Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Interesting isn’t it? You claim that Ukraine is as corrupt as Russia yet here you are discussing their free and fair elections.

I think we both agree there’s no free and fair election in Russia.

Way to contradict yourself.

There is no refute that Zelensky, who Russians wanted to assasinate in the initial blitz on Kiev was elected in a free and fair election. Surely that entitles Ukraine to some Russian land. :rolleyes-41:

There have been ZERO instances in Russia's entire history of peaceful transfer of power as a result of an election. That fact doesn't phase useful idiots in the slightest.
Interesting isn’t it? You claim that Ukraine is as corrupt as Russia yet here you are discussing their free and fair elections.

I think we both agree there’s no free and fair election in Russia.

Way to contradict yourself.


I support what I say - in this case even far left Wikipedia confirms it - refuting the complete fabrication you posted.

I support what I say - in this case even far left Wikipedia confirms it - refuting the complete fabrication you posted.
You appear to be confused about what I said.

I said that he tried to steal the election in 2004. I didn’t say that the election in 2014 was stolen.

He is corrupt though. That much is 100% clear.
You are an idiot making a false equivalency.

Ukraine’s only sin is seeking protection from a neighboring thug, and for this their country is invaded in an attempt to wipe it off the map.

There’s no equivalency with the US.

You’re pathetically trying to make excuses for authoritarians. You are weak.
This war was never about bringing democracy to Ukraine or protecting it from aggression.

This was always about laundering our money to the military industrial complex & further enriching the U.S. oligarchy.

These are things among many, in which you will never understand.
You appear to be confused about what I said.

I said that he tried to steal the election in 2004. I didn’t say that the election in 2014 was stolen.

He is corrupt though. That much is 100% clear.

There is no evidence to support your claim.

I won't argue that he is corrupt - more corrupt than Zelensky? Highly doubtful.

See, the game of your Reich is the pretense of the false dichotomy. I can acknowledge the fact that Russia is corrupt without accepting your fairytale that Zelensky is more perfect than Christ. I can look at two outhouses and figure out they both stink.

But you have your Reich - and Ukraine is the playground of the Reich - so you create a fiction of how wonderful and "democratic" it is.
This war was never about bringing democracy to Ukraine or protecting it from aggression.

This was always about laundering our money to the military industrial complex & further enriching the U.S. oligarchy.

These are things among many, in which you will never understand.

You said yourself we “provoked” Russia by extending NATO.

Ukraine wants to join NATO for self defense.

Be consistent.
There is no evidence to support your claim.

I won't argue that he is corrupt - more corrupt than Zelensky? Highly doubtful.

See, the game of your Reich is the pretense of the false dichotomy. I can acknowledge the fact that Russia is corrupt without accepting your fairytale that Zelensky is more perfect than Christ. I can look at two outhouses and figure out they both stink.

But you have your Reich - and Ukraine is the playground of the Reich - so you create a fiction of how wonderful and "democratic" it is.
You’re all over the map.

There’s a few things that should be absolutely clear to every rational person.

Ukrainians have been trying to rid themselves of corruption.

To even start to rid themselves of corruption, they need to move away from Russia and towards the rest of Europe.

Russia doesn’t want to allow that.

You have nothing to contribute. You just complain.

You said yourself we “provoked” Russia by extending NATO.

Ukraine wants to join NATO for self defense.

Be consistent.
Finland wants to join NATO and unlike Ukraine they actually qualify for membership and will be admitted shortly. It's border is 100 miles from st.Petersburg.

You know who in Russia is seriously talking about invading Finland, because supposedly this is a much bigger provocation? NO ONE.

Obviously NATO excuse is just a bs pretense to justify invasion and annexing Ukranian territories.
Finland wants to join NATO and unlike Ukraine they actually qualify for membership and will be admitted shortly. It's border is 100 miles from st.Petersburg.

You know who in Russia is seriously talking about invading Finland, because supposedly this is a much bigger provocation? NO ONE.

Obviously NATO excuse is just a bs pretense to justify invasion and annexing Ukranian territories.
There are some pretty significant differences. Ukraine has been trying to pull away from Russia for decades and is strategically (not to mention historically) much more important.

Russia can barely handle Ukraine. They’d get annihilated by Finland.
I think he is referring to the left (and by association, you) never care about dead blacks shot by other blacks. Only if a cop or whitey shoots them do they care.
That’s a rather ignorant generalization to make… don’t you think. Would you want such claims made about things you care about by others based on some vague political stereotype?
You’re all over the map.

There’s a few things that should be absolutely clear to every rational person.

Ukrainians have been trying to rid themselves of corruption.

To even start to rid themselves of corruption, they need to move away from Russia and towards the rest of Europe.

Russia doesn’t want to allow that.

You have nothing to contribute. You just complain.

You're full of shit.

The reality is that Joseph Stalin - hero and mentor of the American democrat party - engaged in genocide in Ukraine wiping out ethnic Ukrainians. Stalin then embarked on a program to erase Ukrainian culture from history - much as democrats do now with White/American culture. Stalin imported millions of Ethnic Russians into Ukraine to replace the culture with Russian culture (much the way democrats import central and south Americans to replace US culture). This is why the Crimea and Donbas are so pro-Russia, they are ethnic Russians.

During the 1980's a revival of Ukrainian culture caught on, and people - though actually ethnic Russians (Stalin murdered virtually all Ukrainians - FDR loved Stalin) embraced traditional Ukrainian culture - creating a rift with those who embraced Russian culture.

The clash is the recreated Ukraine against the Russian interlopers.

Corruption is embedded in the culture of the region - the moronic lie that Ukraine is any less corrupt than the Russians is laughable, one you promote because your party is engaged in corruption and you serve your party.

Ukraine seeks a distinct cultural identity - Russia seeks to force Russian culture on Ukraine - and about half of the people in Ukraine support Russian culture.

Your noble white knight woke person of color community organizer story is a fester pile of shit.
There are some pretty significant differences. Ukraine has been trying to pull away from Russia for decades and is strategically (not to mention historically) much more important.

Russia can barely handle Ukraine. They’d get annihilated by Finland.
What you are talking about are ACTUAL reasons. Russia can't live down Ukraine rejecting their shitty Russian world.

Excuses they make about "NATO" supposedly getting too close for Russia to allow it are bullshit.
It’s a fact that Russia strongly opposes Ukraine joining NATO.

NATO was never going to approve of Ukraine’s membership because it has been the most corrupt nation in Europe.
It’s a fact that Russia strongly opposes Ukraine joining NATO.

NATO was never going to approve of Ukraine’s membership because it has been the most corrupt nation in Europe.

And currently operates as a criminal enterprise, a money laundering and embezzlement scheme for the Washington Swamp.
It’s a fact that Russia strongly opposes Ukraine joining NATO.

NATO was never going to approve of Ukraine’s membership
Well, there goes the "they wanted to join NATO, therefore Russia had to invade them" bullshit.

But you've got it wrong, the most corrupt country in Europe is actually Russia.

Ukraine and Russia had about same corruption index untill about 8 years ago. Since then Ukraine has shown improvement while Russia has shown none. Ukraine has the political means and the will to keep working on it's internal problems. Russia has niether.

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Pretty good. The Russian economy is in shambles. The Ukraine military has pushed Russia back almost to the starting lines of the war. Putin is now asking the UN to mediate.

We say we'll do it, but the practicality of doing it is quite another thing. At any given time, we only have one aircraft carrier in the region. The Chinese now have three and thousands of land based planes.

By the time we get something together, the Chinese will have already taken Taiwan.

The main reason they won't is because Taiwan and China do a lot of business and investment, and the economic effects of a war would be devastating for China in terms of lost trade and investment.
China only has 2 operation carriers, and they re both pieces of shit compared to our carriers. Their land-based aircraft are ancient pieces of shit, designed in the 1950s and 60s.
Hypocrite! The USG invades nations with impunity, but you don’t think it thuggish. You think it is perfectly wonderful.

You know nothing of the Monroe Doctrine, but Russia isn’t allowed any consideration regarding their neighboring nations. It’s perfectly fine to provoke and lie to Russia.

You want WWIII because of…UKRAINE. WTF!
Monroe Doctrine only applied to the Western Hemisphere. Catch a clue, libtard!

You said yourself we “provoked” Russia by extending NATO.

Ukraine wants to join NATO for self defense.

Be consistent.
Your post proves me right but again, you’ll never understand.

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