Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

You're proud of FDR's Fascism? What a shock!
No dumbass, the point is not that we should round people up just for being same ethnicity, point is that you are full of counterfactual shit when you say America would allow our enemy to politically compete and spread propaganda in US during a war.

Thats not how the world works. Ukraine is fighting for it's very survival and allowing Russian operatives to do that in their country is a road to scuicide.
I'm shocked that Putin is so misunderstood. The poor little guy is being bullied. Write him a nice note, I'm sure he will appreciate your support.


I did, and I asked him to put it on his pillow. It read "I can't take it anymore so I'm ending it all."

Would you like me to send you a copy for your desk?
You're proud of FDR's Fascism? What a shock!

No dumbass, the point is not that we should round people up just for being same ethnicity, point is that you are full of counterfactual shit when you say America would allow our enemy to politically compete and spread propaganda in US during a war.

Thats not how the world works. Ukraine is fighting for it's very survival and allowing Russian operatives to do that in their country is a road to scuicide.

So Bush should have rounded up every Muslim in the USA?
So only democrats, Zelen$ky and other Fascists can lock up their "enemies"
You are completely incoherent. Nothing new.

Not allowing enemy to politically compete during a war has been the case for any country, even those that otherwise have strong freedom of speech pretections.

When America was at war we didn't allow it.
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Thats nice, but you didn't EVEN ATTEMPT to explain why you are complaining about NATO expansion, but support Russian government's actions that obviously and directly strenghen and enlarge NATO and cause great harm to Russia.

You can't, you don't have the talking points on that and you don't have a mind capable of dealing with it on your own, so you go back to a safe space in your head - bashing America.
NATO expansion after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 has been deliberately designed to provoke Russia into the self-defense actions it took in Georgia in 2008 and is currently waging in Ukraine.

The Risks of NATO's Rebirth

"Given its founding mission, Russia always remained suspicious about NATO expansion—especially regarding Ukraine.

"When NATO was negotiating to admit Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary in 1997, it was made explicitly clear to Russia that Ukraine was 'off-limits,' says Robert Hunter, U.S. Ambassador to NATO at the time. 'It was fully understood by everybody that Ukraine would not be in NATO.
Hence, we had a NATO-Ukraine charter,' which codified the relationship between the bloc and a nation that was always intended to be outside."
NATO expansion after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 has been deliberately designed to provoke Russia into the self-defense actions it took in Georgia in 2008 and is currently waging in Ukraine.

The Risks of NATO's Rebirth

"Given its founding mission, Russia always remained suspicious about NATO expansion—especially regarding Ukraine.

"When NATO was negotiating to admit Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary in 1997, it was made explicitly clear to Russia that Ukraine was 'off-limits,' says Robert Hunter, U.S. Ambassador to NATO at the time. 'It was fully understood by everybody that Ukraine would not be in NATO.
Hence, we had a NATO-Ukraine charter,' which codified the relationship between the bloc and a nation that was always intended to be outside."
Thanks for the Kremlin take on NATO.

We can always rely on you for that
You are completely incoherent. Nothing new.

Not allowing enemy to politically compete during a war has been the case for any country, even those that otherwise have strong freedom of speech pretections.

When America was at war we didn't allow it.

We didn’t allow American Germans and Italians to have freedom during WWII, Adolf?
That is a considerable step up from any and all serious opposition movement leaders getting killed off and jailed in Russia.

Today in Russia it has been made CRIMINAL to publicly opose the war, and even calling it a war, instead of ridiculous "special operation" euphenism, can put you in jail.

It is CRIMINAL to report anything about the war not aproved by Russian state.

How come you don't call Russia a facist state that needs to be invaded?

There is zero evidence that Putin or his government has poisoned anyone, that's why he hasn't been indicted at the Hague. If there was any substantial evidence showing that Putin or the Russian government were involved in the murder of political dissidents or journalists, it would go straight to the Hague, like a rocket. Quick. The reason the US and EU, haven't tried to open a case, is because there isn't one. It's that simple. The day you and your buddies present the evidence to the international court and win a case against Putin, I will be there standing beside you condemning him and the Russian government for murdering political opponents and journalists. If no evidence exists, then all you have are empty accusations.

The post-2014 coup Ukrainian presidents and government "order" is to de-Russify Ukraine, at every level. Politically, culturally, historically, linquistically..etc, hence why the Russo-Ukrainians in the Donbas and Crimea refused to accept the results of the Maidan, US-orchestrated coup. If you want to debate to what extent the US was involved in the 2014 coup, we can do that but regardless of whether the US was or wasn't directly involved in organizing it, the ethnic Russians, not just in the Donbas and Crimea but in Odesa and across Ukraine, were not in favor of eliminating Yanukovych, a Russian friendly president, and replacing him with Poroshenko, a man that hates everything Russian.

It's only natural that many Russo-Ukrainians wouldn't go along with the anti-Russian agenda. Politically and otherwise. They've been ostracized in an attempt to purge Ukraine of them, free of implementing a Nazi-style "total solution". If the Russo-Ukrainians don't actively resist the derussification of Ukraine, more or less acquiescing to it as the ethnic Russians living in places like Kyiv and Odesa have done, then they're not arrested or worse. The ethnic Russians of Ukraine that refuse to follow the anti-Russian program, are seen as the enemy and become targets of the government and ultra-nationalists. The Ukrainians that want to turn Ukraine into a Western European country, that is a member of the EU and NATO, would prefer that 35% of Ukraine's population, namely its ethnic Russians, migrated to Russia, leaving behind their homes, lands, careers, and businesses in Ukraine. Why would they do that?

With respect to censorship in Russia. Russia apparently doesn't prohibit its people from expressing their objections to the war, because they do it frequently in the Russian media. There are debates on Russian television about the war, much more so than what we see here in the Western media. There are also Russian bloggers and vloggers online, some are on YouTube constantly attacking Putin. What is prohibited are the foreign funded NGOs from organizing public protests and continuing their anti-Russian, foreign-funded campaigns against Russia, when Russia is at war against the United States and its Western allies. Ukraine is seen by many Russians as a proxy tool of the US vs Russia. If you notice, all Russian media outlets have been banned in the West. RT, Sputnik, and others, have been de-platformed and closed down in the West. Practically everything Russian has been in a way, banned and silenced, even well known Russian playwrites, authors and artists of the past. Any mention of Russia or anything Russian is being shit on and "deleted".

I know several college students who are pro-Russia and they set up a table here in Manhattan with pamphlets and some signs, and banners, near grand central station. They got physically assaulted by some "woke" liberals. The table was flipped, all of the pamphletes blew away in the wind, into the street. One of these young men ended up in the hospital with a concussion. He was brutally beaten down to the ground and his head was stomped on the concrete sidewalk. One of the attackers was a heavily tattood and pierced, blue haired, 300+ pound transsexual freak standing over six feet tall. The most passionate defenders of Ukraine are the alphabet-rainbow people, because Putin doesn't allow "gay pride" parades, homosexuals to adopt children, any LGBTQA+ media promoting homosexuality to the Russian public on television, radio or print. . Here in the US if you're pro-Russia and in a liberal city like the one I live in, you can't organize a public demontration for Russia, without getting jumped by an army of militant homosexuals.
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We didn’t allow American Germans and Italians to have freedom during WWII, Adolf?

Japanese Americans were forced into concentration camps.

Yes. Because FDR was jealous of Uncle Joe and wanted to emulate him

If it wasn't for Uncle Joe, you and I would be speaking German and saluting a Nazi flag.

Stalin didn't send anyone to the gulag on the basis of their ethnicity, so you're a bit confused. The maximum sentence in the gulag was a decade, ten years, and most people there were criminals and yes some were political dissidents, pro-capitalist counter-revolutionaries, propagandists, and saboteurs. etc. There are convicts here in the US serving more than a thousand-year sentence. The US has one of the world's most brutal, draconian, prison systems, especially in the industrialized world. It's at the bottom of the list.
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Thanks for the Kremlin take on NATO.

We can always rely on you for that
You prefer the greedy capitalist "recovery efforts"?

"The latest round of 'You Can’t Make This Up' has Ukraine’s corrupt President Volodymyr Zelensky playing perfect puppet for the globalists by bringing in woke financial juggernaut BlackRock to coordinate their massive money laundering scheme, a program referred to by corporate media as 'recovery efforts.'"

Corrupt Volodymyr Zelensky Brings in Globalist BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to Coordinate Ukraine's Money Laundering ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily
There is zero evidence that Putin or his government has poisoned anyone, that's why he hasn't been indicted at the Hague. If there was any substantial evidence showing that Putin or the Russian government were involved in the murder of political dissidents or journalists, it would go straight to the Hague, like a rocket. Quick. The reason the US and EU, haven't tried to open a case, is because there isn't one. It's that simple. The day you and your buddies present the evidence to the international court and win a case against Putin, I will be there standing beside you condemning him and the Russian government for murdering political opponents and journalists. If no evidence exists, then all you have are empty accusations.

The post-2014 coup Ukrainian presidents and government "order" is to de-Russify Ukraine, at every level. Politically, culturally, historically, linquistically..etc, hence why the Russo-Ukrainians in the Donbas and Crimea refused to accept the results of the Maidan, US-orchestrated coup. If you want to debate to what extent the US was involved in the 2014 coup, we can do that but regardless of whether the US was or wasn't directly involved in organizing it, the ethnic Russians, not just in the Donbas and Crimea but in Odesa and across Ukraine, were not in favor of eliminating Yanukovych, a Russian friendly president, and replacing him with Poroshenko, a man that hates everything Russian.

It's only natural that many Russo-Ukrainians wouldn't go along with the anti-Russian agenda. Politically and otherwise. They've been ostracized in an attempt to purge Ukraine of them, free of implementing a Nazi-style "total solution". If the Russo-Ukrainians don't actively resist the derussification of Ukraine, more or less acquiescing to it as the ethnic Russians living in places like Kyiv and Odesa have done, then they're not arrested or worse. The ethnic Russians of Ukraine that refuse to follow the anti-Russian program, are seen as the enemy and become targets of the government and ultra-nationalists. The Ukrainians that want to turn Ukraine into a Western European country, that is a member of the EU and NATO, would prefer that 35% of Ukraine's population, namely its ethnic Russians, migrated to Russia, leaving behind their homes, lands, careers, and businesses in Ukraine. Why would they do that?

With respect to censorship in Russia. Russia apparently doesn't prohibit its people from expressing their objections to the war, because they do it frequently in the Russian media. There are debates on Russian television about the war, much more so than what we see here in the Western media. There are also Russian bloggers and vloggers online, some are on YouTube constantly attacking Putin. What is prohibited are the foreign funded NGOs from organizing public protests and continuing their anti-Russian, foreign-funded campaigns against Russia, when Russia is at war against the United States and its Western allies. Ukraine is seen by many Russians as a proxy tool of the US vs Russia. If you notice, all Russian media outlets have been banned in the West. RT, Sputnik, and others, have been de-platformed and closed down in the West. Practically everything Russian has been in a way, banned and silenced, even well known Russian playwrites, authors and artists of the past. Any mention of Russia or anything Russian is being shit on and "deleted".

I know several college students who are pro-Russia and they set up a table here in Manhattan with pamphlets and some signs, and banners, near grand central station. They got physically assaulted by some "woke" liberals. The table was flipped, all of the pamphletes blew away in the wind, into the street. One of these young men ended up in the hospital with a concussion. He was brutally beaten down to the ground and his head was stomped on the concrete sidewalk. One of the attackers was a heavily tattood and pierced, blue haired, 300+ pound transsexual freak standing over six feet tall. The most passionate defenders of Ukraine are the alphabet-rainbow people, because Putin doesn't allow "gay pride" parades, homosexuals to adopt children, any LGBTQA+ media promoting homosexuality to the Russian public on television, radio or print. . Here in the US if you're pro-Russia and in a liberal city like the one I live in, you can't organize a public demontration for Russia, without getting jumped by an army of militant homosexuals.
No proof of poisoning? Yea,
other than the radioactive polonium trail that lead back to Moscow in the Litvenenko murder?
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There is zero evidence that Putin or his government has poisoned anyone, that's why he hasn't been indicted at the Hague. If there was any substantial evidence showing that Putin or the Russian government were involved in the murder of political dissidents or journalists, it would go straight to the Hague, like a rocket. Quick. The reason the US and EU, haven't tried to open a case, is because there isn't one. It's that simple. The day you and your buddies present the evidence to the international court and win a case against Putin, I will be there standing beside you condemning him and the Russian government for murdering political opponents and journalists. If no evidence exists, then all you have are empty accusations.

The post-2014 coup Ukrainian presidents and government "order" is to de-Russify Ukraine, at every level. Politically, culturally, historically, linquistically..etc, hence why the Russo-Ukrainians in the Donbas and Crimea refused to accept the results of the Maidan, US-orchestrated coup. If you want to debate to what extent the US was involved in the 2014 coup, we can do that but regardless of whether the US was or wasn't directly involved in organizing it, the ethnic Russians, not just in the Donbas and Crimea but in Odesa and across Ukraine, were not in favor of eliminating Yanukovych, a Russian friendly president, and replacing him with Poroshenko, a man that hates everything Russian.

It's only natural that many Russo-Ukrainians wouldn't go along with the anti-Russian agenda. Politically and otherwise. They've been ostracized in an attempt to purge Ukraine of them, free of implementing a Nazi-style "total solution". If the Russo-Ukrainians don't actively resist the derussification of Ukraine, more or less acquiescing to it as the ethnic Russians living in places like Kyiv and Odesa have done, then they're not arrested or worse. The ethnic Russians of Ukraine that refuse to follow the anti-Russian program, are seen as the enemy and become targets of the government and ultra-nationalists. The Ukrainians that want to turn Ukraine into a Western European country, that is a member of the EU and NATO, would prefer that 35% of Ukraine's population, namely its ethnic Russians, migrated to Russia, leaving behind their homes, lands, careers, and businesses in Ukraine. Why would they do that?

With respect to censorship in Russia. Russia apparently doesn't prohibit its people from expressing their objections to the war, because they do it frequently in the Russian media. There are debates on Russian television about the war, much more so than what we see here in the Western media. There are also Russian bloggers and vloggers online, some are on YouTube constantly attacking Putin. What is prohibited are the foreign funded NGOs from organizing public protests and continuing their anti-Russian, foreign-funded campaigns against Russia, when Russia is at war against the United States and its Western allies. Ukraine is seen by many Russians as a proxy tool of the US vs Russia. If you notice, all Russian media outlets have been banned in the West. RT, Sputnik, and others, have been de-platformed and closed down in the West. Practically everything Russian has been in a way, banned and silenced, even well known Russian playwrites, authors and artists of the past. Any mention of Russia or anything Russian is being shit on and "deleted".

I know several college students who are pro-Russia and they set up a table here in Manhattan with pamphlets and some signs, and banners, near grand central station. They got physically assaulted by some "woke" liberals. The table was flipped, all of the pamphletes blew away in the wind, into the street. One of these young men ended up in the hospital with a concussion. He was brutally beaten down to the ground and his head was stomped on the concrete sidewalk. One of the attackers was a heavily tattood and pierced, blue haired, 300+ pound transsexual freak standing over six feet tall. The most passionate defenders of Ukraine are the alphabet-rainbow people, because Putin doesn't allow "gay pride" parades, homosexuals to adopt children, any LGBTQA+ media promoting homosexuality to the Russian public on television, radio or print. . Here in the US if you're pro-Russia and in a liberal city like the one I live in, you can't organize a public demontration for Russia, without getting jumped by an army of militant homosexuals.
Damn man, you are brainwashed to the hilt.

Can you show ONE Russian media outlet calling this war a war, reporting on Russian losses and *GASP* opposing this disaster for Russia.

Rain, last opposition outlet was closed in Russia when the war started because they couldn't report on it without ending up in jail. They now report outside of Russia. Can you explain how the fuck that can ever be compatible with nonsense you are posting here?
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There is zero evidence that Putin or his government has poisoned anyone, that's why he hasn't been indicted at the Hague. If there was any substantial evidence showing that Putin or the Russian government were involved in the murder of political dissidents or journalists, it would go straight to the Hague, like a rocket. Quick. The reason the US and EU, haven't tried to open a case, is because there isn't one. It's that simple. The day you and your buddies present the evidence to the international court and win a case against Putin, I will be there standing beside you condemning him and the Russian government for murdering political opponents and journalists. If no evidence exists, then all you have are empty accusations.

The post-2014 coup Ukrainian presidents and government "order" is to de-Russify Ukraine, at every level. Politically, culturally, historically, linquistically..etc, hence why the Russo-Ukrainians in the Donbas and Crimea refused to accept the results of the Maidan, US-orchestrated coup. If you want to debate to what extent the US was involved in the 2014 coup, we can do that but regardless of whether the US was or wasn't directly involved in organizing it, the ethnic Russians, not just in the Donbas and Crimea but in Odesa and across Ukraine, were not in favor of eliminating Yanukovych, a Russian friendly president, and replacing him with Poroshenko, a man that hates everything Russian.

It's only natural that many Russo-Ukrainians wouldn't go along with the anti-Russian agenda. Politically and otherwise. They've been ostracized in an attempt to purge Ukraine of them, free of implementing a Nazi-style "total solution". If the Russo-Ukrainians don't actively resist the derussification of Ukraine, more or less acquiescing to it as the ethnic Russians living in places like Kyiv and Odesa have done, then they're not arrested or worse. The ethnic Russians of Ukraine that refuse to follow the anti-Russian program, are seen as the enemy and become targets of the government and ultra-nationalists. The Ukrainians that want to turn Ukraine into a Western European country, that is a member of the EU and NATO, would prefer that 35% of Ukraine's population, namely its ethnic Russians, migrated to Russia, leaving behind their homes, lands, careers, and businesses in Ukraine. Why would they do that?

With respect to censorship in Russia. Russia apparently doesn't prohibit its people from expressing their objections to the war, because they do it frequently in the Russian media. There are debates on Russian television about the war, much more so than what we see here in the Western media. There are also Russian bloggers and vloggers online, some are on YouTube constantly attacking Putin. What is prohibited are the foreign funded NGOs from organizing public protests and continuing their anti-Russian, foreign-funded campaigns against Russia, when Russia is at war against the United States and its Western allies. Ukraine is seen by many Russians as a proxy tool of the US vs Russia. If you notice, all Russian media outlets have been banned in the West. RT, Sputnik, and others, have been de-platformed and closed down in the West. Practically everything Russian has been in a way, banned and silenced, even well known Russian playwrites, authors and artists of the past. Any mention of Russia or anything Russian is being shit on and "deleted".

I know several college students who are pro-Russia and they set up a table here in Manhattan with pamphlets and some signs, and banners, near grand central station. They got physically assaulted by some "woke" liberals. The table was flipped, all of the pamphletes blew away in the wind, into the street. One of these young men ended up in the hospital with a concussion. He was brutally beaten down to the ground and his head was stomped on the concrete sidewalk. One of the attackers was a heavily tattood and pierced, blue haired, 300+ pound transsexual freak standing over six feet tall. The most passionate defenders of Ukraine are the alphabet-rainbow people, because Putin doesn't allow "gay pride" parades, homosexuals to adopt children, any LGBTQA+ media promoting homosexuality to the Russian public on television, radio or print. . Here in the US if you're pro-Russia and in a liberal city like the one I live in, you can't organize a public demontration for Russia, without getting jumped by an army of militant homosexuals.

Gotta neg you for lying.

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