Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

If you're for fighting this proxy war with Russia, by sending billions of dollars to Ukraine in weapons, you're a warmonger.

Moron, how else does one support Ukraine against a bloody fascist invasion? By telling them to roll over and submit their country to Russian masters?

Did it ever occur to you that no proxy war is possible if Russia simply doesn’t invade other countries? Crazy idea, right?
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America took over Baghdad in THREE WEEKS you fucking dolt and had ~3500 combat casualties in 8 years.
Russia used less ordinance in Ukraine in the first four weeks than the US used in Iraq in the first 48 hours. Russia is destroying an existential threat on its western border where the US destroyed Iraq for purely economic gains. The last time American faced an enemy like one Russia faces in Ukraine was 1945.
Russia used less ordinance in Ukraine in the first four weeks than the US used in Iraq in the first 48 hours. Russia is destroying an existential threat on its western border where the US destroyed Iraq for purely economic gains. The last time American faced an enemy like one Russia faces in Ukraine was 1945.
You are up to your ears in preposterous bullshit.

No one invaded Russia, there was zero military threat to it before invasion, especially from Ukraine.
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Russia used less ordinance in Ukraine in the first four weeks than the US used in Iraq in the first 48 hours. Russia is destroying an existential threat on its western border where the US destroyed Iraq for purely economic gains. The last time American faced an enemy like one Russia faces in Ukraine was 1945.
Ukraine is not and never was going to be an existential threat to Russia.
Moron, how else does one support Ukraine against a bloody fascist invasion? By telling them to roll over and submit their country to Russian masters?

Did it ever occur to you that no proxy war is possible if Russia simply doesn’t invade other countries? Crazy idea, right?

Look you pathetic piece of shit imperialist. The war was started a long time ago by the United States' expanding NATO, a "defensive" cold war military alliance that is inherently hostile to Russia, operationally, strategically, and historically. etc, into Eastern Europe, right up to Russia's border. Western Ukrainians lean towards the EU and the West in general, politically and otherwise, but that's not the case in Eastern Ukraine where most Ukrainians are ethnic Russians. Russo-Ukrainians have close ties with Russia, culturally, linguistically, and politically. Their political allegiances differ from that of Western Ukrainians, so what the hell did you expect was going to happen when in 2014 the US orchestrated a coup d'etat in Ukraine, ousting a Russian-friendly president, i.e. Viktor Yanukovych with a Russian-hating ultra-nationalist i.e. Petro Poroshenko? Did you expect the Russo-Ukrainians to just go along with the coup and accept the results? The fascists are the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who engaged in a murderous terrorist campaign against Russo-Ukrainians for not "rolling over" (using your own words) and accepting the results of the US-led coup.

Russia doesn't have 700+ military bases and installations around the world, the US does. Russia wouldn't be fighting this war if the fascist-run Kyiv government would've implemented the Minsk agreements and established peace with the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. They refused to do that. So play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Take your Russian medicine biatch.



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Look you pathetic piece of shit imperialist. The war was started a long time ago by the United States' expanding NATO, a "defensive" cold war military alliance that is inherently hostile to Russia, operationally, strategically, and historically. etc, into Eastern Europe, right up to Russia's border. Western Ukrainians lean towards the EU and the West in general, politically and otherwise, but that's not the case in Eastern Ukraine where most Ukrainians are ethnic Russians. Russo-Ukrainians have close ties with Russia, culturally, linguistically, and politically. Their political allegiances differ from that of Western Ukrainians, so what the hell did you expect was going to happen when in 2014 the US orchestrated a coup d'etat in Ukraine, ousting a Russian-friendly president, i.e. Viktor Yanukovych with a Russian-hating ultra-nationalist i.e. Petro Poroshenko? Did you expect the Russo-Ukrainians to just go along with the coup and accept the results? The fascists are the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who engaged in a murderous terrorist campaign against Russo-Ukrainians for not "rolling over" (using your own words) and accepting the results of the US-led coup.

Russia doesn't have 700+ military bases and installations around the world, the US does. Russia wouldn't be fighting this war if the fascist-run Kyiv government would've implemented the Minsk agreements and established peace with the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. They refused to do that. So play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Take your Russian medicine biatch.

Refusing to sign an agreement and setting up alliances are not things that start wars. Invading another country with your military does and that’s exactly what Putin did.
Refusing to sign an agreement and setting up alliances are not things that start wars. Invading another country with your military does and that’s exactly what Putin did.
You’re uninformed. You do know that Ukraine and the West were not negotiating in good faith with the Minsk Accords. They admitted it was a stalling tactic to build the Ukrainian military, in preparation for war with Russia.

The west wanted this war. They provoked it and are continuing it.

Stop being a dupe of the MIC.
Refusing to sign an agreement and setting up alliances are not things that start wars. Invading another country with your military does and that’s exactly what Putin did.

A coup orchestrated by Western Ukrainian ultra-nationalists and their Western buddies do start wars. Especially if you demand Russo-Ukrainians accept the results of that coup, you're delusional to believe otherwise. Ethnic Russians refused to accept the legitimacy of the coup government. How can you blame them? That led to an eight-year war, which the US was funding (providing arms, training..etc), to its Kyiv puppet:

And of course, Russia is going to get involved too. What the hell did you expect? Ethnic Russians are being shelled by Western Ukrainian ultra-nationalists/fascists. Just because America, Russia or any other country invades another, doesn't imply they started the war. When the US invaded Afghanistan in 2001, I was in favor of that invasion. The US was fighting a war against Al Qaeda, a terrorist organization that had just flown planes into two skyscrapers in NYC, murdering over 3000 innocent people. Russia isn't going to allow the US or EU to take Ukraine, turning it into a NATO base and launching pad for its troops and missiles. Add the 2014 American-staged coup and 8 years of shelling Russo-Ukrainians in the Donbas, trying to force them to accept the legitimacy of a coup government in Kyiv and you pretty much ensure that Russia is going to get involved and maybe even invade (as what we see now). Now you flood Ukraine with billions of dollars worth of weapons, even after orchestrating a coup in 2014, starting an eight-year civil war funded by the US and EU. That wasn't enough injury? You're an American imperialist, serving the interests of your military-industrial complex i.e. war profiteers. You're a jingoist imperialist.



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Look you pathetic piece of shit imperialist. The war was started a long time ago by the United States' expanding NATO, a "defensive" cold war military alliance that is inherently hostile to Russia, operationally, strategically, and historically. etc, into Eastern Europe, right up to Russia's border. Western Ukrainians lean towards the EU and the West in general, politically and otherwise, but that's not the case in Eastern Ukraine where most Ukrainians are ethnic Russians. Russo-Ukrainians have close ties with Russia, culturally, linguistically, and politically. Their political allegiances differ from that of Western Ukrainians, so what the hell did you expect was going to happen when in 2014 the US orchestrated a coup d'etat in Ukraine, ousting a Russian-friendly president, i.e. Viktor Yanukovych with a Russian-hating ultra-nationalist i.e. Petro Poroshenko? Did you expect the Russo-Ukrainians to just go along with the coup and accept the results? The fascists are the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who engaged in a murderous terrorist campaign against Russo-Ukrainians for not "rolling over" (using your own words) and accepting the results of the US-led coup.

Russia doesn't have 700+ military bases and installations around the world, the US does. Russia wouldn't be fighting this war if the fascist-run Kyiv government would've implemented the Minsk agreements and established peace with the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. They refused to do that. So play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Take your Russian medicine biatch.

That's a lot of words to fail to explain how the fuck can there be a proxy war against Russia if it simply wouldn't invade other countries.

Direct result of this war is Russia isolated and rejected by the entirety of Western world for possibly a generation.

Direct result of this is Finland and Sweden are joining NATO and Ukraine's membership has now been fast tracked.

Direct result is 100,000+ Russians already dead, and even more Ukranians.

If America actually was everything you accuse us of then not our wildest dreams would we imagine Putin would gift us such spectacular Russian implosion.

This is a war of choice. Putin made this decision for Russia and they will be held responsible for it by history, just as Hitler and Germany was held responsible for WW2.

Maybe now is the time to think what it makes you: apologists for fascist invaders or worse, their useful idiots.
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You’re asking me why most the media on the left ignores it? That’s kind of a silly question don’t you think? Ask them… or maybe they aren’t ignoring it and you just don’t watch left media…. Who knows.

But to draw the line from somebodies perceived stereotype of left media and then apply that to me and my values is just a cheap and ignorant tactic to use in debate
See Slade this is the bs I'm talking about. So why do you think they ignore it? Can you formulate an opinion based on what you know?
See Slade this is the bs I'm talking about. So why do you think they ignore it? Can you formulate an opinion based on what you know?
I don’t know that “they” do ignore it. If somebody is killed in my area I hear about it. Are you asking why CNN doesn’t report on every murder that happens in Chicago or LA? Be clear about what your gripe is and I’ll respond directly to it
I don’t know that “they” do ignore it. If somebody is killed in my area I hear about it. Are you asking why CNN doesn’t report on every murder that happens in Chicago or LA? Be clear about what your gripe is and I’ll respond directly to it
What I'm asking is how come they talk on CNN, only when race is a part of the conversation? Why is that? If BLM really cares about black lives, why do they never mention black on black crime (I know the answer but really would love to hear you conclusion)
What I'm asking is how come they talk on CNN, only when race is a part of the conversation? Why is that? If BLM really cares about black lives, why do they never mention black on black crime (I know the answer but really would love to hear you conclusion)
So are we talking about CNN or BLM?

CNN covers race related issues I assume because they more universally apply to their audience. One off murders tend to get covered on a local bases.

BLM was founded to push back against police abuse.

Maybe if you have an example of what you’re talking about I can answer more specifically
So are we talking about CNN or BLM?

CNN covers race related issues I assume because they more universally apply to their audience. One off murders tend to get covered on a local bases.

BLM was founded to push back against police abuse.

Maybe if you have an example of what you’re talking about I can answer more specifically
Nobody watches CNN aka BLM.
So are we talking about CNN or BLM?

CNN covers race related issues I assume because they more universally apply to their audience. One off murders tend to get covered on a local bases.

BLM was founded to push back against police abuse.

Maybe if you have an example of what you’re talking about I can answer more specifically
Slade stop....why would they apply to their base? And are they news or propaganda?
Slade stop....why would they apply to their base? And are they news or propaganda?
They are both, just like Fox. Private companies make money and to make money they have advertisers and an audience. I know this isn’t news to you

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