Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

You skipped some steps.

How does stopping the “money laundering” lead to the end of the war?

Say it coward.

You're too fucking dumb to understand my point. Why don't you go over there and kill some Russians, you fucking warmonger, instead of making other peoples' children do it?
You're too fucking dumb to understand my point. Why don't you go over there and kill some Russians, you fucking warmonger, instead of making other peoples' children do it?
I understand your point just fine, I just want you to say it.

You won’t, because you’re a coward. You keep talking around it because you’re too ashamed to say it.

You want Ukraine to lose.
I feel the same way about you but when people start insulting others, that's really not conducive to a discussion. Stay away from insults, it doesn't strengthen your case nor mine). If you believe I'm wrong, make your case.
If Zelensky exchanging a few words with someone is proof to you that Ukraine is ran by Nazis and needs to be invaded then you are NOT CAPABLE of having a constructive diuscussion (aka dumbass).
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Neo-Nazis were engaged in the same activities in the United States as their fellow Nazis in Ukraine,
What activities do you think they were engaged in?

20% of Kiev are ethnic Russians, what were those damn Nazis subjecting them to?
What activities do you think they were engaged in?

20% of Kiev are ethnic Russians, what were those damn Nazis subjecting them to?

The Ukrainian government has prohibited any opposition that is perceived to be pro-Russian or friendly to Russia. This has been the case for years, even before Zelensky's presidency. So whatever population of Russo-Ukrainians lives in Kyiv, Odesa, or anywhere else outside of the Donbas and Crimea, have to be extremely careful, in order not to be targeted by the Nazis and Kyiv regime for arrest and prosecution as "Russian agents". The Nazi that you saw in that video debating with president Zelensky, refusing to commit to relinquishing all of his weapons to the Ukrainian authorities, was shelling the Donbas (the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, not Kyiv). What's your point? The ethnic Russians of the Donbas don't accept the authority of the Kyiv government hence they get "special treatment" from the Nazis.
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It was founded and is headed by its perpetual Chairman Klaus Schwab. Schwab sees his position as emperor of the world- he plans to determine how you will live in the future. Schwab issued 8 “predictions” for the year 2030.

  1. You will own nothing.
  2. There will be a global tax on carbon.
  3. US dominance is over. We have a handful of global powers.
  4. Hospitals will disappear.
  5. You will not eat red meat
  6. You will bow down to refugees
  7. The values that built the West will have been tested to breaking point.
  8. “We” will head to Mars.
This is why Black Rock is buying up all housing and Gates is buying up farmland.

The WEF is committed to ending the US as a superpower in favor of China. Know who else is committed to that?

Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelenskyy and China

The US is forking over another $45 billion to Ukraine in our proxy war with Russia. While the left is pleasuring itself with pride in that, other things are happening. A hero to many in Congress, Zelenskyy has a history of crushing dissent

On February 3, 2021, President Zelensky circumvented parliament to enact sanctions on three television stations believed to be affiliated with Viktor Medvedchuk, a leader of the Opposition Bloc party and duly elected member of parliament.
The channels were immediately taken off air, including Newsone quoted above.
Going further, Zelensky sanctioned the air travel company used by Medvedchuk and pressured American social media companies like YouTube and Facebook to deactivate the accounts of Medvedchuk-affiliated companies, which they ultimately did.
It was founded and is headed by its perpetual Chairman Klaus Schwab. Schwab sees his position as emperor of the world- he plans to determine how you will live in the future. Schwab issued 8 “predictions” for the year 2030.

  1. You will own nothing.
  2. There will be a global tax on carbon.
  3. US dominance is over. We have a handful of global powers.
  4. Hospitals will disappear.
  5. You will not eat red meat
  6. You will bow down to refugees
  7. The values that built the West will have been tested to breaking point.
  8. “We” will head to Mars.
This is why Black Rock is buying up all housing and Gates is buying up farmland.

The WEF is committed to ending the US as a superpower in favor of China. Know who else is committed to that?

Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelenskyy and China

The US is forking over another $45 billion to Ukraine in our proxy war with Russia. While the left is pleasuring itself with pride in that, other things are happening. A hero to many in Congress, Zelenskyy has a history of crushing dissent

There will be a revolution in this country before that happens. The people would take all of those properties away from Schwab and his friends.
The Ukrainian government has prohibited any opposition that is perceived to be pro-Russian or friendly to Russia.
Because Russia is invading the country Igor.

Did the US permit pro Japanese or pro German "opposition" during WWII?

I wonder why not
No they did help, they showed us for the media what they are.
If you didn’t know what the media was, that you were not paying attention. All that Trump did was pour more fuel on that fire, and further the partisanship, further the bias, further the dishonesty, and further the divide.
So Russia's invasions are justified, because NATO keeps allowing countries to join this defensive alliance to protect themselves from Russian agressions. Right?

Russia's invasion into Ukraine has directly caused ENLARGMENT OF NATO, by forcing countries that previously favored nuetrality to reconsider their stance and get into NATO now, while they can because they have a dangerous, unpredictable periah state near their border. Invasion also directly accelerated Ukranian acceptance into NATO and oh, btw is decimating Russian economy, influence, population and millitary in the process.

You keep complaining about NATO enlargment, so why do you keep advocating for Russia to do things that CAUSE the enlargment and re-inforcement of NATO's membership, core mission and budgets?

I'll tell you why - you are just a useful idiot for Russian state propaganda that uses NATO excuses, and any other convinient excuses that may come up, to advance their Dear Leader's destructive, imperialist mindset.
The Russian invasion is justified under UN Article 51 permitting collective self defense since the US continues with its explicitly stated strategy of weakening Russia to the point of regime change. Can you imagine how the US would respond to similar actions by Putin? Of course not; you're one of the good guys, right?

Chomsky: The US Is Making a Dangerous Gamble in Expecting Putin Not to Escalate
The US has nukes in Europe:

"The US also has an estimated 100 nuclear warheads stored across Europe on air bases in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey, according to the Centre for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. These are among the 5,428 nuclear warheads the US owns, of which 3,708 are operational, with the rest meant to be dismantled."

Source: Explained: Who has nuclear weapons in Europe and where are they?

More info:

NATO has plenty of nukes. It shouldn't be in Eastern Europe.
Those nukes are delivered by AIRCRAFT! You said "missiles". Get your shit straight and stop moving the goalposts.
Why is any of this worthwhile at all to anyone, who are the taxpayers that approve of this, and tell us, kindly, if you don’t mind, where do you live so that we may punch you in your stupid faces?

This isn’t the Soviet Union. They’re not trying to spread global communism.

Ukraine has already not fallen, but regained ground - why should we have given two shits if Putin had taken it entirely? Not our problem. Not worth all this money we don’t fucking have being thrown at it. People who approve of this money being spent are scum - you’re just the worst.

The same exact thing was said when Hitler started taking over every country in europe and bombed Britain. I wonder how many lives would have been saved if he had been stopped in Poland. Putin has much of the same designs, although his goals are a little different. China would have followed along, much like Japan did with Germany. Appeasement was what led Germany to take over so many countries, its what led Putin to attack Ukraine again. And it's probably what would have allowed China to invade Taiwan without any reservations and possibly to even attack japan and korea. The idea that the US can isolate itself while multiple wars and dictators can run havok on the world is childish and naive. The US would be drawn in eventually and then it'll be a world war, not just us giving a few bucks to a small country to defend itself.

The money has already been spent, in the form of military equipment the US has already purchased for itself. About half of which was ready to be replaced or was mothballed. The US is slowly but surely sucking Russia dry and crippling them militarily, economically and politically for decades to come. This is probably the best bang for your buck investment America has made in a military conflict, ever. Of course the Putin lovers on this board would hate this.
You have no evidence that Russia shot down an airliner, that's nothing more than speculation. The Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas don't have to accept Kyiv's authority
You don't know what you are talking about.

Girkin, of Russian FSB/GRU, led much of the conflict in Ukraine. Russia illicitly supplied separatists with Russian army's heavy ballistic weapons and he was convicted for shooting down that commercial plane, accepted "moral responsibility" and was removed from his position as Defense Minister in the separatist controlled territory.

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