Zimmerman "beat up" according to treating physician after the shooting

In America are you allowed to kill someone who insults you or threatens to slap you about a bit or do they have to lay hands on you?Are you allowed to walk around with a gun and kill people because you get a little scared?
It's a no brainer to me, maybe we should adopt some of those laws, I would have killed a few these past few months never mind in my lifetime.

Another idiot I see.
In America are you allowed to kill someone who insults you or threatens to slap you about a bit or do they have to lay hands on you?Are you allowed to walk around with a gun and kill people because you get a little scared?
It's a no brainer to me, maybe we should adopt some of those laws, I would have killed a few these past few months never mind in my lifetime.

Another idiot I see.

You only see what your mommy and poppy learned you to see:lol::lol::lol:
"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin."

BaCrack Obama

Wow a teenager with pot in his system, who would have thought?

Teenagers have notoriously bad judgment. Drug taking decreases the ability to make sound judgments. It's one of the dangers of drug use. People make bad judgments all the time and sometimes it costs them their life. Young men who are full of themselves and think they can take down someone who looks weaker than they are die every day. Sad, sad.
Whether or not Martin had THC in his system is irrelevent. It all comes down to who threw the first punch.

Yes, but did the pot in his system impair Martin's judgment enough so that he would fail to perceive the danger in throwing the first punch. That's the question.
Well... I would assume he got away from the beating by a little bit and then Trayvon was coming at him again...

That's what I am going to bet is the Conclusion.

The King Riots x 10 if they don't Convict him on something...

And that's the Saddest part.

There will be no Justice in this.



Doubtful on 2nd degree murder... the prosecutor went for too much IMHO, and that was by design.
They want some mayhem if ask me :doubt:
Interesting. You think the Republicans want mayhem? You might be right but that doesn't make it so.

Nope... What do the Republicans have to do with it?

The prosecutor asked for way too much, and the media would love to see some Mayhem in Sanford Fla.
Mayhem by who? Well, guess we will have to sit back and see wont we :doubt: (doubtful they will be Republicans either you punk)
"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin."

BaCrack Obama

Wow a teenager with pot in his system, who would have thought?

Teenagers have notoriously bad judgment. Drug taking decreases the ability to make sound judgments. It's one of the dangers of drug use. People make bad judgments all the time and sometimes it costs them their life. Young men who are full of themselves and think they can take down someone who looks weaker than they are die every day. Sad, sad.

A teenager with marijuana in his system really doesn't tell me much though, if you were to round up all the students in a mostly white high school you would find alot of them with THC in their system too, I learned how to smoke weed from a white boy in high school.
Can you die of a broken nose?

No dummy... you CAN die at the hands of the asshole breaking your nose though. Besides, its not like Trayvon just hit him once.
I've been punched in the nose, and I didn't kill anyone.
You or I were not there... we don't know what was going thru Zimmerman's head when he was getting his beating.

Until you have been attacked by a deranged person bold enough to beat the shit out of you in plain sight of the whole world, I dont think you can understand what its like.
Oh I know... I know... you have been beat up before right? Well so have I, and I was scared for my life after about the 10th or 11th punch to my face and head... lucky for me, the man didnt have a weapon because I would have dies that night. No doubt...

Whatever... you have a bias here and its obvious.
In America are you allowed to kill someone who insults you or threatens to slap you about a bit or do they have to lay hands on you?Are you allowed to walk around with a gun and kill people because you get a little scared?
It's a no brainer to me, maybe we should adopt some of those laws, I would have killed a few these past few months never mind in my lifetime.

Another idiot I see.

You only see what your mommy and poppy learned you to see:lol::lol::lol:

Yep... they taught me wrong from right. Get a clue brother.
Zimmerman was protecting the neighborhood when he followed Martin ...there had been several home invasions committed by blacks in the past few weeks before the shooting of Treyvon !! i guess cowardly left wing whites and their gorilla shock troops are against neighborhood watches !!

Exactly right; one outcome of this is we'll be afraid to protect ourselves. It's a dubious honor to be elected neighborhood watch, and at the same time a grave responsibility. There are many neighborhoods, particularly in Florida, where the safety (and comfort) of the elderly, the vulnerable, and children are made safe because of the willingness of people like Zimmerman to take that responsibility. Their presence makes drug dealing, muggers, and perverts less likely to hang out there looking for victims or to do their business there in the case of drug dealers.
Doubtful on 2nd degree murder... the prosecutor went for too much IMHO, and that was by design.
They want some mayhem if ask me :doubt:
Interesting. You think the Republicans want mayhem? You might be right but that doesn't make it so.

Nope... What do the Republicans have to do with it?

The prosecutor asked for way too much, and the media would love to see some Mayhem in Sanford Fla.
Mayhem by who? Well, guess we will have to sit back and see wont we :doubt: (doubtful they will be Republicans either you punk)

That'll be about the end of Unravils in this Thread... :lol:


Wow a teenager with pot in his system, who would have thought?

Teenagers have notoriously bad judgment. Drug taking decreases the ability to make sound judgments. It's one of the dangers of drug use. People make bad judgments all the time and sometimes it costs them their life. Young men who are full of themselves and think they can take down someone who looks weaker than they are die every day. Sad, sad.

A teenager with marijuana in his system really doesn't tell me much though, if you were to round up all the students in a mostly white high school you would find alot of them with THC in their system too, I learned how to smoke weed from a white boy in high school.

You aren't making the right connections. It's not how many, or how common. It's whether the THC in their system was enough to impair their judgment to the point where they did not perceive a danger?

Let me try an example. An all white school, 100 students are at a party and every one of them is high on pot. ONE student gets in his car, in his judgment 80 miles an hour is a safe speed. He thinks the road curves right when it curves left and drives off a cliff. The THC in his system was sufficient to impair his judgment to the point where he could not act safely.

Put it this way, had this been an inner city neighborhood known to Trayvon Martin to be infested with armed gangs, he likely would not have made the decisions he did. He assumed he was bigger and badder than shorty over there. He did not think that shorty would be armed. He was wrong.

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