Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

If it wasn't for Uncle Joe, you and I would be speaking German and saluting a Nazi flag.

You really are a fucking retard.

Stalin didn't send anyone to the gulag on the basis of their ethnicity, so you're a bit confused. The maximum sentence in the gulag was a decade, ten years, and most people there were criminals and yes some were political dissidents, pro-capitalist counter-revolutionaries, propagandists, and saboteurs. etc. There are convicts here in the US serving more than a thousand-year sentence. The US has one of the world's most brutal, draconian, prison systems, especially in the industrialized world. It's at the bottom of the list.


You sure lie a lot.
No proof of poisoning? Yea,
other than the radioactive polonium trail that lead back to Moscow in the Litvenenko murder?

I know, all of that evidence got Putin and his government indicted by the international court. Right? Do you believe the Western enemies of Putin and Russia wouldn't jump at the opportunity of getting him officially declared a murderous despot by the Hague if they could? The reason that hasn't happened is that they don't have the evidence. More, do you believe the US government is any less ruthless than the Russians? If so, I have a bridge to sell you here in Brooklyn. You're very naive if you think the United States government doesn't have its own long list of assassinations and false flags. America has no moral high ground upon which to stand and point its crooked, feculent finger at Russia.


When one considers all of the victims of the US ruling class and their cronies in the US congress, Putin and his government appear saintly. Like St Francis.


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Do you believe the Western enemies of Putin and Russia wouldn't jump at the opportunity of getting him officially declared a murderous despot by the Hague if they could?

Hague specifically prosecutes WAR CRIMES...do you imagine that happens overnight?

Full scale Russian invasion, ripe with war crimes, has started 10 months ago, will go on for another year or so and Hague trials will kick off a year or two after that.

What will you do when that happens? You'll ignore it, just as you have about Hague court convicting Russians in Ukraine for shooting down a passanger plane.

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I know, all of that evidence got Putin and his government indicted by the international court. Right? Do you believe the Western enemies of Putin and Russia wouldn't jump at the opportunity of getting him officially declared a murderous despot by the Hague if they could? The reason that hasn't happened is that they don't have the evidence. More, do you believe the US government is any less ruthless than the Russians? If so, I have a bridge to sell you here in Brooklyn. You're very naive if you think the United States government doesn't have its own long list of assassinations and false flags. America has no moral high ground upon which to stand and point its crooked, feculent finger at Russia.

View attachment 743083

When one considers all of the victims of the US ruling class and their cronies in the US congress, Putin and his government appear saintly. Like St Francis.

View attachment 743088

You know as well as everyone else that Putin is a murdering dictator

And we all can see that you are a Putin troll
Why do you care if they admit it or not? It’s not hard to tell the difference between facts and opinions.
Becasue they are the news, they need to be honest and truthful. Prending to be objective and using that to tell people how bad people you disagree with are, is utterly horrible. They have status to be the referee, not screw one side so theirs wins.
NATO expansion after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 has been deliberately designed to provoke Russia

No dummy, it was deliberatly designed by the applicant countries to PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM RUSSIAN INVASIONS.

Design worked very well too. Countries that entered NATO are not worried about Russian invasion. Ukraine and Georgia didn't join when they had the chance and are paying the steep price.
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Becasue they are the news, they need to be honest and truthful. Prending to be objective and using that to tell people how bad people you disagree with are, is utterly horrible. They have status to be the referee, not screw one side so theirs wins.
They are for profit businesses selling a product... Entertainment news. It’s not hard to parse facts from opinion. If anybody lies they should be called out
They are for profit businesses selling a product... Entertainment news. It’s not hard to parse facts from opinion. If anybody lies they should be called out
Uh, no that's not what they claim. They have the whole Establishment saying how objective they are. They are considered impartial and they are not. Not at all. That's why the right HATES the media so much. It goes decades. We don't like seeing businesses fail, but we would celebrate any of these media companies going down.
Hague specifically prosecutes WAR CRIMES...do you imagine that happens overnight?

Full scale Russian invasion, ripe with war crimes, has started 10 months ago, will go on for another year or so and Hague trials will kick off a year or two after that.

What will you do when that happens? You'll ignore it, just as you have about Hague court convicting Russians in Ukraine for shooting down a passanger plane.

My point is that if the West actually had evidence of Putin killing people as you've accused him of, the evidence would be presented before an international court of justice, like the one in the UN or the Hague. Putin's enemies just have accusations without any real evidence. The US should be tried at the Hague or the US international court of justice for its illegal invasion of Iraq and many other so-called "police actions" and "interventions". The US has no moral high ground when it comes to crimes against humanity.

Russia is defending the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and forcing the anti-Russian government in Kyiv to take a neutral stance on NATO, preventing it from turning Ukraine into a military base for the West against Russia. The Ukrainians brought this conflict upon themselves.
You know as well as everyone else that Putin is a murdering dictator

And we all can see that you are a Putin troll
There is no evidence that Putin murdered anyone as he is accused of in the West. However, there is plenty of evidence for the many crimes committed by the US government against millions of people around the world, through its warmongering, orchestrating coup d;etats, imposing economic sanctions. etc.

The United States has ZERO moral high ground upon which to stand and point fingers at anyone for crimes against humanity.
No dummy, it was deliberatly designed by the applicant countries to PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM RUSSIAN INVASIONS.

Design worked very well too. Countries that entered NATO are not worried about Russian invasion. Ukraine and Georgia didn't join when they had the chance and are paying the steep price.
How many of those applicant countries were killing ethnic Russians in Donbass? NATO was expanded for two principal reasons; stimulate US arms sales and provoke Russia in ways that would allow the US to apply economic sanctions.

The Delusional Commitment to the Doctrine of “Full Spectrum Dominance” is leading the U.S. and the World to Disaster | Black Agenda Report
My point is that if the West actually had evidence of Putin killing people as you've accused him of, the evidence would be presented before an international court of justice, like the one in the UN or the Hague.
Wtf are you talking about? What court? Who has criminal jurisdiction in Russia but Russian state?

Hague does not investigate poisonings, wrongful imprisonments (Navalnuy) or murders (Nemtsov). It investigates war crimes.

You have to be fucking stupid to not notice that any serious opposition to Putin always ends up in jail or dead.

You have to be a fucking dupe to think that all the Russian figures keep jumping out the window on their own.

In America we have stiff political fight all the time, opposition politicians do not get killed off, or poisoned, nobody jailed under ridiculous charges, without jury of peers.

Russians that don't like Putin constantly have a question: "If not Putin, then who?" because the state makes damn sure no one gets an answer to that question, by any means necessary.

There is no freedom of speech or true political contest in Russia. There has never been peaceful transfer of power as a result of an election. That's a fact and the very reason Russia today finds itself in this deep ditch.

I really don't know how you post the shit you do and then look yourself in the mirror. Have you no shame? Russia is an authoritarian state and you are it's useful idiot.
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Uh, no that's not what they claim. They have the whole Establishment saying how objective they are. They are considered impartial and they are not. Not at all. That's why the right HATES the media so much. It goes decades. We don't like seeing businesses fail, but we would celebrate any of these media companies going down.
Hahaha, who exactly considers them impartial?! Hell I think only something like 34% of the public has trust in the media which is an all time low. It is what it is and it’s obvious.

And when you talk about the right hating the media… then why aren’t they leading by example. The most bias and the most lies and the most extremism that I see in the media comes from the right. Think about it…. Info Wars is a hotbed for conspiracy and hate theories, Rush, Levin, Hannity owned the airwaves for years, OAN, Newsmax, Fox News and shows like Tucker Carlson tonight… the propaganda is unmatched with anything on the left. So while I agree there is bias and I will always support calling out liars…. Don’t play self righteous and pretend the Right is holding the standards. They certainly are not
Hahaha, who exactly considers them impartial?! Hell I think only something like 34% of the public has trust in the media which is an all time low. It is what it is and it’s obvious.

And when you talk about the right hating the media… then why aren’t they leading by example. The most bias and the most lies and the most extremism that I see in the media comes from the right.

Bull fucking shit.

Think about it…. Info Wars is a hotbed for conspiracy and hate theories,

Less so than democratic underground or DailyKOS.
Rush, Levin, Hannity owned the airwaves for years,

While the hate night shows are there for the fascist left. What is Colbert other than pure, unfiltered hate?

OAN, Newsmax, Fox News and shows like Tucker Carlson tonight…

FAR more accurate than CNN, MSNBC, NY Times and shit like Don Lemon.

the propaganda is unmatched with anything on the left.

Bull fucking shit.

The so called MSM is nothing but DNC propaganda.

So while I agree there is bias and I will always support calling out liars…. Don’t play self righteous and pretend the Right is holding the standards. They certainly are not

You have your Reich - which leaves you no room for thought or integrity.
The lefty warmongering is off the hook here! I knew it was going to be bad back in 2016, when Hillary Clinton decided she could make a lot of money by starting a war with Russia, and all of the sudden, Russia was our "enemy", after the DemoKKKrats had spent the previous 50+ years sucking Soviet and Russian cock every chance they got.
Not even close. I challenge you to show one story from those orgs worse than the Sandy Hook conspiracy Jones pushed and was sued over


Better or worse is subjective. I acknowledge that Jones lied about Sandy Hook - never listened to nor cared for him.

However, he is merely the flip side of KOS and other leftist hate sites,

10 lies promoted by Daily KOS

No. 1. The Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6 was an “armed insurrection” in which five people were killed, including a U.S. Capitol officer hit by a fire extinguisher in the head. Reality: The rioters had no firearms or even knives. Two of the five died from a stroke and heart attack. The officer, Brian Sicknick, was not hit by a fire extinguisher, did not die from “blunt trauma,” and his death the next day was from “unknown causes,” as The New York Times eventually admitted.

Of the two young women Trump supporters who died in the riot, one was shot by an unnamed police officer (the media are, to say the least, incurious) and the other may have had a medical emergency and was trampled. The deaths, plus injuries to many officers, are tragic. But the media narrative is false: “Five killed in armed insurrection.”

No. 2. President Trump “incited” the riot. Despite the House impeachment managers falsifying evidence by doctoring his remarks in an inflammatory video, none of what Mr. Trump said could be construed as “incitement.” Evidence indicates that instigators planned the riot long before the Trump rally.

No. 3: President Trump referred to Nazis and White supremacists as “very fine people.” Joe Biden made this a centerpiece of his campaign. It is patently false. After the Charlottesville riot, Mr. Trump on Aug. 15, 2017, said, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence. It has no place in America.”

The “very fine people on both sides” comment referred to the debate over taking down statues. To make sure he wouldn’t be misunderstood, Mr. Trump added, “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”

For more than three years, all major media routinely misreported that Mr. Trump had called the Nazis and white supremacists “very fine people.” They still do. Because the smear works.

No. 4. Joe Biden and the Democrats are “moderates” who would return us to “normal.”

Nancy Pelosi began the new session by issuing House rules wiping out any gender-specific terms, including those defined by familial relationships, such as mother, father, son, daughter, aunt or uncle. This is Looney Tunes, not “moderate” or “normal” governance. Last Thursday, the House passed the Equality Act, the most dangerous threat to religious liberty and conscience ever conceived in America.

Mr. Biden has issued dozens of executive orders so radical that many people even now refuse to believe it could be this bad: Opening up our southern border, already in crisis. Killing the Keystone pipeline. Resuming travel from terror-prone nations. Re-joining the Paris climate treaty without Senate approval. Ordering the military to include men who think they’re women, and vice versa.

Ordering schools to allow biological males into girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms and sports. Winking at Iran’s violation of nuclear limits. Appointing far-left radicals such as pro-abortion zealot Xavier Becerra to head Health and Human Services, and Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden to run the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

No. 5. “Racist police” are out to get Blacks, a mantra of Black Lives Matter. In a typical year, police have 375 million annual contacts with civilians, as noted by author Heather MacDonald. In 2019, police fatally shot 1,004 suspects. Despite proportionally far higher crime incidence, Blacks accounted for only 235 of the total, or less than a quarter. Of those, nine were unarmed (police also fatally shot 19 unarmed Whites). Any of these deaths is tragic, but the media narrative is dangerously false: Police are Nazis, enforcing a “systemically white supremacist America.”

No. 6. BLM/Antifa protests were “mostly peaceful.” In 2020, 48 of the 50 most populous cities in the nation had protest-related riots, with dozens murdered, hundreds of police injured and billions in damages to businesses. Democrats demand an inquiry only into the Capitol Hill riot, which threatened them, not the hundreds of other riots that they openly encouraged.

No. 7. Silicon Valley Democrats believe in freedom of speech. No, they don’t. Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo and Instagram routinely censor or disparage conservative content. They de-platformed the fast-growing Parler (which has since re-emerged). Two Democrat Congress members from California are demanding that cable providers Comcast, Verizon and Cox, and digital companies Roku, Apple and Hulu actually remove Fox News, One America News and Newsmax. This is Soviet-style thuggery, fit for a communist or Nazi regime, not America.

No. 8. Hydroxychloroquine is not only useless against COVID-19, but extremely dangerous. Used worldwide for 70 years, the drug has been a key part of effective early treatments, according to many doctors. Widespread use may have saved many lives had the drug not been trashed by the anti-Trump media.

No. 9. Children in the womb are not human and therefore disposable. Perhaps we need a new civil rights category: “tiny little people who identify as a human baby.”

No. 10. The “For the People Act,” which would destroy election safeguards and usher in one-party Democrat rule, is “for the people.” It’s part of the lie that “voter suppression” is rampant and that vote fraud is virtually nonexistent.


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