Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Wrong… Lemon injects opinion all the time but these networks push lies and conspiracies much much more frequently. Just look at the lawsuits

All CNN and NBCCP do is lie.

Just look at the daily retractions.

I don't recall OAN having to pay million dollar settlements for defaming children, the way DNCNN did.
No. 1. The Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6 was an “armed insurrection” in which five people were killed, including a U.S. Capitol officer hit by a fire extinguisher in the head. Reality: The rioters had no firearms or even knives. Two of the five died from a stroke and heart attack. The officer, Brian Sicknick, was not hit by a fire extinguisher, did not die from “blunt trauma,” and his death the next day was from “unknown causes,” as The New York Times eventually admitted.
“Armed” doesn’t need to be guns and knives look up the definition. I agree that the deaths were misrepresented, while the argument could be made that some or all of those deaths may have been avoided had the riot not happened, it’s not accurate to present them as cops being murdered by protestors, which is what was implied in some cases.

This point doesn’t even come close to the Sandy Hook conspiracy by Jones which is what I was asking about
It's not extortion, it's a multi-national money-laundering operation, and Putin is in on it, too. The Biden crime family has been laundering money in Ukraine, Russia, and China for decades.
It's extortion for keeping his mouth shot about Burisma and Privat Bank.
The money laundering is just the way of kicking money back to Democrats.

If you never listened or cared about him then how can you claim that other orgs are worse?!

Better or worse is subjective.

Fascist left media can do no wrong to those like you. Leftist hate sites like KOS and DailyBeast lie INCESSANTLY - they are about as accurate as Faun or the other radical fascists here on USMB. NOTHING they vomit out can be trusted, there will always be a spin to promote the Reich or attack Americans - usually both.

I'd say that hate sites like KOS do more damage than Jones for the reason that no one takes Jones seriously.

Mindless leftists hang on every word from the fascist hate sites like KOS.
“Armed” doesn’t need to be guns and knives look up the definition. I agree that the deaths were misrepresented, while the argument could be made that some or all of those deaths may have been avoided had the riot not happened, it’s not accurate to present them as cops being murdered by protestors, which is what was implied in some cases.

This point doesn’t even come close to the Sandy Hook conspiracy by Jones which is what I was asking about

No, it's a thousand times worse and is close to pushing the civil war your party started into a shooting war.

The lies you and your media tell about the Reichstag Fire are meant to create division and hatred to destroy the common culture of the nation you are waging war against.
No, it's a thousand times worse and is close to pushing the civil war your party started into a shooting war.
The “civil war” you’re talking about is being planned and promoted by the extreme right. Ya know the mob that stormed the capital because of lies about a stolen election… that’s in that crew not the MSM
The “civil war” you’re talking about is being planned and promoted by the extreme right.

Another lie.

You of the fascist, totalitarian left set up 60 years ago to end America, and have marches steadily toward that goal. You've had setbacks, but you've continuously undermined our culture and our institutions.

In 2016 you upped the stakes and attempted a coup. When you coup attempt failed - you upped the ante and opened the most obscene witch hunt since the 1400's - replete with coerced confessions by attacking family members. When you failed with that, leaving wreckage of bogus prosecutions behind you, you moved on to "Joe Biden is Corrupt, Impeach Trump."

You have waged war on this nation openly since the day Trump came down the escalator.

Ya know the mob that stormed the capital because of lies about a stolen election… that’s in that crew not the MSM

This mob?


Oh, but that's different because Uber Alles democrat.
Wtf are you talking about? What court? Who has criminal jurisdiction in Russia but Russian state?

Hague does not investigate poisonings, wrongful imprisonments (Navalnuy) or murders (Nemtsov). It investigates war crimes.

You have to be fucking stupid to not notice that any serious opposition to Putin always ends up in jail or dead.

You have to be a fucking dupe to think that all the Russian figures keep jumping out the window on their own.

In America we have stiff political fight all the time, opposition politicians do not get killed off, or poisoned, nobody jailed under ridiculous charges, without jury of peers.

Russians that don't like Putin constantly have a question: "If not Putin, then who?" because the state makes damn sure no one gets an answer to that question, by any means necessary.

There is no freedom of speech or true political contest in Russia. There has never been peaceful transfer of power as a result of an election. That's a fact and the very reason Russia today finds itself in this deep ditch.

I really don't know how you post the shit you do and then look yourself in the mirror. Have you no shame? Russia is an authoritarian state and you are it's useful idiot.

Look at all of the cases the international court of justice listens to:

If the head of state of one of the most powerful nations on earth (the largest nation territorially and a major nuclear power) is murdering people as you claim, I'm sure a case could be open to assess the evidence and make a decision on the issue. Politically that would legitimize the charges made against Putin and would negatively affect Russia diplomatically, economically.etc. More people in positions of power, both politically and financially, might come around to believing that Putin is indeed a despot murdering his serious opposition. The now rhetoric and conspiracy theories, would cease to be that, and would have much more weight. You could cite the fact that an internationally recognized court of justice ruled that Putin is indeed a murderer.

Provide a list of all of the people Putin supposedly murdered and I'll take a look at it.

In America, we have a plutocracy (rule of the rich) and any serious opposition to that ruling class ends up like this:


Our political system is rigged for the ruling class, at the great expense of the American public. Any individual or nation that seriously challenges that power structure, is eliminated (not necessarily violently, but in one way or another, those troublemakers are dealt with). Bernie Sanders is a good example of someone "dealt with" in a non-violent way, assuming he wasn't threatened with violence. Bernie the so-called "democratic socialist" fell in line with the establishment, a bit too quickly.

Despite all of Russia's flaws and that of its leader/s, the United States has no moral high ground upon which to stand and point its crooked finger. The US government has committed some of the most egregious crimes against civilian populations around the world under the pretext of "spreading freedom and liberal democracy". So give it a break.

Ukraine isn't a democracy either. Its present anti-Russian state-system is built on a foreign-orchestrated coup d'etat that banned all serious political opposition to its power. It also restricts the freedom of the press and shells its own civilian population in the Donbas via right-wing, ultra-nationalist extremists with Swastika tattoos.

An honest look at Putin and Russia:

I don't like Putin, I'm a Marxist and Communist, I would rather have the communist party in charge of Russia, so don't think I'm a friend of Putin. However, looking at his non-communist opposition, I would rather have Putin in power than them.
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Look at all of the cases the international court of justice listens to:

Russia doesn't give a shit about it.

Russia has said it is formally withdrawing its signature from the founding statute of the international criminal court, a day after the court published a report classifying the Russian annexation of Crimea as an occupation.

In America, we have a plutocracy (rule of the rich) and any serious opposition to that ruling class ends up like this:
When you open your mouth about America you sound like...a brainwashed Russian. Ok, no surprises there.

Kennedy conspiracy theories are dime a dozen, doesn't mean you can just pick and choose whatever suits your agenda. Russian politicians get jailed or killed off all the time.

And no, we don't have a plutocracy. We have two major POPULIST parties in a constitutional, representative democracy.

Our Constituion and independent courts protect individual rights and it doesn't matter how rich someone who infringed on your rights is. In Putin's Russia there is none of that, there is no judicial independence, corruption is rampant, state acts with impunity and courts will convict whoever the state wants to convict.

Rich in America have more means to make noise and run stronger lobby of politicans, but everyone gets one vote and those votes are of fundamental consequence in our very competetive elections.
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Russia doesn't give a shit about it.

Russia has said it is formally withdrawing its signature from the founding statute of the international criminal court, a day after the court published a report classifying the Russian annexation of Crimea as an occupation.

It doesn't matter if Putin's Russia doesn't supposedly respect international law, you can still have him tried in absentia and if he is convicted for murdering his political opponents and journalists, that will seriously hurt him politically, diplomatically, and financially. etc, and give credence to your charges.
When you open your mouth about America you sound like...a brainwashed Russian. Ok, no surprises there.

No, we don't have a plutocracy. We have two major POPULIST parties.

Rich can make more noise and run stronger lobby of politicans, but everyone gets one vote and those votes a highly consequential in our very competetive elections.

You're the one who is obviously brainwashed. Hahahaha, to the point of being funny.
It doesn't matter if Putin's Russia doesn't supposedly respect international law, you can still have him tried in absentia and if he is convicted for murdering his political opponents and journalists,
Lets read togather:

The International Criminal Court (ICC) investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression.

What the hell made you think that it takes up individual murder cases? Some bs you heard on Putin TV?
Lets read togather:

The International Criminal Court (ICC) investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression.

What the hell made you think that it takes up individual murder cases? Some bs you heard on Putin TV?
The head of state of a major world power murdering political opponents is a serious crime. The Russian government has also asked the West to present its evidence for Putin being a murderer in the Russian court system. So if international courts supposedly won't listen to the case, the Russian government has already asked those who are accusing Putin of murder to present their evidence vs Putin in the Russian courts, and they haven't bothered. So? Before anyone takes your accusations of murder against Putin seriously, the evidence should be presented in court.

I'll rather watch "Putin TV" than MSNBC any day. The false propaganda on Western mainstream media is unmatched.
The head of state of a major world power murdering political opponents is a serious crime. The Russian government has also asked the West to present its evidence for Putin being a murderer in the Russian court system. So if international courts supposedly won't listen to the case, the Russian government has already asked those who are accusing Putin of murder to present their evidence vs Putin in the Russian courts, and they haven't bothered. So? Before anyone takes your accusations of murder against Putin seriously, the evidence should be presented in court.

I'll rather watch "Putin TV" than MSNBC any day. The false propaganda on Western mainstream media is unmatched.

What part of ICC-doesn't-deal-with-individual murders do you not get?

You can have your Russian TV informed opinions, you can't have your own set of facts.
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Another lie.

You of the fascist, totalitarian left set up 60 years ago to end America, and have marches steadily toward that goal. You've had setbacks, but you've continuously undermined our culture and our institutions.

In 2016 you upped the stakes and attempted a coup. When you coup attempt failed - you upped the ante and opened the most obscene witch hunt since the 1400's - replete with coerced confessions by attacking family members. When you failed with that, leaving wreckage of bogus prosecutions behind you, you moved on to "Joe Biden is Corrupt, Impeach Trump."

You have waged war on this nation openly since the day Trump came down the escalator.

This mob?

View attachment 743294

Oh, but that's different because Uber Alles democrat.
I wasn’t even born 60 years ago and I don’t want to destroy American so you are clearly full of shot. Why would anybody listen to what you say?

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