Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Trump attacked those people and their institutions on a daily basis while lying his ass off about issue after issue. He fostered hate for them and they hated him in return. That’s human nature and something that was apparent to anybody paying attention.

I just don’t understand what all the whining about biased media is all about. That’s like walking out naked in the snow and complaining about being cold. Grow up.

If and when people lie then call them out on it. But attacking the generalized stereotypes over and over again is pointless and is getting old.
No!!!! Wrong, Trump knew what they were and his audience (people like me) HATE the mainstream media, because they are so biased. I remember the 08 election, where noone asked any real questions on Obama, but man they went after Palin (First time I've ever seen the Press go aftger a VP nominee this hard, not even Quayle (Another R, suprise!) was attacked that hard)
You have some serious issues man. The guy is trying to defend his country against a world superpower
Then stop begging us for money. Hit up Europe, you know the people nearest Russia. We've given enough
No!!!! Wrong, Trump knew what they were and his audience (people like me) HATE the mainstream media, because they are so biased. I remember the 08 election, where noone asked any real questions on Obama, but man they went after Palin (First time I've ever seen the Press go aftger a VP nominee this hard, not even Quayle (Another R, suprise!) was attacked that hard)
you can hate the media all you want… the troll games and dishonest attacks that Trump launched didn’t help anything. Just made the problems worse. It may have satisfied a “fuck you” itch you had but it did nothing productive
Then stop begging us for money. Hit up Europe, you know the people nearest Russia. We've given enough
I’m sure he is hitting up any body possible for help. People are dying. Who gives a shit about money when lives are being lost?!
you can hate the media all you want… the troll games and dishonest attacks that Trump launched didn’t help anything. Just made the problems worse. It may have satisfied a “fuck you” itch you had but it did nothing productive
No they did help, they showed us for the media what they are. A mouthpiece for the leftwing establishment. I love what Trump did, but that may have been the best thing! I knew it for decades, this just reafirms all my suspicions......Fuck the media.....Look at Dan Rather on Twitter, he is a leftwing fucking lunatic.

Where is evidence that Zelensky is not doing everything he can to ensure survival of his country?

Where is evidence that any millitary aid was mis-aproprited or used for anything other than the fight against invaders?

Do you have a brain of your own or do you just shill talking points and memes?
The danger dumbass, is Russia.

Aggressive country that invades other countries stupid enough to not enter NATO defensive alliance when they had the chance.

Latvia was smart, joined NATO and is today not worried about crazy Russia on it's border.

Georgia and Ukraine, not so smart, didn't get into NATO while Russia was in bad shape and receiving food and financial assistance from America in the 90s. So they got invaded.

That's the obvious lesson apologist morons like you keep missing. Keep blaming everyone but the aggressive fascist state that keeps invading countries.

Take your Putinist bullshit and shove it up your ass Vasiya, no one in the right mind is buying.

I'm going to stop with the tit-for-tat insults because it's not conducive for us or anyone to have a fruitful, constructive discussion. I've always said that insults are the refuge of a weak argument. It's easy to insult people when all you have in front of you is a computer screen, so I'm not going to fall into that trap anymore (bad karma). For the sake of those who are searching for the truth, I will continue responding to your misinformation.

Russia was being raped by both foreign (including American) and Russian oligarchs in the 1990s. The US contributed to its deplorable state with its neo-liberal "shock therapy" economics, but it didn't help it:

Putin essentially saved Russia.

Jeffrey Sachs was the economic advisor hired by the US government to advise American and foreign government officials on how best to develop Eastern Europe and was essentially told by his colleagues and superiors in the White House that Russia wouldn't receive the assistance it needed nor would it have normal relations with the West. Your assumption that Russia could've joined NATO or that it was in its best interest to do so is incorrect.

You claim that NATO membership for Russia was actually a possibility. If the Baltic states were allowed to join so quickly, including other former Soviet countries, then why was Russia's process delayed and left in the aether? Everyone knows that NATO doesn't want Russia as a member, primarily because it's the boogieman that allows the US and Western European military-industrial complex i.e. MIC, to make tens of billions of dollars selling weapons to NATO and expand its membership, similar to how Saddam Hussein was the boogieman that allowed the US-MIC to sell billions in arms to Arab states. Saddam was kept in power after Desert Storm to fill that boogieman role. Putin is essentially painted as the Saddam Hussein of Europe, hence a marketing tool the American and Western European MIC employ to gain new NATO members and sell billions in weapons.

More..The US and EU have expressed and attempted in the past to split Russia into several Republics.

Encircle, Contain and Divide, is the actual US policy towards Russia and has always been, despite whatever is said openly.

How do you expect there to be a relationship of trust between the Russian Federation and powers that want to balkanize it? You say that Russia can trust NATO i.e. the United States and EU, without a signed treaty, but then when someone points out how the US promised Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO wouldn't expand to the East, you say "well no signed treaty was signed, so the US had the right to break its promises to Russia". What guarantee is there that NATO won't deploy offensive missile systems on Russia's border, including those armed with nuclear warheads? None.

Oliver Stone in an interview for his new project, a series of conversations with the Russian leader.

"I remember one of our last meetings with President Clinton when he came to Moscow. During the meeting, I said, ‘we should consider an option that Russia might join NATO.’ Clinton said, ‘Why not?’," Putin said, noting that "the US delegation got very nervous."

"Have you applied?" asked Stone. The Russian president just laughed.

NATO is a US political tool that does not have any allies but just vassals, Putin said.

"Nowadays, NATO is a mere instrument of foreign policy for the US. It has no allies, it has only vassals," Putin said. "Once a country becomes a NATO member, it is hard to resist the pressure of the US, a major country and NATO leader. And all of a sudden any weapon system can be placed in this country - an anti-ballistic missile system, new military bases and if need be, new offensive systems."

"And are we supposed to do?" t
he Russian president asked a rhetoric question.

"In this case we have to take countermeasures. We have to aim our missile systems at facilities that in our opinion, are threatening us," he said. "The situation becomes more tense."

"Why are we so acutely responding to the expansion of NATO? Well, as a matter of fact, we understand the value or lack thereof, and the threat of this Organization. But we are concerned about the following. We are concerned by the practice of how decisions are taken (in the alliance - TASS),"
Putin said.

"I know how decisions are taken there," he added.

NATO has deployed advanced missile systems in Poland and in other member nations near Russia. If there is no written agreement or treaty prohibiting NATO from deploying missiles near Russia, even nukes, then there's no reason to assume that they won't do it. When the USSR tried to do the same to the US in Cuba back in 1962, that almost started a nuclear war. The US didn't allow it. There's also an American geostrategic doctrine known as the "Monroe Doctrine", which states that no European or non-European power can colonize any territory in the Western hemisphere i.e. the American continent. The USA sees the American continent as its legitimate sphere of influence and doesn't want any other power competing with it in the region. Russia being a world power has its own views on what is its strategic region of influence. You can criticize that, but you would also have to condemn the US for doing the same thing.

Another interesting source on NATO and Russia:

Washington D.C., December 12, 2017 – U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991, according to declassified U.S., Soviet, German, British and French documents posted today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University (http://nsarchive.gwu.edu).

The documents show that multiple national leaders were considering and rejecting Central and Eastern European membership in NATO as of early 1990 and through 1991, that discussions of NATO in the context of German unification negotiations in 1990 were not at all narrowly limited to the status of East German territory, and that subsequent Soviet and Russian complaints about being misled about NATO expansion were founded in written contemporaneous memcons and telcons at the highest levels.

The documents reinforce former CIA Director Robert Gates’s criticism of “pressing ahead with expansion of NATO eastward [in the 1990s], when Gorbachev and others were led to believe that wouldn’t happen.”[1] The key phrase, buttressed by the documents, is “led to believe.”

President George H.W. Bush had assured Gorbachev during the Malta summit in December 1989 that the U.S. would not take advantage (“I have not jumped up and down on the Berlin Wall”) of the revolutions in Eastern Europe to harm Soviet interests; but neither Bush nor Gorbachev at that point (or for that matter, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl) expected so soon the collapse of East Germany or the speed of German unification.[2]

Source: NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard | National Security Archive

I conclude all of the above with the same statements I made in earlier posts. NATO is a cold war military alliance that is inherently hostile to Russia strategically, operationally, doctrinally, and historically, and Russia doesn't want it on its border. The fact that the conflict in Ukraine has led to formerly neutral countries becoming members of NATO doesn't delegitimize Russia's position on the issue of NATO or its reason for being at war with Ukraine. If anything it just places those former neutral countries on Russia's nuclear hit list, decreasing their national security and survival. Now Russia has to develop more military infrastructure on its border with those new NATO countries and add those nations to the nuclear target list. How does that make those countries safer? It doesn't.

If the Western Ukrainians have the right to reject Yanukovych as their president, replacing him with Poroshenko via a coup, then the Russo-Ukrainians have the right to reject that coup government, especially when it is anti-Russian. A government "order"/regime, that persecutes and criminalizes all opposition that is pro-Russian. Banning political parties that are for Ukraine maintaining closer ties with Russia than with the EU, and all media that expresses that pro-Russian sentiment. Ethnic Russians in Ukraine's Donbas and Crimea, don't have to accept the legitimacy of such an anti-Russian government, installed by an American-led coup in 2014. If you don't want to understand that, that's your problem.
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Where is evidence that Zelensky is not doing everything he can to ensure survival of his country?

Where is evidence that any millitary aid was mis-aproprited or used for anything other than the fight against invaders?

Do you have a brain of your own or do you just shill talking points and memes?

Where is evidence that Zelensky is not doing everything he can to ensure survival of his country?

Where is evidence that any millitary aid was mis-aproprited or used for anything other than the fight against invaders?

Do you have a brain of your own or do you just shill talking points and memes?

Did you see the video of Zelensky debating with the neo-Nazis while they were shelling the Donbas? He was pleading with them to stop but they essentially told him to F-OFF. That was one of the problems with Ukraine, its takeover by Neo-Nazis, that had zero respect for their commander and chief.

What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn’t really know - CNN
Biden unveils $800 million security package for Ukraine in call with Zelensky. “I couldn’t tell you where they are in Ukraine and whether the Ukrainians are using them at this point,” a ...
Zelensky sold arms and weapons worth billions to criminal gangs ...

Did you see the video of Zelensky debating with the neo-Nazis while they were shelling the Donbas? He was pleading with them to stop but they essentially told him to F-OFF. That was one of the problems with Ukraine, its takeover by Neo-Nazis, that had zero respect for their commander and chief.
:rolleyes-41: Do you have something other than the laughable bs they loop on Putin TV1? Do you have a brain of your own?

Azov and other groups were firmly integrated into ZSU command when the large scale invasion began, play time over.
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Wow, holy shit. Thats your evidence that millitary aid is not going towards fighting off invasion?

Some cluless teen airheads talking about buying starbucks coffee?

What the fuck is wrong with you? How old are you?
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Do some of you STILL believe every word out of our current gov't and the media?? How stupid can you be???

We are NO LONGER the good guys. Do you not see that...or are YOU in line with the bad guys?? We have/had 46 bioweapons labs in UKRAINE

WE....threatened Russia by engaging in talks of adding Ukraine to NATO. Biden/democrats OBAMA KNEW THIS..and they did it anyway. IT APPEARS that INSTABILITY is what they WANT.
Literally nothing in those posts of mine could be construed by any rational person to show any desire on my part for war.

You’re clearly not rational.

How is getting rid of Biden end the war?

Getting your war party out of power will always reduce the endless death you cultists pray for.

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