Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Moron, territorial legitimacy is not determined by who Putin likes or doesn't like.

Putin's opinion about America and what it wants to do within it's borders does not entitle Russia to Alaska.
You're a retard. You know what the US government would do if Mexico or Canada entered into a military alliance with Russia or China and allowed them to deploy their troops and hardware on the US border? Washington would go bonkers, and so would the American people. America wouldn't allow that shit, and would invade Mexico or even Canada, before those two countries on America's border, become military bases for Russia and China. America wouldn't allow that, but for some weird reason, you feel Russia has to allow that shit on its border. No, it doesn't. Just because you're a sovereign nation, doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want to do, especially if it threatens the national security of your neighbor.

You're a stinking hypocrite. You're all for the Western Ukrainians doing whatever they want, with respect to violence, ousting a democratically elected president and replacing him with an anti-Russian leader. Well, why the hell do the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea have to accept that shit? They don't and neither all of the anti-Russian policies that stripped Russo-Ukrainians of their power in the Ukrainian government. Why should ethnic Russians accept that? They don't have to. All of the pro-Russian Ukrainians were barred from the Ukrainian government, including any TV or radio station that is pro-Russian. So the Western Ukrainians brought this upon themselves.

You're a retard. You know what the US government would do if Mexico or Canada entered into a military alliance with Russia or China

Yes dummy I know, we have a socialist country named Cuba right next to our border that was in a millitary alliance with USSR.

But IF tommrow Mexico descides to move towards a common defense allince with China and America invades & steals their lands you'd be 100% to call it what it is - an illegal, agressive war of choice.
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Dumbass we have a socialist country named Cuba right next to our border that was in a millitary alliance with USSR.

But IF tommrow Mexico descides to move towardsr common defense allince with China and America invades them and annexes their lands you'd be 100% to call it what it is - an illegal, baseless invasion.

Yeah you dipshit, and we tried to invade it through the Bay of Pigs in 1961 and didn't allow them to deploy Russian nukes, under the threat of a nuclear war in 62. We also imposed a brutal sanctions regime, making it almost impossible for Cuba to develop itself, even when the USSR was willing to spend billions industrializing it. Cuba could've fully industrialized itself with the help of the Soviets but the US threatened Cuba with war if it built a nuclear electric plant or took any of the necessary steps to develop itself. America kept Cuba under its heel and it still does. A Marxist economy and country isn't going to survive in the shadow of a capitalist empire like the United States. So your example was a horrible one. You actually strengthened my case by appealing to Cuba as an example. You're dumb.
You're a stinking hypocrite. You're all for the Western Ukrainians doing whatever they want, with respect to violence, ousting a democratically elected president and replacing him with an anti-Russian leader.
Well there you go again, reapeating same ol' demolished bullshit.

Again, Yanukovich was not outsted, he RAN OFF just as a deal was made to keep him in power for 6 months untill emergency election.

Today Zelensky is a duly elected President of Ukraine. You don't refute that, yet you have no problem Russia invading Ukraine and blitzing Kiev in an attempt to assasinate him and install a puppet regime.

And then you call me a hypocrite? You are a total fucking joke.
Yeah you dipshit, and we tried to invade it through the Bay of Pigs in 1961 and didn't allow them to deploy Russian nukes

Who is "we"? It was them. America's CIA trained volunteer Cuban exiles for insurgency.

What we didn't do is use our millitary to invade Cuba and take their land, even though we clearly have the means to quickly take over their country.

If Russia simply objected to nukes being placed right at their border that would be a whole different matter than what they are doing in Ukraine (who couldn't even get into NATO, never mind any kind of nukes). It's nothing but a bullshit excuse.
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Well there you go again, reapeating same ol' demolished bullshit.

Again, Yanukovich was not outsted, he RAN OFF just as a deal was made to keep him in power for 6 months untill emergency election.

Today Zelensky is a duly elected President of Ukraine, yet you have no problem Russia invading Ukraine and blitzing Kiev in an attempt to assasinate him to install a pupper regime.

And then you have the gull to call me a hypocrite? You are a total joke.

No he didn't run off, his life was threatened. His presidential limousine was attacked but he was smart enough to take a helicopter to his home instead, so they didn't kill him. He wasn't in the limo. His house was also surrounded by ultra-nationalist protestors, who were armed. So he flew to Russia, to avoid being assassinated. The Russo-Ukrainian opposition was barred from the government and media, under Poroshenko and Zelensky also enforced those anti-Russian policies. There is no reason for the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas or Crimea to accept the results of the coup.
Lemon expresses opinion not objective news. If he says otherwise then he isnt being honest. Simple as that. I don’t think many people are being fooled. It’s pretty obvious what’s going on with all of these cable news stations
It's not just those, it's the NYT, WaPo. I remember when Lawrence O Donell, John Heilman, Dan Rather, Micahel Bechloss, I could go on as well as ABC, NBC, and CBS, they all are full of shit. Martha Radatz cried on air when Trump was elected, Everyone of these people are rediculously biased and not one of them will admit it. That Trump got them to be overt about it, is one of the best things he did.
Thats true, America tried a covert-op and it was wrong to do it. What we didn't do is large scale invade them and take their land, even though we clearly have the means to quickly take over their country.
No, because it's suspected that Cuba may still have nukes. We didn't allow Cuba to arm itself with Soviet nukes. Ever heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962? We didn't allow Cuba to turn itself into a Soviet missile base. Russia doesn't have to allow Ukraine to turn itself into a NATO base.
No, because it's suspected that Cuba may still have nukes. We didn't allow Cuba to arm itself with Soviet nukes. Ever heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962? We didn't allow Cuba to turn itself into a Soviet missile base. Russia doesn't have to allow Ukraine to turn itself into a NATO base.
Again, If Russia simply objected to nukes being placed right at their border that would be a whole different matter than what they are doing in Ukraine.

Ukraine wasn't even close to getting into NATO, never mind ever getting any kind of nukes. Would Ukraine or NATO ever object to a deal with Russia for Ukraine to remain without nukes as per Budapest Memorandum? Of course not. It's just a transparently bullshit excuse for invasion.
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It's not just those, it's the NYT, WaPo. I remember when Lawrence O Donell, John Heilman, Dan Rather, Micahel Bechloss, I could go on as well as ABC, NBC, and CBS, they all are full of shit. Martha Radatz cried on air when Trump was elected, Everyone of these people are rediculously biased and not one of them will admit it. That Trump got them to be overt about it, is one of the best things he did.
Trump attacked those people and their institutions on a daily basis while lying his ass off about issue after issue. He fostered hate for them and they hated him in return. That’s human nature and something that was apparent to anybody paying attention.

I just don’t understand what all the whining about biased media is all about. That’s like walking out naked in the snow and complaining about being cold. Grow up.

If and when people lie then call them out on it. But attacking the generalized stereotypes over and over again is pointless and is getting old.
Again, If Russia simply objected to nukes being placed right at their border that would be a whole different matter than what they are doing in Ukraine.

Ukraine wasn't even close to getting into NATO, never mind ever getting any kind of nukes. It's nothing but a bullshit excuse.

Poroshenko: Ukraine Seeking NATO Membership Action Plan​

Biden Says U.S. Still Backs Ukraine in NATO​

NATO recognises Ukraine as Enhanced Opportunities Partner​

NATO-Ukraine Action Plan​

NATO promises Ukraine, Georgia entry one day​

Bush backs Ukraine and Georgia for Nato membership​

The US has been poking the bear with NATO for decades, both during and after the cold war.

The Russo-Ukrainians don't have to accept the results of a coup or the barring of the pro-Russian opposition in the Ukrainian government or media by the American Kyiv puppet regime. That's not democracy. So I support the ethnic Russians of the Donbas and Crimea in their struggle against the American puppet regime in Kyiv and Russia's struggle to stop the Kyiv government from continuing its campaign of terror against the people of the Donbas and its efforts to join NATO.

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Poroshenko: Ukraine Seeking NATO Membership Action Plan​

Biden Says U.S. Still Backs Ukraine in NATO​

NATO recognises Ukraine as Enhanced Opportunities Partner​

NATO-Ukraine Action Plan​

NATO promises Ukraine, Georgia entry one day​

Bush backs Ukraine and Georgia for Nato membership​

The US has been poking the bear with NATO for decades, both during and after the cold war.

The Russo-Ukrainians don't have to accept the results of a coup or the barring of the pro-Russian opposition in the Ukrainian government or media by the American Kyiv puppet regime. That's not democracy. So I support the ethnic Russians of the Donbas and Crimea in their struggle against the American puppet regime in Kyiv and Russia's struggle to stop the Kyiv government from continuing its campaign of terror against the people of the Donbas and its efforts to join NATO.

Yes dummy BUSH, 15+ years ago, backed Ukraine/Georgia and still they are nowhere near NATO, never mind no one ever proposing deploying nukes there.

Putin however has just backed Finland and Sweden into NATO this year and put Ukraine on certain fast track with his insane invasion.

This in your mind constitutes justified, worthwhile war for Russia. What a fucking tool.
Yes dummy BUSH, 15+ years ago, backed Ukraine/Georgia and still they are nowhere near NATO, never mind no one ever proposing deploying nukes there.

Putin however has just backed Finland and Sweden into NATO this year and put Ukraine on certain fast track with his insane invasion.

This in your mind constitutes justified, worthwhile war for Russia. What a fucking tool.
You're a warmonger for supporting the expansion of NATO, a cold war military alliance that was and still is Russia's adversary, strategically, operationally, doctrinally, and historically. Every geopolitical expert analyst dating back to the 1990s, including many American politicians, recognized the danger of extending NATO into Eastern Europe, right up to Russia's border. They warned everyone that this would lead to a conflict with Russia and their warnings were ignored.

The United States expands NATO into Eastern Europe and now in Scandinavia because it's profitable for its weapons industry and it's a way of humiliating Russia, rubbing its cold war defeat in its face. Russia considers NATO on its border a threat to its national security, just as the US would consider the Soviet Union entering into a military alliance with Mexico or Canada a threat, and for good reason. The fact that you're unwilling to acknowledge that makes you part of the problem. You're indeed a warmongering imperialist on the side of the world's hegemonic bully, with its 700+ bases and military installations around the world, responsible for the death of millions through its wars and economic sanctions i.e.

If the pro-EU/NATO Ukrainians who hate Russia, manage to violently overthrow their democratically elected, pro-Russian president, with the help of the United States, so be it. You don't care, you applaud the coup.

If Western Ukraine wants to become a tool of the West and NATO, they can do that, with your complete approval. Not only can they do that, but they can also bar all pro-Russian opposition in their government and in their media (television and radio) as well. They can do all of that but when they decide to force the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea to accept their coup and its anti-Russian, Western puppet government, then they start a war, while you praise them. The Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea want nothing to do with the anti-Russian Kyiv government. They opted to return to Russia, as they were not that long ago before that region was given to Ukraine by the USSR, with its Russian population. Zelensky before the invasion cynically told all of the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas that refuse to accept the legitimacy of his anti-Russian government, to flee to Russia and leave their homes, lands, businesses.etc, to the Russian-hating Western Ukrainians. Really? Is that reasonable? You're the imperialist tool.

Ukraine means "borderland", which was once part of several countries in the region. Some of its present territory in the West was part of Poland. Ukraine the borderland, has a diverse demographic consisting of several different ethnic groups, hence you can't expect to have a coup that advances the interests of one group, at the expense of another that is as large as the Russo-Ukrainians. Prohibiting them from being represented in the government or in the national media, closing down all of their pro-Russian television and radio stations, arresting its staff and journalists. That's democracy? No, that's tyranny.

Whether it's Russians banning Ukrainian or Ukrainians banning Russian, it's all wrong and it leads to violence. War.
No one can force the ethnic Russians of the Donbas to accept the anti-Russian Kyiv government, especially after the 2014 coup.

Latest ban on Russian language in Ukraine:

You only defend the coup plotters and bullies, trying to force the ethnic Russians of the Donbas to accept their anti-Russian, American puppet government. That's not going to happen. Perhaps you should go to Ukraine and volunteer with their Azov Nazi battalion. Become cannon fodder for Zelensky.

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You're a warmonger for supporting the expansion of NATO, a cold war military alliance that was and still is Russia's adversary, strategically, operationally, doctrinally, and historically. Every geopolitical expert analyst dating back to the 1990s, including many American politicians, recognized the danger of extending NATO into Eastern Europe, right up to Russia's border. They warned everyone that this would lead to a conflict with Russia and their warnings were ignored.

The United States expands NATO into Eastern Europe and now in Scandinavia because it's profitable for its weapons industry and it's a way of humiliating Russia, rubbing its cold war defeat in its face. Russia considers NATO on its border a threat to its national security, just as the US would consider the Soviet Union entering into a military alliance with Mexico or Canada a threat, and for good reason. The fact that you're unwilling to acknowledge that makes you part of the problem. You're indeed a warmongering imperialist on the side of the world's hegemonic bully, with its 700+ bases and military installations around the world, responsible for the death of millions through its wars and economic sanctions i.e.

If the pro-EU/NATO Ukrainians who hate Russia, manage to violently overthrow their democratically elected, pro-Russian president, with the help of the United States, so be it. You don't care, you applaud the coup.

If Western Ukraine wants to become a tool of the West and NATO, they can do that, with your complete approval. Not only can they do that, but they can also bar all pro-Russian opposition in their government and in their media (television and radio) as well. They can do all of that but when they decide to force the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea to accept their coup and its anti-Russian, Western puppet government, then they start a war, while you praise them. The Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea want nothing to do with the anti-Russian Kyiv government. They opted to return to Russia, as they were not that long ago before that region was given to Ukraine by the USSR, with its Russian population. Zelensky before the invasion cynically told all of the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas that refuse to accept the legitimacy of his anti-Russian government, to flee to Russia and leave their homes, lands, businesses.etc, to the Russian-hating Western Ukrainians. Really? Is that reasonable? You're the imperialist tool.

Ukraine means "borderland", which was once part of several countries in the region. Some of its present territory in the West was part of Poland. Ukraine the borderland, has a diverse demographic consisting of several different ethnic groups, hence you can't expect to have a coup that advances the interests of one group, at the expense of another that is as large as the Russo-Ukrainians. Prohibiting them from being represented in the government or in the national media, closing down all of their pro-Russian television and radio stations, arresting its staff and journalists. That's democracy? No, that's tyranny.

Whether it's Russians banning Ukrainian or Ukrainians banning Russian, it's all wrong and it leads to violence. War.
No one can force the ethnic Russians of the Donbas to accept the anti-Russian Kyiv government, especially after the 2014 coup.

Latest ban on Russian language in Ukraine:

You only defend the coup plotters and bullies, trying to force the ethnic Russians of the Donbas to accept their anti-Russian, American puppet government. That's not going to happen. Perhaps you should go to Ukraine and volunteer with their Azov Nazi battalion. Become cannon fodder for Zelensky.

The danger dumbass, is Russia.

Aggressive country that invades other countries stupid enough to not enter NATO defensive alliance when they had the chance.

Latvia was smart, joined NATO and is today not worried about crazy Russia on it's border.

Georgia and Ukraine, not so smart, didn't get into NATO while Russia was in bad shape and receiving food and financial assistance from America in the 90s. So they got invaded.

That's the obvious lesson apologist morons like you keep missing. Keep blaming everyone but the aggressive fascist state that keeps invading countries.

Take your Putinist bullshit and shove it up your ass Vasiya, no one in the right mind is buying.
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Ukraine is not and never was going to be an existential threat to Russia.
A free, independent, and neutral Ukraine posed no threat to Russia; however, a corrupt belligerent NATO/US proxy state on its western border poses an existential threat to Russia (but not for much longer)

"The Russia–NATO relations started to deteriorate, following the Ukrainian Orange Revolution in 2004–05.

"In October 2021, following an incident in which NATO expelled eight Russian officials from its Brussels headquarters, Russia suspended its mission to NATO and ordered the closure of the NATO office in Moscow.[5][6]

"The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused a dramatic deterioration in Russia–NATO relationships to the lowest point since the end of the Cold War: the 2022 NATO Madrid summit declared Russia 'a direct threat to Euro-Atlantic security',[7] while Russian officials and propagandists have increasingly said they're 'at war' with the whole of NATO.[8]"

Russia–NATO relations - Wikipedia
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You are up to your ears in preposterous bullshit.

No one invaded Russia, there was zero military threat to it before invasion, especially from Ukraine.

A hostile military alliance (controlled by the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World) on your western border poses an existential threat.

When an illegal coup destroyed democracy in Ukraine in 2014 by bringing a US puppet government into power, Russia responded the same way the US would respond to similar Russian meddling in Mexico or Canada.

Once again, US interference in the domestic affairs of a country on the opposite side of the planet results in millions of innocent civilians becoming dead, displaced or maimed.


A hostile military alliance (controlled by the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World) on your western border poses an existential threat.

When an illegal coup destroyed democracy in Ukraine in 2014 by bringing a US puppet government into power, Russia responded the same way the US would respond to similar Russian meddling in Mexico or Canada.

Once again, US interference in the domestic affairs of a country on the opposite side of the planet results in millions of innocent civilians becoming dead, displaced or maimed.


So Russia's invasions are justified, because NATO keeps allowing countries to join this defensive alliance to protect themselves from Russian agressions. Right?

Russia's invasion into Ukraine has directly caused ENLARGMENT OF NATO, by forcing countries that previously favored nuetrality to reconsider their stance and get into NATO now, while they can because they have a dangerous, unpredictable periah state near their border. Invasion also directly accelerated Ukranian acceptance into NATO and oh, btw is decimating Russian economy, influence, population and millitary in the process.

You keep complaining about NATO enlargment, so why do you keep advocating for Russia to do things that CAUSE the enlargment and re-inforcement of NATO's membership, core mission and budgets?

I'll tell you why - you are just a useful idiot for Russian state propaganda that uses NATO excuses, and any other convinient excuses that may come up, to advance their Dear Leader's destructive, imperialist mindset.
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You were called warmongers for agressively pushing false justifications for a war of choice that was started by a trigger happy Republican administration. Iraq has been judged by history as America's blunder and even you Republicans aknowledge that.

What parallel do you think it has with Russian tools here accusing America of warmongering, because we support democratic Ukraine's right to exist and defend it's territory against a baseless invasion?
The same profit-driven American warmongers who supported the US war of aggression against Iraq supported the illegal coup in Ukraine in 2014 that replaced a democratically elected president with a US puppet administration which relied on neo-Nazis to suppress resistance to their power grab.

You seem incapable of seeing how US interference in the domestic affairs of countries on the opposite side of the planet from DC results in the misery on display today in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Ukraine.
In Opposition to US Interventionism and Sanctions – Massachusetts Peace Action
The same profit-driven American warmongers who supported the US war of aggression against Iraq supported the illegal coup in Ukraine in 2014
Thats nice, but you didn't EVEN ATTEMPT to explain why you are complaining about NATO expansion, but support Russian government's actions that obviously and directly strenghen and enlarge NATO and cause great harm to Russia.

You can't, you don't have the talking points on that and you don't have a mind capable of dealing with it on your own, so you go back to a safe space in your head - bashing America.
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