Zelensky Just hit The Lottery Again

Biden could have given every single sdult American a million dollars and still had 200 million to spare to spend on the border wall with this stunt.
It’s interesting how you’re such a wackjob loon cult member that you don’t know what left of center is.

lying lunatic trump cultists are boring and pathetic
You want boring and one dimensional?
Try reading your 0 IQ posts from the last several years.
You should really get educated. It’s difficult for you to asses fact when you don’t care what is factual.
Nice little sidestep on answering my question.Are you a politician? However, I do know this. When Trump was president we had energy independence. A gallon of gas was roughly $2.34 . The job market was great. We had control of our southern border. Russia was kept in it's cage. Our enemies feared us. The economy was on fire until the scamdemic. The Democrats poopooed Trumps warning of the COVID claimed he was being racist against China and then politicized it to their advantage to circumvent election law....Yeah I think some shit went on in the 2020 election that ALWAYS benefitted the Democrat candidates.Days upon days of "counting" votes until you "found" that hidden box of ballots someone forgot...yeah right. and guess what they were always Democrat votes. Funny how that works.. And you want to tell me I need an education? Maybe you should do a little critical thinking of your own. And another thing Trump always donated his salary to worthy causes. I don't know of any Democrats that does that. They like to donate other peoples money.

To sum it up Democrats are lying ,duplicitous, treacherous, amoral,evil sonofabitches and I wouldn't vote for one if you put a gun to my head.
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