Zelensky labels Nato Summit´s Declaration ABSURD


Nov 14, 2012
Ukrainian President Zelensky has reacted to the joint declaration of the seven Nato members that attended the Nato summit in Vilnius. He called it absurd.

I assume this has several reasons:

- The declaration has been agreed on by the seven states prior to the arrival of the Ukrainian delegation
- The declaration includes no Nato membership for Ukraine (as per demand of the US and Germany)
- The declaration massively criticizes the Ukrainian statehood
- The declaration includes Ukrainian actions (related to point three) without consulting Ukraine (see point one)

Sources: Ukrainian (if you don´t like it, simply change the rules, everyone here is able to click on the translate popup)

Declaration in full:

Selensky´s reaction:
Ukrainian President Zelensky has reacted to the joint declaration of the seven Nato members that attended the Nato summit in Vilnius. He called it absurd.

I assume this has several reasons:

- The declaration has been agreed on by the seven states prior to the arrival of the Ukrainian delegation
- The declaration includes no Nato membership for Ukraine (as per demand of the US and Germany)
- The declaration massively criticizes the Ukrainian statehood
- The declaration includes Ukrainian actions (related to point three) without consulting Ukraine (see point one)

Sources: Ukrainian (if you don´t like it, simply change the rules, everyone here is able to click on the translate popup)

Declaration in full:

Selensky´s reaction:

Zelenskiy forced to recalibrate to avert Nato summit falling-out​

Dan Sabbagh in Vilnius


Zelensky Slams NATO’s Vague Commitment on Ukraine’s Membership​

NATO leaders issued a communiqué that said Ukraine could be invited to join the alliance when 'allies agree and conditions are met'
I'd argue no membership until the war is over and Zelensky is no longer running the country.
Nato terms rule out the admission of countries that are in war, anyway. But the declaration also includes no future Nato membership. The US and Germany insisted on this because they fear a further escalation of the conflict. However, the declaration also does not rule out an Ukrainian membership in the future. I consulted this news outlet also before and it is very informative. I learned there that the western tenor was security guarantees in many months prior to this summit, not Nato membership. All involved leaders agreed that before Ukraine can join Nato, its military must be enabled to defend the country. It means an accession of the Ukraine to Nato in the future could trigger another Russian invasion, in this case Ukraine must be strong enough to fend it off alone or even to prevent it.
Ukrainian President Zelensky has reacted to the joint declaration of the seven Nato members that attended the Nato summit in Vilnius. He called it absurd.

I assume this has several reasons:

- The declaration has been agreed on by the seven states prior to the arrival of the Ukrainian delegation
- The declaration includes no Nato membership for Ukraine (as per demand of the US and Germany)
- The declaration massively criticizes the Ukrainian statehood
- The declaration includes Ukrainian actions (related to point three) without consulting Ukraine (see point one)

Sources: Ukrainian (if you don´t like it, simply change the rules, everyone here is able to click on the translate popup)

Declaration in full:

Selensky´s reaction:

WW3 averted. Or started, I haven't figured out which.
Ukrainian President Zelensky has reacted to the joint declaration of the seven Nato members that attended the Nato summit in Vilnius. He called it absurd.

I assume this has several reasons:

- The declaration has been agreed on by the seven states prior to the arrival of the Ukrainian delegation
- The declaration includes no Nato membership for Ukraine (as per demand of the US and Germany)
- The declaration massively criticizes the Ukrainian statehood
- The declaration includes Ukrainian actions (related to point three) without consulting Ukraine (see point one)

Sources: Ukrainian (if you don´t like it, simply change the rules, everyone here is able to click on the translate popup)

Declaration in full:

Selensky´s reaction:
Poor Z:


I thought Zelensky is just a clown who runs a corrupt and state plundering regime. And maybe, he should stop wearing that Kim Jong-il clothes when attending meetings. But in reality, he is withstanding a Russian invasion, not the Nato. He also has the balls to make up his mind when he is confronted with the arrogance the western leaders treat him and Ukraine with. He doesn´t belong to this bunch of clowns, he is a true leader.
I thought Zelensky is just a clown who runs a corrupt and state plundering regime. And maybe, he should stop wearing that Kim Jong-il clothes when attending meetings. But in reality, he is withstanding a Russian invasion, not the Nato. ] He also has the balls to make up his mind when he is confronted with the arrogance the western leaders treat him and Ukraine with. He doesn´t belong to this bunch of clowns, he is a true leader. (my bold)
His people donated their balls to his and America's cause. Now 400,000 of them are dead.
Just saw this pic elsewhere.

Look at that panhandling asshole....Not only can't he be bothered to dress himself, but the people for whom he has been laundering boatloads of loot now don't want anything to do with him.

He had better get familiar with the Shah of Iran and Ngo Din Diem.

I thought Zelensky is just a clown who runs a corrupt and state plundering regime. And maybe, he should stop wearing that Kim Jong-il clothes when attending meetings. But in reality, he is withstanding a Russian invasion, not the Nato. He also has the balls to make up his mind when he is confronted with the arrogance the western leaders treat him and Ukraine with. He doesn´t belong to this bunch of clowns, he is a true leader.

Russian major general Ivan Popov (58th combined arms Air Defense Army) recorded a message saying that he was relieved from duty from his position. Please listen below to the audio; I've added subtitles. He says he is removed for telling the truth to the high command. He complains that they don't have counter-battery capabilities and means of recon. He then accuses the higher command of stabbing them in the back by beheading the army in the most trying times.

Painfully obvious that Putin has an understanding with NATO and the WEF regarding disposition of Ukraine.

Make peace, you fools!

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