Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Moron, what part of I'm not interested in your bullshit gotcha games do you not get?
Insulting people doesn't strengthen your position. Did you see the video of Zelensky in the field arguing with the Nazi commander, while his troops were shelling the Donbas? They weren't listening to him. He was like a joke to them. A clown. That's the power that the Nazis have in Ukraine. The president of the country is told to F-OFF. You think the Neo-Nazis in the US, have that much power over Washington DC? They obviously don't. Here is the video:

They didn't give up their weapons and they continued with hostilities until Russia invaded and is now taking care of the problem. Do Neo-Nazis have that type of power here in the USA? No. They would get slaughtered by law enforcement and the US military.
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We stop engaging in Biden's money-laundering scam. He can do it in private when he's out of office, but not with my money and not by putting my fellow Americans in harm's way.
Still not saying how that ends the war in Ukraine.

C'mon. Admit the obvious.

You want Ukraine to lose.
Still not saying how that ends the war in Ukraine.

C'mon. Admit the obvious.

You want Ukraine to lose.

Of course, Ukraine should lose and become a good neighbor. Russia shouldn't have allowed Ukraine to become an independent nation, apart from the Russian Federation. In the 1990s there were millions of Ukrainians who wanted to remain part of Russia. There were even many communists, until the Ukrainian government began its campaign of persecution against communists, essentially banning them from the country. The picture on my profile header shows Ukrainian communists protesting against the Ukrainian government.
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Of course, Ukraine should lose and become a good neighbor. Russia shouldn't have allowed Ukraine to become an independent nation, apart from the Russian Federation. In the 1990s there were millions of Ukrainians who wanted to remain part of Russia. There were even many communists, until the Ukrainian government began its campaign of persecution against communists, essentially banning them from the country. The picture on my profile header shows Ukrainian communists protesting against the Ukrainian government.
Ukraine is a far better neighbor to Russia than Russia is to Ukraine.
This is what the Russia-lovers here want to turn the USA into, a drunken corrupt collection of sadistic authority-worshipping christofascists.

Contrast that to Ukraine, which was much the same way 20 years ago, but which has been uplifted into a society where everyone works together for the common good. Yes, some corruption remains -- corruption embraced and encouraged by Trump -- but it's vastly better now.

Thankfully, most of the USA, including a majority of Republicans, despise these American Russia-backing fifth columnists. Backing murderous Russian fascists isn't a general conservative thing. Russia-backers are almost universally christofascist white-supremacist trash. You know, Nazis.

And boy howdy, does that make the Nazi tears flow. Just look at this thread.
Ukraine is a far better neighbor to Russia than Russia is to Ukraine.

Russia wasn't threatening Ukraine with a cold war military alliance, nor was it shelling Ukrainians for eight years, it was actually defending them.
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Russia isn't threatening it with a cold war military alliance, nor was it shelling Ukrainians for eight years, it was actually defending them.
Yes, Russia was actively funding the war in Donbass including killing thousands of civilians and shooting down an entire airliner full of people.

Ukraine never threatend Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine anyway.
Yes, Russia was actively funding the war in Donbass including killing thousands of civilians and shooting down an entire airliner full of people.

Ukraine never threatend Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine anyway.

You have no evidence that Russia shot down an airliner, that's nothing more than speculation. The Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas don't have to accept Kyiv's authority after the 2014 coup that ousted Viktor Yanukovych the democratically elected president of Ukraine, who was friendly to Russia, with Petro Poroshenko, a man that hates everything Russian. The Kyiv government then went on an anti-Russia crusade, banning all Ukrainian opposition parties that were friendly to Russia, including all television and radio stations deemed pro-Russian. Why should the Russo-Ukrainians accept such an arrangement? If the Western anti-Russian, pro-West Ukrainians have the right to start a coup then the pro-Russian Ukrainians have the right to say NO.
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Ukraine desperately wants to join NATO. Russia strongly opposes that.

Ukraine has shown minimal improvement in the level of corruption there.

Russia doesn’t want Ukraine in NATO because they want an unimpeded pathway in Ukraine to the Black Sea. That area is a very strategically important location.
The Russians already have Crimea and their own ports on the Black Sea.
China only has 2 operation carriers, and they re both pieces of shit compared to our carriers. Their land-based aircraft are ancient pieces of shit, designed in the 1950s and 60s.

Iraq and Aghanistan fought us to a standstill using much more primitive weapons than the Chinese will have.
Not sure where you get your information.

Because American Universities are hotbeds of spies and espionage, every aircraft we produce has been stolen and cloned by China.
The third carrier is not yet operational and the other two have no aircraft that could possibly compete with ours.
Look you pathetic piece of shit imperialist. The war was started a long time ago by the United States' expanding NATO, a "defensive" cold war military alliance that is inherently hostile to Russia, operationally, strategically, and historically. etc, into Eastern Europe, right up to Russia's border. Western Ukrainians lean towards the EU and the West in general, politically and otherwise, but that's not the case in Eastern Ukraine where most Ukrainians are ethnic Russians. Russo-Ukrainians have close ties with Russia, culturally, linguistically, and politically. Their political allegiances differ from that of Western Ukrainians, so what the hell did you expect was going to happen when in 2014 the US orchestrated a coup d'etat in Ukraine, ousting a Russian-friendly president, i.e. Viktor Yanukovych with a Russian-hating ultra-nationalist i.e. Petro Poroshenko? Did you expect the Russo-Ukrainians to just go along with the coup and accept the results? The fascists are the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who engaged in a murderous terrorist campaign against Russo-Ukrainians for not "rolling over" (using your own words) and accepting the results of the US-led coup.

Russia doesn't have 700+ military bases and installations around the world, the US does. Russia wouldn't be fighting this war if the fascist-run Kyiv government would've implemented the Minsk agreements and established peace with the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. They refused to do that. So play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Take your Russian medicine biatch.

Neither do we.
A coup orchestrated by Western Ukrainian ultra-nationalists and their Western buddies do start wars. Especially if you demand Russo-Ukrainians accept the results of that coup, you're delusional to believe otherwise. Ethnic Russians refused to accept the legitimacy of the coup government. How can you blame them? That led to an eight-year war, which the US was funding (providing arms, training..etc), to its Kyiv puppet:

And of course, Russia is going to get involved too. What the hell did you expect? Ethnic Russians are being shelled by Western Ukrainian ultra-nationalists/fascists. Just because America, Russia or any other country invades another, doesn't imply they started the war. When the US invaded Afghanistan in 2001, I was in favor of that invasion. The US was fighting a war against Al Qaeda, a terrorist organization that had just flown planes into two skyscrapers in NYC, murdering over 3000 innocent people. Russia isn't going to allow the US or EU to take Ukraine, turning it into a NATO base and launching pad for its troops and missiles. Add the 2014 American-staged coup and 8 years of shelling Russo-Ukrainians in the Donbas, trying to force them to accept the legitimacy of a coup government in Kyiv and you pretty much ensure that Russia is going to get involved and maybe even invade (as what we see now). Now you flood Ukraine with billions of dollars worth of weapons, even after orchestrating a coup in 2014, starting an eight-year civil war funded by the US and EU. That wasn't enough injury? You're an American imperialist, serving the interests of your military-industrial complex i.e. war profiteers. You're a jingoist imperialist.

We already have troops in Poland and smaller numbers in Rumania, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia . What "missiles" are you referring to?
Iraq and Aghanistan fought us to a standstill using much more primitive weapons than the Chinese will have.
The only places or scenarios where the US could beat China is in a naval battle, in the air, or here at home, if the Chinese managed to launch a mass invasion. However, the US would lose, if it tried to invade China or if its warships are within range of Chinese coastal defenses. It's missiles, artillery. etc. If China tries to go mano a mano with its navy vs the US Navy, at sea, away from its coastline, it would get decimated. Eaten alive. Same with its airforce in a head-to-head confrontation with US fighter aircraft, away from its coastline or homeland. It would get clobbered. So each nation has its strengths and weaknesses. China's strength is its vast population and its ability to defend its homeland against an American invasion. The US also has the ability to effectively defend itself against a mass invasion by China or/and Russia. That invasion would most likely come through Siberia, via Alaska. The Russians and Chinese would have to fight the US in Alaska and Canada as well, before ever getting to the 48 states ("USA proper/mainland"). It would be an American-Canadian resistance vs Russia and China. Perhaps North Korea would probably also be involved. They're not that stupid.
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You're a retard. You know what the US government would do if Mexico or Canada entered into a military alliance with Russia or China and allowed them to deploy their troops and hardware on the US border? Washington would go bonkers, and so would the American people. America wouldn't allow that shit, and would invade Mexico or even Canada, before those two countries on America's border, become military bases for Russia and China. America wouldn't allow that, but for some weird reason, you feel Russia has to allow that shit on its border. No, it doesn't. Just because you're a sovereign nation, doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want to do, especially if it threatens the national security of your neighbor.

You're a stinking hypocrite. You're all for the Western Ukrainians doing whatever they want, with respect to violence, ousting a democratically elected president and replacing him with an anti-Russian leader. Well, why the hell do the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea have to accept that shit? They don't and neither all of the anti-Russian policies that stripped Russo-Ukrainians of their power in the Ukrainian government. Why should ethnic Russians accept that? They don't have to. All of the pro-Russian Ukrainians were barred from the Ukrainian government, including any TV or radio station that is pro-Russian. So the Western Ukrainians brought this upon themselves.

Did you ever look at a map of Alaska? What country is across the Bering Strait?

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