Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

It's MUCH MUCH better now.

Foreign invasions and attacks have that sort on popularity of presidents that rise to the occasion. (See Bush and 9/11)
Zelensky's approval rating was in the low 20% last January before he provoked Russia into its special military operation. Elites have known for thousands of years how provoking a civil war increases support for their foreign proxies (like Zelensky)
Now you change the subject after I’ve thoroughly disproved your point.

Do you want the USG to go to war with every thuggish nation in-the world, including a nuclear superpower? If so, you’re an idiot.
You didn’t disprove anything. You asked how they were authoritarian and I replied.

All you want to do is appease thugs. Easy to do for a weakling. Bad for the world long term.
Yep, only a matter of time before Russian sock puppets bring in a Russian TV's favorite token American (and a covicted pedo who can't really get work out west)
Why don't you try disputing any of Ritter's claims instead of resorting to childish fallacies?
Okay, and I don't see the point of this post either.
Try saying things relevant to this conversation. You don't need to prove they're Nazis... we both know there are a few Nazis in the Ukraine, in the US, in Russia, in France, in the UK. Let's move the conversation on from that.
Ukrainian Nazis are integrated into the armed forces of that country, Can you name another state where that is true?

The Ukrainian conflict is a U.S./NATO Proxy War, but one which Russia is poised to win decisively – Scott Ritter | MR Online

"In the following interview for Strategic Culture Foundation, he makes the crucial point that Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is exposing the involvement of the U.S. and NATO in the training and weaponizing of that country’s dominant Nazi regiments.

"That is why Western media have been so vehement in trying to distort the conflict and blame Russia. The truth about Western dirty involvement in Ukraine would be too much to bear for the Western public."
Zelensky's approval rating was in the low 20% last January before he provoked Russia into its special military operation.

Cool story dummy, but Russians have begun ammasing troops months before January. By January United States has already warned that Russia is very likely to invade Ukraine.

But even aside from the incoherency of your timeline, what is it that Zelensky do?

What justified declaration by Putin that Ukraine is not a real country and full scale Russian invasion?
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Why don't you try disputing any of Ritter's claims
They are long ago refuted, I'm not wasting anymore time on that clown.

None of his laughable "expert" predictions pan out. None.

In February he was assuring everyone Russia will not invade. WRONG.

After it began he was claiming Kiev will fall in 7 days. WRONG.

He keeps referring to this invasion and a war as a "special operation". WRONG. Talking in those bullshit terms clearly reveals who his target audience is.
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Crimea is part of Russia, not Ukraine,

2014 Crimean status referendum - Wikipedia

"The official result from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was a 97 percent vote for integration of the region into the Russian Federation with an 83 percent voter turnout, and within the local government of Sevastopol there was also a 97 percent vote for integration into Russia with an 89 percent voter turnout."

So the US is a part of what then?
Oh, there was a "vote", a totally biased vote that was totally illegal because the Ukrainian government had nothing to do with it.
Again, what's the point of what you're saying. We both know the Russians took over the Crimea illegally and we both know they had a dodgy referendum that means shit.

We don't need to do these basics.
Ukrainian Nazis are integrated into the armed forces of that country, Can you name another state where that is true?

The Ukrainian conflict is a U.S./NATO Proxy War, but one which Russia is poised to win decisively – Scott Ritter | MR Online

"In the following interview for Strategic Culture Foundation, he makes the crucial point that Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is exposing the involvement of the U.S. and NATO in the training and weaponizing of that country’s dominant Nazi regiments.

"That is why Western media have been so vehement in trying to distort the conflict and blame Russia. The truth about Western dirty involvement in Ukraine would be too much to bear for the Western public."

Can I name any other country that has such a threat as the Ukrainian military? No.

Would the Azov Battalion be a part of the Ukrainian military had Russian not been interfering? Almost certainly not.
Crimea is part of Russia, not Ukraine,
In the past Putin has completely disagreed with you.

"Crimea is not a disputed territory...Russia has long recognized the borders of modern-day Ukraine." - Putin, 2008.

But hey, he woke up one day and changed his mind. Yesterday it's definetly Ukraine's, today it's definetly Russian.

Again, this is what dealing with Russia is like. There is no serious consistency or agreement they will not violate if it suits them.
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Cool story dummy, but Russians have begun ammasing troops months before January. By January United States has already warned that Russia is very likely to invade Ukraine.
Russian troops responded to the Ukrainian buildup and rhetoric from Zelensky about crushing the resistance to Nazi rule in Donbass and "liberating" Crimea. US elites have always known Ukraine has no chance of winning militarily, but they expected their sanctions to cripple the Russian economy within weeks. How's that working?
Russian troops responded to the Ukrainian buildup and rhetoric from Zelensky about crushing the resistance to Nazi rule in Donbass and "liberating" Crimea. US elites have always known Ukraine has no chance of winning militarily, but they expected their sanctions to cripple the Russian economy within weeks. How's that working?
Dummy, did you just seriously claim that Zelensky called his own government....Nazi rule?

Source your claim that Ukraine had a build-up that CAUSED Russian build up as a response. You are full of made up bullshit.
In the past Putin has completely disagreed with you.

"Crimea is not a disputed territory...Russia has long recognized the borders of modern-day Ukraine." - Putin, 2008.

But hey, he woke up one day and changed his mind. Yesterday it's definetly Ukraine's, today it's definetly Russian.

Again, this is what dealing with Russia is like. There is no serious consistency or agreement they will not violate if it suits them.
When neo-Nazis drove a duly elected Ukrainian president from office in 2014, Putin took notice. The results of the election in Crimea proved which country it's part of.
Um, that policy has been the policy since the 1970's. Republicans and Democrats have both recognized China and Taiwan as the same country.

Not really true.

Yes, the democrat Reich pushed the "one China" bullshit - yet every administration - INCLUDING Bought and Paid For - has committed to defending Taiwan against your masters in China.
When neo-Nazis drove a duly elected Ukrainian president from office in 2014, Putin took notice.

Taking notice...by annexing Ukranian land. Thats some serious note taking, but doesn't explain shit as far as Crimea suddenly becoming rightful Russian land after Putin asured the world that it's of course Ukranian territory.

Russia drove out Gorbachev and then after that drove out Yeltsin and installed Putin. Maybe that means that Ukraine has a right to take some notes and annex Kuban territory in souther Russia?
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