Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

They are both, just like Fox. Private companies make money and to make money they have advertisers and an audience. I know this isn’t news to you
No no no, that is not true, they are journatlists and are to give OBJECTIVE news. That's what they say, we know it's bullshit, but they claim it, so I will continue to pound their asses about it. They are fake and full of shit. Again, if BLM is about Black Lives (its the name of the org) then why do they not talk about the reasons for most of the black lives dying?
Moron, how else does one support Ukraine against a bloody fascist invasion? By telling them to roll over and submit their country to Russian masters?

Did it ever occur to you that no proxy war is possible if Russia simply doesn’t invade other countries? Crazy idea, right?
We did that with Iraq and you guys were pissed and called us warmongers.....now the definition has changed? Oh and if we're stopping Russia, why did we trade their biggest arms dealer for a she man basketball player?
And of course, Russia is going to get involved too. What the hell did you expect? Ethnic Russians are being shelled by Western Ukrainian ultra-nationalists/fascists. Just because America, Russia or any other country invades another, doesn't imply they started the war.

I expect Russia to not use bullshit excuses to annex Ukrainian lands dumbass. I expect that Russia respects international law and Ukraine's borders, instead of stealing Crimea as soon as opportunity presents itself. I expect them to not covertly insert Russians with advanced balistic hardware into eastern Ukraine to spread and sustain separatist movement against Ukraine.

Ethnic Russians lived peacefully in parts of Ukraine lucky enough to not be "protected" by Russians and their separatist collaborators. 20% of Kiev were ethnic Russians and lived there just fine untill Russian missiles started landing in their apartments.
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No no no, that is not true, they are journatlists and are to give OBJECTIVE news. That's what they say, we know it's bullshit, but they claim it, so I will continue to pound their asses about it. They are fake and full of shit. Again, if BLM is about Black Lives (its the name of the org) then why do they not talk about the reasons for most of the black lives dying?
Some are journalists…. Some are opinion hosts like Tucker and Maddow…. and many guests are politicians, lobbyists, and activists who express their partisan agendas. That’s how cable news on 24/7 cycle works.
We did that with Iraq and you guys were pissed and called us warmongers.....now the definition has changed? Oh and if we're stopping Russia, why did we trade their biggest arms dealer for a she man basketball player?
You were called warmongers for agressively pushing false justifications for a war of choice that was started by a trigger happy Republican administration. Iraq has been judged by history as America's blunder and even you Republicans aknowledge that.

What parallel do you think it has with Russian tools here accusing America of warmongering, because we support democratic Ukraine's right to exist and defend it's territory against a baseless invasion?
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I expect Russia to not use bullshit excuses to annex Ukrainian lands dumbass. I expect that Russia respects international law and Ukraine's borders, instead of stealing Crimea as soon as opportunity presents itself. I expect them to not covertly insert heavy millitary hardware and armed Russians into eastern Ukraine to spread and sustain separatist movement against Ukraine.

Ethnic Russians lived peacefully in parts of Ukraine lucky enough to not be "protected" by Russians and their separatist collaborators. 20% of Kiev were ethnic Russians Kiev and lived just fine untill Russian missiles started landing in their apartments.

Crimea was given to Ukraine in 1954 by the USSR and is inhabited by mostly Russians you pathetic punk and piece of shit. The majority of Eastern Ukraine, especially the Donbas is Russo-Ukrainian and they voted against being under the authority of the new coup government. They didn't want Petro Poroshenko, the man who hates everything Russian as their president. If you're indifferent to the coup and asserting that the pro-EU/NATO Ukrainians have the right to engage in violence to oust a democratically elected government, then the Russo-Ukranians of the Donbas can likewise reject the Kyiv government and tell you and your Western Ukrainian buddies to go fuck yourselves.

Stop expanding NATO, a cold war military alliance up to Russia's border, stop staging coups and creating instability on Russia's doorstep, and then and only then would your criticism of Russia have any value. Until the West stops screwing around with Russia, It has no moral high ground or right to complain about any actions Russia takes in its own defense. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Crimea was given to Ukraine in 1954 by the USSR and is inhabited by mostly Russians you pathetic punk and piece of shit.
Putin in 2008 plainly stated that Crimea is undesputed Ukranian territory and it's borders are completely settled.

By 2014 he annexed Crimea, armed/led separatists in Donbas and Luhansk, and by 2022 declared that Ukraine is not a real country.

So who is the piece of shit?
Some are journalists…. Some are opinion hosts like Tucker and Maddow…. and many guests are politicians, lobbyists, and activists who express their partisan agendas. That’s how cable news on 24/7 cycle works.
No, I know the roles. I'm talking the journalists and anchors. Don Lemons says he's an objective anchor. He is completely full of shit. We all know it.
No, I know the roles. I'm talking the journalists and anchors. Don Lemons says he's an objective anchor. He is completely full of shit. We all know it.
No, Lemon was very agenda driven… wasn’t he on at the same time as Hannity and Maddow when all the opinion people do their fear and hate mongering?
No, Lemon was very agenda driven… wasn’t he on at the same time as Hannity and Maddow when all the opinion people do their fear and hate mongering?
But Lemon does not think of himself as objerctive, he won't say he's liberal, left or anything. Hannity atleast will tell you that.
But Lemon does not think of himself as objerctive, he won't say he's liberal, left or anything. Hannity atleast will tell you that.
Am I supposed to care what Lemon thinks of himself? Because unfortunately I don’t. Sorry

Don’t see what this has to do with your questions about news
Putin in 2008 plainly stated that Crimea is undesputed Ukranian territory and all borders with it are completely settled.

By 2014 he annexed Crimea and by 2022 declared that Ukraine is not a real country.

So who is the piece of shit?

You of course, because you ignore the fact that Ukraine has several ethnic minorities, some are quite large, like the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea. They don't want your fucking coup regime, asshole.

So the fact that in the past Putin was friendlier to Ukraine, and recognized Ukraine's right to Crimea and the Donbas, is irrelevant, after the Western Ukrainians, along with Russia-hating ultra-nationalists (with Swastika tattoos) supported by the United States, ousted Yanukovych the democratically elected president of Ukraine and replaced him with Petro Poroshenko a man who hates everything Russian.

The Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea voted against the legitimacy of the new BULLSHIT coup regime i.e. US puppet. That American puppet regime began a terrorist campaign against its ethnic Russian population in the Donbas, when they refused to accept the legitimacy of their government-authority. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. You support the pro-West/NATO Ukrainians in their violence to oust a democratically elected president, who is friendly to Russia, replacing him with a man who hates everything Russian, then whine like a biatch, when the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea refuse to recognize that new coup regime and fight for their freedom.

The only reason you take such a hypocritical stance is that you American liberals hate the fact that Russia doesn't have any rainbow flags flying over its Kremlin, and they're not injecting children with puberty blockers. If Russia allowed LGBTQASNM+ to parade their filth in the streets and adopt children you would love Putin. That's what it all amounts to for you liberals. You're willing to fight WW3 with Russia because they have no transsexual public bathrooms.
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You of course, because you ignore the fact that Ukraine has several ethnic minorities, some are quite large, like the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea. They don't want your fucking coup regime, asshole.
What "coup regime"?

Yanukovych ran off to Russia just as a deal was being made with opposition. He was removed for abandoning his office by Ukranian parlament.

Besides, Zelensky administration was elected over his predecessor in a free and fair election, true or false?
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Am I supposed to care what Lemon thinks of himself? Because unfortunately I don’t. Sorry

Don’t see what this has to do with your questions about news
It's about what the news says. When they claim objectivity and are not, it's important.
It's about what the news says. When they claim objectivity and are not, it's important.
Lemon expresses opinion not objective news. If he says otherwise then he isnt being honest. Simple as that. I don’t think many people are being fooled. It’s pretty obvious what’s going on with all of these cable news stations
What "coup regime"?

Yanukovych ran off to Russia just just as a deal was being made with opposition, he was removed by Ukranian Congress for it.

Besides, Zelensky administration was elected in a free and fair election, true or false?

You're such a dumbass. You're calling me names? Poroshenko and Zelensky barred all pro-Russian parties and media from Ukraine. It's not a democracy. The ultra-nationalists of the Svoboda party and the "Right Sector", not to speak of the Azov Battalion, which was more like a division, when one considers its membership, were vehemently against Russo-Ukrainians holding any influence or power in the country. Why the hell would they accept that arrangement? You have your head implanted deep into your rectum if you think Ukraine was a democracy after the 2014 coup. The Russo-Ukrainians would've accepted the Minsk agreements, but Kyiv refused to implement them.

So now take your Russian medicine.

So the fact that in the past Putin was friendlier to Ukraine, and recognized Ukraine's right to Crimea and the Donbas, is irrelevant,
Moron, contry's sovereignty and territorial legitimacy is not determined by who Putin likes or doesn't like.

Russia is not entitled to Alaska because Putin suddenly changes his opinion about America and what it wants to do within it's borders.
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