Zimmerman "beat up" according to treating physician after the shooting

I thought pot users just never became violent. There is no such thing as marijuana paranoia. No matter how many reports that dispute those claims. How are the potheads going to wiggle out of this one.
From personal experience many years ago, I could vouch that at times if you are trippin out you could get paranoid.
THC can stay in the body for up to a week, or more, after smoking pot, this does not mean he was high at the time.

Up to 30 days, actually.

Thanks, I've read alcohol use can be detected up to two weeks now.

I haven't heard about that...

I used to work in a drug and alcohol rehab facility - the only "test" we gave for alcohol was a breathalyzer - which measures current blood alcohol levels (whether you are currently drunk or not). We didn't have anything that would show previous alcohol use before a few hours - certainly not up to 2 weeks.

But there's no doubt the available technology could have changed since then.
It wouldn't show up in a routine tox screen unless it was in the system at that time. Hair tests will show up earlier drug use.
Zimmerman is going to be found not guilty. Every single time REAL evidence comes out, it supports Zimmerman's story. Of course the lynch mob won't accept it and neither will the thick-headed morons here who convicted GZ from the very beginning.

You want to know a sure way to tell if you are right or wrong? If Al Sharpton is on your side, you are on the wrong side of the issue.

I wouldn't say for sure it would make you wrong, but it would make your side questionable. I mean even Sharpton has to get it right once in awhile, doesn't he?

If you don't know, don't discuss.
THC stays in the system for a long time.

But being high on pot is not a reason to be murdered

Maybe not. But the substance in his blood throws the poor little innocent child nonsense presented by the MSM right out of the nearest window.
Besides. You were not there. You do not know the facts. So shut up about it and let the system do it's job.
THC stays in the system for a long time.

But being high on pot is not a reason to be murdered

Maybe not. But the substance in his blood throws the poor little innocent child nonsense presented by the MSM right out of the nearest window.
Besides. You were not there. You do not know the facts. So shut up about it and let the system do it's job.

What fucking great advice. Don't you agree?
THC stays in the system for a long time.

But being high on pot is not a reason to be murdered

Maybe not. But the substance in his blood throws the poor little innocent child nonsense presented by the MSM right out of the nearest window.
Besides. You were not there. You do not know the facts. So shut up about it and let the system do it's job.

Trayvon is a cold, a punk, and was suspended for pot possession at school. Therefor, we have known for a long time that he had THC in his system. Everything the autopsy has shown, we already knew beyond a reasonable doubt. Just like we know beyond a reasonable doubt that Trayvon deserved to get shot that night and that Zimmerman has been arrested purely for political reasons.
I also note in this story from CNN that a report was released by the Sanford Fire Department (presumably the employer of the paramedics at the scene) stating that Zimmerman had "abrasions to his forehead," "bleeding/tenderness to his nose," and a "small laceration to the back of his head" when he was treated at the scene. So I guess that takes care of all the people who want to erroneously claim that the paramedics noticed nothing wrong with him.

I further note that CNN is still pigheadedly clinging to that whole "white Hispanic" thing. It appears Obama is actually more white than Zimmerman, but has anyone ever heard him referred to as a "white African-American"? My husband's definitely more white than Zimmerman, and I can tell you no one's ever called him a "white Chinese-American". What nonsense.

Is it any wonder why CNN's latest ratings are at their lowest in 15 years?
There is some evidence that indicates that Trayvon had gotten away and was down in the vicinity of Brandy Green's townhouse when he was talking to the girlfriend on the phone. He doubled back and confronted Zimmerman. If this is correct, then Trayvon was the aggressor and it was justified self defense.
I also note in this story from CNN that a report was released by the Sanford Fire Department (presumably the employer of the paramedics at the scene) stating that Zimmerman had "abrasions to his forehead," "bleeding/tenderness to his nose," and a "small laceration to the back of his head" when he was treated at the scene. So I guess that takes care of all the people who want to erroneously claim that the paramedics noticed nothing wrong with him.

I further note that CNN is still pigheadedly clinging to that whole "white Hispanic" thing. It appears Obama is actually more white than Zimmerman, but has anyone ever heard him referred to as a "white African-American"? My husband's definitely more white than Zimmerman, and I can tell you no one's ever called him a "white Chinese-American". What nonsense.

Is it any wonder why CNN's latest ratings are at their lowest in 15 years?

Well, I am now noting that they rushed to put up a different story in place of the one the link attached to earlier, the new one being more biased against Zimmerman, with more speculation and less evidence against him.

Yeah, I'm not wondering why CNN's ratings have taken a dump.
Zimmerman was protecting the neighborhood when he followed Martin ...there had been several home invasions committed by blacks in the past few weeks before the shooting of Treyvon !! i guess cowardly left wing whites and their gorilla shock troops are against neighborhood watches !!
Zimmerman was protecting the neighborhood when he followed Martin ...there had been several home invasions committed by blacks in the past few weeks before the shooting of Treyvon !! i guess cowardly left wing whites and their gorilla shock troops are against neighborhood watches !!

Well, yeah. Liberals don't like self-defense. They think everyone should huddle in their houses, behind a doorful of locks and deadbolts, waiting for the cops to get around to coming and protecting them . . . You know, the way people do in big urban areas when liberals control the city government.
There is some evidence that indicates that Trayvon had gotten away and was down in the vicinity of Brandy Green's townhouse when he was talking to the girlfriend on the phone. He doubled back and confronted Zimmerman. If this is correct, then Trayvon was the aggressor and it was justified self defense.

That's about how the Evidence Plays out...

But No Guilty ain't gonna be good for a LOT of Innoncent People.

Someone should take Spike Lee's Twitter Account from him so he isn't a Twat at the time of the Verdict. :thup:



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