Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

The US has nukes in Europe:

"The US also has an estimated 100 nuclear warheads stored across Europe on air bases in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey, according to the Centre for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. These are among the 5,428 nuclear warheads the US owns, of which 3,708 are operational, with the rest meant to be dismantled."

Source: Explained: Who has nuclear weapons in Europe and where are they?

More info:

NATO has plenty of nukes. It shouldn't be in Eastern Europe.
There are ALREADY 3 NATO countries on Russian border. They have been there for a long time now and there are no nukes.

Why the hell do you keep talking about nukes in Ukraine?
The Ukrainian government has prohibited any opposition that is perceived to be pro-Russian or friendly to Russia.

That is a considerable step up from any and all serious opposition movement leaders getting killed off and jailed in Russia.

Today in Russia it has been made CRIMINAL to publicly opose the war, and even calling it a war, instead of ridiculous "special operation" euphenism, can put you in jail.

It is CRIMINAL to report anything about the war not aproved by Russian state.

How come you don't call Russia a facist state that needs to be invaded?
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If you didn’t know what the media was, that you were not paying attention. All that Trump did was pour more fuel on that fire, and further the partisanship, further the bias, further the dishonesty, and further the divide.
Wrong again. I knew what the media is and they still won't admit, so keep pounding them more. I'd rather go back to partisan news.......the was way more honest than "Objective" news.0
Wrong again. I knew what the media is and they still won't admit, so keep pounding them more. I'd rather go back to partisan news.......the was way more honest than "Objective" news.0
Why do you care if they admit it or not? It’s not hard to tell the difference between facts and opinions.
And he used faked documents to try and influence an election, sounds familar (think Steele Dossier)
Steele dossier had no influence on an election. It wasn’t even leaked until after the election and it was never present as anything but opporesearch
That is a considerable step up from any and all serious opposition movement leaders getting killed off and jailed in Russia.

Today in Russia it has been made CRIMINAL to publicly opose the war, and even calling it a war, instead of ridiculous "special operation" euphenism, can put you in jail.

It is CRIMINAL to report anything about the war not aproved by Russian state.

How come you don't call Russia a facist state that needs to be invaded?

Even Putin's "allies" are permanently silenced for questioning his actions:

"Russian sausage magnate Pavel Antov, a lawmaker who criticized the war on Ukraine this summer, mysteriously died at a hotel in India on Saturday while traveling for his birthday—becoming the latest in a string of puzzling high-profile critics of Vladimir Putin who have died under unexplained circumstances since the country launched a war with Ukraine earlier this year."

"At least a dozen high-profile Russian businessmen have reportedly died by suicide or in unexplained accidents this year, with six of them associated with Russia’s two largest energy companies."

And to silence all opposition Putin has declared war on dissenters, ordering security forces to hunt traitors and spies:

"Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday called on his chief intelligence agency, the Federal Security Services (FSB), and other security sectors to intensify the hunt for "traitors, spies and saboteurs" as his war in Ukraine falters."

Ya mean like the 2016 election interference?

Go away Russian troll

Corrupt Volodymyr Zelensky Brings in Globalist BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to Coordinate Ukraine's Money Laundering ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily
Even Putin's "allies" are permanently silenced for questioning his actions:

"Russian sausage magnate Pavel Antov, a lawmaker who criticized the war on Ukraine this summer, mysteriously died at a hotel in India on Saturday while traveling for his birthday—becoming the latest in a string of puzzling high-profile critics of Vladimir Putin who have died under unexplained circumstances since the country launched a war with Ukraine earlier this year."

"At least a dozen high-profile Russian businessmen have reportedly died by suicide or in unexplained accidents this year, with six of them associated with Russia’s two largest energy companies."

And to silence all opposition Putin has declared war on dissenters, ordering security forces to hunt traitors and spies:

"Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday called on his chief intelligence agency, the Federal Security Services (FSB), and other security sectors to intensify the hunt for "traitors, spies and saboteurs" as his war in Ukraine falters."

There seems to be an epidemic of powerful Russian Putin critics falling out of windows.

Seems the "disease" was sweeping through the medical community during the height of the pandemic
There seems to be an epidemic of powerful Russian Putin critics falling out of windows.

Seems the "disease" was sweeping through the medical community during the height of the pandemic

There seems to be only one cure to prevent the spread of this Russian "disease".

There seems to be an epidemic of powerful Russian Putin critics falling out of windows.

Seems the "disease" was sweeping through the medical community during the height of the pandemic

So windows in Russia are like Social Media under the democrats was here...
Listening to the fascist democrats, I think I should buy lots of Boeing, Raytheon, and Lockheed stock.

I'm shocked that Putin is so misunderstood. The poor little guy is being bullied. Write him a nice note, I'm sure he will appreciate your support.


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