. Biden and McCain were photographed on the Maidan shaking hands with Nazis at that time, so it's likely we would have seen the same level of jingoism and war profiteering then as we see today. I wonder how Trump's term in office would have responded to Russian annexation of the Donbass compared to how Democrats view the issue?

Come on now? You’re 12 years old right?
I didn't ask you. I know your answer.

You defend the authoritarian thug point of view that attempting to defending oneself from foreign aggression is provocation. It makes no sense, but you won't listen to logic.
Ukraine used to be under the control of Russia but started the break up in 2004 when Ukrainians wanted to elected a reformer. That reformer was poisoned by Russia. When they didn’t kill him, the Russian stooges tried to fix the election, which also was discovered and the results wiped out.

Ukraine has been trying to crawl out from under Russias corrupt influence for decades and it hasn’t been easy.

Who was the Russian stooge that tried to steal the election in 2004? Why it was Yanukovych, the guy that was ousted in your supposed “coup” in 2014.

What evidence is there that Russia poisoned anyone to rig an election in 2004? Take that to the Hague, with all of your evidence, if not your accusation is bullshit.

Yanukovych was the democratically elected president of Ukraine in 2014 and most Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas voted for him. They naturally lean toward Russia, culturally, linguistically, politically..etc. They voted for a Russian-friendly president because at the end of the day, their largest neighbor is Russia and it's stupid to think that Ukraine can do anything that would undermine Russia's national security without grave consequences. Ukraine has been trying to join NATO since the 1990s and there is no reason for Russia to allow a cold war dinosaur, a military alliance that is inherently hostile to its interests and national security, to turn Ukraine into a launching pad. NATO will never set up shop in Ukraine.

If the Western Ukrainians that want to become part of the EU and NATO, due to their hatred of Russia, oust their democratically elected president through a violent coup, and you applaud them because they supposedly have the right to do that. Why don't the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea, and wherever else they might live in Ukraine (Odesa for example, has a lot of Russo-Ukrainians that are pro-Russian), have the right to say "NO" we don't accept your anti-Russian, coup government? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If Western Ukrainians or Anti-Russian Ukrainians, who lean towards the EU, can violently oust a democratically elected president, replacing him with Poroshenko, a man that hates everything Russian, then why can't the ethnic Russians of Ukraine reject Poroshenko and all of the other Anti-Russian, pro-EU/NATO kyiv heads of state that follow him? The Kyiv government even banned all pro-Russian Ukrainian opposition from the government and Media, banning Ukrainian TV and radio stations that are pro-Russian. There's no democracy there. Ukraine is a divided country.

The US should stop meddling in the internal, political affairs of Ukraine and Russia.

Can you imagine if Russian politicians were in DC giving speeches to American protestors? Traveling to America to ferment a revolution i.e. adding fuel to the fire. The US government would go bonkers and start firing missiles at Moscow.
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I didn't ask you. I know your answer.

You defend the authoritarian thug point of view that attempting to defending oneself from foreign aggression is provocation. It makes no sense, but you won't listen to logic.
The thinking of a 12 year old.
Surely that means Alaska is now Russia's rightful land.

Right dumbass? You take note, of something going on in another country that you don't like and BAM, their land becomes rightfully yours.
You lost me on that one, Sparky.
Maybe we should try viewing the current crisis in Ukraine as a "security dilemma"?

DECEMBER 27, 2022

The Ukraine Crisis Is a Classic “Security Dilemma”


"A security dilemma is a situation in which countries on each side take actions for their own defense that countries on the other side then see as a threat.

"Since offensive and defensive weapons and forces are often indistinguishable, one side’s defensive build-up can easily be seen as an offensive build-up by the other side.

"As each side responds to the actions of the other, the net result is a spiral of militarization and escalation, even though both sides insist, and may even believe, that their own actions are defensive."

The essence of a security dilemma is lack of trust between the parties, and nothing betrays trust like profiteering from wars and rumors of war. Since the dominant economic system on this planet has never existed without war profits, trust will likely be in short supply.
The thinking of a 12 year old.
Yet again, your argument devolves into ridicule of people who don't share your perspective.

You do this rather than make an honest argument. It shows intellectual weakness.

The fact is you see it as provocation when we work to defend a nation from foreign invasion. That's nonsense.
China only has 2 operation carriers, and they re both pieces of shit compared to our carriers. Their land-based aircraft are ancient pieces of shit, designed in the 1950s and 60s.

Not sure where you get your information.

Because American Universities are hotbeds of spies and espionage, every aircraft we produce has been stolen and cloned by China.
You're mongering for war; notably a war that will have no consequences for you, but deadly ones for millions of others you don't give a shit about, because all you want to see is death.

You're in a cult. A death cult.
I didn't want war. Russia decided to invade Ukraine. I thought that was a terribly bad idea for everyone involved.

So how am I a war monger?

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